Handling Long Running Webrequest?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a web request that can take 30-90 seconds to complete in some cases(most of the time it completed in 2-3). Currently, the software looks like it has hung if the request takes this long. I was thinking that I could use background worker to process the webrequest in a separate thread. However, The software must wait on the request to process before continuing. I know how to setup the background worker. What I am unsure about is how to handle waiting on the request to process.Do I need to create a timer to check for the results until the request times out or is processed?

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Handling Long Strings In VB?

Dec 21, 2011

I develop in VB and often I'm writing long TSQL statements in SSMS but getting them into VB is a bit of a pain. I like SSMS during development because I can change the query / structure and test it when there are problems. Some of them become stored procedures and some of them I just keep in the code.I like keeping them in the code because when I have a problem with something, I can GREP my projects directory and find the code that does something (that I've forgotten) or someone asks something about how something works, I can look it up. I've yet to find a GREP for stored procedures. Is there such a thing?I've read in a "best practices" white paper how we're not supposed to concatenate super long strings with & _ but a hundred line proceure is a pain to nest in

sb.AppendLine(" WHERE [q3] IS NULL "
sb.AppendLine(" AND [q4] > 2


C# handles these things much better than VB. I'm wondering how I can keep my code together during development and searchable later. I had my hopes up when VS 2010 offered implicit line continuation, that this would help my multi line SQL procedures. Again, I was mistaken. Perhaps I could write it all on one line. I'd be interested in knowing if there's a feature that I am not aware of. Well there are certainly many features which I'm not aware of, but I was referring to "long strings".

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Handling Long Strings - Change The Query / Structure And Test It?

Jul 9, 2010

I develop in VB and often I'm writing long TSQL statements in SSMS but getting them into VB is a bit of a pain. I like SSMS during development because I can change the query / structure and test it when there are problems. Some of them become stored proceduresand some of them I just keep in the code.

I like keeping them in the code because when I have a problem with something, I can GREP my projects directory and find the code that does something (that I've forgotten) or someone asks something about how something works, I can look it up. I've yet to find a GREP for stored procedures. Is there such a thing?I've read in a "best practices" white paper how we're not supposed to concatenate super long strings with & _


C# handles these things much better than VB. I'm wondering how I can keep my code together during development and searchable later. I had my hopes up when VS 2010 offered implicit line continuation, that this would help my multi line SQL procedures.Again, I was mistaken. Perhaps I could write it all on one line. I'd be interested in knowing if there's a feature that I am not aware of. Well there are certainly many features which I'm not aware of, but I was referring to "long strings".

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C# :: Long Time Running Applications?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm going to design an Application (C# or VB.NET) which use .NET Framework to run for very long time. It may be restarted every year or even more...Is there anything (using special design patterns or so) which I must care about in designing "Long time running applications in .NET"?

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Windows - Long Running Process?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a service ticket management application and users want to open several ticket details on a tab in a MDI frame. Since this application has to communicate through Web XML service with other company, it takes around 15 ~20 seconds. The users most complain is that he needs to wait until a saving process is done. Cursor is working while data is being saved and other can't be done

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C# - Use For A SOA Solution To Exec A Long Running Task?

Jan 30, 2012

I am developing a solution in .Net utilising the VMWare Web Service API to create new isolated virtualised development environments. The front end will be web based. Requestors input details for the specific environment which will be persisted to SQL. So I need to write an engine of some sort to pull the data from SQL and work on the long running task of creating resource pools, switch port groups and cloning existing VM templates etc. As work progresses, events will be raised to write logs and update info back to SQL. This allows requestors to pull data back into a webpage to see how it's progressing or if it's completed.

The thing I am struggling with is how to engineer the engine which will exec the long running task of creating the environment. I cannot write a windows service (which I would like) as we work in a very secure environment and it's not possible (group policy etc). I could write a web service to execute the tasks, extending the httpRuntime executionTimeout to allow the task to complete. But I'm keen to hear what you guys think may be a better solution to use (based on .Net 3.5). The solution needs to be service oriented as we may be using it on other projects within our org. What about WWF, WCF? I have not used any of the newer technologies available since .Net 2.0 as we've only just been approved to move up from .Net 2.0.

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Long Running Operation, Nonresonsive Program?

Jun 30, 2010

I have written a program that searches a bunch of urls and pulls out information that I need. The program works to an extent. Everything codewise works, but it seems like I did a sloppy job of pulling the code together. After about 10 minutes of running, the program just becomes unresponsive and I have to close it through task manager. I've seen it range from 100k to 350k in memory useage. It also uses about 80%+ cpu usage at all times. I hope someone might be able to see something that I forgot or did wrong as the program is meant to run almost full time, executing parts of code on certain days/times.

