Forms :: Inherit Linklabel From A Form To Another Form?

Jun 24, 2010

i want to put my link label in all forms as " Developed by Prakash...i

declare once in form1 and can i inherit to all those forms without writing seperate

delcaration for each forum???

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Get The Inherit Child Form To Run That Event On Itself Instead Of The Parent Form?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a form that I inherit from.This form has some event actions like "load".Is there away to get the inherit child form to run that event on itself instead of the parent form.For example if I have frmTemplate.Load and frmChild.Load. The actions inside of frmTemplate.Load should be ran on frmChild changing any references to frmTemplate to frmChild.

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All LinkLabel Click Event In Form?

Aug 15, 2011

Here's the setting,I have many link labels in my form(I guess around 150 link labels). All of them will handle a click event, with the same condition when clicked. Below is my code that will loop through all the link label's when form load:

For Each contr As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf contr Is LinkLabel Then
End If

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Creating LinkLabel In A Form At Startup?

Mar 10, 2010

Is there a way to create a LinkLabel during the form startup?

My question is i want to open a blank form and import a CSV text file with 2 pieces of information that builds these items.

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Dynamicall Find All Of Linklabels In Form And Get The Linklabel Name?

Aug 15, 2011

How can I dynamically find all of the linklabel within a form, then get the linklabel name?

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LinkLabel On The Form - Remove The Underline Of The Control?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a linklabel on a form (called LinkLabel1) and I want to remove the underline of the control.I know you can change the font ect and it has a tickbox for underline..However, I want to remove the underline during runtime (using code).how to remove it using code during runtime?

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Using A LinkLabel To Change Form's Background Image?

Feb 3, 2011

Basically I'm trying to make a layout change on a form if a link label is pressed. My main form I want this on has a "default" layout with a background image in place. What I want to do is, name the link label "Plain Layout". When the link label is clicked, remove or "hide" the background image and replace it with the background color of "control". After this action is performed, I need the text to change back to "Default Layout" and "show" the image.

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Create A New Project And Inherit A Form From Another By Dll?

May 21, 2011

I have to create a new project and in that project I have to create a inherited form from an older project. When I choose an inherited form, it says that I only can choose a dll file. But in my older project there is only an exe file. In all subfolders I cannot find a dll file. Can anyone help me to create a dll file for the older project so I can inherit that file in the new project.

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Inter-form Communication - Form Being Called Form Several Forms Using ShowDialog()

Mar 28, 2011

I have a form being called form several forms using ShowDialog().

1. Is there a way for called form to know which form called it by receiving a code or key from the calling form?

2. The calling form has a gridview. How can the called form pick up a column's value from the currently highlighted row in gridview in the calling form?

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Inherit Form - Events From AaMyForm Execute Correctly But Controls Added To It Are Not Shown On XForm

Oct 31, 2011

Public Class aaMyForm
Inherits Windows.Forms.Form

Added some controls. Build it, add the .DLL as reference to my other project.

In my other project:

Imports MyLib
Public Class XForm
Inherits aaMyForm

The events from aaMyForm execute correctly but the controls added to it are not shown on XForm. I have found some info about set Modifiers Protected in order to be able to change the functionality of the controls but havent found anything about why the controls aren display on the XForm.

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Forms :: Pass Value From One Form To Another Form In .net Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2011

how to pass value from one form into another form...? for example if i have 1 mdiform and 2 form (form1, and form2) for load form1 i'm using system.reflection.assembly here is the code for load form1 :

Imports System.Reflection
Private Asm As Assembly
Private FrmNama As Form
Public Function GetForm(ByVal FormName As String) As Form


after form1 load i call form2 from form1 and from form2 i want pass value, here is the code from form2 to pass value into form1 :

form1.textbox1.text = textform2.text

why value from form2 can't fill into textbox1 in form1?

View 15 Replies

VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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Forms :: Form Settings - Check If File Exist On Main Form

Apr 29, 2011

[Code] I want like to check if a file exist on main form, if not: force open settings form. And then when the user is closing the form with exit button = check if the file exist again. If it doesn't exist, close application. It's a huge application and I need optimized on most parts. Also, the settings form is asking the closing question two times.

