Forms :: Make An Application Using An HTTPWebRequest To Connect To The Internet?

Aug 31, 2010

When I make an application using an HTTPWebRequest to connect to the internet, the GUI freezes whenever it's doing something. When I run the WebRequest on another thread, it still freezes a bit. Is there a way to completely stop the freezing?

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Connect Micro Controller To Internet Via VB Application?

May 29, 2012

i m currently working on application that has to monitor temperature and humidity of a particular place and constantly report the same to the user over internet. So far, I m using LPC1768 and its ethernet module collect the data, process it and send it to the router. On the other side, i have a computer which is connected to the same router and running a VB application where the data is mined and reported in a excel.

This setup works just fine. Now, i want to monitor the same data over internet. How can i do the same?
Here i was able to connect to the micro-controller using the IP port 80. I m aware that the IP is a local one and to access the micro controller from Internet there is another way.I have a IP based webcam which enables us to monitor from internet. How should i make micro-controller data be accessible from internet.(similar to IP Camera).

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Published Application Can't Connect To Database Over The Internet

Feb 27, 2011

I have the same problem as in this thread [URL].

I am connecting to a SQL database on a hosted server and everything is ok but if I publish the application then it fails to connect which is a bummer because then I can't debug it!

I have tried turning off windows firewall and that doesn't make any difference.

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Make An Application That Loads Images From The Internet?

Aug 8, 2007

i am trying to make an application that loads images from the internet (from my FTP Server).The problem is that when i want to change the image by selecting another image from a ComboBox control my application becomes non-respondive.When the image is loaded the application works properly again.

I tried to move that in a separate thread so instead


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VS 2010 Make An Application That Downloads Things Off The Internet?

Feb 20, 2012

I want to make a vb application that downloads stuff off of the internet such as pictures, etc. Does anyone know how I can do this? P.S. If anyone knows how I can implement a progress bar into this .

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Objects/fields - Make Vb 2008 Connect To Web Forms

May 4, 2009

I wanted to ask you how I can make vb 2008 connect to web forms, fill them out & submit them all from vb 2008 objects/fields.

E.g. My vb form will have a gui that consists of textboxes, buttons etc... that will enter the data to web forms.

Here is Google accounts Sign-Up page & I want to automate the Sign-Up process: [URL]

Take a look at this Account Creator app. that automate sign-up & see if you can assist me on this: [URL]

All I need is for you to tell me how to connect to the fields on any webpage that I want from VB 2008 fields/objects to any Web forms fields/objects.

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VS 2005 Connect Httpwebrequest For Proxy?

Aug 30, 2010

I have took a little research and tried to find the methods that allows me to connect to proxy server using with httpwebrequest, but all of those I have found are only doing to check out the server for whether if the proxy are active or deactivate. Please can one of you post the source that I am looking for which it would allows me to connect to the proxy using with the httpwebrequest??

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VS 2008 How To Make Serial Data Base That Application Can Connect To

Aug 26, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to make a serial data base that my application can connect to?

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**S. 0 - S Connect Through Internet SQL

May 22, 2009

I have finished a project with SQL database . Today, i introduced for customer , and they contented about my software. But they have a another shop and far away from current shop : 60 km so they want to connect to server from client at that shop. As far as. i haven't ever connect through internet. Please show me basic steps to do that. example :


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App Wants To Connect To Internet?

Nov 9, 2010

I wrote a password storage app that uses cryptography to store password and user info. Each time I start the app either in the IDE or from Windows it attempts to connect to the internet. It is not supposed to connect to anything except a local Access mdb file. Nothing in the app has any need to access the internet. If I disallow the connection thru my firewall, I get the following exception:


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How To Connect 2 PC Through Internet

Dec 4, 2009

have connected 2 computer via lan (using sql server)But i want I Can access to other PC through Internet using sql server, Namely i want to access database sql on that PC. I REAd Some document about that but i am wonder , and i dont see very clearly. Can i use VPN to connect via internet or other too

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How To Connect Database On Internet

Feb 15, 2011

I really wanna know how to connect database on Internet using vb code

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How To Connect To Sql Server From Anywhere Through Internet

Dec 2, 2011

I have SQL server install on a server computer and have internet connection.

I have a few client computers want to connect to SQL server by internet ,

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How To Connect/Disconnect Internet

Sep 5, 2011

For an answer to this questions I've been looking years from now, then I couldnt find it and now it's complicated. I am working on a project to fully manage a computer's connection, it can check IP, change it, etc. But, I really, really need a function to sucessfully connect/disconnect a PC from the ineternet without promps or other screens, IPCONFIG and DHCP command aren't useful!, im exploring RAS but couldnt come to anything yet

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App Connect Two Internet Connections As A Bridge?

Jul 10, 2010

I have a small web browser application I wrote in VB.NET that is specific to it's use. To set it up, I have to setup port forwarding. Is there any way I can write another .NET app that runs on my dedicated server, accepts an incoming connection from my home PC that sits there. Then any other incoming connection from the outside world can then be connected to my home pc through the app on the dedicated server? If there is a term for this sort of process or program, I do not know what it is.

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Connect To Oracle Throw The Internet?

Mar 31, 2009

[color=#CC66CC]hiiiiiiiiiiiiii every one[/color]

how can I connect to oracle 10g XE database throw the Internet using Visual Studio .Net? I mean how can I get what I want from my DB using the Internet and what is the compatible version of Visual Studio .Net with oracle 10g XE?[/color] [color=#330033]I wanted to work with oracle Jdevloper but I could not understand anything realy and could not find somthing to show how to start it even :blink:?

