Forms :: Generate A DataSet And Bind It To A Datarepeater Object?

Aug 30, 2011

This is my first post here so forgive me if I am not following any correct protocols. I am attempting to generate a DataSet and bind it to a datarepeater object. I had been doing this at Design Time and was getting an error message when filling the dataset when the form loaded. So I am basically createing the dataset in my code now when the form loads and binding it to the datarepeater. However, when I attempt to bind the dataset I get a NullReferenceException - even through I know that there are 60 rows of data in the dataset table.


As you can see i have several debug messages in there. I get the error on the last line when setting the datarepeater data source. I try and get data for a specified lot - if it doesn't return any values I create some values in the datatable and add them to the DB. On first load when there is no data this works perfectly. If I then close the form and reload it, it will display fine. However, if I change any of the data (database is updated) and then go back in again, I get the error above.

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Bind Dataset To DataRepeater?

Feb 9, 2010

I am looking for a example of how to bind a dataset/datatable to data repeater and have the data elements bound to the columns of the dataset/datatable?

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Forms :: Using CheckBox As Control In DataRepeater Object

Aug 31, 2011

I have a checkbox as a control in a datarepeater object. I have an event handler function which handles the checkchanged event for this checkbox and sets the visibility of other fields based on it. However, the problem I am having is that the event handler function is getting fired when I set the datasource for the datarepeater - hence when the data is being populated. So the event handler function ends up trying to set the visibility of a field that has not been created yet and bombs out with a NullReferenceException error. Is there a way to stop this event handler being fired when the datarepeater is being populated? I only want this function to be called if that checkbox is changed by the user after the form has loaded.

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DataRepeater Not Displaying All The Rows In A DataSet Table?

Sep 1, 2009

I have a table in a databases that contains 12 rows. I am loading a runtime dataset with that table. The result are displayed on 2 different controls. The first one is a DataRepeater and the second one is a DataGridView. The DataGridView displays all 12 rows just fine.

The DataRepeater does not. Some of the 12 rows will be blank and some will have the data. Sometimes I won't see any data until I completely cycle the scroll bar to the end and then back and still some of the 12 rows will be blank.


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Forms :: DataRepeater AddNew Causes DrawtItem To Execute Twice?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm using a dataRepeater which is unbound to a list of Objects ( as I need to have two types of object in the dataRepeater).I'm using the following code to populate my dataRepeater

Private Sub loadDeviceDetails(ByVal owner As Mi2.MiOwner)
Dim listDevices As New List(Of Object)
Dim c As Integer = 1


For some reason the first drawItem runs once, as expected. therafter it runs twice for each new item that is added to the dataRepeater.

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Possible To Bind Through Dataset?

Mar 15, 2010 it possible to bind this through dataset? i'm looking for any but i can't find (or maybe i'm just not looking at the right direction.

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Bind A Dataset To A Listbox?

Mar 8, 2009

Is possible to bind a dataset to a listbox and display the appropriate columns and rows the same as a Datagridview ?

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Bind A Variable To Dataset?

Apr 28, 2009

In my vb6 I bound my data directly to the database but I think it might be better to use the the dataset in the updated version.[code]...

I can do a for each statement on the quary now but how can I set it to a variable as to use the move first, next ect. Also, does anything need to be closed/dumped after the execution of the quary?

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Bind Textbox To Dataset?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a module where i have specified the connection string as below:

Public Function Connection() As String
Return "Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=test;User ID=sa;Password=123456"
End Function

Then i have a form which has two textboxes. What i am trying to do is bind the two textboxes to a dataset in the following way:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Bind A Dataset To A Combo Box Through Code?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2010. I have my dataset in my program. I'm have several combo boxes on the form that I was able to bind the particular table with the information from each table to most of the combo boxes by dragging and dropping them onto the combo boxes. However, one combo box in particular must be populated by code. When a user selects, let's say "a" from one combo box, I need the next combo box to display information in certain tables only, based upon their choices in the previous combo box.

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Bind Listview To .mdf Table Dataset?

May 2, 2011

how to bind a listview to my .mdf dataset. how would i also manipulate the binding navigator that comes with datagrid view or details view when you put the fields on the form with buttons i want to add apart from the ones on the navigator itself?

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Bind The Values In A Combobox To A Column In A Dataset?

