Storing Settings For A .NET Windows Service: Service Property Settings, Serialization?

Aug 5, 2010

I am working on a .NET Windows Service where I am trying to store settings that will be used when the service is started and while it is running. I have searched through posts on SO and found that using the Settings in the properties of the project is great for use with console and winforms applications. However, Google and SO are silent when it pertains to storing these settings with a windows service.

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Location Of Windows Service My.Settings

Sep 22, 2011

I have a VB.NET solution built in Visual Studio 2010. It consists of a class project, a service, and a setup project. I have successfully created a setup, and run the setup from the "Release" directory of the setup project (outside of Visual Studio). It installed the service (on the same machine as where the project is), and the service seems to be running fine. The service executable is installed in a directory under c:program files (x86) along with some DLL's it is dependent of. The service (actually the class project I mentioned above) uses some settings from My.Settings. As far as I know these settings are stored in a app.config file in the project directory, as well as in a settings.settings file in the My Project directory under the project directory.

Neither of these files are installed by the installer. But the service can only run if it can read the settings. So where does my service get these settings from? To check if it still reads the settings from the VS project directory, I have temporarily renamed that directory, but that didn't affect the correct operation of the service.

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Configure Service Settings In Windows 7 Programmatically?

Dec 30, 2010

If you edit a service in Windows 7 and go to the Log On Tab, there is an option to "Allow service to interact with desktop". I'm trying to ensure that it is set for a certain service using VB.NET.

Note: Doing this during the install of a program is not an option. It has to be done at run time.

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VS 2008 Where To Store Settings For Windows Service

May 13, 2009

I've written a windows service in VB.NET 2.0 and the service needs to know a few file paths and other settings when it starts in order to be able to do what its supposed to do. These are settings that users of my service need to be able to configure themselves so I cant hard code them in.At the moment I just have the service look for a file named Config.INI in the same directory that it is being run from and if this file exists it attempts to read the settings in from there... this works perfectly, but it just feels a bit clunky and old. If it was a normal windows app I would store the settings in an XML file in the user's application data folder or something but as this is a Service then thats not possible as it is not run by any one user (well technically it is, the Local System account). I then thought about using the registry but I seem to recall people saying that you should avoid storing settings in the registry if you can really, especially with the new security in Vista and Server 2008.

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Use Window Form App To Manage Windows Service Apps My.settings?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a solution with two applications in it. One is a windows form application that I want to use to set and manage a windows SERVICE application app settings.

For example. The form has the database connection string on it, when updated. The windows service application settings are updated.. I can get it to work for the windows application, but I need to jump boundries to the other application( Windows Service) and update the app settings there.

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C# - Error "Settings To Access Printer 'printername' Are Not Valid" When Printing From Windows Service?

Apr 27, 2010

I get the error mentioned when printing to a network printer.The error does not occur when run under XP/Win2003, in a WinForm app or when a local printer is used.The error does only occur when run as a Windows Service under Vista/Win7/Win2008 and printing to a network printer.The Windows service runs under a network user that has access to the network printer. Before I print I check if the printername (including network path) is ok by looping through the available printers.

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Web Service Using Old Proxy Settings?

Jun 30, 2009

Web Service A - Called directly by Win32 App, and various other web applications

Web Service B - Called directly by same Win32 App and a different set of other Web Applications

I'm working on adding a reference to B into A, so that we can use the functionality B provides without rewriting/reintegrating that code manually into A. I have a develop copy of A on my PC that I'm working with, and am calling a test copy of B on a remote server (the test server is accessed over the internet at our hosting provider)I believe to have my code ready for testing, but every time I go to test it on my local copy, I get the following error.No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 10.1.X.XX:8080

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)


It fails on the call to oZip.GetCities() with the above error. The IP in the error message does not in any way indicate it's made it out of our local network, it's a 10.* private IP, whereas the test server has a valid live publicly accessible IP.

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Consume A Web Service With Proxy Settings?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to consume a web service using VS2008.

The code below works in VS2005 but not VS2008 I, suspecting it's to do with WCF. Please can someone help me to solve the puzzle?[code]...

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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[VS 2005] Service Control Manager Privileges - Communicate With A Windows Service On A Remote Machine On The Network

Jul 23, 2009

I am trying to communicate with a Windows service on a remote machine on the network but i keep getting an exception saying the following: "System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer 'machine001'. This operation might require other priviledges. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied.


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Have A Dotnet Windows Service Which Monitor Other Services And Upon Stop Of Any Service?

