How To Attach Events Of Original Object To Deep Copied Clone
Oct 27, 2010
Following up on my question yesterday to deepcopy an object with events in C# and attach the events of the original object to the Cloned copy is pretty easy, you just set the Event declaration in the Copy = the value in the original. Deep Clone when events are attached. How do you do this in VB.Net? (Using .Net 2). Maybe there was something with reflection where you can examine what events are bound and somehow transfer those to the new object.
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Apr 18, 2012
I have an object (a third component gridview) which is serializable, and I need a deep clone of this object. I have the following code which throws the exception."The type System.Windows.Forms.Control in assembly System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=b77a5c5 61934e089 is not serializable".So the gridview's base class is System.Windows.Forms.Control, which is not serializable. How can I get a deep clone from the gridview? [code]
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Aug 19, 2009
I have a custom datagridviewcolumn in which i've added an event.The problem is, I can't work out how to see who has subscribed to the current column object's event and add those subscriptions to the cloned column object.
I get around this problem by asking the calling program to pass the address of the handler to a delegate in the custom column, instead of adding a handler to the event.
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Feb 6, 2012
I am trying to make a deep copy by adding a clone property to my class.
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Apr 15, 2012
I am wanting to create a large amount of files all copied from a single original file. I then have a list of names in a listbox that each of of these files will rename to. However I am getting an error saying that the file already exists in the save location even though the files are saving to a totally different folder...
code below.
Dim Counter As Integer = listFileNames.Items.Count
Do Until Counter = 0
System.IO.File.Move(txtOpen.Text, txtSave.Text)
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Aug 5, 2011
If I instantiate an object within a function in VB.NET and return it, does it return it be reference or by value. IE - should I be worried about performance if I write something like this:
Public Function ret_obj_func() As big_object
Dim ret_obj As New big_obj(<lots of stuff>)
Return ret_obj
End Function
If I call this function from somewhere else, will it instantiate the object in the ret_obj and then create a deep copy to pass back a copy to the caller, Or will it just pass back a reference?
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Oct 25, 2009
I have code that reads file paths froma text file into my application for an mru list on my apps main menu. The menuitems are added programatically from each line of the text file. How can i attach events to these menu items?
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Apr 27, 2009
Essentially what I want to do is copy a WebBrowser object such that I can do the equivalent of "Open In New Tab" or "Open In New Window" actions, maintaining any posted data. I don't just want to navigate to the same URL as in the original WebBrowser object, rather I want to repeat the HttpWebRequest.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have a object collection type of BindingList(of T), i want to take same copy of the object. but the problem is when ever i made the changes in the copy then the original object also reflect that change, how can i avoid it .
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Jul 10, 2011
Let's say we have object A and object B (Picturbox for e.g) Iwant to move A from its position to B's position straightly .what is the mathmatical equalation to get the X,Y coordinator that A must move from its position straightly to B's positionI have another thing ,I would like to know how can I determine that an object (button for e.g) make collusion with a clone of itself.
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Nov 1, 2010
I tried to make a custom form, inherited from object.
I just put one custom property named FormMode.When this property's values changed, it automatically raise an event.
Public class ucForm
Public Enum FormModeEnum
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Oct 26, 2009
I have an object that is defined as a global variable based on custom class. Within that class I have an event that gets fired a certain intervals. These events are fired on the same thread as where the object is declared. How do I create a global object, but have the events within that object fire on a separate thread?
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Apr 6, 2011
Let's say I got a list called myFirstList And then I want to create a copy of that list so I can do some tweaks of my own. So I do this:
mySecondList = myFirstList
But I noticed that the tweaks also affect the myFirstList object! I only want the tweaks to affect the second one And afterwards I will want to completely delete mySecondList, so I do mySecondList = Nothing and I'm good, right?
