Read File Md5 In A Given Directories In A Listbox?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a situation where i get a list of directories link for files in a listbox. let say i hav 5 links of diectories of a file in the listbox. how do check each directories for their md5 in the listboxt and have the value of the retrieve md5 in another new list box. i want to create a md5 file checker or scanner. need all the expert help on this cause i have been coding this program a month ago using visual basic 2010 express. i need a list of working code on my failing program...

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Displaying Directories And Contents In ListBox

Aug 29, 2009

Recently I have browsed the web for ways to display a list of files and folders in a list box. I have successfully been able to display files in drive C and get a nurerical value telling how many files were found. However my efforts have been hampered by three distinct problems. I have some experience using batch files and when using them you can state things like "%WINDER%" to go directly to windows folder. I am wondering if there's anything like that used for navigating. And if so could an example be made of it just for clarity?

My second problem is I cant seem to be able to display files and folders. I have been limited to one or the other. That and I cant figure out how to navigate into them to display there contents. The next problem I have is simply having a user interface so you could type a file path or file extention and have the program navigate to it. Is it is possible to click a file path in a list box and chose to delete it. My second last Q how do I display all files and folders including hidden files? And How can I count all files and folders with there contents to dissplay in a listbox.

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Get The Files From A Directories Directory Etc And Add Them To A Listbox?

Dec 30, 2010

Iam making a antivirus program in Visual basic and i have to know how to get the files from a directories directory etc. And how to add them to a listbox like

1map-get files
1map-get directories
2map (directories in 1 map)get files
2map -Get directories
and so on...¨

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Listing RAR Files From Sub Directories Into ListBox

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having a problem when I list .rar-files into a ListBox. I can list .rar-files OK from subdirectories, but what I want to determine if the file is actually the first part of .rar-archive. The new .rar-format packs files like:

So I have no idea when I'm listing the first part of the archive or actually listing the other parts.
Function UpdateFiles(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Boolean
'If FolderPath is empty, return false
If FolderPath = "" Then
Return False
End If
[Code] ......

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VS 2010 - Listbox - Program That Will Be A Semi-autosubmition In Web Directories

Mar 19, 2011

I'm working on a program that will be a semi-autosubmition in web directories. I need an ideea for my directory list.I want to able to navigate from one directory to other with a "next button". Now I'm using a listbox saved in a text file, but i don't know how to make the selection for "next directory".I'm only able to click on the list. And what I thinking was if it is posible to have a better list, advanced, like a table with more columns like: url, if url is valid, pagerank for example, and maby sort by this filtres.

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File Access - Read A Sequential File Into A Listbox

Jul 6, 2009

I am stuck on an easy problem I'm sure, but for the life of me i cannot figure it out. I need to read a sequential file into a listbox. I can read the file into the textbox but i want to format the data in the listbox. for example i want to PadLeft(10), delete the excess commas, and give a heading for each column. here is the code i have and attached is the text file.

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1

Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click


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Read .txt File And Load Them In Listbox?

May 28, 2009

I can't really explain what I'm trying to say but here is an example.

Created 1 Listbox named Box1
Created 1 Button named Load


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Read Info From Text File And Add To ListBox

Jul 23, 2010

I am making a program, obviously, and I require some assistance. I found an explanation on how to read information from a Text file and have modified it for my needs. Here is my (modded) version:

Public Function GetInfo(ByVal playlistname As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlaylistInfo As String
Dim ReadInfo As System.IO.StreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(My.Settings.OpenPlaylistName)
PlaylistInfo = ReadInfo.ReadToEnd
[Code] .....

I pretty much understood how to write text to a file, but I cannot grasp how to READ the information. After I read the information, I would like to add each seperate line to a ListBox. Each line in the text file is a file path for a music file, as the file I wish to read information from is a "custom extension" playlist file. I know what to do after I get the file path, but I do not know how to get the file path from the playlist.

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Remove Items Read From File, From ListBox?

Oct 15, 2009

OK, straight to the point.I write folder names to a file like this :

Private Sub WriteExcludeFolders()
Dim SelFolders(clbExclude.CheckedItems.Count - 1) As String
Dim i As Integer


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VS 02/03 Remove Items Read From File From ListBox

Oct 15, 2009

[code]My program launches, I call the LoadExcludeFolds sub. This should read the contents of the textfile, and if it finds a folder listed in it, in the listbox, it should remove that item.[code]

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VS 2010 Getting A Button To Read From Xml File Or Listbox?

Nov 29, 2011

I'm trying to get a random line of text to appear in a messagebox upon button click, I want the listbox to be closed while the action is to be performed.

I can do it when the listbox is open but not when closed, here is what happens if I try to do it when it's closed

and the message "InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'."
I tried reading it straight from the .xml file the data is stored on, but that didn't go so well either.

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Read From Resources Text File To Add Items In Listbox?

Mar 15, 2012

in resources there is a text file with items like number 1


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Read Text File In ListBox Opened With OpenFileDialog?

Apr 28, 2010

I found somethings and modified a bit the code so its can fit with what i needed.

I got it to work. Its read the text file but not i would like it to read.

In the ListBox, the text show up in 1 line as it should show in multi-line... (Yes, in the .txt file the text is in separated line.)[code]...

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VS 2008 Class And Read A Line From A File And Add It Into A Listbox

Sep 12, 2009

I am trying to read a line from a file and add it into a listbox. The SelectedIndexChanged event of the listbox places the selected item (hence, the item I added from the file) into a variable that is declared as a Store (my own personal class.) I can easily add the line from the file into the listbox, but I run into a problem with the SelectedIndexChanged event. When I click on the item in the listbox, I get an error that says "Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'WindowsApplication1.Store'." (I guess this is because I added an item to the listbox that is from a file.) I tried a variety of methods of casting, but nothing seems to work. What can I do to fix this?

