VS 2010 Calling An External Application And Setting Focus On The Same?

Oct 8, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to call an application, say "notepad.exe" (among other application's that are already open) and setting focus on the same, so the user can readily start working on it.

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C# - Setting External Application Focus?

Dec 17, 2009

In VB.NET, you can set focus to an external application using

AppActivate("Windows Name")


AppActivate(processID As Integer)

Now this works fine if you do for example:

Dim intNotePad As Integer = Shell("C:WINNTNotepad.exe",

But when I do:

For Each theprocess As Process In processlist
If InStr(theprocess.ProcessName, "DWG") Then
strProcessList += String.Format("Process: {0} ID: {1}", theprocess.ProcessName, theprocess.Id) + vbCrLf


then it doesn't find the window, even if it's open and even if it finds the window using the window title.But I need it by process ID.How can I do that?I need it to set focus on a 3rd party installer in a windows installer setup project.

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Setting Focus On An External Application?

Jun 12, 2009

I have an application which calls an external process. I would like this process to be open as soon as it is called. i.e. with no user interaction.This is because I would like to send Keys to it to interact.I know how crude this is but this is a thrid party application that my boss has promised will open is a specific way. Dim procSungard As System.Diagnostics.Process = _


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VS 2010 - Setting Position Of External Application?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to set hotkeys for all my favorite websites. When one of these hotkeys are pressed, I want it to load the assigned website in internet explorer, but I want internet explorer to load on my SECONDARY monitor. I've already set out the hotkeys to load internet explorer, but it loads on the wrong screen. How to check if an instance of IE is already running. To be a bit more specific: the secondary monitor is set to the LEFT of the primary one. And the resolution is at 1440 x 900. So basically, I want to programmatically set IE's position to (-1440, 0) from within my application itself.

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VS 2008 Setting Focus To An External Textbox?

Mar 26, 2010

Essentially what I would like to do is press a button, this then triggers a code to focus on a certain program, focus on a certain textbox and input the text from the clipboard not via pasting.

Now I have been able to achieve all of the above fairly easily except for one crucial component, focusing on the desired component. This program is essentially to automate some data entering for users via hotkeys, therefore I can't simply simulate tabs as it will not always be in the same position. So now comes the question, how do I focus on specific textboxes/controls in other programs?

I've been able to find huge walls of code with no explanation beyond "this is a concept". However no documentation or relevant examples.

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Activating/setting Focus To Word Document Using Word Object In VB .Net 2010 Application?

Sep 19, 2011

We have an interactive windows based application written in VB .Net 2010. It uses Word Object to display documents in MS Word. We have a form with a button. When the button is clicked we open the Word document and maximize the Word Windowstate. When we have the Visual Studio Tool running, the Word Document is maximized and has focus, even if we are running the exe from the bin folder outside of the tool. However, if Visual Studio is not running and we run the exe, focus remains on the original form window and the document stays in the task bar.

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VS 2008 External Application Focus?

Jun 24, 2010

I have an app that calls another executable and then minimizes it until I need it. But when I do this, my app loses focus and when the user types into my app it inputs unwanted input to the minimized external application.

Is there a way to give and take focus between my vb app and the external one?

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Calling A Function That's In A Module In External Application

May 25, 2012

I have an application (app.exe) that has a VB Module in its source code (Module1). The module has a function called Function1. I need to call this function from another application. The module is not marked as public, so adding a reference to app.exe won't work. I'm trying to use reflection (Assembly.LoadFrom()) but unless I'm way off base, the module would have to be a class in order for me to get an instance of it.

Please nobody ask me "what have you tried?" I tried a million different things and let's just say "none of them work." So I'm looking for someone that has specific experience with doing exactly what I'm trying to do. If you don't have that experience, please move on to the next question and ignore mine.

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VS 2010 - Calling API From Resource Or External Place

Jan 15, 2011

In a program of mine, I have a resource (which is a textfile). This contains also vb.net code, It is resource which is binded to an .exe, with the mainprogram that I have. So the main program calls the resource, and the resource bind to an exe file.

