Get All Open Windows?

Nov 25, 2009

Im trying to use a global mouse hook to check and see if the mouse location is in the title bar of any open form. I have the hook, so how would I get the rectangle of the NC (Non-Client) area of every open form in windows?

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Windows Explorer Search Button It Open New Windows?

Aug 25, 2009

I have use VS2005, I have open windows explorer from code. when i click on search button it open New windows, and in this I click on All files and folders in Look in : combo by default C: and D: drives are set.


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C# - Open A Windows 7 Library In Windows Explorer

Jan 25, 2012

How do I open a Windows 7 Library like Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos and all other custom libraries from my app? I tried opening explorer.exe LibrariesDocuments but it doesn't work.

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Only One Windows Should Be Open At Once In WPF?

Mar 22, 2012

I am developing a WPF project in and have multiple windows in it. When user selects a menu item a new windows opens and the problem is when the user clicks on other menu item the current window should close by itself.

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Form Is On Top Of All Other Windows Open?

Feb 2, 2012

is there code to tell if your form is on top of all the other windows open ? or if its the active window.i have a bit of code that just brings one form to the front, then another, but i dont want it to perform this action if its already the active window

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Get A Collection Of All The Open Windows?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm searching about gadget development when I found this site. I'd like know if somebody know how get open windows name?

I want get a collection of all the open windows. I know in VB.NET, but dont know in DHTML/VBScript for Windows Vista Sidebar.

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Get All Open Windows In Program?

Feb 25, 2011

I would like to have a way of getting all of the open windows in a windows system. I need an array for all of the active windows (what you see in the taskbar). I just want a function to do this please. Its the core of a program I am writing, and its where i am starting from, so no code yet.

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Getting A List Of All Open Windows?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm creating a program that will hide/show windows. I am stuck on getting a list of all the open windows. I can get the window's handles, but I would like the actual window title...

Here is my source so far:

- My variables/imports/required functions
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Diagnostics


As you can see it just lists the window's handle in my listview control just by calling GetActiveWindows()So how do I get the window's text?

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How To Open Windows Explorer

May 25, 2009

I have use VB.Net 2005, I want to create an application , in this I want to open a particular Folder (for example D:/MyFolder) , in windows explorer and windows explorer open in some one control(which I can not know, it may be Panel) and control windows explorer tool bar by enable and disable).

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Open Multiple IE Windows At Once?

Sep 7, 2011

At my job, there are multiple web based tools we use. I'm trying to make a program that opens them all with one click, all in separate IE windows.

The code below, once executed, will produce 1 IE window. I'm pretty sure I understand why it's doing this, but not sure how to fix it. What I want is 3 IE windows open, at the respective sites.

VS 2008 & IE 8
Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click


Also, the way my GUI's set up I have buttons for each individual tool, when clicked they open a new tab in the same IE window, as opposed to a new IE window.

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Open Port 433 In Windows?

Apr 1, 2010

how can i open port 433 in my windows

i don't want any code just i want to open open it

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Re Open Windows Form?

Dec 23, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to re open windows application again in visual studio.Use case:User of the form needs to make some changes to current application and the changes will take affect next time when the application starts, how to close the application and re start it after user clicked ok, so that user settings will take affect immediately without asking him/her to restart application?

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C# - Get Path Of All Open Explorer Windows?

Jan 5, 2012

I want to list all open Windows Explorer windows with their active path in a ListBox. The app should refresh the ListBox if the explorer window is navigated to a different path.

For e.g. two explorer windows are open. One is navigated to C:Windows and the other is navigated to D:Stuff. When the app it run, it adds C:Windows and D:Stuff to the ListBox. Then, the user navigates to a different folder in one of the open explorer windows like C:Windowssystem32. The app should then refresh the ListBox and list C:Windowssystem32 and D:Stuff instead.

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Check For Any Open MDI Child Windows

Nov 2, 2009

I have an MDI parent within which are contained several mdi child windows. when I close the MDI parent window, I need to check for any open MDI child windows (they may not be in the foreground) and check if they need saving. the saving part I'm ok on, but I can't get a stable system for checking if there are any open MDI children, when I click the button that closes the application. any suggestions?

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Forms :: Open A Windows Form From Another?

May 10, 2010

I have two windows forms,say frm1 and frm2. I have to open frm2 from frm1 and frm1 from frm2.when one form opens other hide. But the the problem is that everytime when i open the form new object of the form is created which increase the memory usage of the application.What should be the efficient way to switch from one window form to another in

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Forms :: Opening An App Over All Other Open Windows?

Sep 17, 2011

Is there any switch that will allow you to open an application over all the other currently open applications? My problem is getting Explorer to open over all the other currently open applications. Right now, it only opens in the background......

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Get URL / Window Name Of All Open IE Windows / Tabs

Aug 20, 2010

I find myself with the dilema of opening massive numbers of IE windows/tabs on subjects. This is really great content, but then I need to restart my computer. Rather than going into each and recording the URL/window name (which is listed in the window title bar, relating to the content of the web page), is there a way to capture that information within VB.NET (in a WinForm app)?