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Read Text File And Display In Listbox And Also Count Number Of Line In It?

Aug 25, 2009

When the user clicks the Process Files button, do the following:

Read and process the contents of each of the 6 files.

Each file contains data in a different format.

and display them in arrylist. In the list it should contain name of the file and number of person in the text file example below.[code]...

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VS 2010 : Listing Directories Inside Directories?

Jul 29, 2011

This is currently the code I am using.

Dim fileList As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(FolderDialog1.SelectedPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly)
For Each topLvlFile As String In fileList


The above code reads all the files & directories in a selected path. It ignores any hidden folders, like it suppose to. Except it doesn't ignore folders inside of the hidden folders that it finds & I need it to.I can't quite wrap my head around how to make it ignore all folders & files inside of a hidden folder that it find.

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Making Directories Within Directories Using For Loop

May 3, 2010


it just creates 1 folder but not other folders with in folder.

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Get Directories From Txt File

Sep 1, 2011

I need a code. How i can to verify if files of txt exist ? I have a txt file with a directory on each line and I want to verify for all of them. Example:


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Search Directories For A File?

Aug 12, 2009

I have an issue with avoiding this exception and trying to continue on with my trying to search directories for a file. this is my code
Dim As FileInfo() = d.GetFiles()'Errors here
Dim fFile As FileInfo
For Each fFile In Files
If Not fFile.Attributes = FileAttributes.System Then
If fFile.Extension = Extension Then


It's the files located in the C:System Volume Information Directory.How can i avoid the exception but continue on. I can't put a if then statement around the variable declaration. because then i can't use the variable. And catching the exception just causes my routine to stop.

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Browse Directories To Save A File

Nov 15, 2011

I am writing a program that should allow the user to press a browse button to browse their directory and save a text file with the form information they wrote in.

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How To Retrieve File Listings In Directories

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to retrieve all the files in some directories. Here is my original code:
Private Function Search(path As String, Recursive As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim dirInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fileObject As FileSystemInfo
If Recursive = True Then
For Each fileObject In dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()
[Code] .....

This code works well, yet it returns some directories and I am wanting to only return files. I tried this code:
Private Sub Search(ByVal path As String, ByVal Recursive As Boolean)
if not Directory.Exists(path) then Exit Sub
Dim initDirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(path)
For Each oFileInfo In initDirInfo.GetFiles
[Code] .....

However, I get the following error:
Access to the path 'C:UsersSimonAppDataLocalApplication Data' is denied.

I have added this module to get it working:
Imports System.Security.Principal
Module VistaSecurity
'Declare API
[Code] .....

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Scan File In Directory And Sub-directories?

Feb 19, 2011

I want to be able to scan a folder and its sub directories for all the files that exist in it. the results are then fed into a list box or any similar control[code]...

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Read Info From A Text File And Add Info To A ListBox?

Jun 22, 2011

I am making a program, obviously, and I require some assistance. I found an explanation on how to read information from a Text file and have modified it for my needs. Here is my (modded) version:

Public Function GetInfo(ByVal playlistname As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlaylistInfo As String


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File I/O And Registry :: Finding All Folders Path In All Directories?

Jul 19, 2011

i wanna list all the path of every folders contained in a main folder in a listbox Here's my problem

For Each level1 As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories("C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktopdatabase")


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List Directories And Files And Write To A Text File?

Jan 7, 2009

display files within a directory and subdirectories and write these directories and their files to a text file.

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Make A Program To Search For Directories Of Text File

Sep 2, 2011

How i can make a program to verify if files of a text file exists ?


I have directories.txt who contains:

Line 1: C:PasswordsAccounts.txt
Line 2: D:GamesFifa 11fifa.exe

So i can to verify if these two files exist?

But not:"for each one")

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Populate Listview File From Accompanying TreeView Of Directories

Jul 20, 2009

This is a follow-up questions to the following post: [URL]

Below (Example 2) is working code for populating a treeview with directories only down to 1 level. Note just directores are added- No files. I want to add a Listview control beside my treeview and have the Listview populated with the "files" from the selected node in the treeview. This would fire off the NodeMouseClick event of the treeView. I have used Example 1 (NodeMouseClick) before with other code that I have. However, I cannot get the code to work with the Example 2 code below

how to change the Example 1 code to work with Example 2?

Example 1
Private Sub treeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) _


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Search A Specified Directory And All Sub Directories For All Files That Have The Specified File Extension?

Dec 30, 2011

i have been trying to search a specified directory and all sub directories for all files that have the specified file extension. However the inbuilt command is useless as it errors up and dies if you dont have access to a directory.

Private Function dirSearch(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal searchpattern As String = ".exe") As String()
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fi As FileInfo


However i get an "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i try to access the data stored inside the filelist string array.

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Specifying Different Page Base Classes For Different Directories In Web.config File?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a website (coded in with an "admin" section (the admin section being a folder in the actual site)... So in every page of the site I'm using my own custom class as the page base (which has been set in the web.config file) but I want to inherit from different class for the files in the "admin" folder... Is there any way to inherit different classes for pages in different folders using the web.config or some other equally as global method? (meaning some other way than inheriting on a per page basis.)

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Open Directories To Compare Directory / File Names And Other Properties?

Aug 16, 2010

I have several groups of files with idential names, but the files inside may or may not have identcal names, and may differ only in the size or date stamp. I want to combine them to save all unique directory names, and unique file names, and if the date/sizes are unique, then add some number on the end of the file name to make them unique as well. Only idential file sizes and names and dates will be discarded. How do you open directories to compare directory/file names and other properties?

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