VS 2008 - RSS - Creating A TV Guide Where Can Check Which Movie Tonight Is Coming

Sep 26, 2010

I'm creating a TV guide where you can check which movie tonight is coming etc. Everything went well till now, when I use a RSS I put the data in a DataGridView but it only goes in one column as I can't add the description in another column.

This is my code :

Dim Xml As New XmlDocument
Dim NoXml As XmlNodeList = Xml.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/title")
For i = 0 To NoXml.Count - 1

I want it to add more things then only the 'Title' in the DataGridView.

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VS 2008 Scrape Movie Ratings From Imdb From A Movie Title Name?

Nov 2, 2010

imdb scraper for my movie organiser. Ok so how do you scrape movie ratings from imdb from a movie title name.

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Creating Windows Movie Make?

Mar 24, 2010

how can create a windows move maker like application in vb.net....

if we want to create a media player than we can i add windows media player in our forms is there any way to add windows movie maker in our forms...

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Check A Logo In Movie Clip?

Feb 29, 2012

I wants to check a logo (like BOEING, TOYOTA, CAA etc) in a movie clip (AVI, MP4 etc) & then count the number of appearance in that movie clip. Also information needed that on which frame(s) logo appeared. But I've no idea that how it can be done by VB.Net.

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ListView - How To Do Check On Date (Coming Up Birthdays)

Jan 9, 2010

I am new to <acronym title="Visual Basic">vb</acronym>.net but i have been writing my first Application. The application is a customer database. I have a contacts form and in one of the fields the user puter their date of birth. Alk data is writen to a SQL database. I also have a listview on the right when the application lauches. I want this listview to show birthdays that are coming up in say the next 30days. This is so the user can send a card/ present.

Here is my SQL Update
"update Contacts set contactname='" & tbName.Text & "', PostalAddress='" & tbAddress.Text & "', PhoneNumber='" & tbPhone.Text & "',MobileNumber='" & tbMobile.Text & "', Email='" & tbEmail.Text & "',DateOfBirth='" & Format(dtpDOB.Value, "dd MMM yyyy") & "' where contactID ='" & localContactID & "'"

Then my listview has the select
"SELECT ContactName, DateOFBirth, ContactID FROM Contacts"
I did try
Dim todaysdate As DateTime
todaysdate = Date.Now.AddDays(+30).ToString("dd MMM yyyy")
But it is looking at the YYYY and for it to show evey year the YYYY has to be ignored.

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Load A Movie Path Into A Flash Movie Player Activex In Background?

Aug 21, 2011

I'm in the need to fill a FlowLayoutPanel with about ten flashmovieplayer activex, but this not the trouble...

The trouble is that i'd like to load each flashmovieplayer movie path (with the commands movie or loadmovie) in the backgroundthread running and not in the form thread...

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Visual Studio 2008 Creating A Check In Form For A Class Of Students With An Access Database?

Dec 4, 2009

Visual Basic Project - Student Check In Form using an Access database backend This form needs to draw information from an Access database containg tables for STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, and SECTION. These all need to have primary keys and ids. When (the user) clicks on the drop down box that displays all the sections:

{Table Tennis 1, Table Tennis 2, Table Tennis 3, Billiards 1, Billiards 2, Billiards 3}This should populate the listbox or datagrid from the STUDENT table with the Students that have the same SECTIONID as the SECTION selected in the drop down menu above.

After the Student list has been populated (the user) clicks on a student name in the listbox/datagrid and this inserts that student into the CHECKEDIN table that has a datagrid/listbox associated with it.

This is a great project to practice connecting a database to Visual Studio 2008 .net and playing with the data that has been pulled in. You could use SQL instead of Access.

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VS 2008 Using A Trackbar - Drag / Slide The Movie / Song

Feb 28, 2010

I am using a picturebox to play movies/songs in my application. I want to able to drag/ slide the movie/song as we can do it in windows media player.

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VS 2008 - Make A Flash Object 2 Copy From Flash1 The Actions And The Whole Movie?

Oct 17, 2009

Guys,this is my first day at the forum,and my second thread. Can someone explain me how can i make an axshockwaveflashobject2 to copy what happens at axshockwaveflashobject1 like a picture or video. I have a tabed trainer and i want to see my stats in game at the second tab. i have the hack menu on a toolstrip,but i have at the tab 2 flash1.get variables to textboxes,but i can't see what's happening at the flash1,and i may lose the level by falling in the sea. The code should make something like a mirror from flash1 to flash2 at the other tab.