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Looping Through The Open Windows In Application?

May 18, 2009

Most of them are for things like this, where I am looping through the open windows in my application and then if I find a certain window I do something to that window:

For Each wnd As Window In Application.Current.Windows
If Found Then
Exit For[code]......

Is that the kind of thing I'm supposed to do to fix all of these type conversion issues or am I going about this the wrong way? Also in situations like that, should I be using DirectCast or CType?

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Make All The Windows Open At The Same Place?

Jun 22, 2010

I am currently working on a small project which consists of several windows. These windows consist of buttons and so on and if I click on one of these buttons, another window opens up and the previous window just closes up or hides itself.

The problem is as follows; when the new window opens up, it goes to another place (coordinate) on the screen(though its just a slight displacement).

hat can I do to make all the windows open at the same place??

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Open 'Windows Explorer' From Program?

Oct 29, 2010

I have made an alternative OS and i wan't it to open Windows Explorer. I have tried Shell (C:WindowsExplorer.exe) and it works,but the startbar appears at the bottom of the screen when I dont want it to.

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Open And Close Windows Explorer By .net?

May 30, 2009

I have use VB.Net 2005, I want to create an application , In this I want to open a windows explorer on a form load event and close this windows explorer when my application will close or on formclosing event .

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Open Two Console Windows Through Program?

Sep 30, 2009

How to open two console windows to display two different things in visual basic

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Open Windows Picture And Fax Viewer?

Nov 14, 2010

I want To Open the Windows Picture And Fax Viewer when I click on the PictureBox Control and i make this but he does not display any thing


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Open Windows Prefetch Folder

Apr 15, 2009

i am trying to do is open a folder in a windows application, where when i click the button a folder pops up this is what folder i want to open my windows prefetch folder. so i wanna make a button. label it prefetch, and be able to click the prefetch button and have the prefetch folder open. i can open other programs such as cmd prompt and other exes. just not and folder. [Code]

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VS 2008 Do Not Want To Open Any Other Windows Or Tabs

Sep 28, 2009

I have created a web browser and am trying to get the link that is clicked that would normally open in a new window to open in the current window as I do not want to open any other windows or tabs. This is the code I have so far and it seems to work well kind of anyway, it opens the last url not the new one. Sometime it will open just an advert, it seems to open what ever link was last loaded on the site. [code]

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VS 2010 : Open The Popup In Same Windows?

Nov 19, 2010

I made a web browser project.But now when i use it and i click as site and example i click a link that opens in new page it pop ups using IE7. how can i make it not pop up IE but to open inside of that application i have made..?

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.net - Unable To Open .DBF Files In Windows 7 That Had Worked Under XP

Dec 20, 2010

I have a VB.NET application that will let me preview .DBF files that come in from some of our clients. The application then attempts to spit out a CSV from this file that we can then use in our various environments. This application worked under Windows XP 32 bit. Our company recently upgraded most of us to Windows 7 x64 which has caused this application to fail. I verified that the target build for this application is x86 and not "any CPU" and rebuilt the app but same issues occur.

It originally used System.Data.Odbc and connection.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft dBASE VFP Driver (*.dbf)};SourceType = DBF;SourceDB=" & dbfSourcePath & ";Exclusive=No; Collate=Machine;BACKGROUNDFETCH=NO;".
The location of the failure is at connection.Open(). The error given is: "ERROR [IM001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function".

I noticed that the drivers for VFP were not installed and that the Access DBF drivers did not work similar to the post here. The fix listed there is to install VFPro SP2, however, we do not have any FoxPro installs to install a service pack on top of. I then tried to install the OLEDB driver for VFP 9.0 and am now using System.Data.OleDb and connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=VFPOLEDB.1; ourceDB=" & dbfSourcePath & ";" but it now tells me that the connection.Open() line has this error: "Feature is not available".

I am at a complete loss as to how to get this application to work under Windows 7 x64. Below are the 2 variants of the code with the file open path removed for readability (I have verified the path and file exist):

ODBC version:

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM " & dbfSourceName


How can I use either an OLEDB or ODBC connection to open these .DBF files under Windows 7 x64?

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Button Command To Open Up Another Windows Form From Another?

May 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out the script needed being executed by a button element (or some kind of element) to launch another windows form from the same project when being in another windows form? I'm a bit of a beginner with this language, so I don't know simple scripts like this one

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C# - Get An Utility That Can Monitor Open Windows/ In .net Winforms?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to find the framework class that enables one to choose an image at design-time. I can find the editor that is used at run-time - its the Drawing.Design.ImageEditor. At design time, however, a different editor pops up which allows one to choose an image from resources.I'm guessing I could run some kind of program, then open up the image editor, from the property grid, and see what new windows/classes have been created?

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How To Open An Acces Database In .net Under Windows 7 64bits

Apr 1, 2010

i know oledb is not supported in 64b. I have read the application must to be compiled in x86. But it doesnt work.

As i said:
-windows 7 64b in visual studio 2008
-office 2003

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