How To Add Command To Newly Added Context Menu Items

May 21, 2009

I don't even know where to start with adding a command to a newly added item in the context menu. So much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

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Add Command To Newly Added Combobox Items

May 19, 2009

on form1 , i have a combobox and a label. on form 2 , i have a checkbox , a textbox , and a label . in the textbox i input the name to be added to form 1 by combobox checked, and the label has a folder directory.

i can add the new item to the combobox on form 1, from the checked box on form 2. what i can't seem to figure out, is how to get the form1.combobox newly added item to show the folder directory label from form 2 on the form1's directory label when i click on the combobox item..

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Toolstripmenuitem - Add An Onclick Event For Newly Added Menu Item

Aug 24, 2009

just want to ask help in terms of adding new menu item onclick event on an existing menu item. I have a window menu (handles all open window forms in the Parent) once a new window opens i used this [Code] but i need also to add an onlick event on all the forms being added, so when they click that sub menu it will open the form selected. My question is how can i add an onclick event for this newly added menu item?

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Clone The Menu Items And Then Bound It To Form Context Menu?

Nov 26, 2009

Suppose I have ToolStripMenuItem mnuOrderOptions that contains the three drop down items. I want to copy all the items are their respective event handlers to Contextmenu on button click & then bound that context menu with the form.

Private Sub AToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub[code]....

how to clone the menu items and then bound it to form context menu.

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Context Menu Will Not Proceed With Command When It Loses Focus

Jun 3, 2009

i have a checkbox, when checked, contextmenu shows and remains visible until unchecked.. then i ran into a problem.. if i click any other control on my form, the context menu disappears and the checkbox remains checked. i have tried placing


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Add Items To Windows Context Menu?

Jul 25, 2010

I am writing an app and I was wondering how could you add something to the windows context-menu (when you right click on the windows exspor) like in 7Zip or winRAR to preform certain actions i.e. encrypt filezip file; in, or perhaps is there a way in the windows installer template?

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Implement Some Items In Context Menu?

Aug 16, 2009

how to implement some items in context menu? for example i mean how to implement a "Open in new window" when i want right-click on a link in the page?

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.net - Save Context Menu Items In My.settings?

Jan 12, 2010

How can I store the items in a context menu strip in the Settings so they are in the context menu when the application is next started?

Or is there a better way than using settings? (they are recently opened files in the cms)

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Add Items To Windows Explorer Context Menu?

Aug 14, 2009

I want to add an item to the computers context menu, I want that item to have an image and to have sub items.

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Click Event For Context Menu And Sub Items?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a ContextMenuStrip click event. I was hoping to use this whenever a user clicked onto the ContextMenuStrip or one of its subitems. I have noticed that it does not fire when the user clicks on the sub items. Is there another click event that includes both the main menu And its sub items. Note that I also have added individual events to the individual menu items and sub items to capture specific code for these items. As such, I already know that I can use these events and call my desired code snippet in each of these if I have to. However I was wondering if there was another general click event that captures all the items (main + sub).

Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Click
'Some code here
End Sub

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Adding Items To Windows Context Menu On Right Click Of A .lnk?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm needing to apply more options on the Windows context menu at the time I right click on a .lnk file based on the target.

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C# - How To Make Connection Between Context Menu Items And Functions

Feb 24, 2010

I made context menu for UltrawinGrid, when i click right mouse button then the context menu open. This is the code that I use for my menu:

Private Sub ShowContextMenu(ByVal mousePoint As Point)
Dim cMenu As ContextMenu = New ContextMenu
cMenu.Show(UltraGrid1, mousePoint)
End Sub

Now I want when I click on context menu item, for example delete, to call function that gone do something, how i can do this? How I can make connection between menu items and functions?

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Tell What Form Control A Context Menu Was Over When Clicked One Of Its Items

Mar 22, 2011

I have 10 textboxes on a windows form. Each textbox has the same contextmenu. Say they are named textbox1 - textbox10. What I need is when I right click in one of the textboxes I need to capture the name of the textbox in which the contextmenu was called. So if I am over textbox2 and right click for contextmenu then select menu item #2 in the click event I need to capturethe textbox control I called the contextmenu from (textbox2) so I can send that name to a function to process my other code.

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VS 2005 Adding Context Menu Items To Caption Bar?

Jul 8, 2011

So I have a modal form and the caption bar comes with a built-in context menu with Minimize, Maximize, Move, Close, etc... I would like to be able to add an item to that menu - 'Dock in app'.

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WPF Context Menu : Assign A Click Event For Each Of The Items?

Sep 23, 2008

I have a WPF project in Microsoft Expression Blend.I made a context menu for the window, but I don't know how to assign a click event for each of the items.If you want- here's the XAML code for the context menu- it works ok:

<ContextMenu Padding="0,2,0,2">
<Label x:Name="label1" Content="text1" mo/>
<Label Content="text2"/>


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VS2010 Crashes When Selecting Choose Items In Toobox Context Menu

May 26, 2010

VS2010 Professional crashes when I select Choose Items from the toolbox context menu (right click). All has been working well since it was installed in March but just suddenly started with this behaviour. I had an issue with one of my apps which caused a total VS freeze at about the same time this issue started but the app is now working correctly.It had stopped me from using VS2010 and I reverted to vs2008 but that has developed a bug which prevents me from creating / accessing any data connections. A bit stuck now.I have removed and installed VS2010. Initial reinstall attempts failed due to unverified msi file (??). However, I have now successfully installed VS2010 back on the machine. Crash problem still remains.

