Convert Date To Long Like Program?

Nov 12, 2010

In my vb code.

I am converting today date to long datatype.[code]...

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Can't Convert A Delegate (from AddressOf) To A Long?

Feb 19, 2009

I am using the EnumWindows API Call, and I've looked at an API website. It can't convert a Delegate (from AddressOf) to a Long, so I made a delegate type for it. (Uh-oh, already.) I need to know something that will take the returned IntPtr and get the window title, so I can activate it with another API call and send some keys.

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Convert A List(of Long) Into A String Array?

Oct 26, 2009

I want to convert a List (of Long) into a string array.

Reason: it's a list of database IDs and I want to make a comma delimited string to pass into a stored proc.I tried this:

Dim commaDelimitedList As String = String.Join(",", itemIDList.Cast(Of String)().ToArray)

but I'm clearly not using the Cast correctly since it throws an exception:

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int64' to type 'System.String'..

Is there a way to get Cast working for this, or am I stuck with ConvertAll and a delegate function?

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VS 2008 Convert String To Long Integer?

Feb 14, 2010

i am trying to convert test from a label into a 'long integer' type. i will then use this long integer type to read from the database (Ms access 07). i will be reading an autoNumber from the database

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Convert A Long String (Lets Say 550 Chars) Into Something Lower?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to make a hash calculator (For testing now)

I know that MD5 is a 1 way(Meaning that there is no decryption for it, yet)

now I was wondering if SHA-1 is a two way. Also, is there any other hashing method that are 2way?

reason is that I want to convert a long string (Lets say 550 chars) into something lower (From 550chars to something lower then 550chars)

I can use a Key, but every possibility will give me bigger length then the actual string.

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Convert To A Long Type And Maintain The Decimal Places?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a variable containing a double type eg, 56.3433253. I want to convert it to a long type and maintain the decimal places.

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Routing - MapPageRoute In Global.asax - Cannot Convert String To Long

Jun 7, 2011

I am having an issue where the I am trying to use some Regular Expression in a constraint. The issue is it is evaluating the Regex as a string, and throwing an error. "Cannot convert String 'd+' to long".

New RouteValueDictionary(New With
{.Part = "d+"}))

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Convert Excel Date To Sql Server Date Time Format Using ACE Provider?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to import data in a batch from an Excel Worksheet to a Sql Server database. Everything works except for the one date field in the spreadsheet. The date returned is off by four years from the value in the spreadsheet. Example: The Excel sheet has a date 10/24/2010 14:18, but when I look at the column in my query, the date is 10/23/2006 2:18. This pattern, 4 years and 1 day earlier, is repeated for every row in the worksheet.

The Excel column comes to me as a custom type, formatted m/d/yyyy h:mm. I receive this from an outside vendor and having them change the column is not going to be my simplest solution.

For what it's worth, the relevent part of the query is:

Select [Date Created] From MyWorksheet

View 2 Replies - Convert Date String DdMMyyhhmmss To Date Object?

May 24, 2012

I have a string that holds a value in the format of ddMMyyhhmmss.

Example 240512024707

I need to be able to convert this date to a real .NET Date object.

I am currently using CDate but it seems CDate does not recognize the format, is there any way of specifying the string format to CDate ???

row.Item("NoteDate") = CDate(n.noteText.Substring(0, 12).ToString).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")

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Convert Gregorian Date To Hijri Date?

Oct 2, 2011

I would like to write a calendar. That will convert gregorian date to hijri date. I did it. But i cant display months can you show me how can i?

i changed it as for example:

When i run the programme:

1981 is equals to the 1401

But i would like to change like 21 Ocak 1981 equals to the 16 Muharram 1401

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Format Date Time : Cannot Convert To Date

Dec 2, 2009

cant seem to get this to work , I am tryin gto get the date from last week exactly 7 days ago i get an error when i try this "cannot convert to date "

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dateTimeInfo As Date = Date.Now
MessageBox.Show(dateTimeInfo.Date.ToString(Format(DateAdd("", -7, "yyyyMMdd"))))
txtFileDate.Text = ""
End Sub

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Program Freezes During Long Process?

Aug 1, 2009


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VS 2005 Long A Program Runs?

Jul 22, 2010

I would like to know if there is a way to see how long a program runs. I have one that takes a very long time to run, which is not the problem. I start it and go to bed or leave for the day. When I come back it has finished. I do know it takes hours. Is there a way to find out how long it does take to run give or take a couple of minutes?

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Convert Date From TextBox To Date In ASP.Net?

Nov 29, 2011

I want to get the difference of date from Two TextBox say to and from dates.[code]...

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.net - How Long Dose It Take To Analysis, Design And Program A CMS Using ASP.NET

Oct 4, 2009

I intend to choose developing a Web Content Management System using with 2008 but I'm not sure about how long it takes to program such system. Is 4 months enough for developing such system? This 4 months is the duration of this semester and Includes about two months for analysis and design and the rest is left for implementation.

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DB/Reporting :: Long Time To Run A VB Program And Get An Error

Apr 5, 2009

I have a problem with my (aspx.vb, aspx) program. Since my vb program require more than a day to make some data analysis. however, the page always run a long period(one hours exactly) will be downed and become cant display the page. i am wondering is it related to dns error?

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Long Running Operation, Nonresonsive Program?