Sep 18, 2009

Is it possible to have a dotnet windows service which monitor other services and upon stop of any service, the monitoring service would be able to start the stopped service.

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Use Windows Search Service Instead Of The Old Indexing Service To Index Files?

Jul 7, 2009

In the past I had the indexing service installed on a Windows Server 2003 and used it to index files for my website. I did this by executing an OleDbCommand with a query and a connection string.How do I accomplish the same thing with the new "Windows Search Service" (Windows Server 2008) by using VB.NET? Does this work the same way so that I only need to change the Provider name which has been "MSIDXS.1" up to now? Case true, what is the new Provider name?

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Windows Service: Multiple Instances Of The Same Service Class?

May 3, 2011

When you create a Windows Service, you create a list of the services you want to start. The default is this:

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service}

Can you have multiple instances of the same Service class (that bind to different addresses or ports), like this?

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service("Option1"), New Service("Option2")}

Or will that cause problems? Should we use two different classes instead?

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User Settings XML Serialization Of An Object?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to save a custom object as a user setting in a app. This object consists of a List(Of Pair(Of String, Object)). Pair is a custom class which has two read/write properties (a String and an Object).

If I put simple types like int, string, datetime as the second value of my pair, the setting is saved without any problem. But if I try to put something more complex, like a list, there seems to be a problem during serialization and my setting is not saved.

String values in my pairs are serialized like this:


Object values are serialized with a special attribute:

<value2 xsi:type="xsd:int">2</value2>

Seems like values of type Object are serialized differently, to "remember" what is the real type of the object. Why can't it do the same for more complex types like List(Of T)?

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Stopping A Windows Service, A Different Service Stops As Well?

Mar 3, 2009

We have a server with multiple services written in .Net 1.1 and 3.5 running on a Win 2003 server. Everything runs fine, but when we stop a certain service, an unrelated service stops. I have checked and neither has any dependencies. The service we stop is in 3.5, and the unrelated service that incorrectly stops is in 1.1. We get no error messages, nor event log errors, so we are baffled.Does anyone have an idea as to what may be causing this?

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Windows Service - Get The Account Name After Whenever The Service Is Started ?

Nov 17, 2011

I am using this method to install windows service

processInstaller = New ServiceProcessInstaller()
serviceInstaller1 = New ServiceInstaller()
serviceInstaller2 = New ServiceInstaller()[code].....

How can I get the account name after whenever the service is started ?

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Generate Serialization Assemblies - Speed Up Web Service

Jul 2, 2011

I simply want to speed up web services so the first call does not take 8-10 seconds, while the subsequent calls take a half a second. I have learned that the Generate Serialization Assemblies option in Visual Studio does not actually use sgen to generate the dll. So I used sgen with the dll my web service uses to create the MyWebService.XmlSerializers.dll file, and it did create it. So then I placed onto the server. I still have the same speed problem. Do I have to place something in the config file to tell it to use this? Do I have to learn all sorts of parameters with sgen to make sure I set it up properly?

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Which Account Using For My Service Windows Service

Jun 25, 2009

I am using a windows service and tried to copy some file as below,System.IO.File.Copy("Z:abc.txt", "C:helloworld.txt")Note: Z: is a map drive from another host in 1 LAN (same LAN)I got error, "Could not find a part of the path 'Z:abc.txt'."But when I tried it at a simple application using windows application, it works with the same code as above.

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Windows Service - Set Service Login?

Jul 14, 2005

Tried to write my first Windoes Service yesterday with a certain degree of success but I couldnt install it.Upon running teh Install programme in the command line I was presented with a 'Set Service Login' window with a User ID, Password and Confirm Password text box.I attempted to use my windows login credentials but the install failed and was rolled back.Im using a computer on a company network with Win2k?

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Install Windows Service Using A ProjectInstaller And A Deployment Project ("Specified Service Already Exists")

Mar 10, 2009

I've created a windows service and started a deployment project for it. I have the project installer class in the service project and I've added the "Standard output etc.." from the service project as custom actions for the Deployment Project. When I attempt to install it, I get the error "Specified service already exists", which shouldn't happen (even though the service does exist) because the installer should be removing the old service and installing the new one.

