Get Directories From Txt File

Sep 1, 2011

I need a code. How i can to verify if files of txt exist ? I have a txt file with a directory on each line and I want to verify for all of them. Example:


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VS 2010 : Listing Directories Inside Directories?

Jul 29, 2011

This is currently the code I am using.

Dim fileList As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(FolderDialog1.SelectedPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly)
For Each topLvlFile As String In fileList


The above code reads all the files & directories in a selected path. It ignores any hidden folders, like it suppose to. Except it doesn't ignore folders inside of the hidden folders that it finds & I need it to.I can't quite wrap my head around how to make it ignore all folders & files inside of a hidden folder that it find.

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Making Directories Within Directories Using For Loop

May 3, 2010


it just creates 1 folder but not other folders with in folder.

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Search Directories For A File?

Aug 12, 2009

I have an issue with avoiding this exception and trying to continue on with my trying to search directories for a file. this is my code
Dim As FileInfo() = d.GetFiles()'Errors here
Dim fFile As FileInfo
For Each fFile In Files
If Not fFile.Attributes = FileAttributes.System Then
If fFile.Extension = Extension Then


It's the files located in the C:System Volume Information Directory.How can i avoid the exception but continue on. I can't put a if then statement around the variable declaration. because then i can't use the variable. And catching the exception just causes my routine to stop.

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Browse Directories To Save A File

Nov 15, 2011

I am writing a program that should allow the user to press a browse button to browse their directory and save a text file with the form information they wrote in.

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How To Retrieve File Listings In Directories

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to retrieve all the files in some directories. Here is my original code:
Private Function Search(path As String, Recursive As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim dirInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fileObject As FileSystemInfo
If Recursive = True Then
For Each fileObject In dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()
[Code] .....

This code works well, yet it returns some directories and I am wanting to only return files. I tried this code:
Private Sub Search(ByVal path As String, ByVal Recursive As Boolean)
if not Directory.Exists(path) then Exit Sub
Dim initDirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(path)
For Each oFileInfo In initDirInfo.GetFiles
[Code] .....

However, I get the following error:
Access to the path 'C:UsersSimonAppDataLocalApplication Data' is denied.

I have added this module to get it working:
Imports System.Security.Principal
Module VistaSecurity
'Declare API
[Code] .....

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Read File Md5 In A Given Directories In A Listbox?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a situation where i get a list of directories link for files in a listbox. let say i hav 5 links of diectories of a file in the listbox. how do check each directories for their md5 in the listboxt and have the value of the retrieve md5 in another new list box. i want to create a md5 file checker or scanner. need all the expert help on this cause i have been coding this program a month ago using visual basic 2010 express. i need a list of working code on my failing program...

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Scan File In Directory And Sub-directories?

Feb 19, 2011

I want to be able to scan a folder and its sub directories for all the files that exist in it. the results are then fed into a list box or any similar control[code]...

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File I/O And Registry :: Finding All Folders Path In All Directories?

Jul 19, 2011

i wanna list all the path of every folders contained in a main folder in a listbox Here's my problem

For Each level1 As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories("C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktopdatabase")


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List Directories And Files And Write To A Text File?

Jan 7, 2009

display files within a directory and subdirectories and write these directories and their files to a text file.

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Make A Program To Search For Directories Of Text File

Sep 2, 2011

How i can make a program to verify if files of a text file exists ?


I have directories.txt who contains:

Line 1: C:PasswordsAccounts.txt
Line 2: D:GamesFifa 11fifa.exe

So i can to verify if these two files exist?

But not:"for each one")

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Populate Listview File From Accompanying TreeView Of Directories

Jul 20, 2009

This is a follow-up questions to the following post: [URL]

Below (Example 2) is working code for populating a treeview with directories only down to 1 level. Note just directores are added- No files. I want to add a Listview control beside my treeview and have the Listview populated with the "files" from the selected node in the treeview. This would fire off the NodeMouseClick event of the treeView. I have used Example 1 (NodeMouseClick) before with other code that I have. However, I cannot get the code to work with the Example 2 code below

how to change the Example 1 code to work with Example 2?

