Good Custom Calender Control?

Nov 17, 2007

I'm looking for something relatively simple - just a monthly calender view where text can be placed on each individual day - just like a calender on a fridge (with a highlight for the current day). Slap it on a form or UC, set up a few properties and all done. I don't even need any clicking events - just a display.

The controls I've seen for sale are much more than what I need and creating my own, while an option, is something I'd rather not have to spend time on.

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Ajax Control Calender Toolkit Validation?

May 29, 2012

I have a form of tour application that has 2 dates, from date and To date. now i'm using the dd/MM/yyyy format for the date entry and i need to Validate To date like To date must me greater than or equal to start date. earlier days should be disable, i want to do that with compare validator.

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Good Time To Use Custom Events?

Nov 3, 2009

How to implement my own events I'm not sure why do I use them. I mean instead of rising event you could simply call functions right? This is as close as I got to a good reason:
1) If you call a function that does one thing and then based on result it needs to do something else it may be a good idea to do that something else in event function that is raised when that first thing was done. This way you avoid creating long functions and can make system more intuitive.
2) If object1 is inside object2 (a variable) and object2 has function DoThis and in that function affect something in object2's parent class it's better to use event in object1 rather than mess with parent (object1) inside object2.

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VS 2008 Good Tutorial For Creating Custom Controls

Jul 6, 2009

Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for creating custom controls. I want something that is actually understandable.I have gone through a few but nothing really any good at this point. I want to create my own contol that uses its own look and not just modifying a windows control.

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Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

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Custom Control With Custom Collection Property?

Jul 11, 2011

I have an ASPX Custom Control which is supposed to load it's properties into an internal collection (defined with PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). Here's the ASPX

<cc:CustomControl runat="server">
<cc:QueryTypeOne ... />


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Changing Text Of Custom Control Based On Text Of Another Custom Control

Jan 11, 2010

I am using custom textboxes and I need to be able to set the Text on txb1 based on the Text of txb2. I have simplied my code to the following:

Public Class customtextbox
Inherits TextBox
Public Event ControlReset()


So, when txb1 looses focus, if its Text is "fried", then it sets off txb2's ProcessAlert function. I had tried to change the value of txb2 Text in ProcessAlert function, but didnt work, so I tried to get it to raise an event instead, which then tries to set the Text property. However I still cant set txb2's Text property. The Text property seems to be set for the duration of the "life" of the Event handler. When I step through the forms controls within the Event handler, the changed Text value is there, but not outside of the Event handler.

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Handles Event From Custom Control Inside Other Control?

Jul 29, 2009

I've created my own ascx control with button inside it. Now I'm using this control inside other control. (In my case it is a webpart). What I would like to do is program logic from my custom control inside webpart

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Where To Get Calender Tool For VB

Nov 18, 2010

I use Calendar tool in MS Access on a form - How/Where can I get calendar tool for VB.

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Can A Custom Control NEW Sub Be The Only One That Executes When Inheriting From An Existing Control

Jul 17, 2011

Can a custom control NEW Sub be the only one that executes when Inheriting from an existing control please?I am Inheriting from TabControl and I do not want the base New Sub called, is this possible?In other words, I do not want TabPage1 and TabPage2 to be added.A Form has an Activated Sub which runs once a Form is activated.It is a pity that Microsoft have not got such a method in the baseControl Class otherwise I could have used it within a custom TabControl.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
End Sub


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Embed A SilverLight Control In ASP.NET Control (user Or Custom)?

Apr 29, 2010

We have a ASP.NET web application written in VB.NET where we build content programmatically during the Init event.We make extensive use of user controls, building them on the fly, and I now want to start including SilverLight content.Is there an easy way of embedding a SilverLight application in a control, and then instantiating the whole thing in code, in the same way as you'd programmatically add ordinary ASP.NET controls to a page?The SilverLight component itself works fine when added to a page using the <object> tag but I really want to be able to reuse it elsewhere in code.Since I'm expecting use of SilverLight to increase in our application, and the asp:Silverlight control seems now to be deprecated, I'm looking for an alternative way of wrapping the content.

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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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Error Message On Calender

Jan 30, 2011

i am receiving this error message when my application is being viewed on the remote machine(internet)

Security Exception Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.Source Error:

Line 7: Dim oBF As New BinaryFormatter()
Line 8: Dim oFS As FileStream
Line 9: Dim strPath As String = Path.GetTempPath & "schedule.Bin"
Line 10:
Line 11: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Source File: D:Hosting4423045htmlplease-godappointmentscheduler.aspx.vb Line: 9


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VS 2008 Calender Options In VB?

Jul 9, 2010

I have this program I'm writing that needs to print for instance what date it is a 100 days from now or 30 days from now. Is there a function in VB.NET that lets me do something like this?