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Mar 30, 2011
i have worked on a culture switch control and i need to modify the ViewContext.RouteData("culture") to check if the view exists anyway when i do the following
Dim routeData As RouteData = ViewContext.RouteData
routeData.Values.Add("culture", cultureValue)
then the original ViewContext.RouteData is changed when i change the routeData.I have tested to do the following to but no success
Dim tempViewContext As New ViewContext(ViewContext.Controller.ControllerContext, ViewContext.View, ViewContext.ViewData, ViewContext.TempData, ViewContext.Writer)
Dim routeData As RouteData = tempViewContext.RouteData
routeData.Values.Add("culture", cultureValue)
how to copy the ViewContext to a temporary object and changing the values without changing the original ViewContext values?
Edit: The only way i know work is to change the routeData then check if it exists and after it change the routeData back to the original culture... was hopping there were a another way but it works for know.
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .
When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.
Here is the simplest example of my problem: In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"
Dim obj As Object = TextBox1 AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as obj. All UserControls have the same event.
Is there a way to use this structure without error?
Maybe there is a way to define a new object that covers all my UserControls.
View 8 Replies
Feb 10, 2011
I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.Here is the simplest example of my problem:In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"
Dim obj As Object = TextBox1
AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event
I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as
View 8 Replies
Jun 23, 2009
I'm using a com object in my vb net application. I'd imported the com library and everything is fine.But the object does not raise events, None. I need to know if there is some way to achieve that it works.
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Sep 19, 2009
In a reply to one of my posts, a user said I should create an event for Textbox1.TripleClick.So, I would need to create an event.My problem is, how do I create an event for a textbox so that the event shows up in the textbox events?
View 10 Replies
Dec 19, 2010
I have a class that is used as follows:
Create an object
Run the RunIt method
The object runs some code and sometimes raises Event1 and sometimes Event2
I want to run that object using Background worker
Programming the app I wasn't sure of the code so I created the VS project shown below so I could make this post
Many questions:
Which routines in the code are run on the worker thread?
Is the object created on the worker thread?
And are its events run on the worker thread?
How to handle the Cancel. The way I did appears tp work except that
e.Cancelled does not return as true (Done is displayed).
And suppose the object didn't have events how would I handle Cancel?
Is there a better way to handle the basic problem?
I wish the code was shorter but wanted to be sure I prsented the problem.
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.ComponentModel
View 4 Replies
Feb 6, 2010
I have an issue with usercontrols that has been puzzling me for a while. I think I must be overlooking something and many hours of web searching haven't resulted in increased insight.In my main program I have defined several events, that may be raised at certain times. e.g.: Public Event FlipBackgroundEvent As EventHandler
View 15 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
I've been thinking about my options when it comes to events in I'd like to do is to track events that are fired in an application without explicitly declaring them with 'handles' sub. Here is a pseudo-[code]....
Yeah I know, not quite working, but is there any way of implementing something like this in My end game is really to be able to monitor events fired in many objects from another object, isn't there a more maintainable way to do that then to add a special sub in each object that handles the event that I want to catch? I need some way to let one object handle events fired in other objects without a special sub, the AddHandler goes a long way, but I can't really use that dynamically like so:[code]....
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Oct 17, 2011
I want to use One routine to handle multiple events & i want to give the list class object to the routine handle clause in Is it possible? I have 100 buttons on my web page & i want to handle click event of each button. I have same coding on each button but the only difference is that, which button is calling the event handling routine. So i want to make one sub routine for handling event of all my buttons.
I can solve this by writing each button name in the handles clause like - Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ImgRCP_26.Click, ImgRCP_27.Click,. But it is so lengthy procedure. So that why i want to handle my button in the arraylist. How to do this?
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Jan 31, 2010
Is there any way possible to deep copy a Control? Just want to know if its possible
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Sep 23, 2009
I am after some GDI+ help, Basically I have an LED display which for example is 300 LEDs wide by 300 LED's deep, so you could say it has a resolution of 300x300.I am intending to use windows to process images ready to be sent to the display (as the display is dumb and simply displays what it is sent, But I require that the images are animated as well as static sort of like the basic PowerPoint animations (scroll on/off etc).to achieve this I need to write some code that creates frames much like gif's. So to scroll a 300x300 image onto the display I would need 300 separate frames.