Example 1
Private Sub treeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) _


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Search A Specified Directory And All Sub Directories For All Files That Have The Specified File Extension?

Dec 30, 2011

i have been trying to search a specified directory and all sub directories for all files that have the specified file extension. However the inbuilt command is useless as it errors up and dies if you dont have access to a directory.

Private Function dirSearch(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal searchpattern As String = ".exe") As String()
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fi As FileInfo


However i get an "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i try to access the data stored inside the filelist string array.

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Specifying Different Page Base Classes For Different Directories In Web.config File?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a website (coded in with an "admin" section (the admin section being a folder in the actual site)... So in every page of the site I'm using my own custom class as the page base (which has been set in the web.config file) but I want to inherit from different class for the files in the "admin" folder... Is there any way to inherit different classes for pages in different folders using the web.config or some other equally as global method? (meaning some other way than inheriting on a per page basis.)

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Open Directories To Compare Directory / File Names And Other Properties?

Aug 16, 2010

I have several groups of files with idential names, but the files inside may or may not have identcal names, and may differ only in the size or date stamp. I want to combine them to save all unique directory names, and unique file names, and if the date/sizes are unique, then add some number on the end of the file name to make them unique as well. Only idential file sizes and names and dates will be discarded. How do you open directories to compare directory/file names and other properties?

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VS 2010 Listing All Directories And Files And Sub Directories And Subdir Files?

Jun 19, 2012

I need to list all files folders, subfolders and subfolder files under a selected directory in a list box not sure how to do the logic in the last amount of code lines to enumerate all subfolders dna files.Here is what I have so far:

Dim OldProfileDir As String
Dim NewProfileDir As String
Dim Newdocs As String = ""
Dim Olddocs As String = ""


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File I/O And Registry :: Replacing Single Filename In Multiple Directories And Subdirectories?

Jan 27, 2010

File I/O and Registry :: replacing single filename in multiple directories and subdirectories

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VS 2005 - Delete Certain File Type From Multiple Directories Based On Days Old

May 18, 2009

I am new to VB but I do have VS2005 and I was looking at some code examples here on deleting files by days old and I need to do something similar, I would like to start a say C:myData**.xit and search through all sub folders under myData and move all the .xit files based on days old into a temp folder. Then I could verify them before I delete them manually to be safe. So how do I loop through all sub folders? and can I just modify this code to do that? Here is the code I was thinking about starting with [URL].

Dim files As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)
Dim singlefile As String
Dim CreatedOn As Date
'Declare the counter
Dim deletedcount As Integer = 0
[Code] .....

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Recursive File Search - Series Of Text Files In Multipule Diffrent Sub Directories

Jul 21, 2010

I have a series of text files in multipule diffrent sub directories. I found the following functions on the Internet:


The functions will make a direcotry tree in my debug window, that looks something like this:


What I want it to do is to have it return an array of relitive file paths, from the starting direcotry I give the function. Then I will use a loop to cycle though each file in the array to make certain changes.

Something like this:


Any ideas on how to acomplish this?

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Using Directories, Sub-Directories And APIs?

Jul 11, 2011

Basically I'm going to try and develop a software that merges PDFs automatically using the PDFSharp API.What I want in the program is to basically that: Have the program to give and Input and Output directoryMerge all the documents in the directory or sub-directoryRename the merged PDF file according the the name of the directory/sub-directoryIf the folder has PDF files and a Sub-Directory I want to merge the PDF files in the folder and rename them as per the main folder, and rename the files in the sub-folder according to its name (i.e. seperate|)

It's the first time I'm using an API.The problem I have is how to use the directories and sub-directories as I need them.

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.net - Listing All Sub Directories?

Jan 18, 2012

how to list all subfolders in i want to put it on a listbox, i have created a code but it only search on the current location, and does not include subfolder. here is my code,,

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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How To List Directories On FTP

Jun 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple program to list a directory and sub directories on an ftp. I haven't found anything simple to do this other than a dll made for ftp commands. There are two problems with that dll, the first is I can't get recursing through directories to work right and it has a trial period. So I'm wondering if there is a simple pure VB way to simply list directories on an ftp. The dll I've played with is ChilkatDotNet2.dll.

