Getting ASCII Values Into An Array?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to get ASCII Values into an array that I have setup. The code is written as follows:

Dim aStr As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim aStrBytes() As Byte = New Byte() {}
aStrBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(aStr)
ReDim IntialValue(0 To 1000)

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Read An Ascii String Of Hex Values In To A Byte Array?

Jul 21, 2010

How would I copy/convert a string containing an ascii representation of hex values in to a byte array containing the actual hex values? For example, I have a variable containing the hex values delimited by spaces (I can change the delimiter):


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Copy The Char Array To An Int Array With The ASCII Values Of Each Char?

Mar 22, 2012

I have split a string into a char array, now i need to copy the char array to an int array with the ASCII values of each char.Don´t know how to do it without looping each value.

This is my code:

origen = RichTextBox1.Text.ToString
Dim valor As Char() = origen.ToCharArray
Dim numeros As Integer() = (How can i convert "valor" to an int array?????)

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Assign Ascii Values To Letters?

Mar 23, 2010

How do i assign the ascii values to letters??

i have to do a rot13 encryption program and have got this so far[code]...

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How To Take String Of HEX Values And Convert Them To ASCII

Aug 2, 2011

I need some thought input on how I can take my string of HEX values and convert them to ASCII according to the specifications below: A function would be ideal since I need to quickly decode about 250 records all having 20 thresholds to record.[code]

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Decrypt By Increasing/decreasing ASCII Values?

Sep 4, 2009

My Encrypted code is :Asdos!Obqlds,Knodt+404620Y+20-05+24 Now, how can i manipulate the characters by decreasing each odd character's ASCII value by one and increasing each even character's ASCII value by one?

i.e. in the above code..
A becomes B
S becomes R


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Convert Characters To ASCII Values Using Visual Basic?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm an undergraduate student from Singapore University, would like to enquire you on how to convert character codes to ASCII codes using visual basic. regarding the codes on how to build it as I need it for my semestral project

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Convert Byte Array To Ascii String?

Aug 12, 2010

way to convert byte array to ascii string?

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Convert Char To Ascii In Array Form?

Dec 5, 2009

convert char to ascii in array form?.asci[a]but a is char array.i need a syntax for it.

Admin Note: all the communication on the forums.

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Extract Ascii String From This Byte Array?

Sep 15, 2010

This illustrates a series of bytes that I've received from a socket and assigned into a byte array (frameData). How do I extract the ascii string from frameData if FrameData.Length is 79 bytes long and I need to extract the byte locations whose begin -frameData(26) and end frameData(44) are given by the arrows I've drawn?

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VS 2008 Reading Ascii Txt File Into Array And Writing It?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm reading a txt file into an array and then writing a new file one line at a time. The reason i'm using array is that i'm searching for a few lines that i want to find and replace.

However in my file I have some ascii characters but they aren't read well. I read something about System.Text.Encoding.Default but I don't know how to implement it in my code.


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Convert String Containing Upper ASCII Characters To Byte Array?

Oct 9, 2008

How to correctly convert string containing upper ASCII characters to byte array besides looping through each character and filling the array using AscW(chr)?I know I can do something like:

Dim bSourceData As Byte() = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(sourcedata)

But this only works for lower ascii characters (0-127).Instead of ASCIIEncoding I can specify encoding myself (System.Text.Encoding.Getencoding(encoding).GetBytes(sourcedata)). But I have to specify correct encoding in this case, otherwise most of special characters are converted to "?". What should I do if I don't know the encoding?

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Counting Columns In ASCII Text File To Enter Data Into An Array

Nov 21, 2009

I am using visual basic 2008 and trying to create an application to plot data from text files. I have several data files of various sizes. They have an unknown number of rows and either 2 or 4 columns.I need to put the data into 2 dimensional array, so value(,) becomes either value(lines,3) or value(lines,1) depending on the number of columns.My program needs to be able to count how many columns there are, and redim value(,) appropriately.I have written a piece of code to count the number of lines (rows) in the file using 'While not (EOF(1)) ....' but I'm stuck on how to count the number of columns.I could ask the user to indicate how many columns there are before the file is read, but I would prefer the program to detect the number automatically.

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.net - Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser Changes ± Ascii 241 To ? Ascii 63?

Dec 11, 2010

I am using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Fileio.TextFieldParser to parse a CSV file that was created with Excel 2003. The parser is working great with the exception that it is converting extended ascii values to question marks! So if the file content was:

± 3
The TextFieldParser is returning
? 3

I have tried all of the encodings in the System.Text.Encoding package with no luck. I thought I had it with UTF7 but it was dropping other characters like replacing the + sign with a space.

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Create A Digital Terrain Model From ESRI ASCII Grid Format Into An Array?

Dec 14, 2011

I need to create a Digital terrain model from ESRI ASCII grid format into an array. First I need to use the column and row values (from the header information) to read into my file to specify which values to put into the array. I think i have to use both counters simultaneously, and although Ive read in the first line (columns) I can't get the next line in. Do I have to use a counter under a different name, and can I do it in a nested loop?
Private Sub Input_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Input.Click
filename = dlgOpenASCII.FileName


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Converting An ASCII 6-bit String To 8-Bit ASCII Characters?

May 9, 2011

I'm working on decoding a NMEA sentence that is a compressed 8-bit string. I'm having a very hard time of wrapping my head around the bit manipulation needed to convert this string. If someone could get me started with this it would be great.

