Make A Farming Like Game But The Plants Will Grow Based On A Timer?
Jun 10, 2012
I often think of classes and modules as "global" variables or variables you can use any where in your solution/project. can you make global timers? I basicly want to make a farming like game but the plants will grow based on a timer. So if the player closes that form the timer needs to still tick. So can I make global timers so the timer would not have to start over if the form is closed and reopened?
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May 30, 2010
I am simply trying to make the snake grow when it hits food, however, I am at a stand still.
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Feb 24, 2011
In a vb 2010 project, I have 2 win forms: Form1 and Form2.
In the Form1 class there is a server-based timer: when the "elapsed event" fires, then I update the text of a Label1 on the Form2. A very simple code:
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Nov 9, 2011
Yup,not PHP but it's the same for readability)As you may imagine I want to make a simple text based rpg game, but that's not an important fact.The buttons btn1 to btn3 are already created at the designer, and there are going to be other procedures which will assign values to their text property according to the game context (main menu, combat, shopping, training, etc.) you're at.Ok, so what I want to do with that procedure I pasted is to parse the text of ANY of those buttons when I click them, and according to its value select a case which will trigger another appropriate procedure (now there are only msgboxes as placeholders for testing only).My problem is that I dont know how to refer to the originating class of the handled event! I mean, let's say I click btn2. I'll want to immediately get the text property of that button only and use it as the value for the select case tree. I suppose I need to put something at that ?I wrote there, but I don't have any idea. The first time I was so naive to put me.text in there, and of course it returned the form name. Is there's something to do this thing...? I thought at first it would be a very simple task, but I'm going nuts searching for a solution so it's like if it was not possible, but I find hard to believe that, because this would be very useful, right? By the way, what I want to achieve is not needing to make a separate procedure for each button and to avoid as well the need to move any game option to another procedure if later on I want to rearrange the menus, because I expect the game to have more than three buttons actually.
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Jun 29, 2011
I am trying to make a turn-based board game that will be run on multiple computers. I am writing the game logic and design in VB. I searched for a little and could not find the information I was looking for. One question I have is, will I need a server if there will only be 2 players. Also, what language should I use to write the server side code.
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Dec 12, 2011
Well this is a re-post now as nobody replied in the gaming section, and i believe this question could go as a normal VB question, therefore I'm asking in this category instead.I have decided to pick up on programming and want to make a text based RPG Game i will "upgrade" as my programming knowledge grows.I got some ideas that i think i should use, but i want you guys' opinions on it.I assume I'll use different classes for each monster, which will have properties.Should those monsters then be inside a list of all possible monsters, or would i have a monster class which i would use and generate the enemies when needed? And would i use the same approach on items and character stats?
View 4 Replies
Feb 3, 2010
How do i create a byte array that grows?
Say I create a loop in a new thread and in that loop I using a blocking method to read data from a socket . I receive 255 bytes at a time, until all data has arrived. I want to pop this into one larger byte array after I have received it and whisk it off to somewhere else to do nasty things to it.
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Apr 21, 2009
Is there a way to make the progress bar grow in value bottom to top?
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Mar 23, 2010
Im recreating mario a side scroller game for college. im tryin to make mario jump through the use of a timer i want to be able to still move direction when jumping. so basically when i hit space bar i want point y to - 1 until it gets to 12 and then for it to go back down again. i havnt even got this far yet as when i was testin this theory the timer freezes if the arrows are held in. at the moment im only getting the timer to beep once it has reached 10.
Here is my code below:
Variables & form load
Dim pos As Point
Dim Mario As Point
View 1 Replies
Sep 9, 2011
How would i make a form grow down vertically like say 200px when i click a button ?
View 5 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
I would like to make mechanism to prevent a logfile to grow bigger than 4 Mb. Therefore I compare the filesize, get with
With a string value saved in the registry. Now the thing is, that sometimes a backup of the logfile is made, while the actual size is 6 Kb, and the limit as saved in the registry is 4194304. ??
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Apr 2, 2008
im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?
View 4 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I am trying to make a game which basiclly lets you shoot ducks. i have a picture as a background (set as form image) i then have picturebox's with ducks flying flying around you shoot them the disapear etc.
My problem is the image. i have a picture of a duck and a blue square round it. and i would liketo make it transparant because birds dont fly with blue squares.
Below is an image to illistrate my problem
I have tried adding transparent background, transparant key etc
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May 19, 2011
I'm doing a project for school. I'm trying to make a game similar to the Impossible game. I need a square (picturebox) to jump but I want gravity to effect it.
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Jan 24, 2010
I am looking to insert a timer on my game so I only have to press the Start button once and the game will continue until a winner is decided. At the moment as there is no timer the loop is not controlled and the game ends instantaneously. I'm looking to have a timer value of half a second so the game lasts approximately 20-30 seconds
View 5 Replies
Feb 1, 2012
This is code for a game. On one of the forms on my VB program I have a large number of text boxes, the issue is regarding the following code:
Total_Gold.Text = (WoodPrice * TxtBoxWoodUnits.Text) + (MagicWoodPrice * TxtBoxMagicWoodUnits.Text) +
(Pheonix_EggsPrice * TxtBoxPheonixEggsUnits.Text) +
(MetalPrice * TxtBoxMetalUnits.Text) +
(Dwarven_GemsPrice * TxtBoxDwarvenGemsUnits.Text)
[Code] .....