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Forms :: Press Down Key Shooter Moves Down The Form And Disappears Off Of The Bottom Of The Form

Apr 4, 2011

For a while i have been playing a guessing game with this line of code.

If Sdown = True And Shooter.Top >= Me.ClientRectangle.Height Then += Shooterspeed
End If

Basically i have a shooter on the form and whenever i press the down key the shooter moves down the form and disappears off of the bottom of the form. I have been trying to get this to stop for some while.

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VS 2008 Passing A Form - Get The Error.'cmbDataTable' Is Not A Menber Of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm upgrading a project from VB6 to VB2008.I have a routine that clears a combo box, named 'cmbDataTable' which could be on any form. I pass the form and the combo box is cleared.


I assumed it would be the same in VB2008 but I get the error.'cmbDataTable' is not a menber of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'I am working my way through the project, first updating the global procedures - this is one - I haven't written the calls so cmbDataTable doesn't yet exist.

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Multiple Forms - Declare And Instantiate Second Form On Program Start - Use Button Simply To Show Form?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a program that uses two forms. The program opens to the Main form, and the user can navigate to the other form from the Main form through use of a button. Here's the way I've currently written it: When the Main form loads, it declares and instantiates the other form during the load procedure. When the user presses a button, the second form is displayed by means of the ShowDialog method. On the second form, there is a Return to Main Screen button which closes the second form, bringing the user back to the Main form.

So, here's the structure of the code:

Public Class frmMainForm

Dim frmSecondForm As New SecondForm

Private Sub btnSecondForm_Click(blah, blah, blah) Handles blah, blah, blah


Here's my reasoning: Originally, I wrote the code so that a new instance of the second form was created every time the button was pressed. The problem was that whatever data was displayed on the second form, previously, was lost when the user returned to it a second time. Since the user would be switching back and forth between these forms, frequently, I needed that data to persist.

What is the best practice for accomplishing this:

1) Declare and instantiate the second form on program start, as I have done, and use the button simply to show the form?

2) Declare and instantiate the second form each time the button is pressed but maintain the variables on the Main form and pass them ByRef to a custom constructor for the second form? Is this even possible?

3) Something else?

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C# - Update And Get Values In Windows Forms While Moving One Form To Other Form?

Nov 30, 2009

How can I update and get values in a Windows Forms application while moving one form to other form (like cookies)?

I need to update the values to some variable and again I am going to refer stored values and need to do some calculations.

I have used cookies in ASP.NET but I am not able to find out the same concept in .NET Windows Forms (C#).

How can these issues be resolves?

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Forms :: Main Form Minimized After Opening Form In A Different Thread?

Jun 7, 2009

In the main form the user can choose to download information from a device.Since this request takes time, when "download information" is pressed I open new form in a separate thread: Private Sub RunDownload()


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Forms :: Make A Model Form, And Copy That Form As Many Times?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm making a program like PostIt! Well, i want to make a model form, and copy that form as many times i want.I think it works with something like frmPostit1 = frmModel.clone()

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Forms :: Open A Child Form - Main Form Is Unresponsive?

Apr 20, 2011

When I open my child form,


It opens up the new form, but now I can not interact with my main form. It will not accept focus or allow me to interact with it.

Do I need to change the form type?

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Forms :: Update Data In A Text Box On Form 1 From A Textbox On Another Form?

May 15, 2011

I was using 2 forms, the first one has general data capture and the second one is a calendar form. On Form1 I have mulitple windows controls. A Textb ox and beside a Calendar button. When I click on a Calendar Command button, it should open calendar form and once the user selects the date, the date should be placed in the text box on the form1. Identical to this on Form1 I need multiple textboxes that needs date to be captured.I cannot use a global variable for this as I need to validate mulitple text boxes. To explain this, I have a Transaction Date and Date Received. I need to validate whether Transaction date is prior Date Received or not? I dont want to use several global variables b'coz I might need multiple validations as above. Please help me on this.

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Forms :: [2005] Form-To-Form ComboBox Item Defaulting?

