Get FileSize + Extension With Dot?

Oct 31, 2009

How would i get the size of the file and the Extension with a .(Dot) if it has little tiny bytes or etc and put it into a listview in columns.

EX: MyTextFile(Under File Name) | 23.12 KB (Under Size)

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Want To Validate The Filesize Before Uploading It Into The Server?

Feb 15, 2012

I have this program that would upload files from the client to the server,Now I want to validate the filesize before uploading it into the server..

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Get Filename, Filesize And Created Time In A Listbox?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a listbox that reads a certain folder and lists all the files in the folder in the listbox! This works great! but i also want to list the file size and created time of the files on the same row.Here is my code.

Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C: est")
ListBox1.DataSource = (di.GetFiles)

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VS 2010 Filesize Is Same As Original After Encryption / Decryption Process

Jun 22, 2011

I have (using some examples) created a program which reads from a file, encrypts the content and writes it to a new file. The file can then be reopened in the program and decrypted.Now I am trying to adapt the program to split the file into pieces as specified by the user whilst it is been written to the hard drive. This also works, but when the files are read and decrypted the original file seems to be corrupted. I have been testing it using a JPG which turns out viewable, but is distorted. However the filesize is the same as the orignal after the encryption/decryption process. [code]

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Compare Filesize With Stringvalue - Make Mechanism To Prevent A Logfile To Grow Bigger Than 4 Mb?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to make mechanism to prevent a logfile to grow bigger than 4 Mb. Therefore I compare the filesize, get with


With a string value saved in the registry. Now the thing is, that sometimes a backup of the logfile is made, while the actual size is 6 Kb, and the limit as saved in the registry is 4194304. ??

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Use An Extension Method Instead Of Just Creating Non-extension Sub Or Function?

Dec 3, 2009

Why would I use an extension method instead of just creating non-extension sub or function?

For ex, I could have an extension function called IsNullOrEmptyOrAllSpaces on String, which does a check as its name implies. Or I can write a stand alone function that does the same thing. Other than having the extension show up in Intellisense, is there any advantage? Is a call to the extension quicker/more efficient than a call to a regular function?

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VB Extension Property Instead Of Extension Method

Mar 16, 2012

I saw this post and I want to know if this is possible in VB. So like extension method, do extension properties exists in VB.Net? Here I've read they do, but cannot find any examples.

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VS 2008 Hide Extension When It's Not Used As An Extension?

Dec 9, 2011

If i have an extension ... say...

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub Invert(ByVal b As Bitmap)

is there any way of hiding this from inteli-sense if it is not used as an extension?so that pressing ctl+space only triggers it if you go "bitmap.Inve.." rather than prompting on "Inve..."?

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Anyway To Check Open MS Word Documents Filesize Of Open Document Before Saving Document?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a function on my program that allows a user to load a listbox filled with words that are matched with words inside a databank. The databank is filled with 2 string arrays and file of .jpg Pictures. The Arrays attached to each word inside the listbox are approximately one page. Each page is two paragraphs of Text(string Array) and one Picture(20Kbytes).My problem is this. When the user selects the option print all, the listbox with approximately 10255 words is selected and begins to fill a Microsoft Word Document.Because the alotted amount of space needed for the MS Word Document is approximately 5 Gbytes,I need to open about 10 Documents and insert the String Array's and Pictures into each document one at a time.Is there anyway to check the filesize of the Open Document before saving the document.This way I could check the open document inside the algorithm for 512 Mbytes of memory and save the document before the size gets above 512 Mbytes.[code]

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Getting An Other File Extension As Default Instead Of All Files As Default Extension?

Jun 25, 2009

I am using VB 08 running an openfiledialogue wanting to get the result of the GDS file (*.gds) to be the default extension at the drop down menu instead of All file when the openfiledialogue box opens.

I coded it with:

OpenFileDialogue.Filter = "GDS File(*.gds)|*.gds|All files|*.*"

but the results i get in the open file dialogue box remains as all files being in the drop down menu as the default file extension. How to i set it to ".gds" format?

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Get Any File Of Extension?

Jul 22, 2011

Using the below code I want to set the '*' to any file. This folder (C:ewtemp) will only have one TIF file in it at a time so I want it to use that file as TextBox1, but that filename is dynamic, but always with extension .TIF.

TextBox1 = Convert.ToBase64String(StreamFile("C:
ewtemp" * ".TIF"))

Know how to do that?

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.net - Extension And CodeDomProvider

Jul 24, 2011

I am having problems with CodeDomProvider. When I compile a code VB, there is not an error. But, if this code has extensions (ex: string().contains(), char().count, char().AsEnumerable, etc.) at the moment that I call these functions, it's returns an exception equal for all these extensions:

'Public Member 'Count' at type 'Char()' not found'

'Public Member 'Contains' at type 'String()' not found'

Dim refs() As String =


These are the Assembly that is referenced to the compile, and this is also configurated for run in Framework 4.0.

Dim Param As New Dictionary(Of String, String)

Param.Add("CompilerVersion", "v4.0")

Dim oCodeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VisualBasic", Param)

This code is inside a string:

Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data


After I use it for compile my Assembly. The code compiles without errors, but when I call the function 'ProcessarLink', it returns me the exception in 'Contains', or when I call the function 'Personalizar' the errors appears with the 'Count'. This happens with the others extensions too, like AsEnumerable, etc.

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.net - Extension Methods In T4?

Mar 28, 2012

I'm trying to use PGK.Extensions in a T4 template in VS2008 for VB.NET and I get:

RemoveAllSpecialCharacters is not a member of string..