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While Creating Context Menu Strip / Not Able To Enter More Items Like Cut Copy Paste

Aug 14, 2009

I have created a menustrip in windows application.I typed items like &File,&Open.At design time,F and O is undelined in File and Open respectively.But at runtime,it does not seem to be.Also,while creating context menu strip,iam not able to enter more items like cut copy paste.

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Insert A New Right Click Context Menu Item To The Existing Right Click Context Menu For The Active Window?

May 15, 2010

VB express 2008 .net 3.5 or .net 4.0 VB express 2010?I have written application to convert RTF to HTML. The main Purpose of the application is to copy VS code to the clipboard and covert it then put it back into the clipboard as a HTML Document so that it can be pasted into a HTML document such as Windows Live Mail. I found that code copied and pasted is spaced out in in the wrong positions.

The applications works perfect with no bugs so far. I then asked Myself how to go about doing the copy with the least amount of operator interaction. So I added an Icon to the Icon Tray with a right click menu to use to convert once the Rich Text Format was copied to the clipboard. This works fine except you have Five steps, Select the text, Copy to clipboard, Right Click the icon, Select the Converter and Paste. The normal is three steps.

To this the best solution is to add a context menu item to the active form such as the RTF editor or window. So that when you select the Rich Text to copy and right click on the form to bring up that menu then to Just Select the menu Item such as "Copy RT and Convert" I searched and found about 544000 Items and tried to restrict down to no avail. I read until I finally gave up. I did not find any code examples of this. Almost every thing I found related to the web or some other explicit document like Excel and not to the Various windows that could be active with RT in it.

how do you add a context menu item to the context menu of an active rich text format window such as WordPad or VB?I have test in my application that tests to see if it is a RTF in the clipboard so if it is not the converter does nothing.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Form Isn't Showing Newly Added Record

Jun 7, 2011

my form isn't showing my newly added records in the database but when i close it and then open again it will show. I want to know how to add refresh button and it will automatically refresh itself..

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Update Newly Added Data In Datatable?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a Datatable where i added data from textbox when i want to edit selected datatable rows from gridview to eidit these values will be showing in their respected fields but when i click update button the only first row in gridview will be updated either i select first row or any other row in gridview for editing whereas i want to update the selected rows data. NOTE: I was design datatable visually under 2008 designer and the datatable have not any primarykey i am using following code under btnupdate event

Dim i As Integer
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Code") = txtCode.Text
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Description") = txtDescription.Text


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DB/Reporting :: Check If Newly Added Records Have Been Saved

May 7, 2008

I'm trying to build a new customer data entry page for a db project. One of the features I would like to add is a way to check and see if there have been any new records that have been added that haven't been explicitly saved to the db. If so, when the form_closing events fires I want to evaluate whether or not new entries have been made that weren't saved, and then count the number of rows that haven't been saved.


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VS 2008 Identity Of Newly Added Record - Access Db?

Mar 13, 2010

I've read about @@Identity. I've also read that it's no longer supported. I get lost in the mountains of data searching provides.I'd like to get the "ID" field, which is an AutoNumber Primary Key field, when I insert a new record. There's got to be a simple way.

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Displaying Newly Added Records Without Exiting & Rerun Project

Jun 28, 2011

I've created a database in Access 2007 and connected it to Visual Basic 2008. My database have tables Coachee and Coach. Details of Coachee are displayed in one form and there's a button that when clicked will show details of the Coach of that particular Coachee in a another form. If the Coach is not in database, user will be prompt to insert a new Coach record. Problem is, when saved, the newly inserted record will not be displayed and i have to exit and rerun the program, only then the record will be displayed.

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Retrieve Auto-Number Field Value For A Newly Added Record In MS Access?

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2005 (Visual Basic) and MS Access 2003 I am trying to build an application in the lines of the book "Doing Objects in Visual Basic 2005" by Deborah Kurata. So, I have a Data Access Layer (DAL) Class Library that is separated from the business logic layer (business objects) Class Library. I try to add a new business object such as a "Customer" to the Access Database, where the "Customer" table has a PrimaryKey "CustomerID" which is an AutoNumber field. I am successful in writing the values to the database, but I can't figure out how to know the "CustomerID" of a newly added "Customer" so I can populate the business object with the respective values.

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Save Newly Added Data In A Row Or Rows From DataGridView Into SQL Server When The User Clicks A Button?

Mar 5, 2012

if could modify the following code for me so that it save data row by row from a DataGridView into SQl Server. Currently, the code saves data from all rows at time instead of saving only the recently added data in a row or rows when the user clicks a button.[code]...

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Get Context Menu Appear In Tasktray While The Tray Appears The Menu Doesn't Right Click

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to get my context menu appear in my tasktray, while the tray appears the menu doesnt when i right click. Here is all my code associated with my task tray:


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Add Command To Newly Created Control?

Apr 26, 2009

this is what i have so far:


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Context Menu Affects Main Menu Drop Down Location

Jul 13, 2010

I open a context menu by right clicking it.

It stays open when the cursor leaves it.

I click a main menu item.

The drop down opens at the top left of the screen.

Not under the main menu item I clicked.

I want to search the Internet but can't guess what key words to use.

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Get A Context Menu With Any Number Of Names In The Menu Created At Runtime

Jan 18, 2010

I have a blank form and when the use right clicks on the form, they get a context menu with any number of names in the menu. This changes depending on the situation. I can get the context menu to add/remove the list of names but when I click on one of the choices and it goes to my routine (from addhandler) I can't find the property that tells me what they clicked on...


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Show Context Menu On Drop Down Menu Item Right Click?

Jun 22, 2009

i want to show context menu on drop down menu item right click...As an example,Suppose we add bookmark in mozilla & when we right click on that item..context menu is showing

Private Sub MenuAddToFavorites_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MenuAddToFavorites.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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