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Connect To SQL Server On Internet From .NET Compact

May 26, 2012

I have an internet available SQL Server 2008 R2 instance that is running normally. Clients connect over the internet from vs 2005 and 2010 desktop applications, without issue. My scan gun application can connect to the local instance (if I'm in my office) but not to the internet instance from my Windows Mobile 5.0 scanning device. Connect string = user id=[Code]. This connection string works fine for the desktop apps. It's not a port issue, I have all the correct ports open.

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How To Connect Form To SQL Server Via Internet

Jan 14, 2012

I have a very irritating problem with connecting to SQL Server/Database. I've created a windows form and connected it to the database on my server (connection string: "Data Source=KARIMOV-PC;Initial Catalog=ApplicationForm;Integrated Security=True")... it works well and without any problems!!But I when I tried to connect my application to the database through internet with connection string "Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=ApplicationForm;User ID=KARIMOV-PC\KARIMOV (My computer name and windows authentication ID);Password=;", the "USUAL" message has appeared to me saying."A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)".

I really really need to understand why my own server "KARIMOV-PC" doesn't work as a remote SQL Server although the SQL Remote Connections and SQL Browser r enabled and running? And Why .\SQLEXPRESS is the more needed/required although I log in to SQL with Windows Authentication, but not SQL Authentication??

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Create A Program That Will Disconnect/connect From The Internet?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that will disconnect/connect you from the internet.Example:When I press F10, I get disconnected from the internet. When I press F11 It connects me to the internet.

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Forms :: Asynchronous HttpWebRequest?

Feb 12, 2010

I noticed that HttpWebRequest freezes the UI while it's waiting for a web page to be downloaded:


If someone's done this before, what is a good way to keep the application responsive?

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BBC Resource: Beginners Guide To Use The Internet (BBC WebWise - BBC Connect)

Mar 2, 2011

The BBC has created this website with a series of courses to enable people who may fear using a computer to get to grips with the basics. Some of the areas are aimed at potential "silver-surfers". Older people who may find using a computer useful for things such as email, shopping, sharing photos and such like.


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Connect From Desktop Appl To Database Placed On Server On Internet?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to connect from my desktop app l(in to a database (in MS Access) placed on the internet.[code]...

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Connect SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Through Internet In VB?

Feb 12, 2010

I installed MS-SQL Server 2005 Express edition at my home and I want to connect my database from office by using VB/

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VS 2008 HttpWebRequest/WebClient To Fill Forms?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking for a way to fill in various website details using a HttpWebRequest/WebClient. I can manage it quite easily using an invisible WebBrowser control, by manipulating the HtmlDocument, but for some reason I just can't quite grasp the way I would do it with a HttpWebRequest/WebClient. I've heard both of these can potentially submit info using the UploadData functionality etc, but I'm missing specificsI've done a lot of searching on google just for a basic example to get me started, but the only one that LOOKED informative was written entirely in German.Take, for example, this website. Let's just say I wanted to automate filling in my username and password into their respective boxes and then pressing the "submit" button. How would I start going about this, and how do I get the resulting page? (I'm assuming cookies that the page creates will keep your next webrequest going)

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Application Can't Connect To Local MySQL But Can Connect From Command

Sep 30, 2011

We have a VB.Net application which works fine in our tests in different Windows XP SP3 machines. However there is one machine in which is displaying this error:

Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts

Using the mysql command, we can successfully connect to the database. We already checked for any other application or firewall that could be blocking the connection but it seems fine. We also reinstalled the system (no errors during the installation) but the MySQL error message doesn't change.

The system settings are exactly the same as in the other computers. We are using "localhost" as server in the connection string. The "hosts" file has its default values (nothing strange in there).

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Make A Variable Public To All Forms Within The Application?

Jun 9, 2011

how to make a variable public to all forms within the application.Eg

Public MyPath = "C:"

can do for one form but not all

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IDE :: Connect To Internet And Scan Pages For Hyperlinks To Reduce Time Consuming Clicking?

Jan 3, 2011

I would like to create a program that could; open a website, log on to my account, scan a page for links, and open those links. The ultimate goal would be to reduce time spent checking things like e-mail or MySpace.

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Html - Httpwebrequest - Obtain Form Element Id's / Names During An Httpwebrequest?

Dec 28, 2011

What I would like to know is how to obtain form input elements during an httpwebrequest?


Is it possible to obtain these input elements during an httpwebrequest without having to view the html code?

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Forms :: Make An Application That Allows The Manager Of The Company Whether The Employees Are Truly Active?

Sep 18, 2011

I want to make an application that allows the manager of the company whether the employees are truly active: screenshot and a "timer" to measure the time of the activity of the employee Can be controlled using the mouse or keyboard while the application is not active, but in execution.Is it possible in to know if the user of the machine is using the mouse or keyboard? My idea is to set a "Timer" which triggers automatically after the connection of the employee and every 10 seconds the application checks whether the mouse position has changed or a letter is entered on the keyboard except the"Timer" Will Be stopped until have a new mouse position or activity on the keyboard. But the problem is: is the application able to know the position of the mouse or to capture all keyboard input even if the application n 'is not active(not in the foreground)?

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Make A Prime Number Generator In A Windows Forms Application?

Jan 4, 2010

How do you make a prime number generator in a windows forms application

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