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True"
con.ConnectionString = strCon


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How To Handle Long Running Process - Hang When It Run Til Half Way

Jul 6, 2012

for example:

dim a as long

for i as integer = 1 to 10000000


It will hang when it run til half way.

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Program Becoming Unresponsive Whilst Running Long Code

Jan 31, 2011

I'm currently trying to write a football simulator but am having issues with the computer becoming unresponsive. There are long lines of code (several thousand lines) that are executed over and over as one run of the code is equivalent to one second of game time. While the game is setup to be like Football Manager where you watch the game live, there will also be cases where the entire game is simulated without you watching. When doing a full sim of a game, I just have a loop which executes the code block 7200 times (games go for two hour roughly).

At the moment this takes about a minute but even when I get it down to the desired 5-10 seconds or so, I dislike the fact that the computer becomes completely unresponsive during this time. In a round there are 9 games and you'll be simulating without watching 8 of them. You're looking at 1-2 minutes of simulation time or possibly more. I can't have a loading screen that long! How can I program the game so it runs these simulations yet the game still remains responsive? It'd be fine if the user could muck around in the menus and stuff while the simulation runs.

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Force A Progress Bar To Update During A Long-running Operation In Program?

Dec 19, 2010

I am running a test program for VB.NET, and it will simply crunch a million numbers in for loop. I've linked a variable implying the progress of the for loop with the progress bar, but it seems that when I run the program, the progress bar does not update itself. The bar itself has only value 0-100 as input (as stated in the document) and I've tested it without using the for loop, and it works.

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Redirect And Parse In Realtime Stdout Of An Long Running Process?

Apr 12, 2010

This code executes "handbrakecli" (a command line application) and places the output into a string:

Dim p As Process = New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = "handbrakecli"
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i [source] -o [destination]"


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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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VS 2010 : HTTP Webrequest Post Inside HTTP Webrequest Post?

Oct 6, 2011

Im trying to create a software which can post into yahoogroups.I've done trying to log in yahoomail but my problem is when I am going to post in yahoogroups, I am turning back in to yahoo log in page.

Here's my code so far:


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text


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Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal FBlock As Long) As Long?

Dec 26, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008 I am using :Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long) As Long To stop input from occuring during a search-replace operation.

BlockInput(True) ' do not allow input during search and destroy
Dim cursorIcon As Cursor
cursorIcon = Cursor
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

Then setting it to false at the end of the operation. It did not work, so I thought maybe it was because I was calling it from a child window, so I created a function in the mainwindow, and ran it like this:

FrmMain.BlockFrmMainInput()With these functions is the Main window:


It did not solve the problem. I thought maybe it was because I was running under the debugger, so I tried compiling and running it debugger-free, but that did not do any better. I am still getting input when I double-click the mouse on either form.

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Know When WebRequest Is Done?

Jun 22, 2011

Dim pReq2 As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.mysite.com/post.php?w=" & "TEST") pReq2.GetResponse()

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WebRequest Failing After A While?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a series of WebRequests in my app all formatted like this

request.Timeout = 30000
' Get the response and read it to the end [HTML of a page]


After roughly 250 iterations of about 5-6 WebRequest per iteration, the app hangs and starts hitting the WebException "The remote name could not be resolved: 'hostnamehere' ". WebPages also don't load through my browser when this happens, I have to close the app for my internet to work again. This app is multithreaded and I was testing with 100 threads (in a threadpool, MaxThreadCount set to 20, addressof the sub which performs the WebRequests). A test with 20 threads yielded identical results - Same WebException also right around 250 iterations processing the same sub. I have tried setting the ConnectionLimit of the request to the thread count with no luck.

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Create Is Not A Member Of Webrequest

Jun 6, 2010

I am trying to use httpwebrequest but I keep getting a message that says "Create is not a member of webrequest" every time I try and use the msn example code.

Dim myReq As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.contoso.com/")

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Error While Trying To Login Using Webrequest?

Aug 21, 2011

I dont know what i did wrong Here is the code:Im trying to login to uploadee btw, a paid per download site.

Dim Postdata As String = "sec_login=sec_user_in&email_two=" & TextBox1.Text & "%40hotmail.com" "&password_two="& TextBox2.Text & "&x=0&y=0"
Dim tempcookies As CookieContainer


Variable 'encoding' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.Variable 'tempcookies' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.

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GET Webrequest Not Returning All Pages

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to implement the webrequest get and post methods. I am accessing a secure site that requires login authentication and was told that instead of sending a login request all the time; login to the site and capture the cookie and use this to send it in the header to get results from the page. In other words let us use google for example.

