Get Selected Image Size, Instead Of Picture Box Size?
Nov 1, 2011
I am trying to split the image into 9 equal regions , and the below code does it well the problem is i want to get the selected image size and not picturebox sizeso what should i change to get the selected image size instead of picture box sizei dont want the picture box to grow in size with image because it will hide other buttons/textboxes etc
Dim xi As Integer = (PictureBox1.Image.Height)
Dim yi As Integer = PictureBox1.Image.Width
Dim px As Integer = xi / 3
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Jun 15, 2011
I am working with and want to increase the size of image when the cursor is over that image, but the image should come back to its original size when the cursor leaves that image area.I've used the following code to increase the size of image:[code]I've used the default size class but, it gives some different the code that brings the image into its original size that I've been declared into the picture box properties.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a picturebox with a tiled background image (plane white bitmap), and an "image" resource centered in the middle of it, I would like to chance the size of this centered image within the picturebox.
I tried:
picScaledRepresentation.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage
picScaledRepresentation.Size = New Size(Width, Height)
But this just changed the the size of the whole picturebox, rather than the image within it.
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Dec 11, 2010
I use some code to successfully resize and save images - but I want to save the image to 800x800 px size on a canvas of 900x900px so it has a white border type thing around it.
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Jan 14, 2012
As an update to a program I had made awhile back, I am trying to auto-resize the image to meet the requirements of my application without having to manually do it elsewhere. I already can adjust the quality/compression for disk storage, but I want to resize the image so I can save the quality of the image.
So how do I resize an image to 1920*1080. (I want to check the image first to make sure that the image is in fact larger then 1080p before I resize it.)
I'd really like the solution to work in a DLL project so that I can move my application from the Windows Forms to the WPF UI.
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Mar 22, 2010
I want to allow the user to be able select the Image path by clicking on the textbox. Hence the selected image path will be shown on the picturebox. But the selected image size is not the same with the PictureBox. So my question is, how can i change the size of the selected Image to fit in nice into picturebox? [code]
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Feb 13, 2010
Set picturebox size to size of image file?
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Apr 30, 2012
I have just found that if a DataGridView image column's size (height & width - in pixels) is smaller than the image's original size (in my case all images are exactly 180 x 180 pixels) at the time the cell is populated then the image is automatically being converted to a lower resolution I assume to fit the image completely within the size of the cell). How can I stop the automatic scaling of the image?
The image below show the same file displayed twice, both at 60x60 pixels ('Thumbnail' column) and a blowup of the image (PictureBox populated via the CellMouseEnter event) to it's right. You'll notice the resolution of the first blowup is far less the the second. so, what made the difference in the resolution of the blowups is? In the second blowup's case I'd first stretched the image column's width to ~180 pixels and set the row height to match (via the ColumnWidthChanged event) then populated the DataGridView then stretched the image column to 60 pixels (its minimum).
View 11 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
Now all went well about from using the structure correctly. The working of the structure was perfect. How ever i missed Two important issues. The structure needed a fixed size of 10 items (9 in programming terms starting from 0) And also out of the 5 items allowed to be chosen as one of the member types for the structure a limit of 5 items of that particular type.
View 9 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
somebody provide an exmaple on how to change the size the of the picture i.e to zoom into a picture at run time for eg: by selecting 100%, 125 % on a menu
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May 3, 2009
I have a label which appears full screen on a projector (VGA 2). In this label I will be sending strings. Some one liner's, some wrapped paragraphs. Some multi-line with carrage returns. My goal is to have the font dynamically change size to be as large as possible without overflowing the fixed label size.
View 10 Replies
Apr 15, 2009
Whats the font size real meaning? since when i use Arial font size 10 in the report its gonna take different space than the textbox im using (Both using exactly same font type/size/unit) its kinda if i set 10 milimiters to the font size why would the i and M for example have so diferent size.
i wish it was like in the Notepad where all the letters take the same space. what i need its to give a certain texbox(in the report) with auto grow to have always the same lines of height but its not posible to calculate it from vb b4 being inputed to the report.
View 1 Replies
Jun 9, 2011
How to make the form size automatic setting the size equals to the screen. or Maximize the whole form including the form components.
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Nov 20, 2009
Im trying to resize a picturebox dynamically using .size.height and .size.width Its not working. This is the error message: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment." Never used height and width before. Been trying to find the answer, but it seems beyond me. Im sure its easy. Anyone know whats wrong with this?
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Jul 4, 2010
I had set a print format to print some word in a Text box, when I input the text in text box is an normal size from system,but I want it print out to printer follow the Rectangle size that is was set to print out on paper.actuary i want it can auto size the font size follow by the length of string.
