Get GUID From Calling Application?

Nov 29, 2010

I have multiple applications that will be calling a DLL.Is there a way to get the GUID from the calling application without passing it?I would like to use the GUID to verify the parent application and open up rights within the DLL for a specific app but not others.

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GUID In Registry - Get The Program To Preform This Task On Another Computer As Their GUID Will Be Different?

Feb 26, 2012

im workin on a task that will get the current computers Default Gatway, So i chose the easiest option, using the Registry, in most cases i find this with no problem at all, here's the code im using right now,

Public sHost As String = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001servicesTcpipParametersInterfaces THE GUID NEEDED HERE ", "DhcpServer", Nothing)

Which works fine, if i put My GUID in where i've stated in above code, I get the right value ect..., no what i was woundering is how would i get the program to preform this task on another Computer as their GUID will be diffrent, if their away i can do this with simplicity?

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C# - Calling A Method In A FACTORY Class When Application Is Closed / Disposed Without Using Application's Dispose() Method

Mar 28, 2012

I am indifferent if you are a VB.NET or C# or other .NET developer. I have a FACTORY class like the following:


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.NET Application Hangs When Calling DLL

Dec 28, 2010

Its been running in production for over a year and this is the first time I saw this behaviour. The application is a VB.NET Console Application which is triggered by MQ server. This application uses a class library which is part of the same project(Say 'abc.dll'). In production around 40+ instances of this exe are running and all of them use the some of the functions from 'abc.dll'.

Last week, we noticed that all the 40 instances were shown to be running in the task manager but they were not doing any activity. There was no exception thrown or error logged in Application logs or System logs. To frantically debug the problem, I tried isolating the problem.

With all these 40+ exes hung up, I wrote a small aplication which would use a reference to this 'a.dll', create an object of one of the classes in that dll and execute a method in there. I was printing console.writelines in between to see to which point it gets to before erroring out.

To my surprise, I found that at the point where I was creating an object of a class in 'a.dll' this sample test application would also hang just like the others. No exceptions thrown. So I killed all those applications as a last resort and then when I restarted all of them, everything worked fine.

I couldn't find any explanation for this behaviour. Since it was a critical error affecting a production system(blanking out the application for 3+ hours), I have to give a very good explanation as to why this would occur. how it can be prevented in future.

(Side note: the servers running these appilcation do not have a maintenance schedule and are supposed to be up for couple of months together.

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Application Calling Fortran Exe

Nov 18, 2010

I am running one fortran exe in .net application(calling from command line with the help of system diagnostic process). If we directly click on fortran exe, it shows inputs to enter for fortran in command window, after input entered it gets executed. We want same behaviour but want to run fortran exe from .net application, If we click on button in form, this exe should get called and should show inputs to enter on the command line, once inputs entered it should execute. How to achieve this with .net application? Right now, after clicking on button in form, exe get's opened in command window, but it is blank, and gets hanged. [code]

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Calling Another Application From Within A VB Program?

Feb 9, 2011

I have written a VB Program for calculating Power requirements for Heating Water, Air etc. There are some standard formulae, which require inputs in fixed units. The user may have data in other units, which will then need conversion.Example: Formula needs Airflow in Cubic Meters/ Minute, where as user has data in Liters/Second.I do not want to write code to do Unit Conversions from within my Program. There are readily available FREE Applications for doing the conversions. I have one such Application, which I want to bundle with my VB program.How can I Code in my program, so that when the user clicks a Button " Unit Conversion ", the bundled program will open.This is like clicking on a Hyperlink in a Program or Document and a Web Browser opens.

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Calling Function Within Web Application?

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to call a function within an web application from outside that application e.g. with If so it would be great to see a hello world type example.

For arguments sake lets say I have my function "helloworld" in a class file within web application: [URL]

My ultimate goal is to enable some reliable / robust scheduling of functions within I have read multiple examples about using web services / custom services running on the server etc but I don't really get the implementation.

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Calling IBM UniVerse Application?

Dec 9, 2010

I have developed IBM UniVerse application before. Now I am developing a .NET application that I want to call the UniVerse application?

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Calling JS Function From Application?

Jul 6, 2009

I am working on an desktop application in which I am using WEB BROWSER component. There is a Javascript function within the webpage I want to call from my application. I am not attaching any code with this post because I couldn't find anything relevant on internet as all example involve server controls, no VB.Net desktop Application example.

way out to call JS function of the webpage loaded in the browser component through VB.Net Form Button.

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Calling A Method From .dll Globally In C# Application

Aug 26, 2009

I am using a .dll called Kiosk in my application which is resonsible for disabling some keyboard keys. I am doing like this... using Kiosk; public static Kiosk.Kiosk KIOSK = new Kiosk.Kiosk();


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Calling Some Default Windows Application

Jun 3, 2011

If I wanted to call the RUN prompt and the Command prompt in my application, what exe's would I need to reference?

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.net - Calling New StackTrace Blocks When Closing Application

Sep 12, 2011

I just did some analysis by using a global function which is called GetCallingMethod in my case.