I have this line:
Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal handle As IntPtr, ByVal name As String) As IntPtr
In the source.txt and I want to replace this whole line by a string(or word) which calls this line from somewhere else. For example in another source.txt. A textbox is not possible because this is not a vb form, but a .txt-file. Maybe I can create another resource, which IS a vb.net form, call it or something? In this case. I can create a textbox with this line that I gave above, And I can use it by: textbox1.text.

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VS 2010 Path For External Application?

May 3, 2011

I guess this one is pretty basic, yet i have not been able to figure out.So here's the deal, my application uses an external exe to generate some txt files that the application needs for a use case. Since hard coding the path of such exe would be hideously wrong in so many aspects i would like to include a little configuration option for the user, so he can specify the path of the external exe for the application to be used.I also would like to have something like that for the path of the Database I'm actually using.

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VS 2010 Take Screenshot Of External Application?

Apr 8, 2011

I need to take screenshot of another (third party) application window and save it in a folder.

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VS 2008 Set Focus (new Currrent Cell) Setting Focus On Specific Cell In My Datagridview1

Nov 7, 2009

I am having problem setting focus on specific cell in my Datagridview1 . On Form1 when clicking on cell 3 in any row, I am callig a Dialog1. However, when done working with it, and closing the Dialog1, the focus returns to cell 3 in my Datagridview1 . I like to set the focus on the next cell(4) making it the current cell.

I have tryed :

DataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Item(4, e.RowIndex)

DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells(4)

And few other things, I am always getting this exception: Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.

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VS 2010 Placing An External Program Into Application?

Mar 26, 2011

I am placing an external program into my application. The current code is as follows:

Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0
Const SW_SHOWNORMAL As Integer = 1
Const SW_NORMAL As Integer = 1


What I want is for "notepad" to open up maximized and without a border. I already have it maximized, but I want the border gone.

Also how can I make my current form the same size as the process?

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VS 2010 Getting External Application Minimize,maximize Status?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to get status of an extarnal program for example notepad.is it minimize,maximize or active or in background? how can understand from my vb application?i think need to write api function. i found somethink from forums but they just control extarnal application not give a status.

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VS 2010 How To Focus On A Java Application

Oct 16, 2011

I am making an application that automatically sends text (Basically an autotyper) for a game called "Minecraft". Minecraft is a java application. I need Minecraft to be in focus when button1 is clicked. It will then send the keys.I know how to get it to focus on simple things such as notepad but it is not working for minecraft.

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VS 2010 Override Icon - Executes An External Application - Via Shell()

May 19, 2012

I have a VB application that executes an external application, via Shell().

What I want is to be able to have control over the "shortcut properties", if you will (such as icon & title), resulting in the external app being forced to use that specified icon and title for its spot in the taskbar while it is running.

A normal desktop shortcut does this easily (by editing its properties) but I don't know if it's possible to take advantage of that.

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Calling An External Function?

Oct 9, 2009

wondering if there was anyway I could call a function of an external program. Ie.My App:Call Reset()External App:Reset()My.Settings.Rese

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Calling An External Program?

Feb 27, 2010

im having trouble getting my program to call an external application. the only thing is that im trying to get the path from a setting


so far i've tried this


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Calling External DLL Function?

Mar 21, 2012

In my application I'm trying to invoke a function from an external DLL (this DLL is compiled in C++)I have this code to declare the DLL function:

<DllImport("{DLLPATH}", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)> _
Public Shared Function functionName(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)> ByRef Name1 As


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External DLL Calling VB Function?

May 12, 2011

I'm using a 3rd party DLL to access a proprietary Database. It's designed to invoke a function called "CALL_ME_FUNCTION" to make the datarows available to my program. What makes it difficult is the CALL_ME_FUNCTION is in the VB program and therefor, external to the DLL iteself. I've got the CALL_ME_FUNCTION written in my program, but how do you give access of it to the DLL? I've written lots of code that invokes functions inside a external DLL, but this is the first time I've encountered a DLL that needs to run a VB function.