Here is the incomming string:


and here is the expected output:


View 10 Replies

VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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What Is The 'whitespace' ASCII Or Unicode Character In System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (whitespace)

Nov 4, 2009

I would like to pass a whitespace character by using the System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" "), and System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(" ") , where " " is the whitespace Character required. What do I need to type (" ") to get a whitespace character passed.?

View 6 Replies

Export Values From Array Into Excel And Import Scatterplot Of Values?

Mar 28, 2011

I am creating a maths programs that draws graphs for the user. so far i have placed 22 values into an array and now i need to import them to excel, draw the graph and import the graph back into the program to display them.[code]...

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How To Find Repeated Values In One Dimensional Array And Change The Values

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express edition 2008.I am trying to know if a value in a single dimensional array is repeated in the array. If yes, then multiply one of them by 100. For example:

MyArray (14) = 12, 15, 18, 15, 18, 11, 15, 18, 16, 14, 18, 8, 12, 17, 10
In the above example:
MyArray (1) = MyArray (3) = MyArray (6) = 15
MyArray (2) = MyArray (4) = MyArray (7) = MyArray (10) = 18
MyArray (0) = MyArray (12) = 12


View 8 Replies - Character Support - Translate Higher ASCII Characters To Lower ASCII Characters?

Aug 7, 2009

So I have an ASP.Net ( application. It has a textbox and the user is pasting text from Microsoft Word into it. So things like the long dash (charcode 150) are coming through as input. Other examples would be the smart quotes or accented characters. In my app I'm encoding them in xml and passing that to the database as an xml parameter to a sql stored procedure. It gets inserted in the database just as the user entered it.

The problem is the app that reads this data doesn't like these characters. So I need to translate them into the lower ascii (7bit I think) character set. How do I do that? How do I determine what encoding they are in so I can do something like the following. And would just requesting the ASCII equivalent translate them intelligently or do I have to write some code for that?

Also maybe it might be easier to solve this problem in the web page to begin with. When you copy the selection of characters from Word it puts several formats in the clipboard. The straight text one is the one I want. Is there a way to have the html textbox get that text when the user pastes into it? Do I have to set the encoding of the web page somehow?


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Optimise Text File Ascii Writing From Large Array (3000 X 3000)?

Jul 28, 2010

I am writing a 2D array to a text file.Is it digital map data, so I write each row at a time, and the format is readable by my map application.I have pasted the code below. The array is called edgegridArray. Everything else is pretty obvious. I don't know if streamwriter is the best way to do things,

Dim swr As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("D:edgeoutput.txt")
swr.WriteLine("ncols " & cols - 2)
swr.WriteLine("nrows " & rows - 1)


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Assign Different Values To Existing Values Of 2 Dimensional Array?

Apr 4, 2010

I have an array of 10 x 10 as shown below. In addition to -1, it consists of numbers from 1 to 9.[code]...

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Cast Integer Values To An Array Of Enum Values?

Jan 2, 2009

cast integer values to an array of enum values?

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Obtain Index From Array Where An Input Value Lies Within A Range Of Values In The Array?

Dec 12, 2010

Per this UserControl that can be added to a blank form, I would like to use the HorizUnits array below to map custom grid x coordinate from a mouse x position.For a given input value 13, what syntax would I use to obtain a value of 2 where 13 lies between Value 10 and 16 for which 2 (Name) would be the custom grid's displayed coordinate position?

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Comparing Values In 2D Array To Values In 1D Array?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that reads in lottery results from the past 6 months (from the national lottery site) from a text file


and stores it in an array (n-1,6) where n is the number of lottery lines, so the array looks like

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 29 18 38 44 14 43 13
1 32 38 11 15 42 6 24

then, in a 1D array I store the player's numbers, simply as

0 23
1 16
2 19


I want it to take each number from the player's number array individually and compare them to each row individually in the lotto results array i.e. the first six cells in each row in the results array will be compared with each user number to find any matches, if a value matches then a count is incremented. if the count is greater than 2 but i'm getting no where with it :( i've been trying to use the For To loops but keep getting index out of range, or else nothing is happening at all!

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Array Calculation - Unable To Calculate The Values Coming From The Array ?

Dec 7, 2010

I am writing a pizza order program for class and have gotten everything put together, even got my array setup and displaying but when i go to calculate it will not calculate the values coming from the array in any of the calculations.

[highlight="vb"]Option Strict On Public Class Form1 'declare structure and module-level variables Structure PizzaSale Dim SizaString As String Dim StyleString As Stri]

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Convert C# Class's Byte Array Values Into Integer Array?

Jun 22, 2010

A c# class's single dimension byte array contains socket level instrument sensor data as per:

public static byte[] frameData

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Preserve Existing Array Of Booleans And Add 3 'False' Values To End Of Array?

Feb 1, 2011

As per this illustration, I'm trying to increase the size of an existing array from 111 to 114 to be consistent with existing code. I need topreserve the existing values and add 3 new items to the end of the existing array of booleans,

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Search For Multiple Values In Array Then Return Array Line?

Sep 8, 2010

;W910 RF3500AA ;Increase volume by 40 db ;(c) summer ;(p) horse +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

;W910 RF350011 ;Increase backlight by 50% ;(c) winter ;(p) vistar +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

;W910 RF350022 ;Increase backlight by 100% ;(c) spring ;(p) spaceman +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

Row4 (Duplicate of Row3)
;W910 RF350022 ;Increase backlight by 100% ;(c) spring ;(p) spaceman +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

if label1 = RF350022
label2 = Increase
label3 = spring
label4 = 100%

only if it contains all of these words it should return the first instance (row3) then end or null the rest (row4).how can i get row 3 to show in message box now it has been found?

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