Mostly it works great. But some cases the application is blocked. It is blocked when closing the application. When going to "pause" in Visual Studio, it stays on the new StackTrace line forever.

In my application I am using third party references, multithreading and several classes. But all that should not be a problem and should not lock the tracer class as far as I imagine. I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate in this case.

This line will never be left in development area. Application will is frozen. Try/Catch will not force the procedure.

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Application Crashes When Calling Embedded Resources?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm writing a console application in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I added several text files to my project as resources. Specifically... I went to my project's "Properties" page and selected the "Resources" tab. I clicked the "Add Resource" dropdown and chose "Add New Text File". I entered some simple text and saved the file as "Welcome.txt". I built the entire solution.n my code, I use console.writeline(My.Resources.Welcome) to display the text

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Calling A Function That's In A Module In External Application

May 25, 2012

I have an application (app.exe) that has a VB Module in its source code (Module1). The module has a function called Function1. I need to call this function from another application. The module is not marked as public, so adding a reference to app.exe won't work. I'm trying to use reflection (Assembly.LoadFrom()) but unless I'm way off base, the module would have to be a class in order for me to get an instance of it.

Please nobody ask me "what have you tried?" I tried a million different things and let's just say "none of them work." So I'm looking for someone that has specific experience with doing exactly what I'm trying to do. If you don't have that experience, please move on to the next question and ignore mine.

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Calling Another Application And Activating Its Menu Click?

Nov 2, 2006

it is possible to code to a call another application and activate its "Tool" menu click.I am enclosing sample exe (this is the application that has to be called; and its "Tool" menu has to be acitivated, which fires a messagebox event")

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Calling Javascript Function From Within Desktop Application?

Jun 24, 2009

I'm trying to do something which i am not sure is possible, im hoping someone will be able to prove me wrong.I have a desktop application written in VB .net which needs to post to google analytics, the interface they provide is javascript based. At the moment my application opens an internet browser, goes to a specified URL which in turn executes the javascript contained within, this is cludgey and memory gobling!

Is there any way of importing a javascript file and calling a javascript function without opening a third party browser? would preferably not want to use the browser control either.Is there a way of instantiating for instance a javascript engine and passing it the commands?

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VB: Get Compiled DLL's Calling Application Info; COM Security?

Oct 15, 2010

Through COM, one can potentially gain absolute control over a target system. For example: using javascript's ActiveXObject object in IE, one can create certain objects which were designed to have direct access or interaction with system properties and files.One would think common sense dictates users disable ActiveX features in IE immediately after installing the browser to ensure their system is protected while surfing the net, or at least paying close attention to which websites they permit. But, I doubt many average PC users know how or why to do this, or just get tired of mirco-managing it over time. I think any PC user or admin my COM class caters to would greatly appreciate not having to deal with that. Thankfully it looks like IE versions come packaged with ActiveX disabled by default nowadays.

I've built a very versatile COM class library in VB. I didn't intend for it to be callable from any website, but that feature is just part of the COM platform. I'd like to prevent the library from being called from IE unless the website is on a white-listed domain to proactively protect the user (and ultimately their entire intranet) from harm from malicious websites. What would be the best method in VB.Net to tell which application called my DLL, to be able to tell if it was called from any command or process originating from IE? And, what domain called my dll? System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()(0) gets me the calling application path. With this info, I can compare it to a black/white-list of applications.

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Calling PythonFunction's From A VB Application Hosting Iron Python

Apr 17, 2012

I'm a C++ programming who was tapped to write a small application in Visual Basic. The application hosts an IronPython runtime and I am attempting to define some function in python and then call them from VB. I have written a simple test function in python

def test():
print "Test was Called"

Then I use the iron python to create a ScriptSource from the python file. I am able to look up the "test" variable through object operations but I can not figure out how to call the object that. For example (in VB):

pyScope = engine.CreateScope()
pySource = engine.CreateSourceFromFile("C:SomeFilepath")


I am able to call the function and I see the expected output at stdout. I am still under the impression that there is some function-pointer-like type that I can cast objects of type PythonFunction to which will let me invoke temp directly without calling to the Python engine.

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IDE :: Calling WebHelp From Application And Displaying Table Of Contents?

Oct 28, 2010

In my application I call the main page of WebHelp using



The web page displays just fine, but the Table of Contents, Index tab and Search tab do not display at all.How do I get them to show when calling help from

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VS 2010 Calling An External Application And Setting Focus On The Same?

Oct 8, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to call an application, say "notepad.exe" (among other application's that are already open) and setting focus on the same, so the user can readily start working on it.

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Calling .dll Method From Inside A Timer Won't Work(Console Application)?

Nov 26, 2009

I have a .dll file (Interop.ACTMULTILib.dll) that I use to connect to a PLC. This .dll contains a sub called ReadDeviceBlock2(byval devicename as string, byval size as integer, byref data as short). When I call this method in my main it works fine, if I call it from another method that was called by main it works as well.However, it doesn't work when I call it from my Timer_Elapsed sub? I guess this has to do something with threads but I can't figure it out.

