Creating Windows Movie Make?

Mar 24, 2010

how can create a windows move maker like application in

if we want to create a media player than we can i add windows media player in our forms is there any way to add windows movie maker in our forms...

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VS 2008 - RSS - Creating A TV Guide Where Can Check Which Movie Tonight Is Coming

Sep 26, 2010

I'm creating a TV guide where you can check which movie tonight is coming etc. Everything went well till now, when I use a RSS I put the data in a DataGridView but it only goes in one column as I can't add the description in another column.

This is my code :

Dim Xml As New XmlDocument
Dim NoXml As XmlNodeList = Xml.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/title")
For i = 0 To NoXml.Count - 1

I want it to add more things then only the 'Title' in the DataGridView.

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Load A Movie Path Into A Flash Movie Player Activex In Background?

Aug 21, 2011

I'm in the need to fill a FlowLayoutPanel with about ten flashmovieplayer activex, but this not the trouble...

The trouble is that i'd like to load each flashmovieplayer movie path (with the commands movie or loadmovie) in the backgroundthread running and not in the form thread...

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VS 2008 Scrape Movie Ratings From Imdb From A Movie Title Name?

Nov 2, 2010

imdb scraper for my movie organiser. Ok so how do you scrape movie ratings from imdb from a movie title name.

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Make A Movie Rental Program?

May 9, 2009

Want to make a movie rental program first part is for dvd's the other form is for blu rays(for blu-ray the price of rental is $5.00)This is what im thinking about doing on the dvd one

1. first it lets you select the movies you want new releases are $3.25 and the rest are $1.25*here i want to use check boxes for the new release and radio buttons for the rest of the moives *note: have to use one type of decision structure (if, if...else...or select cases)

2. As you select the moives it display the amount of movies selected in a label

3. now you click the rent button then

4. type in your 16 numeric numbers of your debit card (use a input box here) and * if it is a debit card and its 16 numbers long display = enter 4 number password or 4 digit pin number

5. if it is not display a message saying it must be 16 numbers long and a debit card or numeric *use error cathing and input validation

6. then let the user enter the 4 number pin for the debit card

7. if the pin is 4 numbers then display the total in a list box display total and the due date of the movie (don't know how im going to display due dates) * Note two other things i must use a procedure or a function and passing of arguments by reference or by value in procedure or fuction. "no late fees kinda like netflix" I got the part on how two diplay the total but dont know where to use the decision sturctured or the repetition structures the use ref procedure or funciton or passing arguments by ref or by val in my procedures or functions thats the only part im lost and i was thinking instead of using radio button or check boxes for the movies like selecting them i was thinking of using a drop-down combo box instead?

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Load A Movie From Database To Windows Media Player?

Dec 24, 2009

I save a movie in access database in binery tape... How can I Load that to windows media player? In VB.Net

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VS 2010 Project - Make A Movie Center Where To Got All Movies On Computer On

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to make a movie center where I got all my movies on my computer on. Little hard to explain in english cause it's not my native language. Well I've got some problems. 1. I don't know how to make a browse button to work. In detail, I don't know how to code it so that it will select a whole map. Well I don't even know how to code it so it can browse.
2.How do I code so if one pressed a button it will come up a new form?

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VS 2008 - Make A Flash Object 2 Copy From Flash1 The Actions And The Whole Movie?

Oct 17, 2009

Guys,this is my first day at the forum,and my second thread. Can someone explain me how can i make an axshockwaveflashobject2 to copy what happens at axshockwaveflashobject1 like a picture or video. I have a tabed trainer and i want to see my stats in game at the second tab. i have the hack menu on a toolstrip,but i have at the tab 2 flash1.get variables to textboxes,but i can't see what's happening at the flash1,and i may lose the level by falling in the sea. The code should make something like a mirror from flash1 to flash2 at the other tab.


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Get An Unhandled Exception When Use A Windows Media Player Control On The Form In Order To Play A Movie File

Nov 23, 2010

I get an unhandled exception when I use a windows media player control on the form in order to play a movie file.It only happens when I run the program. But in debug, the error does not occur. What do I do?

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VS 2008 Make Button Open A Program And Make It Windows Size?

Aug 23, 2009

How do i make my button open a program and make it windows size?

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Creating A Windows Installer CD - Initiate The Windows Installer And Have Failed?