I've checked that the versions are different, and that the Product Code is also different, also RemovePreviousVersions is set to true. Can anyone tell me why it isn't uninstalling my old service when I update then install again? .S: MODS: DO NOT MARK MY POST AS ANSWERED, IT IS RUDE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF YOU'VE ANSWERED MY QUESTION!Sorry, it gets ignored in my signature.Mods

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Storing 2-Dimension Arrays In My.Settings?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm still doing upgrades on my program that i'm creating and i've run into a bump again. I'm currently using a multi-dimension array to store a name, email, password, email provider, and user name. These 5 values are stored, corresponding with the latter, meaning the array is build as: name 1....n user name 1....n user email 1....n user email provider 1....n password 1....n So my question is, how can i store this in My.Settings? To be clearer, i'll use code: My.Settings.Name = name My.Settings.UserName = userName etc..... My current set up for a first run is like so... My.Settings.Password = adminInfo(2, 0) My.Settings.UserName = admingInfo(1, 0) etc.

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Storing Multiple Strings In My.Settings?

Feb 25, 2012

My problem is storing multiple string in the my settings to clarify more on this ill try explaine as best as i can,

'I set my value like so

Dim strSettings As New My.MySettings
'On the form load i use this
Dim itemz As New ListViewItem


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Storing Strings And Application Settings?

Jun 25, 2010

I've came to the stage where i need to save strings and application settings for my application. The My.Settings have worked it out until now. Now i have to store so many settings it's hard to keep track of them. That is why i need something new. So i've been looking around in INI files which seems impressively simple - but not very flexible. I've also took a look at XML which seems to be something to dive in to. But what i need now is advice. How do you store settings?

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Service Error Cannot Open <service Name> Service On Computer '.'

Feb 3, 2010

I have a VB2008 application which can control a windows service i.e. start, stop, pause etc. This runs ok on a Windows XP machine but not on a Win 7 machine (message is - Service error cannot open <service name> service on computer '.') ( if I stop the UAC then it runs ok ). It seems to be a rights issue,

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Starting Multiple Instances And Storing The Settings?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a VB2010 application that must run as multiple instances on the same PC (it is a controlling/monitoring program of several devices, each instance of the program control one device)

Of course, the same application must save its own setting in different place, one for each device. For example, if I start the application for the device 3, I have to save the setting in a place marked as "3", in this way, when I start the application for device 4 it will load the settings for device 4 and not 3.

Of course all labels and similar stuffs must refer the starting device: i.e. the mdi caption must report "device 4", and so on...

In vb6 I created a shortcut with a command line and made my application accepting command line parameters.

In this way I could start the application passing the device number too. For example "myapp.exe 3" start my application for the device 3.

I stored all settings in several INI file, each one for a device: setting1.ini, setting2.ini, setting3.ini, ....

I was wondering if in vb2010 would be a better way to do that.

1. How could I start multiple instances?

2. How could I store the settings?

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Storing 3 Tables Of Data In Application Settings

May 16, 2010

I will need to store 3 tables of data. Instead of implementing an entire database backend, I just want to store the record for these tables in application.settings.I don't care about security. Is it advisable to do it with application settings? how else would you do it? Perhaps storing a matrix in application.settings would be OK?

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Application Settings, Storing Type Internal To Your Assembly?

May 13, 2009

I am trying to store an enum in my application settings. This enum is defined within my main assembly in the same namespace. When I try to find the type under the application settings, it seems like I can't find any types within my namespace. I can see all the types of the assemblies I reference though.

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VS 2010 Storing Backup History In Application Settings?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm creating a small tool for our team that performs backups of our servers. The plan is to put the tool in a central location so that anyone can use it.I'd like to store, somewhere, the date of the last backup for each server. I was wondering if I could use an application settings (with Application scope) for this? Is this bad practice? If so, what's the best practice? XML? text file? registry?

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.net - Securely Storing A Password Locally That Is Used For Web Service?

Apr 27, 2011

I have an application that authenticates against a third party web service by sending a username and password. At the moment I'm typing the password on a winform each time I start the application - but I need it to login automatically.

I'd like to store the username/password somewhat more securely than

Dim username as String = "username"
Dim password as String = "password"

I understand that I probably won't stop a determined hacker with access to my source code, but storing them as plaintext feels wrong. I've found some similar questions on here but none that provide me with an answer I can use.

Edit: The web service isn't mine, it's an API that requires me to login to use.

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Storing A Database Connection String Into Settings In A .net DLL Data Layer?

Mar 4, 2011

I've always used this approach while implementing data layer DLL for web application:

1) put datasets into the dll project
2) use a helper class with a method like this:

public shared sub settCnnStr(strconnhere as string)
My.Settings.Item("connectionString") = strconnhere
end sub

3) when I need to use the dll I call a method like this (usually into global.asax):


This method always worked for me nicely but I'd like to know if this method could have serious drawback or if there's a better solution.

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