Generate Serialization Assemblies - Speed Up Web Service

Jul 2, 2011

I simply want to speed up web services so the first call does not take 8-10 seconds, while the subsequent calls take a half a second. I have learned that the Generate Serialization Assemblies option in Visual Studio does not actually use sgen to generate the dll. So I used sgen with the dll my web service uses to create the MyWebService.XmlSerializers.dll file, and it did create it. So then I placed onto the server. I still have the same speed problem. Do I have to place something in the config file to tell it to use this? Do I have to learn all sorts of parameters with sgen to make sure I set it up properly?

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Use NGen To Generate Native Images Of Their Assemblies?

Oct 20, 2009

Does anyone use NGen to generate native images of their assemblies? I have always been quite puzzled by NGen because all MS articles that describe it basically make it sound like it has quite a few advantages compared to the disadvantages. Basically it looks like it will improve the speed of your application in most cases but if that is the case then why doesnt everyone use it all the time?or maybe they do and its just me that has not really used it much.The Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) is a tool that improves the performance of managed applications. Ngen.exe creates native images, which are files containing compiled processor-specific machine code, and installs them into the native image cache on the local computer. The runtime can use native images from the cache instead using the just-in-time (JIT) compiler to compile the original assembly.

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Storing Settings For A .NET Windows Service: Service Property Settings, Serialization?

Aug 5, 2010

I am working on a .NET Windows Service where I am trying to store settings that will be used when the service is started and while it is running. I have searched through posts on SO and found that using the Settings in the properties of the project is great for use with console and winforms applications. However, Google and SO are silent when it pertains to storing these settings with a windows service.

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VS 2008 Speed Up Web Service Application?

Jan 25, 2012

is there any way to speed up web service application

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WCF Service Running A Background Thread To Speed Up Execution Time

Nov 14, 2011

I have a per-call WCF service that serves a number of clients. I'm looking to speed up the services by running some background processes so they don't block or slow down the main function of the services.

One example is that the main function needs to return a set of data, while the background thread needs to record some statistics based on the parameter(s).


Public Function GetAccountDetails(id As Integer) As AccountDetails
Dim retVal As New AccountDetails
Dim a As New Accounts


If I use this background thread to record the statistic it doesn't block the main thread from returning the data to the client.

It's been working well in test scenarios, but my question is, are there any dangers with leaving this thread to execute without Joining it before returning the data to the client? Could there potentially be any loss of statistic data? Could there be potential memory problems on the server side?

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How To Secure A File That Generate With A Service

Apr 12, 2010

I am programming a service for a company that will log valuable performance data on machines that they lease out to other companies. It is critical for them that this information is as safe as possible and that it can only be read by us (a program created by us that is). I already made a trippledes encryptor that works fine but i still have the issue that a person can delete or move or corrupt the file if he somehow manages to get out of the operation software and gain acces to it.So my question is: Can i lockdown a file and make it as good as impossible to change the file or delete it other then by being the admin or the program that is generating them?

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Serialization Missing Dot Right Before New Line Serialization

Sep 17, 2009

I've been using XML serialization for a while, and today I realized something really odd. If I have a new line right after a "dot" (.), when i deserialize, I lose the dot. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? The following is my serialization code:


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Check Internet Speed - Download A File Like 1mb Size, Then It Will Calculate The Speed?

Feb 21, 2012

How do i exactly check internet connection speed.I have searched around google and found out a method w/c will Download a file like 1mb size, then it will calculate the speed.

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Check The Bandwidth (download Speed And Upload Speed) Of A User In .net Or Php?

Dec 31, 2010

how do i check the bandwidth (download speed and possible upload speed) of a user in or php that uses my app or visits my site resp?

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VS 2010 Calculate DownLoad Speed And UpLoad Speed Kb/s And Graph

Nov 30, 2010

I have a codes that calculates DownLoad speed and UpLoad speed kb/s. I would like to implement this kind. I also want to put such kind of graph. Any article or links where can I start building my own like that.