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Feb 27, 2009
I'm new to VB in Visual Studio 2008 and am just trying out some simple test.I just want to change the Font & Boldness of some text but get the following errorProperty 'Size' is Read onlyI have been browsing the forums and it seems that changing the font size etc isn't as simple as
TextBox.Font.Size = 12
TextBox.Font.Bold = True
Is this true, and if so what do I need to do
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Jul 16, 2009
when I click the Open button a file is opened and its items are sorted alphabetically. to do this I have doubled the size of my list. However, when I click the button again to reopen the same file, the items will ADD ON to the previous open-file event even though I have this piece of lstListboxTwo.Items.Clear()(the correct thing is to clear the previous items and add the new ones)So I think this has to do with the new size of my list..I think that I have to set the list size back to its normal size when re-clicking on the button.
Public Class frmForm
Dim List() As String = {""}
Dim count As Integer
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Jul 13, 2010
I have wondered the solution to this question for many years! I doubt if anyone else knows much about it because the internet is absolutely zero help in this!
I have made a form1 with a webbrowser control on it. When the program is run it brings up the homepage (which is Google). However the homepage doesn't seem to fit inside the webbrowser control.
So I am hoping that someone could tell me how to make the (...I dunno how to ask this retarded question...) webpage fit completely (100%) inside the size of the webbrowser control. Meaning...I would like to see the entire webpage from the internet in the
size of the webbrowser control. To fill the entire size (whatever size I want).
Etc... if my webbrowser ontrol is seh, set to 600px by 400px, how can I program this so when it brings up the homepage (or any other page), it fills the entire size of the webbrowser control? Without any scrollbars. How to make the contents from the web
(or local) fill the size of the webbrowser - almost like a mini browser if you will.
View 4 Replies
Aug 1, 2009
Normally when user upload a picture, how do u control the size of the picture uploaded by the user?
is there a way to change the size picture (scale the image according my size 300 x 150). Let say an user upload an image with (500 x 300), using picturebox, can i scale the image (500 x 300) to my picturebox size so that it can looks perfectly nice?
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Sep 24, 2010
I want to develop a small utility that can resize some of my png's in bulk to a common size say, 400 x 400 pixels.
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Apr 19, 2009
I have a database application in which a user can add up to 6 pictures to each record. This pictures are not directly saved in the database but in a sub folder of the applicvation folder. Now, the problem is that lots of the pictures of users were taken on a digital camera with highest resolution - in these days it means that the picture files have a file size of 3MB.I would like to reduce the file size / resolution of the picture, so that the database can load and view this files more smoothly (I am not in need of a thumbnail preview, just want the pictures being a bit smaller).
The way pictures get attached / linked / 'inserted' to a database record is via OpenFileDialog. When a user selects a picture file it gets copied into the applications picture folder and renamed to the record ID of the actual record + number of the pic added.How could I reduce the picture size during adding it (OpenFileDialog / copying to folder)?
View 7 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
I have a site that has a profile page and I would like to allow the users to upload an image for the profile picture. I forsee a problem if the user select an image that is larger than what I am allowing for the site. Is their a good refrence or example how to accomplish this?
The site is developed in Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET 3.5.
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Nov 17, 2009
Ok so I have my picture loading in my picture box on my form and resizing to fit box (smaller) I want the user to be able to move his mouse over the picture and have the picture displayed as full size, anyone know how to do this
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Jun 23, 2011
Okay here's what I'm trying to do. I want to change the font size of a label based on the size of the form.If the form size is 0 through let's say 500 I want the label size to be 50. How can I write this?
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Sep 24, 2009
If I have form say sized 1300 x 800, I would like to proportionally size the form to the computers screen size. I can get it to size to the screen size, but it is not proportional
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Mar 5, 2010
I developed a form application on my computer, but when it was used in another computer with different screen size, i was told the form didn't fit. Do I have to adjust the form size or any other ways to let the form compatible on different screen size? (could be different screen size or wide screen)
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Aug 22, 2011
So that's how I want it:
If I re-size the form, the textbox inside should be re-sized to fit the form, NOT DOCK!
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Apr 8, 2012
Try it yourself: Plug in a USB flash drive (just a normal one with a single primary partition on it, as is the manufactures configured) to your computer.
Run WIM "Select * From Win32_DiskDrive"
Note the USB drive's size (in my case, it is a Kinston DataTraveller G3 2GB drive):
Win32_DiskDrive instance
BytesPerSector: 512
Caption: Kingston DataTraveler G3 USB Device
Why the partition is bigger than the disk on which the partition is created and just a part of the disk?
View 6 Replies
Jun 17, 2009
Does anyone has a sample code or idea for cutting and adjusting a picture size when it is uploaded thru picturebox?
For example..
1. Picturebox size on winform = 150*150
2. A picture size = 1024 *800
3. I want to be able to cut 150*150 out of 1024 *800 and upload it. I wish the cutting and adjusting size is possible thru winform.
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Feb 19, 2009
I need to make a picturebox, panel animate from a small 25x 25 to 100x 100 in size but cant seem to set the properties right im using a for loop
dim myx as new point
for i as integer 1 to 50
myx += 2
and i get so many errors?
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