Mvc 3 ViewContext To New Object Then Changing The TempViewContext.RouteData Modifies The Original ViewContext?

Mar 30, 2011

i have worked on a culture switch control and i need to modify the ViewContext.RouteData("culture") to check if the view exists anyway when i do the following

Dim routeData As RouteData = ViewContext.RouteData
routeData.Values.Add("culture", cultureValue)

then the original ViewContext.RouteData is changed when i change the routeData.I have tested to do the following to but no success

Dim tempViewContext As New ViewContext(ViewContext.Controller.ControllerContext, ViewContext.View, ViewContext.ViewData, ViewContext.TempData, ViewContext.Writer)
Dim routeData As RouteData = tempViewContext.RouteData
routeData.Values.Add("culture", cultureValue)

how to copy the ViewContext to a temporary object and changing the values without changing the original ViewContext values?

Edit: The only way i know work is to change the routeData then check if it exists and after it change the routeData back to the original culture... was hopping there were a another way but it works for know.

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ADVERTISEMENT Mvc - Why Is ViewContext.ViewName Not Available

Jan 11, 2010

I read several examples on the web which use the following code:

Private Function SomeFunction(ByVal htmlhelper As HtmlHelper) As String
Dim controller As Controller = htmlhelper.ViewContext.Controller
If controller IsNot Nothing Then


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Re-work A Previous Project Without Changing The Original?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 9... Which uses Visual Studio 2008.I would like to re-work a previous project without changing the original to which end I'd like to make a copy of the original, with a different name obviously.

View 2 Replies - Page.RouteData Returning WebResource.axd?

May 22, 2012

I have a rule in my Global.asax like so:

Essentially, any page that doesn't physically exist is redirected to default.aspx. When that page loads I use the following in the Page_Load sub like so:

I then convert this into a session variable like so:

Eventually, the individual is redirected to another page...where I need to access this value again, but when I perform the following:

I get WebResource.axd as the value for prospect_url. What?

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How To Attach Events Of Original Object To Deep Copied Clone

Oct 27, 2010

Following up on my question yesterday to deepcopy an object with events in C# and attach the events of the original object to the Cloned copy is pretty easy, you just set the Event declaration in the Copy = the value in the original. Deep Clone when events are attached. How do you do this in VB.Net? (Using .Net 2). Maybe there was something with reflection where you can examine what events are bound and somehow transfer those to the new object.

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Webbrowser Control Modifies The Source When Using "webbrowser1.document.body.outerhtml" To Uppercase And Strips Quotes?

Mar 10, 2010

webbrowser1.document.body.outerhtml This transforms all the tags into uppercase and removes quotations. I need to make it valid xhtml does anyone know away to get the outerhtml to not format or maybe a way to easily change the output to proper xhtml.

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VS 2008 Changing Object Name In Combo Box

Jul 19, 2009

I was just starting to learn how to use classes today and I think I might have a vague handle on them.Anyways, I was using a class to generate troops (as objects, since I needed various statistics tied to each individual one) in an army for sort of a basic medieval-type game I was creating and adding them to a combo box.It all works perfect and the index holds my object and I can call data from it, etc., my only issue is with the aesthetics of my result.All of the troops I add to the combo box as objects appear in the dropdown list as "WarProject.Soldier", the name of the object. This is obviously not something an end-user would understand or want to see. I have no idea how to change what an object appears as in the combo box.

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WithEvents And Changing Object Reference

May 3, 2011

So I wanted everyone's opinion on this and what you think of this. Using the WithEvents modifier makes life very easy in VB.Net (srsly, I love it), and I was exploring some of its limitations and noticed you can do something along the lines of this:


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Changing Object Reference In Constructor Parameter?

Oct 30, 2011

I'm trying to change the reference of a variable passed from one form to another in the constructor of the recieveing form but after I've changed it the original reference still remains in the source form. Why is this and can I force it to accept the new reference?

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Changing Splash Form And Startup Object At Runtime?

Jun 24, 2010

I am developing an windows application in VB 2008, My requirment is such that I have to change the applications Splash and Startup object on the basis of "Custom Constants" (Compilation Constants).As far as I have .Net idea it should be done in Application.Startup Event (guide me if i am wrong)Now, in Application.Startup_Event when I write the code

Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
My.Application.SplashScreen = SplashScreen2


The application dont work as desired, instead it starts with Form2 (which is OK), while in case of Splash it doesnt changes the splash form.

