Guide To Protecting Software Products Against Top 8 Piracy Threats

Jul 18, 2011

Here is a link to a FREE whitepaper relating to;"From Hack to Counterattack: A Guide to Protecting Software Products Against the Top 8 Piracy Threats"in case any of you want to get it? url...If you do not want to enter your details on the above page then go here: url...Try the World's Strongest Software Protection Today.You can download the Sentinel HASP software DK Version 5.10 right now or request the full Sentinel HASP DK at no charge. The standard Sentinel HASP DK enables you to test Sentinel HASP with both HASP SL (software) and HASP HL (USB dongle) protection keys. The software DK enables you to test Sentinel HASP with HASP SL protection keys only following a simple software download.[code]

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Preventing Software Piracy 2?

May 3, 2012

The original post provoked more responses than I anticipated. Therefore I have tried to draw them together with this post.There appear to be several schools of thought on this issue.One holds that I should not release time-bombed software because it is illegal.

Suppose I include code that often randomly checks if the user is registered and then puts up a message and shuts down the program if a check fails - rather like an improved nag screen. Would this be regarded as illegal?One holds that I should not worry about it because the pirates wouldn't buy my software anyway.

Maybe, but there's no fun in that.One holds that it is a waste of time because it is impossible to protect 100%.Maybe, but once again no fun.My view was that an honest user buying from my site would get a genuine copy. If a dishonest user got a harmful copy and lost the lot then I couldn't care less.Reed Kimble pointed out the existence of "fake sellers" who could cause harm by selling honest users a dishonest copy.This is a problem that I had not thought of and it poses a dilemma.

If I do include protection, then how do I distinguish between and honest user and a dishonest one? They will both be caught by the protection.should I not include any protection at all so that the honest user doesn't lose out, and just accept that the dishonest one gets away with it?Or nail the pirate and accept the honest loser as collateral damage?


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Best Techniques For Fighting Software Piracy?

May 19, 2011

From what I understand, it is still impossible to prevent software piracy until a global Internet is established.

In the meantime, I'm looking for suggestions on how to protect any new projects I design.

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Protecting Data - XML And RTF Files

Jun 3, 2011

My application creates, as well as, reads and writes to both xml and rtf files. A way to protect these files from tampering? That is, the content within them should only be changed by the application.

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Protecting File By Program?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to limit access to a file based on the program accessing it?

I am trying to create a VB program that interacts with an XML file to store and retrieve user accounts and passwords. I would like for my program to be the only thing that can access the XML file, but still have the ability to edit it inside of the program.

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Protecting Software From Being Copied?

Dec 5, 2009

Protecting software from being copied?

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VS 2008 Protecting The Source?

May 22, 2010

I'm developing an app atm. When it is finished, I will be selling the source. How do I make it so that the source can only be compiled if the persons Hardware ID is in my database? or something like that. I basically want it so that the user cannot use the source if they aren't "registered".

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Protecting Connection String In Config

Apr 4, 2011

For the first time for my project i have saved the connection string in config file. i have created a new config file by the name of SQL.Config and used it in app.config <connectionStrings configSource="SQL.config"/>

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Protecting Text In A Find / Replace Action

Oct 9, 2010

I have been wondering about this for a long time and have not found any ways to do this other than write my own text editor for it. Regarding the following lines of


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VS 2008 Is CodeVeil The Best Tool Out There For Protecting A Program?

Aug 3, 2010

Is CodeVeil the best tool available right now for protecting a program? I'd like to be sure that when I release my program, it'll be either ridiculously hard (and not worth it) to crack (I.E, to make it free), or impossible to crack. I've been told the latter is impossible

I really just want it to be the absolute safest, and secure, without increasing the memory or CPU requirements of my program. I'm going to trial CodeVeil from Xheo... I'm wondering if anyone else has used any others, and what is the best? Pricing isn't a big deal for me.

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BLS Algorithm Guide

Mar 15, 2012

i need some tutorial to implement BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signature algorithm to create private key and public key to encrypt a message.I need tutorial to implement this in VB.NET.

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Application Development Guide / Inspiration

Feb 9, 2012

I have been asked to develop a small application for a friend. The current app is in Excel format but he would like it converting to a downloadable piece of software.I have been looking for well designed applications and found: url...Are there any good resources about learning to design/ develop a similar interface? Or good software design inspiration sites?I am typically a PHP web developer with VB experience but thought i'd give it a go.