My T4 headers:

<#@ template language="VB" hostspecific="false" debug="true" inherits="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.ModelingTextTransformation" #>
<#@ output extension="vb" #>
<#@ assembly name="PGK.Extensions.dll" #> // the dll is found
<#@ import namespace="StringExtensions" #> //Try with and without namespace


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C# :: Get Image With Its Name And Any Extension?

Mar 18, 2009

I am building an website. I want to show image on the page, but while I know the image name, I don't know the extension.So, I want to open the images directory and get the image by its name whatever its extension.

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C++ - Tcl Extension Calling A .NET DLL?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a need to create a Tcl extension that calls a managed .NET DLL/Class Library. Currently, the structure of my application is Tcl > DLL Wrapper (C++ CLR) > .NET Class Library (VB.NET), where ">" represents a function call.

My VB.NET DLL just takes a value and returns it back, keeping it simple for now. In the end, this will do some more advanced stuff that makes use of some .NET functionality.

Public Class TestClass
Public Function TestFunction(ByVal param As Integer) As Integer
Return param
End Function
End Class

My Tcl Extension (C++ CLR) creates an object of the type above

int TestCmd(ClientData data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
// Check the number of arguments


If my VB.NET DLL is in the same directory as my extension DLL, the extension crashes when it instantiates a TestClass object. I've noticed if the VB.NET DLL is relocated to C:Tclin, the extension will find it, and TestCmd can be called just fine. The problem is that this will eventually need to be deployed across a number of PCs, and it's preferred not to mingle my application's files with another application's.

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Call An Extension From C#?

Apr 26, 2010

I have an extension method written in visual basic as follows:

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace Parsing
Public Module CSVParse


Unfortunately the compiler is giving a 'Cannot resolve symbol' error for 'DoVB()' and highlighting it red.Yet it will recognise the call in a static fashion.


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Extension Of Customize Set Up?

Sep 8, 2011

I want more customization then the original VS 2010 set up files. So i decided to code everything. For example, i put all my files in my debug folder into my installer.vb's My.Resources. So i usedSystem.IO.File.WriteAllText ---> to install all my files and the .exe one.Everything was installed it except my Ethup Bolt New Build.exe. It shows up in the folder after installation, but when i click on it, it didnt run at all. (It showed up in the task manger, under process, but it disappeared after like 5secs.) So it didnt
run at all. My question is how do i install my .exe properly. ( I DONT WANT TO USE THE ORIGINAL INSTALLER WITH Visual Studio)

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How To Add Extension Method

Apr 10, 2010

I know how to add extension method Like (Date.Now.MyExtensionFunction()),But I can NOT find how to add such methods and functions in class (not in module) with

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How To Keep Download Extension

Jan 30, 2011

I have a program which downloads a file. The link to that file is [URL], which ends with .zip. However, this program is probably also gonna download .jar files, and those may not get .zip of course.

Code I have now:
For Each File In files
'For each file, it will now read the 2nd line, download the file, then read the 4th line, and if the 4th is lower, download the third line.
Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(File)
Dim line1, line2, line3, line4 As String
[Code] ......

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Make Your Own Extension?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm stuck im making a app that can hold tasks but i want to make my own extension

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Port An Extension In .NET To C#?

Aug 13, 2009

I wrote an extension in VB.NET for StringBuilder to add a AppendFormattedLine method (so I would not have to use one of the arguments for a new line character):


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Save In Only One Extension Name?

Sep 8, 2009

I want to save my work into .java extension only,


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VS 2008 : Getting Only The Extension?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm making a program where I'm separating the file path and the file extension. The path will be held in one list box and the extension in the other.Right now all I'm trying to to is get the extension since once i have that, i can just take away the extension from the whole string (once i know what it is) and then add that to the other listbox.

With OpenFileDialog1
.FileName = vbNullString
.Multiselect = True


The place in that code where I'm trying the get only the extensions is:


That code only works if you have one item selected and since my openfiledialog has multiselect enabled, it needs to be able to do however many are selected.

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Why Use Extension Methods

Jan 7, 2010

I would like to know your opinion on extension methods. Sure, it is a nice feature and makes you feel powerful. It's great to see your own method pop up when typing in a object. But it doesn't really add something new... You can get the job done with normal methods as well. I think extension methods do not belong in object oriented programming. It makes your code easier to read but harder to understand for someone else.

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.net - Extension Methods Error ?

Mar 7, 2011


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.net - WPF Markup Extension Not Working?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a VB.Net Markup Extension per this blog post but in

<Application x:Class="Application"


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.net :: How To Delete All Files With .mp3 Extension

Aug 23, 2011

I have an external hard disk drive for data backup purpose. Now I want to delete all mp3 files in that drive. How do I do it?NOTE: The mp3 files are contained within many nested folders. For example, K:(artist name)(album name)mp3 filesUpdate: I tried using, but my mp3 files are contained in many many folders. My current approach is not working

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Add An Icon For An Extension In Vb 2010?

Mar 1, 2012

Currently I have made an extension .otxt it reads text files but i want to make an icon for it like in MS Office the .docx has a word document icon in it, I want the same to happen in my extension

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Add Some Text After Extension Of The File?

Jun 10, 2009

How can i add the some text after extention of the file without change file format in

ex : Welcome.jpeg (Unsigned)

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Add-on To Write Shell Extension?

Nov 15, 2011

Apparently, it's not safe to use the .Net framework < 4 to write a shell extension.

As my users are likely to not have that version of the framework, I'd rather use a third-party solution so I can write the main app in .Net 2 or 3.

Can someone recommend an add-on for this, either open-source or affordable?

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