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Calculate Internet Download Speed And Upload Speed

Jul 29, 2009

i want to monitor the speed at which my system is currently Downloading and uploading. I dont have any idea how will it can be done.

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Asmx Json Serialization Versus Wcf Json Serialization?

Nov 24, 2011

I have two experimental web services. One is an asmx contained within a .net web application. The other is a WCF service library being invoked from the web application.The asmx basically does everything I need, but I think WCF would be better, except that it doesn't do anything as I would expect after fiddling with the asmx service.For example, the same method behaves differently in each:

<WebMethod(BufferResponse:=True, EnableSession:=False)>
Function Test(aObject as Object) as Object
' object will have been successfully serializaed into a dictionary


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Check For The Lan Speed And Put This Speed Value In A Progress Bar?

Jan 4, 2012

i want to check for the lan speed and put this speed value in a progress bar.

for example:

[==== ] the lan speed now is 23 KB/s

and there is another problem is if there are a LAN and a WiFi adapter in the same time how do i check for the speed for both adapters

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Get The Speed Of A Computers Fan Speed?

May 5, 2009

how would i go about getting the of a fan of a computer that my program is running on in rps(revolutions per second) using

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Service Error Cannot Open <service Name> Service On Computer '.'

Feb 3, 2010

I have a VB2008 application which can control a windows service i.e. start, stop, pause etc. This runs ok on a Windows XP machine but not on a Win 7 machine (message is - Service error cannot open <service name> service on computer '.') ( if I stop the UAC then it runs ok ). It seems to be a rights issue,

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How To Assemble Assemblies

Jun 13, 2011

In my .aspx file I have:

<%@ assembly src="extensions.vb" %>
<%@ assembly src="debug.vb" %>


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.net - Stop Looking For Assemblies In GAC?

Sep 20, 2011

I have started working on a legacy project (ASP.NET 1.1) which was done in an old machine (which I dont have access to). And I am unaware of the development environment settings used for building this project.

Nonetheless, I am able to build the project and deploy it all well from my machine (I created the full development enviroment locally). In my machine everything works great.But some screens where one of the assembly dlls (third party dlls) are used do crash on any machine other than mine! They probably do net get the proper assembly (with matching version or something), even though when I have put all the assemblies in bin (and used the same files while adding references to the project). .NET runtime probably tries to find them in the GAC of the other computers? Or probably in my system itself it loads from GAC and not from the bin? How could I know all this? The question is it runs perfectly fine on my machine, where the assemblies are at both places - in bin and in GAC.

I am lost what I should do to so that no matter which machine I deploy the project, it should always look in bin only! Also, I dont want to change the code in any way because its a legacy code and has been working all right since ages! Just some settings e.g. maching.config or soemthing?

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C# - Get Assemblies Without Instantiating Them?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to get all assemblies in CurrentDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() to write their FullName into a DropDownList, however if I don't instantiate them, they are not seen in returned array from GetAssemblies() in CurrentDomain.They are all added as Reference and in Reference folder of the solution. Only time I can get them from the GetAssemblies() is when I first instantiate them.How to overcome this problem with an easy and more generic way instead of instantiate them everytime when I add new Assembly, etc.Due to company policy, I have to obfuscate some parts of the images: All the assembilies are referenced in Reference folder:

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Assemblies Not Being Loaded Properly?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a windows forms Application using DCOM to connect to another server in order to retrieve data from a database. The program works perfectly fine on my develeopment box both inside of and outside of the idea.However it throws an exception on my test box: System.Exception.... TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY. The error happens when accessing a property of on the the public DCOM classes. The property holds an instance of one of the private classes for the DCOM. I've compared the registries and all the relevant entries seem to be the same. When I compared the dumps I noticed that System.Config and System.XML werent loaded on the test machine, even though they are installed and appear to be in the GAC.


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C# - Compare Compiled .NET Assemblies?

Mar 16, 2009

compare to compile .NET assemblies?

For example I have HelloWorld.dll ( and HelloWorld.dll (, and I want to compare differences how can I do this?

