Get All Dates Between A Start Date And End Date?

Apr 16, 2009

I need to get all dates between a start and end date and then add them to a list or collection.

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Sql - Finding Start And End Dates From Date Numbers Table (Date Durations)?

Jun 19, 2009

I have two tables: a schedule table that contains information about how an employee is scheduled and a numbers table in which each number corresponds to a date.


I can do this on the SQL side or the code side. I have Linq at my disposal if I need it. The table doesn't need to be compiled by SQL. This will happen dynamically on a website and should be as efficient as possible.I don't want to have to iterate through each and look for breaks in contiguous days if I don't have to.

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Get A List Of Dates Using Start Date And End Date Range

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to get a list of dates from a provided StartDate and EndDate in my database, and use these dates to link to dates in a database (to display another variable on the y-axis of the chart) and to populate the x-axis of a chart (with the list of dates). Is it possible to get a list of dates in VB and pass them into a chart this way?

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Compare Date - Start Date Should Not Be More Than End Date

Aug 12, 2011

i have 2 datetimepicker which are startdatedatetimepicker and enddatedatetimepicker.. the start date should not be more than end date..thus i need to check these two date.. here is my code...


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How Does DotNet Handle Parametrized Dates Where Programmatic Date Has No Time But Sql Date Has Time

Jul 16, 2010

Thought I'd see if Stack overflow is quicker than me testing something while I get a thousand interruptions from other work :)

I'm updating an old VB net application and trying to refactor some of the logic as I go. The app looks for data from a single date across a few tables and writes that view to a file.

Writing the query in SQL I'd get the equivalent of

WHERE CAST(FLOOR(CAST( AS float))AS datetime) = '15-Jul-2010'

Ideally I'd use

SELECT * FROM table WHERE date=@input

and add a date object as a parameter to a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand instance

Are those two comparable? Will I get the results I expect?

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Range Of The Start Date And End Date?

Aug 15, 2011

i just want to ask how can i populate a listview n that has a is limited by a date from and date to.i have a datetimepicker for start date and datetimepicker for end date and i want do list all the entry of my database in listview that is within the range of the start date and end date.

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Record A Start Date And Time And Then The Stop Date And Time In A Rich Text Box

Jan 12, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and want to record a start date and time and then the stop date and time in a rich text box, i can get the start time into the box but so far can only stop the time instead of 2 seperate times, what i have is a drop down box with a list of computers 1-10 i was trying to get it so you picked a certain computer and that went into the text box then you started the timer and that was recorded, finally you stopped the timer and that was recorded but as i am a total newbie it does not work

Here is the code i have.

Public Class Form1
Dim time2 As Date


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SQL Exception On Insert Of Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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Ms Access - Get Dates Between 2 Date (.net | OLE)?

Nov 16, 2009

I have an data base (.mdb) and it has a column with dates (dd/mm/yy) , some one give me a code to get all the dates in database between 2 dates , the code was :Select * from table where date between 'StartDate' and 'EndDate'but after I use the code , an error occurs told me that the types of data is not the same


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Sql - Getting Max(Date) Out Of Similar Dates

Dec 22, 2010

I have a table which has the following Columns

TransDate(varchar20) , Name(varchar20), Address(varchar20), Amount(int), Balance(int)

Now i need to get "Recent Balance" which i am getting using the following Query Select Balance from myTable where TransDate = (Select Max(TransDate) from myTable) This query is giving me proper result if there is only one entry per day like below

10/12/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 1000
10/13/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 2000
10/14/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 3000

But what if i have more than 1 entries per day as shown below?

10/12/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 1000
10/12/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 2000
10/12/2010 SomeName SomeAddress 1000 3000

How to get the "most recent balance" using the above date format?

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Sql - Getting Max(Date) Out Of Similar Dates?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a table which has the following ColumnsTransDate(varchar20) , Name(varchar20), Address(varchar20), Amount(int), Balance(int)Now i need to get "Recent Balance" which i am getting using the following QuerySelect Balance from myTable where TransDate = (Select Max(TransDate) from myTable)This query is giving me proper result if there is only one entry per day like below

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Add A Date That Needs To Be Sorted Into Current Dates

Aug 2, 2010

whenever i have my date column sorted, and i add a date that needs to be sorted into the current dates, the datagrid does sort it properly, however, that last date in the datagrid always adopts the date of the newly added date. [code]

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Alternate A 'due' Date Based On Two Other Dates

Sep 21, 2010

I would like to get a 'due' or predicted inspection date based on alternating with another date? How would I go about this? [Code] The due inspection either can be 24 months (second yearly) but it has to alternate with the last safety inspection.

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Progress Between Two Dates Using Current Date?

Mar 11, 2010

I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am trying to take dates from two fields and using the current date show the progress percentage in a different field.

So, if past date is Jan 1st, the current date is "x", the future date is Jan 11th. How do I get a percentage of completion between Jan 1st and Jan 11th based on today's date Jan 5th?

BDate | EDate | % to completion
Jan 1st | Jan 11th | %

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Compare Just The Date Part And Not The Time Of Two Dates?

Mar 6, 2009

I want to compare just the date part (and Not the time) of two VB.NET Date objects.Is there a way to do that?

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Converting Normal Dates To Julian Date?