May 29, 2011

I have written a program in Visual Basic 10 and all is well. I have published it and have been burning the result to a cd and installed it on various computers, however it is the click once app, which has been fine till now. What I need to do now is to have the program install the .exe file and associated files (non click once app) to a specific drive on a computer or network computer. I have searched the net for instructions on how to initiate the windows installer and have failed. is there a program that you can select the source files then point to the installation folder tell it to go and an installation package gets made that I can burn to disk.

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Creating A Temporary File In VB On Windows 7 PC?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a VB program that creates a temporay PDF file then opens Outlook and attaches the file. I create the file in hte application path (the location that the program is running from - normally C:Program FilesProgamName This works fine in XP as it appears there are no crazy permission issues. However in Wondows 7, the file does not appear. There are no errors, the file does not exist in that location.

I've changed the path to the root of C:, however this doesn't work either. I suspect it's something to do with W7 virtualisation, so the question is where can I create a file that I can then access again?

I was trying to avoid creating it on a share on a server, but it's looking like this is the only place to put it as there doesn't seem to be many places a user can write files to in Windows 7.

Surely there must be a location that users can access (without being administrators) to create files. Don't even get me started on the fun I have had with the registry in W7!

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Creating Toolbar In Windows Taskbar

Sep 25, 2007

I'm writing an application that I want to keep status text always on the taskbar. Some programs like Windows Media player create a toolbar that can be added to the taskbar. Is there a way to do this in VB.NET, and if so how ... ?

I can create a notifyicon, and although it can be used to display notifications I need the text information to always be displayed... I could have used different icons to show a change in status in the notifytray but I really need text to display the status.

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Creating Windows Form Control?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a windows user control project that has a textbox placed on it.I want the textbox to fill the user control window.I've built the control and added it to another project, but it isn't behaving the way I want it too.When I drag and drop the control from the toolbox onto a windows form and try to resize it, because the textbox.multiline property has been set to True, the Textbox resizes horizontaly and not vertically (just like normal textboxes do) however the underlying user control window resizes which is undisireable. How can I get the user control window to stop doing this.

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Error Creating Windows Handle ?

Aug 23, 2009

In and made a proj. in vb2005. but when i try to load a particular form(opens up in a mdi container like all others in the project) , an error-error creating windows handle pops up, the line is frmadmn(the form).show

What shall i do? i read a lil on the net about too many handles, user objects etc. but the stats of my proj. at the time of error are-handles-350,threads-17,user objects-235 gdi objects - 159. have these anything to do with the prob.. then what should i do..? i read about the dispose command also about how to use it ? what to dispose...?

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Error While Creating Windows Handle

Aug 27, 2010

I get this error as below when I open my "frmAddPrivate" more than 5 times. How I can overcome it?

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VS 2008 Creating 'windows' In Forms?

Jul 6, 2010

Just looking for a bit of advice really on the best way to go about something.I am creating a new freeware game in which I am creating like OS for the game. So far I have the OS Home screen (Desktop) with a menu a bit / time / date etc.hat I am trying to do (and not sure the best way to do it) Is I want to be able to create windows within my virtual desktop 'form' as Windows does essentially for instance clicking on 'start' and going to 'Internet Explorer'I have turned the boreder style to no the desktop form and any other thing I do so its my look and feel but I am not sure the best way to go about this. I possibly thought creating my 'windows' as panels and just showing and hiding them but that doesn't appear to work when I overlay them.

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VS 2008 Creating Own Windows Key Shortcuts

Jan 7, 2012

I'm looking to be a able to add my own windows shortcuts which take effect when my own program is running in the background.For example, if the user has Notepad open, they may press Alt+F4 to close it. I would like the Windows Key + Q to do the same action.So Windows Key + Q = Alt + F4.There are a few shortcuts I would like to do but if someone could help me do it for this one then I should be able to take it from here.

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Calculate A 15% Discount When Creating A Windows Application

Mar 11, 2011

How do I calculate a 15% discount in visual basic in when creating a windows application.I have two radio buttons Yes and No and when yes is selected a 15% discount is subtracted from the total price.So would I just say 15% as 0.15 or should I name the 15% as a constant?

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Creating A Base Class For Windows Services?