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VS 2008 Populate Object With List Of Windows Users Without Changing Datatypes?

Jul 25, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I need to populated a ComboBox and a CheckedListBox with a list of the Windows Accounts on the host computer. I also need to the user to be able to apply settings to the users individually. Thirdly, I need to find a way to add a startup registry key in the CURRENT_USER for a different user than the "Current User" (For example: User1 is an Administrator. User2 is a Limited Account [can't modify registry]. User1 needs to add Registry key to User2's "CURRENT_USER". This is a parental control application so the Admin accounts need to be able to access the registry from all users without affecting all users at once. I do not have any code to paste because I still have not the foggiest idea of where to start. I think it probably has something to do with an array (I have no experience with arrays whatsoever) but I am stumped from there. I'm a new, self-taught programmer so I speak idiot at times,

Summary of Questions
1) How do I retrieve a list of Windows Users?
2) How do I populate the objects above with such a list?
3) How do I interact with the items on that list (specific user accounts)?
4) How do I modify another user's CURRENT_USER Registry key?

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Original DataTable Object Has Columns Added When Variable Has Columns Added?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a datatable property called prpParametersTable in a class called clsBatch. I have a procedure that sets a datatable variable called dtP equal to prpParametersTable at the beginning of the procedure. I then add three new columns to dtP.Here is my problem. When I add the three new columns to dtP my original table prpParametersTable also gets those columns added to it, why? I only want to add the three columns to dtP and not prpParametersTable. How can I do that?

Private Function prvfnc_InsertBatchParameters(ByRef cnn As SqlConnection, ByRef trans As SqlTransaction) As String
' set new columns that have BatchID, Insert DateTime, and UserID for the SQLBulkCopy method below
Dim clm As DataColumn
Dim dtP As DataTable = clsBatch.prpParametersTable


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Changing The Object Declarations To Global Using The 'global' Keyword Evertime?

Mar 15, 2012

evrytime i add new controls to a form in the designer regenerates code and asks me to make corrections, so i have to keep on changing the object declarations to global using the 'global' keyword evertime it regenarates code,especialy dataset can i prevent this?

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Forms :: RichTextBox - Changing Font Size Without Changing Families And Styles

Sep 21, 2010

I'm searching for a way to change the font size of selected text in a RichTextBox (rtf) having different font families (e.g. Arial and MS SansSerif) and font styles (underline, bold...) using the FontDialog, but without changing the families and styles. The following code resets all the font attributes, which is not what I want:


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How To Get Original File Name

Jun 23, 2010

i used to r-click on file > property > tab version and see the original file name

but now i 1 2 using to get this name.

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Flattening An Object Hierarchy Using A Shim Class - Initializing Derived Object Properties From The Base Object?

Jul 10, 2010

I am somewhat new to object oriented programming and am attempting to flatten a Linq object hierarchy by using a shim to initalize a derived class with property values from a base class?I have two objects, a base object with about 100 properties, and a derived object which inherits from the base object and adds a few additional properties beyond those of the base object. My simple constructor creates the derived object, but I am looking for a way to initialize the derived object properties with values from the base object.Right now I am using reflection to iterate over the properties individually and I suspect there may be a better way. The following example shows my shim class constructor for the derived class, and two properties:

newProperty1 - a new string property of the derived class

flattenedProperty2 - a new string property of the derived class, copied from a 2nd-level object of the base class

Code example:

Public Class derivedObj
Inherits baseObj
Private _newProperty1 As String[code].......

Is this the correct constructor approach to flatten the object hierarchy using a shim class? My second question relates to initialization of properties in the derived class. The constructor above creates the derived object, but what is the best way to initialize the derived object properties with values from the base object? The following code uses reflection to iterate over the properties individually, but I suspect there may be a better way.

Code example:

' property names are in the string array fieldNames

'baseObjQuery is an ienumerable of baseObj

'derivedObjList is a list of derivedObj[code].....

Is there a simple way to initialize values for the properties in the derived object based upon the values of the common properties in the base object?

View 7 Replies

C# - ASP.NET Get Original Text Of Label?

