Generating HTML Out Of A VB Program?

Sep 10, 2009

I am currently working on a project for a client to organize company forms easier

Here is what I need the program to do:

1.Have an input box where the name of an image can be posted. (This image will be copied over to the website, but not from this program, a standard FTP client will be used for that)

2. When the 'Generate' button is clicked, a .html page will be generated which is completely empty (Except for tags and such, which is required) and code to embed the name of the image (from step 1)

So this way the 2 files (HTML and Image) can be uploaded to the server, and made live relatively quickly. There is a flash application that auto-updates that displays the avaliable forms that has been made, but it is a pain to do it, and plus, it wastes time from the IT guy's jobs where as with this program, the receptionist could do it, as she handles the forms.

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Generating MHTML From HTML?

May 29, 2009

I'm looking for a way of generating mhtml from a page in my web app.Other than generating all the mhtml myself i'm a bit stumped....

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Generating The HTML Code?

May 23, 2010

i want to generate something like this:

<li><h2>CSS Drop Down Menus</h2>
<li><a href="" title="SEO Consultants Directory">CSS Hover Navigation</a>


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Report - Generating An Html Attachment .net?

Sep 8, 2011

I am trying to generate a report html file and email it as an attachment with I know how send mail and attachments.

Do I need to generate the html file, save it as an .html file to the local disk where the program runs, then add its file path to the attachment property to send it to the recipient? It is going to be a rather large report, and I would like to send it as an attachment instead of directly inside of the email itself.

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Generating Front-page HTML From Codebehind?

Sep 19, 2011

Right now, I am working on taking a self-updating excel sheet and building small html blocks from the sheet which will fit into a JQuery list sorter and image viewer (tags and tags ). The problem I am running into is that by placing the code onto the page in a literal the html is never placed on the page, it is generated on the fly, thus the JQuery handler can not hook the tags and the sorter does not function. I know there is a way to add variables from the code behind with <%=var%>, but I need to add a large number of variables that will change as the excel sheet updates, which is why I am using a code behind function to generate a glob of instead of rewriting it constantly.Here is my current Code behind function that generates and inserts into literals:

Dim count As Integer
count = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
Dim tags As String


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Make A Key Generating Program ?

Nov 18, 2009

How to make a Key Generating program for my program. User give some string my program generate a key and user fill it. then the program run. now i see some tutorials on encrypting but the strings are too big (i was thinking that the string i give will encrypt 1 more time but this will make it even bigger.

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Make A Program Generating Exe File?

Apr 12, 2011

how to make a program generating exe file?I want to do something where i can click to a button and exe file will be generated C:

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Made A Program For Generating Prime Numbers In A List Box?

Dec 24, 2011

So I made a program for generating prime numbers in a list box. My initial code had them listed like this:


Now I have them listed in pairs like this :


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Html Source Code Doesn't Show Html But In Firebug Inspect Element Html Is There?

Jan 10, 2012

This may sound really stupid but I have to ask cause I'm not finding this answer anywhere.I have an application where the user will need to sign up for a new user account on the website [URL]..However when I am using Firefox's plug-in Firebug to view html I am getting something totally different than when I just right click on the site and view the page source.

What I am trying to do is to get the captcha from the website and display it in a picturebox on the application so the user can view the captcha, solve the captcha and then the app post is back to the service for a response.

Here is the source that I am getting using Firefox's Firebug to inspect the element:

<input type="hidden" value="Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK" name="iden">
<img class="capimage" src="/captcha/Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK.png" alt="i wonder if these things even work">


Why would the two be showing me two different versions of the HTML?

And how would you be able to grab that source to view in a picturebox using webclient?

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Sending An HTML Email, Where The HTML Comes From An HTML File .Net/ClickOnce Environment?

Jun 20, 2009

Usage: Users create pretty HTML news letters in another app. They post the newsletter to the web, but they also want to set the contents of the HTML news letter file as the body of an email and send it using Application In Question. The users understand to use absolute link and image references when sending an E Newsletter. Environment:

AIQ is a VB.Net app deployed via ClickOnce. It is an intranet app; one can be sure MS Office 2003 and the interop 11 dlls are on the target machines.

Restrictions: MAPI is out. It mangles the HTML. Since it is a ClickOnce deployment, we can't register dlls (I think, correct me if I am wrong). Therefore CDO and COM is out (again, I may be wrong.... I would be happy to be proven so).

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Convert XML Into HTML In Program?

Sep 19, 2011

I have XML saved in this object results.resultMsg[code]...

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HTML Parser For Program / C#?

May 8, 2009

Anyone know of an HTML parser for VB.NET or C#? I know .NET has a lot of XML support, like XMLReader and XMLWriter. Is there an HTMLWriter or HTMLReader?