Jan 16, 2012

In our application, we have a number of Windows Services (more than 30) that must run behind the scenes to process data at given times throughout the day. I was attempting to create a BaseService class that I could inherit from that would log to our database when the service started or stopped as well as some other common functionality. However, I ran into a show stopper in trying to create BaseService as MustInherit as we have a number of MustOverride properties. The issue lies in:

<MTAThread()> Shared Sub Main()

Our code is all in VB (as you can probably tell). Given that it is a Shared method, I cannot have it be overriden (i.e. make it MustOverride). Without this method, the code will not compile, however it will not really work in the base class. The code in this method is:

Dim ServicesToRun() As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase
ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New BaseService}

The BaseService (the name of my base class) cannot be created because it is specified as MustInherit. And therein lies my problem. I cannot create this in the Base Class and cannot override it in the inheriting classes.

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Creating A PDF Using ItextSharp In A Windows Forms Application?

May 18, 2011

Creating a pdf document using Itext is quite simple if your application is a web application because you can find samples to help you out all over the web. Creating a pdf document for a windows application on the other hand is not so easy. I cannot find a single sample online far this is what I have:

Private Sub PrintDefaultReport()
'Declare PDF document
Dim doc As New Document(PageSize.A4, 40, 40, 0, 35)
Dim MemStream As New MemoryStream


What is the above equivalent for a windows application?

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Creating A Program That Once Installed Was A Windows Toolbar ?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm wondering how I would go about creating a program that once installed was a windows toolbar. What I'm trying to do is similar to the clipboard, but I want to customize it to my own style. I work in a data entry job and many of the bills we enter have similar information that I'd like to be able to enter without repeated typing. I'd like the toolbar to be docked to the top of the screen, and have several buttons on it. Clicking a button, while having a focus in my data entry program, would paste the button's text (or the full text of what the button caption represented) into the selected field. Alternately, if focus between multiple applications is too difficult to try, then clicking the button would highlight the text and copy it to the windows clipboard, so I could then click back into my data entry program and hit ctrl-v. I dont need help on the program itself...just on how to make it as a windows toolbar, if possible.

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Creating A Wrapper Dll For Favorite Windows API Functions?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm Creating a wrapper dll for my favorite Windows API functions. Normally when windows API calls fail, Nothing happens and you don't know why and this frustrates me. Although you can use their return value to determine If it was successful.


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Creating Tiered Windows Forms Application?

Aug 8, 2010

m planning to make it as such:1. BLL and DAL are on the same box.2. Only PL is installed on client machines.Simple enough. Right now am planning to go web service as I have no idea how to do this with windows forms. So in a nutshell, my question would be how to connect the PL to the BL and how to do this during the development stage. I was planning on deploying the BL as a webservice then during development, the PL sets a reference to it to get the data.Data will basically be datasets, datatables etc. Might also have a need to do some file transfer.

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Getting An Error When Creating A New Record In SQL Db From A Windows App Form?

Jan 18, 2011

getting an error when creating a new record in SQL db from a windows app form.Here is the error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status.
at ADODB.RecordsetClass.Update(Object Fields, Object Values)

Error is occurring on the update step.

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Creating A Server Client Based Windows Application?

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to create an application for official use. The idea is to built in the Chat communication. I am wrtting some code for Chat Server/client.

1) Where do I keep the DB (suppose if I have SQL server on hosted web site)

2) Can I configure DB on my home PC ( no matter where client runs throughout the world if should refer the DB on my machine)

3) For Server - How to read the Users(Name and IP) from domain(AD) as well as on LAN.

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Creating User Control - Reuse In Different Windows Forms ?

Apr 15, 2010

In my project i added a User Control so that i can reuse in different Windows forms.I designed and coded the UserControl1 according to my need and now i want to use it in Form2 but i cant understand how to do it?

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Customized Datagrid - Creating A Windows Application For Company

Mar 1, 2012

I am creating a windows application for my company. in the master file i will enter the number of items we are getting from the customer. and in the next page i have to enter the details of each item. For that i have created a datagrid which has one autogenerate number field and the remaining fields must be editable. So that when i enter all the values in the datagrid, it has to go and save in the data base.

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Error Creating A Pivot Table From Windows Application?

Apr 3, 2010

I am getting error "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC" near (******). can anyone please help me out. i have seen [URL] this blog also but there are also errors in that. can anyone please provide me the correct code for creating a pivot table. The code is,

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Error In Creating A Pivot Table From Windows Application?

Apr 3, 2010

I have been receiving the error "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC" near (***) in the code below,

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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