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C# - Is There An In Depth Guide To Application Configuration For .NET

Apr 15, 2009

Does anyone have or has anyone come across an in depth guide to the .net app.config? I'm having significant issues trying to find a definitive guide to this area of .net.I can already handle custom configuration sections, from basic key/value pair settings right through to complete custom configuration handlers which I struggled to find information on, but I cannot find any documentation regarding basic native .NET functionality of the configuration file...for instance, with regards to BCL configuration. I've gone through the machine.config.comments and the config.xsd files and it has provided a little insight but not enough to fully grasp the full potential of the config file. I've also trawled through everything I can find on Safari and only managed to come up with a couple of useful tidbits that I wasn't previously aware of but it seems this area of .NET is extremely poorly documented and unless you have a very specific purpose in mind, it's useless trying to find information on it.

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Drawing Guide On Another Application Window?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm attempting to make a program that will simply draw a guide (consisting of two perpendicular lines) on another program's window. I tried using a form with a transparency key and TopMost set to true, but then whenever the user inadvertently clicked the guide, it would un-focus the application. The only lead I could find was a suggestion to "Draw directly on the other application's window". I can't find anything that tells me how to do this, or if its even possible...

So I need to know one of three things:
1) Is it possible?
2) How do you do it? or
3) is there some way to make a form completely un-focusable?
The effect I'm trying to get is so that it looks like someone physically drew the line on the monitor itself.

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Where Is Help File For MSXML And DOM Developer's Guide

Sep 30, 2010

I have a reference to MSXML6.0 so I can handle DOM in my VBA coding (Office 2007) but I need a helpfile.If I open the Object Browser for MSXML2, select the Class IXMLDOMElement and try to open help on the member nodeType nothing happens. Can anyone assist in how I can access help on the MSXML2 Library. Many people refers to the DOM Developer's Guide for help - unfortunately the is no DOM Developer's Guide, at least I can't find it, neither on MSDN nor on W3.

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Guide For Add/Delete/Update The SQL Express Database?

Apr 23, 2008

I am looking for general coding for performing the various functions such as elete/add/update the table in the database.

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VS 2010 Guide In Printing Data In A Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2010

how to print the data in my text box and datagrid.

This is my form: If i click, the Print Button, a receipt will be printed with all the data in the text box and datagrid.

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VS 2010 Simple Version Control Guide?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm a novice who does not need installers yet and does not collaborate and I was hoping someone might be able to point me to a simple guide for incrementing versions and backing up the source files so that if I ever needed to I could get back to the previous versions. I just don't want to get into Visual Source Safe, Team Builder, or other big hairy version management software. Also my VB Express book only talks about using the ClickOnce solution which doesn't seem like it's a fit for my needs. I'm thinking I should be able to do a build manually incrementing the version and manually archiving files or folders to a certain location.

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VS 2005 Piracy Protection Mechanism And Windows Vista Or Windows 7

Apr 19, 2010

i have created some shareware applications. I implemented the following mechanism for piracy protection. Before Windows Vista and Windows 7 i did write a dll file to the System32 folder with an encrypted license key. Also in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE i inserted a registry key.

The problem is that with Windows Vista and Windows 7 due to the User Account Control (UAC) this is denied.

I want to ask : what other mechanism can be implemented ? Where should i store the encrypted key file and the registry key.

I want that the application can be installed for all users of a computer only once.
If i stored the key in the user's application data directory then another user could easily just install it under another user account. Also i do not want to put the key file in the application directory because that would be too obvious.

note that i create the registry key with my application and not with the installer.

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BBC Resource: Beginners Guide To Use The Internet (BBC WebWise - BBC Connect)

Mar 2, 2011

The BBC has created this website with a series of courses to enable people who may fear using a computer to get to grips with the basics. Some of the areas are aimed at potential "silver-surfers". Older people who may find using a computer useful for things such as email, shopping, sharing photos and such like.


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VS 2008 - RSS - Creating A TV Guide Where Can Check Which Movie Tonight Is Coming

Sep 26, 2010

I'm creating a TV guide where you can check which movie tonight is coming etc. Everything went well till now, when I use a RSS I put the data in a DataGridView but it only goes in one column as I can't add the description in another column.