Aug 21, 2011

it's possibly to bind the values in a combobox to a column in a dataset? If so, how would I go about doing it? For example, If I have a column named 'Names' in a DataSet, each comboBox item would be a name from that column.(There will only me at maximum, 10 entries)

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Bind ListBox Control To Dataset Column Names?

Dec 22, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 2008 Pro. I am trying to figure out how to bind a set of column headings in a DataSet (or DataGridView) to a ListBox. I want to show the column headers in the listbox control (not the data), and allow users to select one or more items

View 4 Replies - Generate DateRow For Every Row In A Dataset

Jan 17, 2011


This is not working, I am getting a syntax error when i try to do for each dr in diarytable.rows

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Chart Control - Bind Data To Different Series From Tables In DataSet?

Nov 30, 2011

I think my subject sums up what I am interested in knowing. I am looking to create a chart where Series1 is from Table1, Series2 is from Table2 in the given Dataset. My code below doesn't throw any errors, but it appears to be grabbing the data for each series from the first table.

Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New(ByVal ChartData As DataSet)
' This call is required by the designer.
[Code] .....

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Filter Dataset To Generate Report?

Aug 31, 2009

Im generating a report for a billing system, user makes a payment and have to print it.I Created a dataset with a custom query, something like select ID,Detail,value,client from. that gives me all transactions.With that I fill a report.Now I need a way to filter so the report only show the current transaction (I have the ID but don't know how to change the dataset query).How can I do this? or there is a better way to resolve this?

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Generate 'Previous' And 'Next' Button With Dataset

Sep 13, 2011

I had created two button for the previous and next function. I think my logic is correct and the programming did not have any error but still, i failed to navigate through the data.[code]The problems are when i hit the next or previous button, it did not jump to the respective record and it keep on showing the 'end of record' or 'beginning of record' as programmed.

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Use ACE OLEDB To Generate A Dataset From Excel

Jun 12, 2011

Originally I was using Office Interop to import data, but that was a headache and a half for both me and my computer. Right now I'm attempting to load it with ACE, but my data grid isn't being populated. Once that's up and running I need to know how to use that data in other ways, and how to grab specific cells of data from that dataset. I'm using Visual Studio 2008, by the way.

Public Function funcUpdate(ByVal sFileLoc As String) As Boolean
'Determine connection string properties
Dim dbProperty As String


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Error: MSDatasetGenerator Failed. Failed To Generate Code Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jul 28, 2009

I created a typed dataset a day or so ago, then I added a whole bunch of tableadapter/tables with some relationships etc... suddenly out of nowhere it decides my dataset "is not defined". everywhere in my code where i use this dataset now has an error. I tried not to pull out my hair and do a Clean then Rebuild solution... out of nowhere it just refuses to generate code. Object reference not set to an instance of an Object. It would be nice if it was my object so i could find it but it's not.

Curiously I also lost the little database icon on the dataset in the solution explorer.I can still open it in the designer and preview my queries etc... it just wont make the code. it's driving me insane. anyone got a solution?

View 3 Replies - Bind A GridView To A Custom Object?

Apr 1, 2011

If I have the following ASP.NET code (it's not complete - obviously there's a lot missing, but none of it matters):



How can I bind the GridView so that one row is equivalent to one item in my MyListOfObjects list, and so that the data will populate and persist across page loads or postbacks? I've never done custom databinding like this before, so a full explanation would be very helpful. All the tutorials I've come across so far only talk about using GridViews directly with Database query results, and that's not what I need.

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Bind A Runtime Object To Control?

Aug 12, 2010

I am developing a fairly large database in VB 2010 as a record keeping. There are 37 tables with some many-to-many relationships in there and some collections too but it all gets loaded into a List of Person object.It is a record keeping database for a youth charity including Personal data, lists of events attended, Medical data, Duke of Edinburgh (UK award scheme) etc The main form is a tabbed form with the linked data from other tables and collection on various tabs

Is it possible to bind a runtime object to a control? if it is possible my life becomes very simple.I can get basic data working with DataSet binding and navigation but the ralationships may prove too fiddly to link as datasets.

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Bind The Properties Of A Control To A DataTable Object?

Feb 8, 2011

What I want to achieve is to Bind just some of the properties of a Control to a DataTable object.Let's say I have a Label on the Form : "MyLabel1".MyLabel is a Class that inherits from Label and adds a property "ID", an Integer, to the base class.