Apr 3, 2011

Today i am trying to convert a date i put in a textbox(txtJulian) to a normal date like 02/05/2011(or any other conversion depending what is imputed in the textbox). I cant get it to print to correct date. When I type 011-2011 it print out 1/11/2000when I want it to print 1/11/2011. Also the error messag doesnt show when I type nothing or the correct format in the txt box. Here is my code

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Given A Date, Determine Past And Future Dates?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a form where a user can choose an election date. One of the most frequent errors users make is entering the incorrect due dates of reports. Therefore, I am attempting to generate the report due dates in the application using the report guidelines. For instance, reports are due 32 and 15 days prior to the election and 30 and 60 days after an election.

I know the following won't work but you get the jest of what I am attempting to do. I am assuming I will need to break down the month, day and year somehow before I subtract or add the days to the date to get the actual report date.


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Remove The Dates In Datetimepicker After Today's Date

May 24, 2010

I have a dateTimePicker and I set the maxdate to today's date Now when a user select the date after today's date it won't select it but it still be displayed. How can I remove them or disable them do the users can't even click on the date if it is after today's date

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Search All Dates Before A Specific Date In A Database?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a database (MDB, Access) and I connect it to my program using an OLE object,
now I have in the db a column filled with dates (ddmmyy),

I want to search and view (in Data grid view) all the fields that has a date before a Specific Date that I define .

the code of search that I used is :

SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM tb WHERE anomber = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

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.Net Calculate Business Day Difference Between Dates (e.g. Date.IsBusinessDay)?

Oct 12, 2009

In VB2005 I am trying to calculate the number of business days between two dates. I must also account for U.S. holidays (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day/Friday after, Christmas Day). If a holiday falls on a Saturday, then the prior day (Friday) is assumed to be a holiday. Likewise, if the holiday falls on a Sunday then the following day (Monday) is assumed to be a holiday.

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Calculating Date Difference With Timespan And Future Dates?

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to flag rows in a grid in the following order based on a date column

When 2 or more days old from today
then RED
When 1 day old then YELLOW
When 0 days old then GREEN
When the date is in the future then

I have the following which is working fine except for the future dates which are GREEN instead of BLUE.

Dim myDate As DateTime = CType(grdSummaryView.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "myDate"), DateTime)
Select Case Now.Subtract(myDate).Days
'2 or more days old then RED FLAG
Case Is >= 2


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Calculating Past And Future Dates From A Static Date?

Aug 10, 2010

I am teaching myself VB while creating a basic application I can use at work. Is there something in VB that will calculate a past and future date from a specific date. For instance, an Election Date falls on November 2, 2011. Once this election date is entered I want the program to calculate the reporting dates. The first report due is due exactly 32 days prior to the election. The 30 day post is due 30 days after the election.

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Disabling Dates Before Current Date Of A Datetimepicker Control?

Jun 12, 2009

Is it possible to disable the dates that appear before todays date in a dateTimePicker control?I want to put in some validation so that my users can only select days in the a future appointment date?

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VS 2005 Check If A Date Falls In A Given Range Of Dates

Sep 1, 2009

I need to figure out whether a certain date falls within a range of dates. For example the date 11/07/97 (MM/DD/YYYY) falls within the following range of dates formatted as shown below:

01-Apr and 31-May
01-Jun and 31-Oct
01-Nov and 31-Mar

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Manipulate The Dates To Determine Which Date Will Be 30 Days More Then The Datetime Control?

Sep 17, 2011

how to manipulate the dates to determine which date will be 30 days more then the datetime control I have on my form. i need to take the chosen date from the DateTime control, and determine what date it will be in 30 days. Eventually I will use this process to search through the database to print monthly reports.

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Select The Event At Date 24 It Would Automatically Add Two Events At The Calendar At The Dates 17 And 10

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to make a reminder, but i can't figure out one thing. Anybody out there knows how? I would like my reminder to have a function when you select one date it automaticaly adds 2 reminders up to the day of the event. For example if you select the event at date 24 it would automatically add two events at the calendar at the dates 17 and 10.

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Sql Between String - When Select Two Dates - Get Records Between(from Two Date Time Pickers)

Apr 6, 2012

I am have an issue with my between sql string. After testing this i have figured out the problem but don't know how to fix this. When i select two dates i want to get the records between(from two date time pickers) the sql string is taking the day as the month so if i: Input 7/10/2011 the sql between string reads it as 10/7/2011

This is my function :

Function ShowTableBetweenSetDates() As DataSet
Dim ds As New DataSet()


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VS 2005 Date Time Picker (Multiple Dates) Scheduler

Jul 20, 2010

I have been asked to create a program to create schedules for the Hospital where my wife works. Right now they do it in excel with a few macros. One question before I start, can multiple dates be selected from a DTP. Say for the month of July, my wife has to work the 3,4,5, the 10,11,12, the 17,18,19 and the 24,25,26. Can I select multiple dates for the month?

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[2005] Date AND Time Picker - Only Be Used For Entering Dates Or Times But Not Both?

Mar 16, 2009

Is it just me or is it so that a DateTimePicker can only be used for entering dates or times but not both?

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VS 2008 Sql Server Dates - Displaying Short Date In Dd/mm/yyyy Format

Jan 4, 2012

I have a datetimepicker, i am displaying short date in dd/mm/yyyy format... how do i store this value in ms sql server 2005 datatable with a field defined as smalldatetime.... ? If I simply save it, it is giving some error.....

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