Jan 18, 2011

I have been creating a call management application and I am having a problem with something that I have spent weeks on trying to get working and nothing I try is working for me. My application is an MDI application written in VB.NET 2005 Professional, using .NET Framework 2.0. It uses a back end database using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.When the MDI application launches, a form is displayed to the end user asking for phone number (MaskedTextBox) and a partner name. The partner names are within a ComboBox.

When the end user types in the phone number and selects a value from within the ComboBox, s/he clicks on the start button. This then opens a second form. The phone number from the MaskedTextBox is to default in a second MaskedTextBox (this I am able to get working without issue.) The partner name selected from the ComboBox is to default on the second ComboBox. This is the part where I have been working on it for weeks and not able to get it to function.

The second form has many ComboBoxes, all of which pull down items from a particular table within the database. Some of them are editable and some are not. The ones that are editable are also auto complete Suggest/Append on the ListItems.I wrote a sub to handle the population of these ComboBoxes and also to handle if they are editable or not. All of this is working. However, my main issue is that I can't get the value on the second form to default to what ever was selected on the first form. I do not get any errors but regardless of what I do, the second form always stays as the first item in the list regardless.

The code I am using is as follows:

<CLSCompliant(True)> Public Sub PopulateDropDownListFromDB(ByVal cboName As Elegant.Ui.ComboBox, _
ByVal TableName As String, ByVal ColumnName As String, _
ByVal UseAutoComplete As Boolean, _
ByVal UseSQLDistinct As Boolean)


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Forms :: VB - MDI - Application That Consists Of Mainly One Main Form - Ranging Form Graphs, Tables, Dropdown Boxes, Print Preview

Apr 7, 2010

I have to write an application that consists of mainly one main form, but several different things I wanna display. Pretty standard I guess. So there is a menu, some controls, and the main stuff below (ranging form graphs, tables, dropdown boxes, print preview, etc). I would like to use it like one would use frames in html, design an object that is limited to a box or panel that I define. The literature I have does not give me a clear idea of how to do this (yet). The most obvious seem to be the use of MDI, open a predefined form with no borders, maximize it before showing and remove all minimize/maximize options. But that does not work so well. The form inside the MDI parent does not fit the size that is given for it when it is loaded. e.g.


So my main question is: Is MDI the way to go here at all or are there better/easyer ways to achieve this? If MDI is the way to go, how do I sucessfully restrict a child form inside another object, without giving the user any opportunity to resize (i noticed that I have minnimize/maximize/close buttons, even if I disable them on the child forms themselves)

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Forms :: Create An Attendance Form In Windows Form?

Oct 1, 2009

How to create a Attendance form in windows form.The form should lookk like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..........till 31 or 30 based on month selected
1. emp1

2. emp2

I shud be able to enter attendance for employees.....

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Forms :: Making Inactive One Form While Working On Another Form

Feb 12, 2010

suppose i have two forms form1 and form2

and i clicked on button which lead me to the form2

i want i shouldn't be able click on form1 untill and unless i close the existing form window(i.e form2)

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Publishing Single Form Form A Group Of Forms?

May 28, 2009

In my ASP.NET(2.0),VB.NET Project,around Around 150 people are using this site inside the companyFrom these 40 Forms ,Can I to publish one Form (Visitor.aspx) to another site

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Forms :: Calling A Function From A Form To Another Form?

Jul 22, 2009

how to call a function from a different form. Like the button click event. i have this scenario. I have a main form and a child form in the main form there is a navigation panel on the left side controlling the child form. What i want is if clicking the add record in my navigation panel will call a function in the child form to execute.

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Forms :: Control Other Form From A Main Form?

Sep 3, 2009

How to control other form from a main form? For example :

I want to change background color in Form2 after a button in Form1 is clicked.

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Forms :: Copying One DataGridView From Form To Form

Oct 22, 2009

So my final goal is to take some columns from one form's datagridview (in form3) and place them into a seperate form's datagridview (form4). I started off by just trying to put all of the rows in there one-by-one. Later I will be moe picky about which rows I want. Below is the code I am using. The problem is that I am ending up with an empty form, but no errors.[code]

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Forms :: First Form Close And Second Form Open?

Feb 21, 2009

how can i do that? first form close and second open........i did that but first is only hiding not close

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