Compare Filesize With Stringvalue - Make Mechanism To Prevent A Logfile To Grow Bigger Than 4 Mb?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to make mechanism to prevent a logfile to grow bigger than 4 Mb. Therefore I compare the filesize, get with


With a string value saved in the registry. Now the thing is, that sometimes a backup of the logfile is made, while the actual size is 6 Kb, and the limit as saved in the registry is 4194304. ??

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Make A Byte Array Grow?

Feb 3, 2010

How do i create a byte array that grows?

Say I create a loop in a new thread and in that loop I using a blocking method to read data from a socket . I receive 255 bytes at a time, until all data has arrived. I want to pop this into one larger byte array after I have received it and whisk it off to somewhere else to do nasty things to it.

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Make The Progress Bar Grow In Value Bottom To Top?

Apr 21, 2009

Is there a way to make the progress bar grow in value bottom to top?

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Game - Make The Snake Grow When It Hits Food

May 30, 2010

I am simply trying to make the snake grow when it hits food, however, I am at a stand still.


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Make Form Grow Vertically When Button Clicked?

Sep 9, 2011

How would i make a form grow down vertically like say 200px when i click a button ?

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Make Sure One Input Is Always Bigger Than The Other

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to know how to make my l(length) always bigger than w(width).eg: message box "Make Length bigger than width" and the 2 inputs, and 3 outputs = [blank]

Public Class Form1 Dim min, max As Integer Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Make The Circle Bigger By +1 Til = To 55?

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to do a do while loop to make a circle draw itself resized by 1 each time 50 times. I just dont know how to define the numbers that make up the circle size properties. here is my simple code

Me.CreateGraphics.DrawEllipse(pencolor, 135, 125, 5, 5)

I would like to just make a simple do while loop to adjust the 5,5 by +1. I am really new to programming and any help will be excelent. If I knew the property name of the 2 numbers I need to change I could declare them as a letter H & W and just do while

H,W is < 56

if this makes any sense?

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Make A Farming Like Game But The Plants Will Grow Based On A Timer?

Jun 10, 2012

I often think of classes and modules as "global" variables or variables you can use any where in your solution/project. can you make global timers? I basicly want to make a farming like game but the plants will grow based on a timer. So if the player closes that form the timer needs to still tick. So can I make global timers so the timer would not have to start over if the form is closed and reopened?

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Make The Tabs Bigger On TabControl?

Aug 4, 2009

I notice that the actual tabs on a TabControl are quite small (I am using VB 2008 Express). I would like more vertical space above and beneath the text on the tabs. I tried changing the padding in the TabPages collection but it didn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to make the tabs bigger?

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VS 2008 How To Make Bigger Arrows

Mar 15, 2012

I draw my lines with arrows:

mypen.StartCap = Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor mypen.EndCap = Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor but I want a bigger (custom) arrows in start and and of line. It's not clear how to do. Perhaps with:

mypen.StartCap = Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Custom Onenew

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Make My Form Bigger With A Click Of Command Button?

Jan 15, 2010

How to make my form bigger with a click of a command button?

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Make The Image Become Bigger And Clear When Mouse Hoover Or Double Click?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a problem on using mouse hoover and double click on image.I have a listview box. when user choose 1 item, he/she will be able to view it below the listview table. However, the image is small and they can't see it clearly. So I would like to make the image clearer by making it bigger when mouse hoover and double click. At the same time, when I manage to view this image, the listview table should be invisible.( as the image shows.This is my codes to show the image when user click item in listview:

Friend WithEvents PictureBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox = New PictureBox()
Me.PictureBox2.Location = New Point(15, 195) ' default (0,0)[cocde]....

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Get FileSize + Extension With Dot?

Oct 31, 2009

How would i get the size of the file and the Extension with a .(Dot) if it has little tiny bytes or etc and put it into a listview in columns.

EX: MyTextFile(Under File Name) | 23.12 KB (Under Size)

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C# Property Overiding Mechanism?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a class in like

Public Class Customer
Private _Name As String
Public Overridable Property Name() As String


the propINfo.canRead property is always false, shouldn't this be true since base class implements the getter of the property ?

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VS 2008 - Test If My Synchronization Mechanism Is Set Well?

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to test if my synchronization mechanism is set well and so for debug purposes, inserting a deliberate deadlock as under


but when i step through the code in the debugger, it runs fine without getting stuck here. I am sure there is no other thread doing a release on the mutex mtx

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Want To Validate The Filesize Before Uploading It Into The Server?

Feb 15, 2012

I have this program that would upload files from the client to the server,Now I want to validate the filesize before uploading it into the server..

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Get Filename, Filesize And Created Time In A Listbox?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a listbox that reads a certain folder and lists all the files in the folder in the listbox! This works great! but i also want to list the file size and created time of the files on the same row.Here is my code.

Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C: est")
ListBox1.DataSource = (di.GetFiles)

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VB2010 Mechanism For Obtaining A Form's Handle?