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BLS Algorithm Guide

Mar 15, 2012

i need some tutorial to implement BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signature algorithm to create private key and public key to encrypt a message.I need tutorial to implement this in VB.NET.

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Application Development Guide / Inspiration

Feb 9, 2012

I have been asked to develop a small application for a friend. The current app is in Excel format but he would like it converting to a downloadable piece of software.I have been looking for well designed applications and found: url...Are there any good resources about learning to design/ develop a similar interface? Or good software design inspiration sites?I am typically a PHP web developer with VB experience but thought i'd give it a go.

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C# - Is There An In Depth Guide To Application Configuration For .NET

Apr 15, 2009

Does anyone have or has anyone come across an in depth guide to the .net app.config? I'm having significant issues trying to find a definitive guide to this area of .net.I can already handle custom configuration sections, from basic key/value pair settings right through to complete custom configuration handlers which I struggled to find information on, but I cannot find any documentation regarding basic native .NET functionality of the configuration file...for instance, with regards to BCL configuration. I've gone through the machine.config.comments and the config.xsd files and it has provided a little insight but not enough to fully grasp the full potential of the config file. I've also trawled through everything I can find on Safari and only managed to come up with a couple of useful tidbits that I wasn't previously aware of but it seems this area of .NET is extremely poorly documented and unless you have a very specific purpose in mind, it's useless trying to find information on it.

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Drawing Guide On Another Application Window?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm attempting to make a program that will simply draw a guide (consisting of two perpendicular lines) on another program's window. I tried using a form with a transparency key and TopMost set to true, but then whenever the user inadvertently clicked the guide, it would un-focus the application. The only lead I could find was a suggestion to "Draw directly on the other application's window". I can't find anything that tells me how to do this, or if its even possible...

So I need to know one of three things:
1) Is it possible?
2) How do you do it? or
3) is there some way to make a form completely un-focusable?
The effect I'm trying to get is so that it looks like someone physically drew the line on the monitor itself.

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Where Is Help File For MSXML And DOM Developer's Guide

Sep 30, 2010

I have a reference to MSXML6.0 so I can handle DOM in my VBA coding (Office 2007) but I need a helpfile.If I open the Object Browser for MSXML2, select the Class IXMLDOMElement and try to open help on the member nodeType nothing happens. Can anyone assist in how I can access help on the MSXML2 Library. Many people refers to the DOM Developer's Guide for help - unfortunately the is no DOM Developer's Guide, at least I can't find it, neither on MSDN nor on W3.

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Guide For Add/Delete/Update The SQL Express Database?

Apr 23, 2008

I am looking for general coding for performing the various functions such as elete/add/update the table in the database.

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VS 2010 Guide In Printing Data In A Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2010

how to print the data in my text box and datagrid.

This is my form: If i click, the Print Button, a receipt will be printed with all the data in the text box and datagrid.

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VS 2010 Simple Version Control Guide?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm a novice who does not need installers yet and does not collaborate and I was hoping someone might be able to point me to a simple guide for incrementing versions and backing up the source files so that if I ever needed to I could get back to the previous versions. I just don't want to get into Visual Source Safe, Team Builder, or other big hairy version management software. Also my VB Express book only talks about using the ClickOnce solution which doesn't seem like it's a fit for my needs. I'm thinking I should be able to do a build manually incrementing the version and manually archiving files or folders to a certain location.

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BBC Resource: Beginners Guide To Use The Internet (BBC WebWise - BBC Connect)

Mar 2, 2011

The BBC has created this website with a series of courses to enable people who may fear using a computer to get to grips with the basics. Some of the areas are aimed at potential "silver-surfers". Older people who may find using a computer useful for things such as email, shopping, sharing photos and such like.