I want to Bind .Left and .Top properties of MyLabel1 to a DataRow in my DataTable, and I want to see them updating, everytime I change MyLabel1 location on Form. I put description and full code, so everyone can test it in minutes :

I have :

--> A Form, with a DataGridView "DGV" : The DGV is for showing at real time the desired properties of the controls I want to bind ( in this case, just one control : MyLabel1 ).

--> MyLabel Class :
Public Class MyLabel
Inherits Label
Private m_id As Integer


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Possible To Bind Property LOCATION Of An Object Like Button

Sep 12, 2008

I would like to know if its possible to bind the property LOCATION of an object like button.[code]So that, every time I move either the hscrollbar1 or vscrollbar1 the button1.location will change or moves the object to the location of hscrollbar1.value and vscrollbar1.value. It should happen without setting its value using the SCROLL EVENT.

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OleDbDataAdapter To An Access 2007 Table / Generate Dataset Type Not Defined

Dec 9, 2010

I've create a new VS 2008 Window Form Project using VB. I added an oleDbDataAdapter to the first and only form, set it to a table in my Access 2007 Database (there is only one table, PK field autonum of course and two Memo fields). The Database is in the Project's folder. A standard oleDb Connection object was created, as I expected, then I select the DataAdapter and choose 'Generate Dataset' which produces a standard DataSet called 'DataSet1.xsd'. Now when I build the project I get an error 'Error 1 Type 'FontTest.DataSet1' is not defined.' I do have a reference in my new Project to System.Data.So what the @#%$@ is going on? Why isn't the Dataset create by the DataAdapter being recongized? I can get into the DataSet Designer. The DataTable create is perfect, three columns defined correctly as I expected.

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WebBrowser - Late Bind Object/property Names?

Aug 13, 2010

There are issue with using WebBrowser late bind calls related to object/property names generation.For example:

WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.Forms.Myform.mycontrol.Value = "test"

will fail with more than one instance of the WebBrowser control.what actually happen is that mycontrol object become Mycontrol and compiled application will fail with error

Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND))
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet(Object o, Type objType,
String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack)[code].....

Same code will work with vb6 app with multiple WebBrowser controls

Edit: This code is comipled with: Option Strict Off

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Forms :: Bind Textbox To Table?

Feb 21, 2010

i want to read the data from the table to textbo.below is my code when i try to run it it shows the error following are error.IndexOutOfRangeException was Unhandled

Make sure that the max row on a list is is less than list size...

below is the code


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Forms :: Datagrid Bind Using Objects?

Jan 7, 2010

i created a class i invoke the class as object in vb.forms i want bind object(parameters) to datagrid when return as arraylist from methods in form_load. i want to bind arraylist to datagird in will bind, the grid show all the parameter from arraylist.but i want few columns to bind from arraylist is convert from list from method.

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Forms :: Re-Bind A Combo-box By Other In Same Datagrid?

Oct 24, 2009

I've got this question while i'm searching the web for my problem.It's the same as mine ..I have a datagrid of three columns;

1. Comb-box1 : Employees' Names (DataSource : EmployeeBindingSource)
2. Comb-box2 : Coming Departure. (DataSource : DepartureBindingSource)
3. Text-box : ...............

* How can I filter or re-bind the source of the second one as the first one value changed (Both are in the same datagrid).>> So as I select an Employee I need the second one gives me just the specific departures of the desired employee.Where I have the (Employee_No) field connect the two tables related to each one.

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Bind Combobox To Datatable And Object Property Causing Duplicate Bindings

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to populate the list of a combobox by binding it to a datatable. Also, I want the selected value of the combobox to be bound to an object property so that when the selected value changes, it's automatically updating the object. However it's causing an error at runtime: "This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property.

Parameter name: binding" I thought binding the dropdown list to a datatable and the selected value to an object were different properties but obviously I'm not getting it right.


Private Sub PopulateSiteSelect()
With Me.PlanSiteSelect
If _Plan.PlanID <> Nothing And _User.UserID <> Nothing And _Plan.Category <> Nothing Then


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.net - Generate Complex Object From LINQ To XML In .NET?

Apr 1, 2009

I have an XML File that I am processing using LINQ. I want to basically serialize the XML data into custom objects but don't know how.


How can I finish the above LINQ query to populate the Children property of the Group object?

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