Jun 7, 2011

What is the VB2010 mechanism for obtaining a form's handle?

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VS 2010 Filesize Is Same As Original After Encryption / Decryption Process

Jun 22, 2011

I have (using some examples) created a program which reads from a file, encrypts the content and writes it to a new file. The file can then be reopened in the program and decrypted.Now I am trying to adapt the program to split the file into pieces as specified by the user whilst it is been written to the hard drive. This also works, but when the files are read and decrypted the original file seems to be corrupted. I have been testing it using a JPG which turns out viewable, but is distorted. However the filesize is the same as the orignal after the encryption/decryption process. [code]

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Make A Program That Will Compare 2 Documents?

Feb 28, 2009

I am trying to make a program that will compare 2 documents. Idealy what this program would do would be to let the user define key words that he/she is looking for then hit the compare button and have those key words higlighted in both text documents. So far I have 2 button that paste stext into eather box and button that says compare this is my current code for the compare button

If tb1.Text = tb2.Text Then MsgBox("compatible!", MsgBoxStyle.Information) this works great but it only works if the text is exactly the same I just want it to pick up on words that are the same in eather box and eather A. show a message box that tells the words that are the same or better yet B. have them highlighted. I want to do this as simply as possible so if we have to leave out the key words thats ok. I am a big noob and don't know too much about VB (although I came up with that basic code myself thats about all I can do XD) so please bare with me.

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C# - WPF Grow Animation

Nov 12, 2011

I am looking for a nice way to display some help messages in my application and I was looking to have the user click a button. This would then trigger a area at the top to grow and show the help section. The only problem is i am not sure how to acomplish this.

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Make Application Require A Serial Key - Prevent Jumping Messages

Aug 24, 2009

Im going to make my application require a Serial key(No clue how this works). And how do i prevent jumping messages. My friend said that there most used for getting keys and avoiding key asking.

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Grow Buttons Proportionally?

Jul 27, 2009

I currently have 5 buttons at the top of my program's main form. They are all size 132x31 and fit perfectly in the window. However, when the window resizes I want them to grow and shrink proportionally to fit the new window size. I've played around with the anchor settings but nothing seems to be of help.

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Compare Two Columns And Replace Values In One To Make Them Both Same, Using Macros?

Jun 17, 2010

I have list of about 100 names in first columns. and i have list of same people's names in second columns, but both are not same.


If you notice carefully, all five people in column A have their names in column B as well.I need somehow both column showing same names for same people ignoring extra names like Jones,

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Label Position Should Fixed Right And Grow To Left

Feb 18, 2011

How can I set my labels to align on the right even when they have diffrent lenghts. I have a set of labels which are occuring next to each other and also underneath each other. The problem now is that they always align from the left within the label row,but I need them to align on the right as they are showing sums from other rows. Just to verify I am not talking about the text align I am looking for a solution to align my labels.

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Label That Can Grow And Shrink Because The Content Can Change?

Jan 29, 2011

I am using the FormLayoutPanel for the first time and I am not able to figure out what is going on.On the form, I have a label that can grow and shrink because the content can change. The text includes the name of the client and that name can always be different lengths in regard to characters. I also have a grid on the form.

As you will see from the attached image, the form that has the FormLayoutPanel on it is showing small and not showing the content of the form. The form is indicated via the green arrow.In regard to the FormLayoutPanel, I have set it up in the following way:

Three rows, one column.The label is in the first cell, nothing in the second cell and the grid in the third cell.The TableLayoutPanel is anchored top, left, bottom, right.

Autosize = True
AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink

The Label in the first cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right TextAlignment = MiddleLeft

The grid in the third cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right and also Dock = Fill


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Datagridview:need It To Grow And Shrink Depending On The Number Of Rows?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a datagridview created for my windows app in 2005 and I'm not sure how to get it to grow and shrink, depending on the number of rows that are displayed. The form contains several filters for the user to use in order to get their desired recordset displayed in the grid and therefore, the size of the grid will be constantly changing. How is this usually handled?

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EXE Got Bigger From 1 Build To Another

Mar 25, 2009

Any explanation why a EXE in VS2005 would grow from 9MB to 17MB. The only thing changed between the 2 compiles as the adding of about 20 lines of code and an additional Crystal Report file (.rpt). The .rpt is about 8.5MB, but our understanding is that the .rpt doesn't get included in the EXE.

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Crystal Reports: Main Page Break If Subreport Grow?

Jun 21, 2010

I've been working on a report and it has 2 subreports, one of them can outgrow the region destinated for it (on a preprinted paper), and I want to break the subreport on a new page of the main report (with page header and page footer).

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Hashing Files Bigger Than 2GB?

Jan 2, 2010

I have discovered that the .Net Hashing functions, MD5, SHA1, and SHA512 (all of them probably) do not allow us to create hashes of files greatedr than 2GB in size. If I use a function like the following:



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