Program Becoming Unresponsive Whilst Running Long Code

Jan 31, 2011

I'm currently trying to write a football simulator but am having issues with the computer becoming unresponsive. There are long lines of code (several thousand lines) that are executed over and over as one run of the code is equivalent to one second of game time. While the game is setup to be like Football Manager where you watch the game live, there will also be cases where the entire game is simulated without you watching. When doing a full sim of a game, I just have a loop which executes the code block 7200 times (games go for two hour roughly).

At the moment this takes about a minute but even when I get it down to the desired 5-10 seconds or so, I dislike the fact that the computer becomes completely unresponsive during this time. In a round there are 9 games and you'll be simulating without watching 8 of them. You're looking at 1-2 minutes of simulation time or possibly more. I can't have a loading screen that long! How can I program the game so it runs these simulations yet the game still remains responsive? It'd be fine if the user could muck around in the menus and stuff while the simulation runs.

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Getting Gif To Run In Form Whilst Code Is Running On Another Form

Jan 4, 2010

I've got a form that opens up whilst data is being pulled from the database in another form (basically a box to say it's loading), the form opens when I want it to and the gif shows but doesn't run until the code on the other form has finished.

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Long Running Operation, Nonresonsive Program?

Jun 30, 2010

I have written a program that searches a bunch of urls and pulls out information that I need. The program works to an extent. Everything codewise works, but it seems like I did a sloppy job of pulling the code together. After about 10 minutes of running, the program just becomes unresponsive and I have to close it through task manager. I've seen it range from 100k to 350k in memory useage. It also uses about 80%+ cpu usage at all times. I hope someone might be able to see something that I forgot or did wrong as the program is meant to run almost full time, executing parts of code on certain days/times.

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True"
con.ConnectionString = strCon


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Force A Progress Bar To Update During A Long-running Operation In Program?

Dec 19, 2010

I am running a test program for VB.NET, and it will simply crunch a million numbers in for loop. I've linked a variable implying the progress of the for loop with the progress bar, but it seems that when I run the program, the progress bar does not update itself. The bar itself has only value 0-100 as input (as stated in the document) and I've tested it without using the for loop, and it works.

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Assign User Chosen Hotkeys Whilst The Application Is Running?

May 20, 2012

I have an application which uses hotkeys which are to be defined by the user. It is a combination of 2 keys, either CTRL, ALT, SHIFT as one hotkey and the F* Function keys as the other (e.g. CTRL + F1, ALT + F2 or SHIFT + F8) As stated these are then chosen by the user before a global keyhook is put in place to listen for them and trigger an event. In my app I have all my function keys as follows:

Public Const VK_F1 = &H70
Public Const VK_F2 = &H71
Public Const VK_F3 = &H72


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Forms :: Application Unresponsive After Moving Window (when Running)?

Dec 8, 2009

I have an application (written in 2008) which reads a text file. Parses the record and uses the second field (a UK postcode) to match an Access database (SQL - Select * from Table1 ......), then writes a text file back out with the original input postcode plus several fields taken from the access database.

I have 3 counts happening during the process, records read, postcodes matched and postcodes not matched. I move these values to labels on the form, then every 50 records read, I refresh the form (me.refresh) to update the labels (showing the end user where the process is upto).When running, if I drag the window around the screen, or minimize then maximize, or click off the window to another window, the application seems to freeze and the counter labels do not refresh.

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Terminate Code That Takes Long In Program?

Oct 25, 2010

How to terminate function/code (not entire page) when it takes some time, for example, more than 1 sec?[code]...

I found the command "Server.ScriptTimeou", but it stops the entire page instead of one command.

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Timer To Run In The Background Whilst Other Code Is Being Processed?

Mar 11, 2010

in my program it has a log in system already done by myself and once logged in you can do whatever i have coded in if you understand my meaning . what i want to add to it is a timer that can be edited that runs as a standby timer like with what a screen saver does and logs out after inactivity for a specified time now i have no idea where to stat with this so if some one could put me in the right direction or an example would be i need it to start a timer once the mouse is not moving and no keyboard keys are being pressed and terminate the timer once keyboard keys are being pressed or mouse is being moved it's for an update that i am releasing on my publishers website for my program?

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VS 2008 - Use The Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) Code The Form Becomes Unresponsive

Jul 20, 2010

The coding that I have a problem with might make people think that I am creating some malware. So the project I am doing is associated with iTunes. iTunes allows people to have one library. There is another way, but it is very confusing to some people, and very unreliable. So my project is that I will allow people to have multiple iTunes libraries on one computer. So the problem is this. In order to have an option to choose your library, I gotta make sure that iTunes is not running.

So this is the script:

Private Sub CheckAndCloseiTunes()
'Custom class that includes the function to safely close iTunes
Dim Processes As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("iTunes")


So when I use the Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) code, the form becomes unresponsive.

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Moving Lines In Code Of A Program While Running

Oct 27, 2011

I want to go back to the input line in the four places in the code that say something like strinputmessage = strnegative or strinputmessage = strnonnumeric.I need to be able to go back to where you input the data so that the index does not increase.I tried using a GoTo <23> to go back up to the line i needed but then it gave me all these weird errors about the End and Next were missing.[code]

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C# :: Long Time Running Applications?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm going to design an Application (C# or VB.NET) which use .NET Framework to run for very long time. It may be restarted every year or even more...Is there anything (using special design patterns or so) which I must care about in designing "Long time running applications in .NET"?