This is contained in a timer event that shows how much it would cost the player to purchase all of the items. This works as intended, until the text box is blank. Each "section" draws information from one of 16 text boxes. My question is this: Is it possible to have each text box to have a "default" number that gets put into a text box when it is empty. This is needed to be done for all of the text boxes, so either a loop or a non specific code slice would be preferred.
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Feb 9, 2010
I can't seem to get one of my functions to work based on a timer. Every tick of the timer, I'm trying to call a function which will start periodically taking screen shots until the 'Finish' button is pressed. However, I've run into numerous errors and wondered if anyone could give me any insight or suggestions. Here is what I have so far.
One of the errors included "Public Sub RunAC() does not have the same signature as delegate". This might be really obvious, I'm a recent Computer Programmer / Analyst graduate with intermediate experience.
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Dec 17, 2009
i am try to create a game when i move a picture box around my form with a timer control i almost done every thing but the problem is avoiding the flikkering effect ?is there any way to avoid it?
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Jun 12, 2011
my function is to adjust a timer interval according to a integer variable.
Original code (works fine):
Dim UpdateSnakeSpeed
Select Case UpdateSnakeSpeed
Case currentscore > 199
This is the code I'm using right now. (works fine and is more logically correct than the above case statement. I have chosen to go with if .. end if statements over case, as I do not have a full understanding of what the variable SnakeUpdatespeed is doing in the Select case statement. If someone explains then I'll consider it. Also I know case statments are only meant to be used for 1 option selections, however I'm amazed that it still works in case. Atm it's going to be if end if. Now I'm trying to get the for next loop going with this (if it's logically possible). that's what i'm aiming overall out of this thread. To make a convenient loop.
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Oct 9, 2010
I am creating a point system for a game. What i have right now is that fastest time with highest score gets a higher ranking.
But i can't seem to create this, what i did was to sort the time first from lowest to highest. Then sorted the points from highest to lowest.
Now my problem is, when i display the results. This is what i get.
1 0:56 5
2 0:60 4
3 0:37 2
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Mar 25, 2010
is there a tutorial for making a Text Based Game In Visual Basic?
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Jun 1, 2010
i'm creating a game for a college assignment based on Yahtzee, and so far everythings going smoothly but i've run into a hitch! Basically, after each roll of the dice i want to be able to retrieve the number of the dice wich apeared in each picture box. But how would i go around retrieving that type of data from a picturebox?
View 6 Replies
Dec 16, 2010
I am reading the memory from a game and I have managed to find the x,y,z values of the player (z is irrelevant). Now I am trying to make some sort of a waypoint system and I thought it would be best to make a small coordinate based map that will act as a birds-eye view of whats going on ingame. But I don't know where to begin creating this thing, since it needs tons of xyz values.Just throwing this in here since I've already made the thread:I also want a small circle to represent the player that will turn, facing waypoint 1 and move in a straight line towards it.
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Aug 10, 2011
In a piece of code I am writing I am trying to change the text of a label in my form based on a timer. I have MANY other labels that are all updating in their own subs and when I try to add any new labels(in any sub) to update it wont. I am using Label.Text = counter where counter is a string that is changing. I have tried refreshing the form, Label.refresh() Label1.Update()....The only thing I think it could be is that the redraw is being held up by other calculations on the cpu. How can I make the label text change and update properly?
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Mar 15, 2009
I already created a button "enjoy button" that i want to move in a form when the "timer start button" is do link the timer to the"timer start button" and make it move? this is what i tried so far..then am blank first
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Me.xTimer.Enabled = False
xTimer.Interval = 10[code].........
View 21 Replies
Mar 18, 2009
I am just for learning purposes trying to develop a one player text based game.
I have a rich text box (GameWindow)
I have a text box (InputWindow)
I have a button (InputButton)
and a bunch of labels that aren't really important
I have two questions first is easy probably. How do i get InputWindow to respond to me hitting enter when text is in it?
But if i plan to have more that is only going to increase the size and code needed and im sure there is an easier way i just don't know how to do it.
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Jan 26, 2010
the rules are that same coloured blocks of two or more can be removed by clicking on them. blocks then slide down from above. if a column is empty columns other columns move in from the sides.when someone clicks on the green blocks in the bottom row the columns should slide in from the sides. columns to the left of the black line slide right and on the right of the black line slide left. so in this case only the two rightmost columns should slide from the right to the black line after removing the green blocks.The problem i am having is in designing a suitable algorihm to do the collapsing after the removal. my current approach is to test each column from left to right to see if it is empty. if it is empty then i slide whatever column is to the left (if left of the black line) or to the right (if to the right of the black line) over the blank column and repeat this in the direct i am sliding from
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Oct 15, 2010
I am doing a internet cafe sweepstakes slot game in I want to show the objects based on the payout and the prize money for paylines in the slot game. I tried using MT algorithem but it basically random number based. the final output should not be radom.
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Dec 14, 2010
Basically I have 10 .png images.They contain a walk cycle I need to make some kind of loop inside a timer to make them change.
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Apr 19, 2012
I need to make a matching card game in VB 2010. i have generated my cards but now need to show the cards for 10 secs then change the cards to (AppPath & "Cards ed.png"). then when a user clicks on the card the card will flip over.*How would i set a timer to turn all my cards into*(AppPath & "Cards ed.png") after 10 secsbut still have the values from the array and when i click the cards they flip over (from red card to numbered card)
Private Sub Place()
Dim Counter As Integer = 1
For Row As Integer = 1 To Int_Grid_Size
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