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VS 2010 Sending Strings To Application Out Of Focus / Or In Tray?

Dec 11, 2010

I have googled this and found older vb codes that do not work in 2010. The user, in this case a "cheater/hacker" isn't suppose to be aware of a running program that checks memory and some other information. I have succesfully read the values of certain memory adresses in my program, now I need to send those values to another program secretly opened as a date and time sort of thing. The program checks for malicius attempts to edit memory or edit information inside the software and it automaticly deletes all the data or does a "ban" if somebody attempts to freeze memory and edit it.

So the problem is how to send this data to program out of focus, I can send strings with appactivate but it will open my security program to screen everytime memory changes witch is almost every milisecond so it's almost useless cause it keeps switching focus. I need something to send it out of focus, so my question is;

I make a hook between my program and my security program, send messages/strings out of focus or in tray?Also it would be good if I could make my program "invisible" so he can't be seen even in tray and still keep working.

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Get External Window Size Position Focus?

May 5, 2009

I need to program an application which acts like a passwordfiller.

Describtion: When i open up internet explorer a popup comes up requesting my username and password and i need a way to set my application near the popup and fill it in.

Here is what i need:

- Get Window hwnd (using find window api) *Ok
- Get Window state *Ok
- Get window Position *Help
- Get Window Length and Width *Help
- Focus on the window *Help
- Sendkeys *Ok

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Calling External Previously Registered Functions From A DLL?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a dll whitch init a thread in dllmain.After than, the calling application call some dll functions which register the remote function of the application.function register done, when the thread works and receives and even, it call the program functions (those I stored register before)int C would be like:

int (__stdcall *f_wmif) (char *) = NULL;
INT __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall _DGTDLL_RegisterWMIFunc (int (__stdcall *whitemoveinputfunc) (char *)) {


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Vb Calling Vbs Script Need To Stop External Cmd Window Showing?

Feb 21, 2012

How can i stop it from showing external cmd window.this is my code

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim mac As New Process


it calls a vbs script i wrote which was converted to 1.exe file.when i press the button it calls it and send keysin external window i don't want this external cmd window to show was trying to get this command to work with fail?

.UseShellExecute = False

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DB/Reporting :: Setting An External Image?

Jan 2, 2009

I am trying to set the value of the image to


It works if I put that directly into the "value" field in the rdlc layout. However, if I create a "paramImage" string parameter and set it like this

Dim ImageParam As String
ImageParam = "=""file:///logo.jpg"""


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Calling Module When Textbox Focus

Dec 15, 2011

I am developing a VB net application with lots of TextBox. I need to call a module everytime any of the textbox gets focus. I dont want to write code in every textbox gotfocus event, but a generic code which will call the module everytime any textbox gets focus.

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Setting Focus On A Tab In .net?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a tab in a windows form called Wafer Map that has three sub-tabs. The First sub-tab is the called Map and has a Load and Skip button. I am trying to set the focus on the Wafer sub-tab on the Load button click. This is the following code I have tried to use.


The Wafer_Info.Enabled = True is used to enabled all of the controls on the Wafer tab and works properly when the button is clicked. I have tried using .Focus() and .Show() to bring focus to the next tab but I am not have any luck getting to switch.

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Setting Focus On Next Row?

Sep 4, 2009

How to set focus on next row or how to find next row index. My first row is inserted but on second loop it overwrites the first row cell...

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Setting BackColor Property With External File?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm reading in a configuration file which is simply a txt file that configures my Com port and sets some directories. It's basically for the end user to set the interface. I want to give the user the ability to change backcolor properties on my NumbericUpDown property. So when I read in the Config.txt file the end user can change coloring on the General Form. In this case the NumbericUpDown. How to assign a variable for color from my string (from my txt file) that I read in.

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.net - Setting Focus On The Parent?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to unfocus(leave) the texbox when I click on the usercontrol/form(focus the usercontrol/form instead): I do the following on the UC/form:

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick _
(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
End Sub

Why does it not work on the child textbox, but works very well on the non-child one(focus on textBox2 then click on the panel removes the focus from the textBox2)?

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