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How To Manage Directories

May 29, 2012

I am now convinced there is no such thing using VB 2010 Express. I have read, re-read, studied, copied and pasted code to no end and all I get are error messages galore. It appears there is a big gap between what's on line as far as tutorials and the code that VB 2010 Express will accept. I hate to sound so lost but at the moment I am. I used to program in BASIC and QBASIC. I was a master at opening up ascii text files, reading them in sequential order, sorting, manipulating, then re-writing them. It was all so easy, like this: [code] That's all I want to learn how to do for the moment. But every tutorial or article I find goes off in to wild tangents about How to Manage Directories or it reads the entire text file into one giant object. Or worse, there's some code which looks promising but it won't run under VB 2010 Express or it might run but the author leaves out important parts of the code that have to be declared ahead of the all know what I mean. It can't be this difficult to just read a text file one line at a time, therefore it shouldn't be so difficult to find an accurate and up to date article on this.This is for really rough programming. I don't need an interface of any kind. The user, will not even need to know that anything is happening. I simply want to read text files, manipulate what's in them and then re-write the edited text.

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No System Directories

Oct 25, 2010

I get the directories like this:[code..]

However, it returns all directories even system hidden ones.It seems that this just follows what I set in Windows for file and folder browsing, since I set the Windows to show all files, I think it's also showing all folders to me, I am not sure however.

I just want NOT to get the system directories like Recycle Bin and System Volume Information, how to do that?

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Way To Get Network Directories

Oct 12, 2010

Does anyone know a way to get a list of UNC servers (A.K.A. items in the "Network" system folder in windows vista +, or "My Network Places" in win xp -), and get a list of shared files for a particular server?

When I try to get directories using System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories("\"), it says I need to put it in the form of \UNC serverFile share

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Add Image Directories Using List Of(T)?

Oct 10, 2011

how can i add image directories using List Of(T). I can only know to add integers, strings e.t.c

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Application To Monitor Several Directories

Apr 20, 2011

I have put together an app to monitor several directories. The basic principle is to replicate from a Master directory to a Shared directory when specific criteria is met (specific file types are changed, renamed or deleted within the Master directory)Everything seems to work fine with excpetion to MS Office documents. e.g. If I work on a .bmp and save it, it will trigger a changed event. However, with office documents (Word in this example), it appears to rename the MYDOC.DOC file to <freefile>.TMP then rename a different <freefile>.TMP to MYDOC.DOC. This would not be a problem if it was to trigger the Changed or Created event for MYDOC.DOC, but it doesn't. It wouldn't be so bad if the first TMP file was named the same as the second TMP file as I could mirror the process using the Renamed event.I can not filter out TMP files as we use TMP files within the Master directory, albeit for a different purpose.I would use an off the shelf produt, but the files need to be copied to different shared directories based on specific criteria so I can not seem to find a suitable product that fits my needs.

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Check If Ftp Directories Exist?

Nov 18, 2009

i am having a problem in writing the code that checks whether a directory exists or not in FTP using

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Compare Files In Two Directories

Jul 7, 2010

I need to check files in one directory that end in 'ilk' and compare it to another directory with files that end in 'txt'. If the file name matches (with the exception of the extension), then I want to delete the file that ends with 'ilk'.

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Copy Sub Directories To Directory?

Aug 25, 2011

Referencing this question/code:

How do I copy a folder and all subfolders and files in .NET?

I'm trying to copy a buntch of sub directories to a different directory. I'm wanting to update this code:

Dim fso As System.Object = New System.Object
fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
fso.copyfolder(sour, dest)


Is there a easier way of doing this with less lines of code like the fso As System.Object version? Also, I have System.IO imported however File.Copy and Directory.GetFiles are not colored blue, could this be the issue? I have the System loaded as a reference.

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