Lets say google required u to login before searching for something. Now I login through my browser and leave the site logged in. Now I send a httwebrequest from my program that includes the cookie authentication details in the request header and get results for say ?param=sports. Now when I increment the page number like &page=3, I am still only getting page 1 results. Here is some code:


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Getting And Posting With Webrequest And Webresponse

Apr 3, 2010

I would like to search an online (internet) database and import the result in my own Windows program. As I understand from reading and searching I first have to do a get from the default (search) page to get the cookies for instance and then do a post providing the filled input fields and adding the previously collected cookies. So far getting the information seems to work but submitting the data back to get the actual search result doesn't seem to work. This is what I have so far: [code]Anybody that can point me in the right direction? I my assumption correct that I first have to do a Get and then Post the correct data back?

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How To Make WebRequest ASync

Oct 1, 2011

I think this is a simple question for you, but I don't understand other cases of webRequests, so I asked here: How can I make this webRequest asynchronous?
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim oRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
oRequest.Method = "GET"
Dim oResponse As WebResponse = oRequest.GetResponse()
Dim oStream As New StreamReader(oResponse.GetResponseStream())
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Webrequest GET Request

Jul 16, 2010

Does anyone at least have some related links on fetch requests and scraping?I am trying to implement the webrequest get and post methods. I am accessing a secure site that requires login authentication and was told that instead of sending a login request all the time; login to the site and capture the cookie and use this to send it in the header to get results from the page. In other words let us use google for example. Lets say google required u to login before searching for something. Now I login through my browser and leave the site logged in. Now I send a httwebrequest from my program that includes the cookie authentication details in the request header and get results for say ?param=sports. Now when I increment the page number like &page=3, I am still only getting page 1 results.[code]

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VS 2010 WebRequest And Timeouts

Apr 20, 2011

The current version of my application was using the WebClient object to download files from the internet and all was working well until some users reported that they were getting server timeouts. I looked into this issue and decided to move to the WebRequest object as it allows me to specify a Timeout value. The problem is, when using it synchronously, if I specify a timeout value of -1, I am worried that in the event of some weird server anamoly, my application would hang as it would be waiting for a response that isn't coming. So then I thought of using the WebRequest ansynchronously.


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VS 2010 WebRequest Call All Gets?

Mar 6, 2011

I am still learning about Get / Post statements in VB, and wondering if you have to call the Get commands to images, and what not, or just the main Post / Get statement and the rest will auto-load?

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Webrequest & GUI Refresh (Threading?)

Mar 29, 2011

I've got an problem with my GUI. My program has to request a couple of websites (POST) and then store the responses in local files.While requesting the sites, a GUI textbox (tbLog) should inform the user, what site actually is being requested and a "STOP" butten should enable the user to stop the whole process.Now, when I start work, the GUI freezes and the user cannot do anything until all websites are done. There is no update of tbLog.text at all and no stop button can be pressed.Me.Refresh() does not help, to.[code]

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Webrequest And Response Failure

Jul 29, 2011

I am trying to make a currency converter from a webservicex service - although it does take some time to load

Are there any other services i can use: if not what is the problem here...

The code i use goes to the right URL and displays something like this.[code]...

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WebRequest Objects Ina Loop?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a loop with WebRequest objects which I declare every iteration. I thought it would be more efficient to declare them outside of the loop and only modify the one parameter that changed but it didn�t work. Why is that? It seems like the loop acts like a subroutine or other block that kills it�s objects at the end of each iteration. Is this the case? It seems other global objects like a text box can be modified this way so why not the WebRequest?

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Write Up A File In Url Using Webrequest?

Apr 20, 2010

I want to write in a csv file that is in an url, but it`s not work look my code:how do i do to write in a file?Dim request2 As Net.WebRequest = Net.WebRequest.Create("http://www.bbb.com/teste_download/dados.csv")


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Wrong Charset In WebRequest

Feb 17, 2009

i use the WebRequest to download information but i can't receive properly from the site values like this: [code]

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.net - .Net WebRequest.Create Decoding Encoded URI?

Apr 19, 2012

I am writing some rest calls to the LinkedIn API using web request and have hit an encoding issue.The LinkedIn API takes requires an encoded URI as one of the parameters on the lookup i am trying to run.

We are calling the api through .Net's WebRequest.Create; and when we pass in the URI it decodes it and as a result we can't get the data from the call. Im trying to open a URI like this[URL]..Is there a mechanism in the webrequest class to stop it decoding the passed in URI; or a work around for this?

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