Jun 30, 2010

I have written a program that searches a bunch of urls and pulls out information that I need. The program works to an extent. Everything codewise works, but it seems like I did a sloppy job of pulling the code together. After about 10 minutes of running, the program just becomes unresponsive and I have to close it through task manager. I've seen it range from 100k to 350k in memory useage. It also uses about 80%+ cpu usage at all times. I hope someone might be able to see something that I forgot or did wrong as the program is meant to run almost full time, executing parts of code on certain days/times.

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True"
con.ConnectionString = strCon


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Terminate Code That Takes Long In Program?

Oct 25, 2010

How to terminate function/code (not entire page) when it takes some time, for example, more than 1 sec?[code]...

I found the command "Server.ScriptTimeou", but it stops the entire page instead of one command.

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Using Long File Paths To Execute A Program?

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to execute a program with switches that ends up with a shortcut being too long and exceeds the 260 character limit for shortcuts in windows XP:


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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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Program Becoming Unresponsive Whilst Running Long Code

Jan 31, 2011

I'm currently trying to write a football simulator but am having issues with the computer becoming unresponsive. There are long lines of code (several thousand lines) that are executed over and over as one run of the code is equivalent to one second of game time. While the game is setup to be like Football Manager where you watch the game live, there will also be cases where the entire game is simulated without you watching. When doing a full sim of a game, I just have a loop which executes the code block 7200 times (games go for two hour roughly).

At the moment this takes about a minute but even when I get it down to the desired 5-10 seconds or so, I dislike the fact that the computer becomes completely unresponsive during this time. In a round there are 9 games and you'll be simulating without watching 8 of them. You're looking at 1-2 minutes of simulation time or possibly more. I can't have a loading screen that long! How can I program the game so it runs these simulations yet the game still remains responsive? It'd be fine if the user could muck around in the menus and stuff while the simulation runs.

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Program Has Long Freeze While Writing Text File

Feb 26, 2012

I am making a program that loads, edits and saves 5000 rows x 100 columns of data. The data is stored in a datagridview. I use these commands to write the file:

dim z as integer
dim z1 as integer
for z=0 to datagridview1.rows.count-1
[Code] .....

Every time I issue this command the whole program freezes until the computer is done writing the file. Is there some way I can get it to write this file without freezing up the program? Or, perhaps a better way to write this large data file?

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Write A Program Which Compares The Difference Between Any Date In The Past And The System Date?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm trying to write a program which compares the difference between any date in the past and the system date, showing how many days have elapsed since that date.This is what I've got so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub


That's what it looks like so far. I was wondering how you can automate the top label so it automatically comes up with the date when the program is run.Plus, I need to know how to display the dates difference (how many days have elapsed between the system date and the user's chosen date) in the bottom label.

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Force A Progress Bar To Update During A Long-running Operation In Program?

Dec 19, 2010

I am running a test program for VB.NET, and it will simply crunch a million numbers in for loop. I've linked a variable implying the progress of the for loop with the progress bar, but it seems that when I run the program, the progress bar does not update itself. The bar itself has only value 0-100 as input (as stated in the document) and I've tested it without using the for loop, and it works.

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Getting Error Trying To Convert Date String In "hh:mm:ss Tt MM/dd/yy" Format To Date?

Jun 8, 2011

i cant seem to create a datetime object in with datetime string that's in this format "hh:mm:ss tt MM/dd/yy".The error im getting says its not a recognisable string datetime format.

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Get The Program To Start Back Over And Enter Another 2 More Words If The String Is Not 20 Characters Long

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program that requires a string. The string is 20 characters long. The string also have to be split into 2 words the first word is 12 characters and the second is 8. If the strings is not 20 characters long I get an error. I wanted to know how can I get the program to start back over and let me enter another 2 more words if the string is not 20 characters long. At the moment after I get the string is not 20 characters long error it continues to read the rest of the program but I want it to stop after an error and let me start over from the beginning.

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Have A Program That Should Display Report Let Say From A Date To Date?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a program that should display report let say from a date to date. but i am using string compare and not date compare. what is my problem is it is not displaying the correct output and always shows a dialog box that request parameter.-how do i make so that the default parameter box not showing?-how do i make the report display the output correctly?-the connections always show "logon failed" and need to be refreshed everytime i want to display the report.

Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
Public Class BKCictSpecsReport


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Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal FBlock As Long) As Long?

Dec 26, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008 I am using :Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long) As Long To stop input from occuring during a search-replace operation.

BlockInput(True) ' do not allow input during search and destroy
Dim cursorIcon As Cursor
cursorIcon = Cursor
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

Then setting it to false at the end of the operation. It did not work, so I thought maybe it was because I was calling it from a child window, so I created a function in the mainwindow, and ran it like this:

FrmMain.BlockFrmMainInput()With these functions is the Main window:


It did not solve the problem. I thought maybe it was because I was running under the debugger, so I tried compiling and running it debugger-free, but that did not do any better. I am still getting input when I double-click the mouse on either form.

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.net - Get Convert Into Date Value?

Feb 10, 2010

How to convert text value into date

Textbox1 column value = 31/12/2009 (dd/MM/yyyy)

The above code is not working.I want to get a date like this '31 Dec 2009'How to write a code for getting this format.

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Convert Date To UTC?

Oct 22, 2009

I want logging functionality in my application and this is how I do it:

My.Settings.LastRun = Now()
lblLastRun.Text = My.Settings.LastRun.ToString("yyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")
s = "Operation finished: " & My.Settings.LastRun


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