Ultimately what I'd like is a library that will parser an HTML file and raise events based on the tags it finds.

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Emulate HTML Function In Program?

Jul 15, 2009

Is there a way to emulate the following HTML function in[code]...

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Get Items From HTML List Using Program?

Mar 23, 2012

I need to get items from a html list from the code behind in my web site. Any thoughts on how this can be done? I want to use the list items then in an sql statement to retrieve data from a database.

Im using javascript on the front end to handle drag and drop between these two lists[code]...

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Html - Pass Information To VB Program

Mar 5, 2012

I am making a download manager in VB 2010. I need to be able to pass the download link from an HTML page to the VB Application. This is what i think i need to do in the HTML:


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Insert HTML In Program 2008?

Sep 23, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to insert HTML code into Visual Basic 2008, like an online chat.

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Publish A Folder Along With Program That Contains .html?

Jan 19, 2009

I have a VB.NET program that I wish to to publish. In the code it references a HTML page that I created.Instead of having the URL hard coded (example: url...)I would like to have it relative to wherever the encoder is installed to (example: /folder/index.html)

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Click HTML Button Programmatically By Program?

Jun 23, 2012

I am trying to click a button programatically . The button is on the 3rd page of the website. and it does not have any id . It has just name , type and value . [code]...

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Convert HTML In A Database To XHTML Using Program?

May 4, 2009

I have a large amount of non-compliant HTML stored in database tables that I need to make validate.

I thought of pulling it into an inline editor like X-Standard that would do a conversion, but is there an easier way to do this via VB.NET?

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Export To From HTML Table To Excel In Program?

Oct 13, 2011

I am a newbie in the world.I have any application where I get data from a stored procedure in a datatable.I would like to populate the data in an HTML table and then export it to excel.

Unfortunately these have to be done the long winded way (each column individually), since the data is modified based on user login credentials, before it is exported to excel. [code]...

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Get HTML Page Source For Websites In Program?

May 25, 2010

How can I get HTML page source for websites in VB.NET?

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Insert HTML Code To Program Form?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a flash clock html code and i would like to insert it to my form to be able to show that clock on it

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Parse HTML Added By Code Behind Using Program?

Feb 15, 2012

How to parse HTML added by code behind using code ?[code]...

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Program That Open Html Files In Iframe?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm new to VB and i want a simple program that opens a local htm file when you click a button into a iframe of the program.

What should the code say for the button to open a local file into a window?

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Access Html Elements Having Same Names And Values By Program?

Jun 14, 2012

There are some html buttons which dont have id . i want to access these html buttons which have the same type name and values . But i cant able to access then due to their same names and values [code]...

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Create And Post An Html Page From Code Behind In Program?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a NameValueCollection in and I need to be able to iterate through it and create an html form that posts automatically to a 3rd party site.

I have this to go off of as an example, but I am not sure exactly how to do this from code behind and end up with an html page that actually posts.[code]...

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Display Html File At Anchor Location With Program?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to open up an html file (with explorer) and navigate to a specific anchor location. The user should just see the file open up at the anchor's position. It's a local html document, not on the web, if that makes any difference. How can I do this in Visual Basic 2008?

So far I've been opening html files with Process.Start(filename) or Shell(filename, "explorer.exe", etc), but that doesn't seem to work with the additional html anchor tag (#anchorname) at the end of the file name. Also I've looked at webbrowser control, but as near I can tell that is more for editing html files.

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Modify Html Page With Program In Webbrowser Control?

Aug 31, 2009

For example how do u delete on row <tr> in a table <table>?how do you remove a <img /> entry?

by remove means not just set the innerText to?

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Add Path To Location in window Program With Pictures Used In HTML Document?

Jul 14, 2009

I use VS 2008 Visual Basic and I added windows forms HelpProvider to supply user with more information using F1 button when a windows form is active.No VB coding are used, just help provider and HTML docs. with css.I have created a HTML document and a picture. On both items I have set the [copy to output directory] property to Copy Always.The HTML document starts HTML page and IE is showing the text as expected , but the picture does not appear.I use click once deployment to deliver the system. The HTML documents and picture is located on the user computer after the deployment. How do I add path to a location in a win program with pictures used in a HTML document? What is the correct setting of [ build action ] parameter of these items?

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Remove Specific Elements From HTML With Agility Pack For Program?

Sep 21, 2011

There seems to be no documentation on the codeplex page and for some reason intellisense doesn't show me available methods or anything at all for htmlagilitypack (for example when I type MyHtmlDocument.DocumentNode. - there is no intellisense to tell me what I can do next)

I need to know how to remove ALL < a > tags and their content from the body of the HTML document I cannot just use Node.InnerText on the Body because that still returns content from A tags.[code]...

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