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Handling Long Running Webrequest?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a web request that can take 30-90 seconds to complete in some cases(most of the time it completed in 2-3). Currently, the software looks like it has hung if the request takes this long. I was thinking that I could use background worker to process the webrequest in a separate thread. However, The software must wait on the request to process before continuing. I know how to setup the background worker. What I am unsure about is how to handle waiting on the request to process.Do I need to create a timer to check for the results until the request times out or is processed?

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Windows - Long Running Process?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a service ticket management application and users want to open several ticket details on a tab in a MDI frame. Since this application has to communicate through Web XML service with other company, it takes around 15 ~20 seconds. The users most complain is that he needs to wait until a saving process is done. Cursor is working while data is being saved and other can't be done

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C# - Use For A SOA Solution To Exec A Long Running Task?

Jan 30, 2012

I am developing a solution in .Net utilising the VMWare Web Service API to create new isolated virtualised development environments. The front end will be web based. Requestors input details for the specific environment which will be persisted to SQL. So I need to write an engine of some sort to pull the data from SQL and work on the long running task of creating resource pools, switch port groups and cloning existing VM templates etc. As work progresses, events will be raised to write logs and update info back to SQL. This allows requestors to pull data back into a webpage to see how it's progressing or if it's completed.

The thing I am struggling with is how to engineer the engine which will exec the long running task of creating the environment. I cannot write a windows service (which I would like) as we work in a very secure environment and it's not possible (group policy etc). I could write a web service to execute the tasks, extending the httpRuntime executionTimeout to allow the task to complete. But I'm keen to hear what you guys think may be a better solution to use (based on .Net 3.5). The solution needs to be service oriented as we may be using it on other projects within our org. What about WWF, WCF? I have not used any of the newer technologies available since .Net 2.0 as we've only just been approved to move up from .Net 2.0.

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How To Handle Long Running Process - Hang When It Run Til Half Way

Jul 6, 2012

for example:

dim a as long

for i as integer = 1 to 10000000


It will hang when it run til half way.

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Redirect And Parse In Realtime Stdout Of An Long Running Process?

Apr 12, 2010

This code executes "handbrakecli" (a command line application) and places the output into a string:

Dim p As Process = New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = "handbrakecli"
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i [source] -o [destination]"


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Running .bat File Through Code ... Get Error "An Attempt Was Made To Load A Program With An Incorrect Format"

Dec 7, 2010

I have a batch file. It includes two lines, as follows: pkgmgr /n:unattend.xml pause I have run this batch file manually and it works (installs IIS on the local machine). But when I try to run it in code I get an error: "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format". Here is my code to run the batch file:


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Dim X As Object - Summarize The Long Code?

Sep 3, 2011

I want to summarize this code because it is too long:


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Making A Long Code Short?

Aug 1, 2009

im making a basic program, The relevant code is


but, i need to make it go from 0000 to 9999. but i don't wanna do 9999*3 lines of code. i need help. i got no idea about how to do this, i was trying to make my own program there would generrate the code for me, but did pretty much crash... so...



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Passing JavaScript Array Of Long To Code Behind?

Sep 7, 2009

I have returned object from signature device and when i make quick watch on it, it told me that its an array of long and when i pass it to web method in my code behind ( it gives me nothing. note: i'm using an activeX to capture the signature from the device.

this is javascript code :

function OnSave() {
var sign = document.FORM1.SigPlus1.SignatureString;

this is my webmethod:

<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function Save(ByVal obj As Object) As String
Dim obj1 As New PFSIGNATURELib.SigniShellSignature


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Convert Date To Long Like Program?

Nov 12, 2010

In my vb code.

I am converting today date to long datatype.[code]...

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Program Freezes During Long Process?

Aug 1, 2009


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VS 2005 Long A Program Runs?

Jul 22, 2010

I would like to know if there is a way to see how long a program runs. I have one that takes a very long time to run, which is not the problem. I start it and go to bed or leave for the day. When I come back it has finished. I do know it takes hours. Is there a way to find out how long it does take to run give or take a couple of minutes?

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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.net - How Long Dose It Take To Analysis, Design And Program A CMS Using ASP.NET

Oct 4, 2009

I intend to choose developing a Web Content Management System using with 2008 but I'm not sure about how long it takes to program such system. Is 4 months enough for developing such system? This 4 months is the duration of this semester and Includes about two months for analysis and design and the rest is left for implementation.

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DB/Reporting :: Long Time To Run A VB Program And Get An Error

Apr 5, 2009

I have a problem with my (aspx.vb, aspx) program. Since my vb program require more than a day to make some data analysis. however, the page always run a long period(one hours exactly) will be downed and become cant display the page. i am wondering is it related to dns error?

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Using Long File Paths To Execute A Program?

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to execute a program with switches that ends up with a shortcut being too long and exceeds the 260 character limit for shortcuts in windows XP:


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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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Auto-start Code On Open Then Close After Code Is Done Running?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a program that runs some code when i click a button on a form when done running the application ends. I want to automaticaly run the code when the users clicks on the exe. I have put the code that i want to run in the startup forms load event but that doesn't start

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Program Has Long Freeze While Writing Text File

Feb 26, 2012

I am making a program that loads, edits and saves 5000 rows x 100 columns of data. The data is stored in a datagridview. I use these commands to write the file:

dim z as integer
dim z1 as integer
for z=0 to datagridview1.rows.count-1
[Code] .....

Every time I issue this command the whole program freezes until the computer is done writing the file. Is there some way I can get it to write this file without freezing up the program? Or, perhaps a better way to write this large data file?

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