Module Main
Private Timer As New System.Timers.Timer
Private PLC As New ACTMULTILib.ActEasyIF
Private DataSet As new DataSet[code].....

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C# - Stop Developers From Calling System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents()?

Mar 15, 2009

We just spent 300 man-hours fixing a buggy application in the field. It all came down to calling Application.DoEvents (re-entrancy problem).This was not caught in design reviews, code reviews.The code was inserted two years ago with the first version; the application was always "flaky" but recent changes exposed the re-entrancy problems to a greater degree. This incident is the second time in our organization that Application.DoEvents caused failures and multi-man hours of debugging.It was discovered in this case by simply noticing the call,buried way down in a complex event handler for an asynchronous task.What do you suggest to prevent this issue from happening again:

Add checkin gates to source control?

Developer training?

Code Analysis rules (why is this not already a built-in rule?)

How to I enforce a coding practice?

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Is A GUID Really Unique

Jan 8, 2010

Is GUID really unique? I have a webservice that the client application connects to, which generates a GUID. I know GUID are generated using the mac adress of the NIC. Is the NIC in the webservice server used or the client NIC?

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Specify GUID For Event?

Aug 27, 2011

I need to specify a GUID for each event declared in my class, to be able to generate a manifest for it.

Right now i'm decorating the class with the following:

ComClass("AB849263-E1F7-466B-9BAC-828E67F2871D", "EB2AB5A4-D3AD-4C01-81FB-A73AB0B3848C", "6623B1F2-2D4E-4974-AE51-369F65D47F69")

However when i use the MT tool to generate the manifest, i'm greeted with : "mt.exe : genman warning G81010014: Explicit guid not defined for type NetTest.NetClass+TestEventHandler."

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.net - Convert Session To Guid?

Jun 28, 2011

I am building a User Management section to a website CMS.The user has a list of users and then clicks the edit button, the system then stored the UserId in a session and goes to the editUser.aspx page which will show the users details.To get the users details I need to convert the UserId session to a Guid so i can get user details.

I keep getting error message:

System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

Dim selectedUserId As Guid = CType(Session("strUserId"), Guid)
Dim mu As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(selectedUserId)

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.NET Native GUID Conversion

Nov 9, 2011

I have an external database that is feeding information to me. One saves their data as native GUID format and my other data source supplies standard .NET GUID format string. Is there a tidy way to convert from Native GUID to GUID Structure? Also is there any validation bit to determine if a provided value is a Native GUID or not? I can't seem to find any if there is one. The difference is as follows:

typedef struct _GUID
DWORD Data1;
WORD Data2;
WORD Data3;
BYTE Data4[8];

Data1, Data2 and Data3 get their byte order reversed but Data4 remains the same, see [url] for more info.

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GUID Creation In 30 Digits?

Oct 1, 2010

Now i am doing a desktop application, In which i have to construct GUID. Eventhough having a built-in function in our VB.NET like "System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString()" to get GUID, I need to create the GUID in 30 digits in the below mentioned criteria through

Application constructs the GUID (30 digits) using the information from the 5 different sources. The different sources are Current system time, millisecond of the system time, Process ID for the application, system physical memory status and finally the group object identifier number.

8 digits
4 digits 8 digits
8 digits 2 digits


I am not sure how to get the above values to construct the GUID?

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How To Extract A GUID From A Win32 DLL Or OCX

May 28, 2010

We have a .NET app that needs to examine a folder that may contain COM libraries (DLL and OCX.) When we do encounter a COM library one thing we need to accomplish is to extract the GUID from the COM DLL or OCX.Is there a straightforward way to do this with .NET without using 3rd party libraries?

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Insert GUID Into Datatable?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm calling a GUID with a system function and trying to insert it into a database as a primary key. i'm using vb 2010 .net framework with sqlce server making my datatables. the column is AutoNumber which i set up to be a uniqueidentifier. the length is not adjustable and set at 16. i got all kinds of not parsing query errors. i've edited the insert statement a bunch trying to figure this out. i've went so far as changing the table schema of AutoNumber to be just a nvarchar with length of 100. it's something to do with how i'm inserting the GUID. in the code below i'm converting it into a string then inserting it into my table. is this wrong?? i've tried finding other ways of doing it but it's a little confusing. everything else in the code works perfectly it's just this part that is keeping me from completion.[code]...

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Can't Seem To Insert A Guid (userID) Into Table?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm creating a web project for one of my uni modules using Visual studio 2010. I'm using membership and have all of my sql-server tables set up correctly (I'm pretty sure).I have a form that I have created myself that inserts into the database using sqlDataSource.insert(). I had some problems initially with not being able to insert any data into the table at all, but I have cleared that up.My problem now is that I need to insert the currently logged in user's userID into one of the columns of the table. But every time I hit the submit button, I am told I cannot insert null values in the userID column.

I can retrieve the userID using this snippet:
Dim userID As String
Dim memUser As MembershipUser


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