I know I can use .NET Reflector and use the Assembly Diff plugin. Are there any other good tools out there to do this?

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C# - Dynamically Loading .NET Assemblies?

May 25, 2009

I am writing a program and I want the program to support plugins. I created an interface that the program must implement. I am using the following code from my main program to call the plugin:

Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(ff.FullName)
' Get the type
Dim myType As System.Type = asm.GetType(asm.GetName.Name + "." + asm.GetName.Name)
' If the type is null then we try again without the root namespace name


I set this property from my main program and everything works. Except, after a while, m_PanelObject gets set to Nothing for some odd reason. I'm not setting it to Nothing anywhere in my program and there is no place in the plugin code that sets it to Nothing.

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C# - Dynamically Loading Assemblies In .NET?

May 24, 2010

We've built a small component which takes an Id, looks up an entry in the database for an assembly/namespace/class, and dynamically loads an instance of the class that we're after. It has been working fine up until now, but when running this code in VS 2010, it's failing.

Private Function AssemblyLoaded(ByVal assemblyFile As String) As Assembly
Dim assemblies() As Assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies
For Each asmb As Assembly In assemblies


But it feels dirty. Is there a better way of checking if an assembly is already loaded, and handing that back to the caller? Are the issues above specific to .NET 4.0 or Visual Studio 2010? I haven't tried this outside the IDE as it requires fairly significant configuration.

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Dynamic Assemblies Loading?

Dec 22, 2009

Do you know any other alternative for dynamic assemblies loading? Other than the method below:


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Install Assemblies In The Gac Without The Gacutil?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm deploying a vb 2005 application that references crystal report XI release 2 components. How do i install these components to the gac? The client machine does not have gacutil and i don't know how to use msi to do the job. I have researched the web for answers without success.

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.net - Extension Methods In Referenced Assemblies?

Sep 16, 2010

If I try to call my extension method which is defined like this:

Module LinqExtensions
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ToSortableBindingList(Of TSource)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of TSource))


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Assemblies - Building An Object Browser ?

Dec 18, 2011

I thought I would practice using reflection by building an Object Browser similar to what's in VS2010.

The reflection part is easy enough, but I'm can't find any means of determining where all of the assemblies are installed. On my machine (Win 7) the GAC would seem to be located at C:Windowsassembly.

However, 4.0 assemblies look to be located at C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassembly in either GAC_32 or GAC_MSIL.

VS Object Browser obviously knows where to look, you can even filter on "All Components" or select a framework version.

But when I look at the Object Browser in VS, I find that it lists assemblies from several different locations: For example...


How does VS know to list these assemblies? Is there some registry key I'm missing that defines all of these locations?

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C# - Strong Named Assemblies In Winforms

Feb 1, 2010

Ok, I've read every question on here about strong named assemblies and just want to clarify something. First though, from what I've read, GAC aside, strong named assemblies prevent a malicious 3rd party changing and impersonating your code. It'd be great to have some links to some real world examples of this kind of spoofing that happened pre strong named assemblies. If security or the GAC are not a concern, It seems that it's still advisable to strong name assemblies because:

(A) Clients who have strong named assemblies can only reference your assemblies if they are signed.

(B) Clients who do not have strong named assemblies can reference your assembly whether it's signed or not.

Is that a fair analysis?

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Dynamically Referenced Assemblies And VBCodeProvider?

Mar 17, 2010

We have a large application that implements "scripting" (i.e, dynamically compiled user code that can include user-defined .dll references).

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Passing Connection Strings Between Assemblies?

Sep 2, 2010

I have two executables that access a DLL containing Data Access Layer objects Each exe can have a different config containing info on server and database name, connection string etc.How do I pass the config info to the DAL objects?

Obviously I can pass the config strings to the DAL objects every time I instanciate one, but that seems messy and repetitive as every class in the DAL will require Properties for the Config strings..if there is a way for the instanciated DAL objects to read some properties from the calling object without me having to pass them explicitly?

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