So I have written the following code that uses the GDI+ objects to build the frames needed to scroll an image from the right or left.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm looking for a recursive subroutine.I have the dataset from sql-server with in the datasource-table a parent- and a child-column.
I made a routine to put the parent-nodes in the tree.The problem starts with the childs over so many levels.I can write it out but it is to much code, I'm sure it can be done more efficient with a recursive subroutine.
.tv_Ana.Nodes(A).Nodes(B).Nodes(C).Nodes(D).Nodes(E).Nodes(F).Nodes(G).Nodes(H).Nodes.Add(Trim(sLev_nI + "-" + row_nI("MidCod").ToString()))
The tree will be about 25 levels deep.A few days ago I saw a recursive subroutine to fill the childnodes without the above difficulty to write alle the levels in code.That example I cannot find it any more, but it had a line of code more or less like this here below:
Nodes As TreeNodeCollection = tv.Nodes(A).Nodes
but it doesn't work yet!
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Jan 20, 2010
I have created a form with a tab control that I want to be able to make a copy of in such a way that all the child controls and their data are copied as well. I have tried this:
Dim NewPage as TabPage = tcViews.TabPages.Item(0)
I end up with a reference to the first page. That is, if I change something in the old page, it changes in the new one as well. I believe this is because VB.NET treats assignments of classes as references, rather than values. Hence only the memory address of the original is copied, so essentially both refer to the same tab page in memory. I also tried serialization and deserialization.
The TabPage is apparently not serializable. And I heard about MemberwiseClone, but it isn't accessible, according to Visual Studio. There doesn't appear to be a Clone method available either. How do I make a new tab page that is totally independent of the original, but that has copies of the original page's controls and their property data, which can then be edited independently of the originals?
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Oct 19, 2010
Shallow vs. Deep copies of objects. Why would anyone want a shallow copy of, say, a multidimensional array?! If I wanted something to act just like something else (and this is what shallow copies do), why would I create a second instance to do what the 1st instance does already? I think I understand the point of objects and that just copying the contents of one object to another does not make them independent, but it seems that the whole point of doing:
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Aug 15, 2006
If I have a generic.list(of ClassA), is there a simple way to create a deep copy of this list that will not affect the original copy? It seems to work if I have a generic list of Structures, but for some reason the copy constructor for lists of classes only copies pointers to the elements (or maybe a pointer to the whole list?). I would move to structures if it were not for the fact that I can't find a way to edit the members in the structs in the list. eg:list(0).a = 5 'Does not workIs there some way to get around this without declaring an instance of that structure, like this:dim str as StructA = list(0)str.a = 5I'd
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Oct 6, 2011
I have a datatable property called prpParametersTable in a class called clsBatch. I have a procedure that sets a datatable variable called dtP equal to prpParametersTable at the beginning of the procedure. I then add three new columns to dtP.Here is my problem. When I add the three new columns to dtP my original table prpParametersTable also gets those columns added to it, why? I only want to add the three columns to dtP and not prpParametersTable. How can I do that?
Private Function prvfnc_InsertBatchParameters(ByRef cnn As SqlConnection, ByRef trans As SqlTransaction) As String
' set new columns that have BatchID, Insert DateTime, and UserID for the SQLBulkCopy method below
Dim clm As DataColumn
Dim dtP As DataTable = clsBatch.prpParametersTable
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Mar 13, 2010
I have a button ad a list box, the button when clicked lets the user select a directory on the HDD, and then the app is meant to list all the sub directory's of that folder int he list box. However I cant seem to get it to list just the sub directory names, not the full paths, and also to only scan by 1 folder deep (selected foldersub folder).
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