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DateTimePicker Open Calender Progarmatically?

Dec 27, 2009

When a user clicks on the DateTimePicker it opens to a monthly calender. I want to be able to do this programatically triggered by another event such as an enter cell event.Is this possible and how is it done.

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Put Current Date On A Month Calender?

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to put current date on a month calender to into a column in access database.But I get InvalidCasteException. My code is as follows:

Private Sub SubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection


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VS 2008 Dates Bold In Calender With Red

Jun 15, 2010

I would like to bold certain dates in a calender. But the contrast between the normal and bold is not high enough. I would like to be able to bold it in RED for instance...

Here iis what i have got so far..


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Create Calender With Very Basic Event Entry?

Jul 1, 2009

I need to Create Calender w/Very Basic Event Entry. Any suggestions on how I would go about this. I have seen some controls to do this, but I need to do this without buying anything.

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Way To Obtain Sender's EmailId From Outlook Calender In C#

Jul 31, 2009

I want to get the sender's emailId.I am able to read all the data of calender by the below code but not the sender's emailId. [code]But in any case whether reading appointments or sent folder emails, I am unable to obtain the sender's email Id.

View 1 Replies Calender DayRender Show Multiple Text Responses Per Day?

Feb 23, 2012

I've got a simple calender which highlights and enters the users name on the days they have requested a holiday. However the newest request overwrites the name of the old request rather than showing multiple names. The code as follows:

Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEventArgs) _
Handles Calendar1.DayRender
Dim nextDate As DateTime


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Create A Calendar Program Very Similar To Outlook's Calender?

Sep 28, 2011

create a calendar program very similer to Outlook's Calender.But only on its own, i want it to be able to have multiple user access so several people can check eachothers calender obviously.But i have no clue where to start, doesnt have to be the exact same as outlook just have the same functionality.

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Readonly DateTimePicker - Change Backcolor And Disable Calender?

Feb 4, 2012

I have the following code that sets a DateTimePicker as Readonly (and it works well). But to give the full effect of being readonly, I would like to implement the ability to change the Backcolor and disable the ability to use the calender. how to change the Backcolor and disable the Calender?

Public Class ReadOnlyDTP
Inherits DateTimePicker
'This hash table stores all the controls extended by this extender provider


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Vb2008 To Search Or Retrieve Data Depends On Calender?

Jun 23, 2010

I used this code in vb2008 to search or retreive data depends on calender the question is is that code true and it gives me error when i click in button under that line in yellow the msg "Keyword not supported: 'provider'."

Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\user\Ayman\Desktop\lama\ayman project\totalsp.accdb"
sql = "SELECT * from total"


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Hide Month Calender Object When Mouse Click On The Form?

Nov 11, 2010

May i know under what event i can set month calender object to invisible when mouse clicking on any where (mouse click not on the month calender object) on the form? Below is my code to set it to invisible when mouse clicking on the form.

But it does not really work as i have objects like textboxes and labels.


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Know About User Control And Custom Control?

Jan 9, 2012

I want to understand N-tier architecture like when to use and so on.Also I would like to know about user control and custom control.

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Make A Listview Custom Control Based On The Standard Listview Control?

Sep 2, 2011

I am trying to make a listview custom control based on the standard listview control that will allow me to drag a column header outside the standard listview control and drop it on a panel. I plan to use the drop event to determine which column I should group by view on.

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Add A Custom Control?

Jul 4, 2010

[URL]I tried dragging it but it didn't work. I'm not used to the IDE. Also, how would I make that control at runtime and place it on the form I understand you would do

PHP Code:

Dim myAccount as new TAccount

But how do I display it on the form?

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Custom Control In .dll?

Apr 2, 2010

I want to create a custom control in a dll file.

I can make this without a dll file, also inside a normal project, making a class for it and inheriting the desired base control class, compiling the project and the toolbox has the custom control.

But now I want to make it in a separate file, in a dll file. I use vb express 2008.

I start a new class library project, add the reference System.Windows.Forms to the project and add this code (this is only an example):

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button
Private Sub New()
End Sub

I compile the project and get the dll file. Then I add this file to the toolbox, but I get the error message: "this control has no components."

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How To Use Custom Control

May 3, 2010

I'm trying to play with this: [URL]..I have no clue how to use it though.What i THOUGHT i had to do was open the project and "build" it to produce a .dll or something which i would then add as a reference in my new project. I'm unable to open the solution so i could not test this theory.

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Add A Custom Control To A Database?

Jul 1, 2010

Im trying to add a custom combobox to the database, the problem is i cant figure out how to do it. This combobox has images in it, i had to find the code to put the images in it cause the .net framework does not support icon's in combobox's. here is the code i found, cant remember where i got it, i think from code project.

Public Class ComboIcon
Inherits ComboBox


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