This is my code :

Dim Xml As New XmlDocument
Dim NoXml As XmlNodeList = Xml.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/title")
For i = 0 To NoXml.Count - 1

I want it to add more things then only the 'Title' in the DataGridView.

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Copy Datatable To Dbo.Products?

May 20, 2010

I want to copy datatable to dbo.Products

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Getting The Critical Level Of The Products?

Feb 2, 2012

[URL]...From this link, it explains the formula of how getting the critical level of the products, but I can't imagine how to automatic-compute it because every month and every year there's a computation to be done

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MySql And Order Products?

Mar 15, 2012

I have build a program until now with an MySql database. The programs add records for the customers and the products of the company(Its works perfect).. I am trying to build now the Orders the last part of my project but I have a little problem.. First of all I need 4 different type of database:

Credit Card
Price Offer

This is the the type of the payment. The user must add the order by the payment of customer so we need to seperate each one.. Unitl here I am fine::

Now, my serious problem is with the order table:: If i used the code that I use for my other adding records (like product and customers ), for each order it's add only one product!! BasicallyI need to be able to add multi products and the user have the ability to change the price of one product:: for example "to make an offer for some special customers" without change data into the database of products..Thats has a lot of typing code but I need a base to start since I have a little bit of confused. At the end am trying to load data from database customers into text boxes:: for example the user select one name that loaded into a combobox and then appears the city and the mobile into a text boxes I build a code below but it's works only One type, actually fill the text boxes but after I clear all the boxes and try for a new customer or the same isn't fill anything.

Dim ServerString As String = "Server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=root;Database=test" ''Sting Server
Dim SQLConnection As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection ''SQL Connection
Dim Sql3 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM customers", SQLConnection)


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Building An EShop 'Latest Products'?

Apr 2, 2012

I was trying to do a 'Latest Products' page for an eShop project I'm working on. asically, I want to show a number of products, say 10, from a table in my db that where added in my database in the last 30 days or less.irst I tried to use the GridView function in VB.NET, where it auto-populates the table but can't be limited and then I tried this SQL statement, which isn't working, giving me an error.

FROM Product
WHERE DateAdded > (SELECT DATEADD(d,-30,(SELCT MAX(DateAdded) FROM Product)) AS "Last 30


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DB/Reporting :: Get Database With Products Of Restaurant?

Oct 4, 2008

I got database with products of restaurant. What i want: I Want to create cocktails with multiple products (products are registered in database). When i put cocktail in the sales list, i want when sales complete, automatically to change stock of included products in the cocktail. I attached a screenshot to be more clarity. If u help me, i apreciate this.

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Select Most Ordered Products In SQL Server?

Feb 20, 2012

I want to grab Top 10 most Ordered product by customer... Im counting how many lines that this product have been ordered .

Sample data:



Ive done this in other database using LIMIT 10.. but here in SQL server the result of that query is the bottom record's

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Calulcate The Percentage Growth Of Four Catagrogies Of Products?

Feb 19, 2010

i have to write a program that will calulcate the percentage growth of four catagrogies of products a company sells that sells fruit.

Grape $565.000 $600.000
banana $600.000 $520.000
strawberry $150.000 $325.000
pineapple $75.000 $82.000

the result has the be a percentage.heres is my code so far.[code].......

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Select The Products That Match A Given Category And Group?

Nov 6, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to write this query properly. I've tried various combinations but nothing's worked yet.Below is the relevant portion of my database model:

I need to select the products that match a given Category and Group, and that match a given Year, Make, Model, submodel. This I've done below: ItemList = From P In gDataContext.Products.Include("Groups").Include("Groups.Category1").Include("LookupYearMakeModels") From G In P.Groups Where G.Category = Cat And G.Grp = Group From Y In P.LookupYearMakeModels Where Y.Year = YMM.Year And Y.Make = YMM.Make And Y.Model = YMM.Model And Y.Submodel = YMM.Submodel Select P


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Use The Products Will Show In DGV And Double Click Works?

Sep 23, 2010

IN one application, I need do the following: When user press one button, show a combo box with ptoducts kinds, and the application create a new record in the database. Next, and automatically, I wanna another form to be opened, with all the complementary values of this products, for the operator complete the values.My problem is: The form cant be the same, cause each kind of product show one different form Open the detail form, how can I know what record ID was created??

In later use, the products will show in DGV and double click works. But at the product open, I wanna this form apeear automatically.

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