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Guide To Protecting Software Products Against Top 8 Piracy Threats

Jul 18, 2011

Here is a link to a FREE whitepaper relating to;"From Hack to Counterattack: A Guide to Protecting Software Products Against the Top 8 Piracy Threats"in case any of you want to get it? url...If you do not want to enter your details on the above page then go here: url...Try the World's Strongest Software Protection Today.You can download the Sentinel HASP software DK Version 5.10 right now or request the full Sentinel HASP DK at no charge. The standard Sentinel HASP DK enables you to test Sentinel HASP with both HASP SL (software) and HASP HL (USB dongle) protection keys. The software DK enables you to test Sentinel HASP with HASP SL protection keys only following a simple software download.[code]

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.net - Dynamically Creating Check Box?

Feb 15, 2010

i am creating check box's dynamically and assigning them names like "chk_1" and "chk_2".now if later in my code i want to check if they have been checked how can i do that.if i do something like if chk_1.checked is True then i am getting error that chk_1 is not declared.Which is true.i am using VB.net 2.0 i can post my code if needed.

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VS 2008 Flash Movie In Flash Control

Apr 10, 2009

Well I have a Flash Movie loaded in the Flash Control, And I need to reload it. (So the new base url is used) How do I do this?

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Creating A Logon System To Check Users In SQL2008 Express?

Jun 21, 2010

I am currently creating an application to track timekeeping (a clock in/out system) and I am trying to work out the best way to do this.

I have a Main Form which contains buttons to ;

- Log in
- Out for Break
- In from Break
- Log out

When a user presses the "log in" button the logon form appears, the user then enters their username and password. What happens next is where I would like the help.

Process is as follows:Click Logon Enter Username/Password Check Logon Form for errors (eg no password etc) Check User is in Database (using SQL query) If user is in DB and username and pass are ok then refer back to the main form to perform Stored Procedure for what the user wants to do (eg logon or or out for break etc). Set label on main form to show user as logged on My question is should I be using a public variable and calling the main form again or in the user logon form having 4 options and using an IF ELSE to select the appropriate Stored Procedure?

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VS 2008 Allow User To Only Check One Check Box On CheckedListBox1

Mar 6, 2010

How can i allow the user to only check one check box on a CheckedListBox1..I was thinking of using a timer but that might be a stupid thing to do.

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Tutorial And Books That Mentions Sharpdevelop In Their Tutorial / Guide?

Oct 7, 2009

I have experience in C++ programming, but never created gui with it so learning vb.net for some quick gui development. and i want to learn vb.net. I can't install visual basic express on computer cause i'm on shared computer and such huge install is not possible on that computer. So i picked up sharpdevelop. After searching most of the tutorial, i found out that most of tutorial written for visual studio IDE for vb and vb.net. I'm trying to learn vb.net in depth from command line to gui programs. Any good recommendation of tutorials, book ? I searched google but very few results so far. I'm looking for good learning tutorials that can help learn with sharpdevelop.any suggestion for tutorial and books that mentions sharpdevelop in their tutorial/guide ?

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Cos Coming Up With NaN?

Jun 4, 2009

BeforeInverse= ((2nd.Text ^2 + 3rd.Text ^ 2 - 1st.Text ^ 2) / (2 * 2nd.Text * 3rd.Text))
Calculation.Text = Math.Acos(BeforeInverse/ Math.PI * 180)

The above is using the cosine formula which has been rearranged to solve for the angle. When i calculate, it comes up with NaN and i'm not dividing by 0. What does NaN mean and is there an error with the above code?

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Add Movie Clip (.avi Or .flv Or .swf) Into Form?

May 19, 2010

how this will be: I want to add movie clip (.avi or .flv or .swf) into Form and when the movie ends to show the button (visible=true) ?

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Capture Screen As Movie

Sep 1, 2009

I want to capture a video of my screen with vb .net, and i'd like to avoid using directx. I found a tutorial here url... but it resulted in the program instantly crashing, i think it was designed for .net 1.1;

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Change The Frame Per Second Of A Swf Movie In Vb?

Dec 26, 2009

how to change the frame per second of a swf movie in vb?

i have a text box for user to input their fps but now i don't know how to set the fps of the swf movie in vb..

AxShockwaveFlash1.fps = 10

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Create A Movie Player By Using VB?

Sep 6, 2010

how to create a movie player by using visual basic?

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Gets A SWF Flash Into A Shockwave Movie?

Dec 3, 2009

I am trying so that when the webbrowser has completed, It gets a SWF flash into a shockwave movie. Things i've tried.


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