Apr 15, 2009

Is there any way to get the original text from a Asp:Label on a page, after the text has been altered?

with the orginal text i mean the text that is hard coded into the markup.

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Can't Get The Original Decrypted Password

May 4, 2011

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Text


I can't get the original decrypted password.

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Dock Another Form Next To The Original

May 16, 2011

This is a big idea and I'm unsure of how easy or difficult this really is. I do not know how I would get this even started. What I am trying to accomplish is "docking" so to speak, a sub form into the original. Basically, there are 2 forms open, but one is like a helper so to speak. This concept is not new as many programs use it. An example is a program widely used call Teamviewer. If you use Teamviewer, open the "Partner List" Pane at the bottom to see exactly what I am talking about. Basically, it opens a new form that is next to it.


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Get Original Value Of Field Before It Was Changed?

May 11, 2012

I'm from a Visual Basic 6/VBA background and I'm moving to VB.Net. I've got a field on a form and I want to look at the value of the field BEFORE it was changed by the user. In VBA/VB6 I simply sais Me.FieldName.OldValue to get the original value. How do i do this in

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How To Keep Original Data Type

Jun 12, 2009

I have a .csv file with data as below


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How To Keep Original Values In DataRow

Aug 16, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and Access DataBase. My code need to store original data values for row being updated to compare it with new values later. For this to accomplish I wrote following

Dim dRowOriginalRow
As DSetPurchaseSale.PurchasesRow
Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
[Code] .....

When I am running this code, i am not getting the original values in dRowOriginalRow variable insted it is also updating with new changes made in controls, so the dRowOriginalRow and dRowModifiedRow are always same. Again may I use Equal To sigh to compare both rows as I did in my code?
True : dtPurchaseDate.Focus()

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IDE :: .net Will Read The Original Code?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a program that my boss ask me to add something on it for report generation but this is a finished program. My problem is if I add a script on this program and build and run using the debugger, the IDE will create a duplicate of my class and will read the original script. I copied the program and place it on a different drive so as I will still have a back-up of the original program at drive c:. And I tried to copy the program again and put it on a different folder but I still have the same problem.

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Know The Original Number Of Digits?

Jun 17, 2011

How do I know the original number of digits that appear in this way 5.555555E+36

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Locating Original DLL Registered In GAC?

May 26, 2010

I do not have access to the DLLs currently in production on a new project I am taking over. The source code is accessable but I want a copy of the original DLLs that were compiled and implemented in production via GAC. When I explore 'C:WINDOWSassembly' the DLLs are properly registered there as expected. I understand the GAC store the DLLs somewhere. where so I can get copies of them. The OS of the machine is Windows 2008 Enterprise.

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Overwrite The Original File?

Jul 6, 2009

I have a text file to read. Then i took the lines from the text file and write in temporary file. Now i want to overwrite the lines from temporary file to original file.My original file contain Top and bottom part.

My temporary file look like this

4.5 28 Red (T1 ) [1 12.86 53.8] 100.00 100.00 198452 -1309 | 11.0 28 Red (2 13.10 04.0) [T1 ] 130611 2948 100.00 100.00
1.5 28 Blue (T2 ) [1 07.06 59.1] 102.54 100.00 190456 39339 | 6.5 28 Blue (2 03.00 03.0) [T2 ] 132111 -67725 102.54 100.00


So i want to overwrite the lines before "|" to the Top part and the line after the "|" to bottom part.. I attach my original and temporary files.

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Url For The Poster Original Size?

Dec 18, 2010

I am writing a little app for getting my self folder art from a dedicated web site themoviedb.

they output all the links and every thing in xml to make it easier to pick up on and i am not stealing this is a site where you can do this sort of thing.

i dont really know alot about xml all the examples seen get me so far but i am not sure what to do to get right to image urls.

sample xml as follows


I can get to the xml inside the images node. I thought next level would be the child but i cant bring it up i could regex it but i thought the whole point of xml was to able to get to a peice of info within it easily. I would like to get the url for the poster original size(first one in the highlighted list)

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Adding New Row In DGV And Saving Row Content In Original XML

Feb 27, 2012

I want to be able to add values inside the last (default) row in the DGV and when I click save, the value will be save to the xml currently when I do I get error - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."the error occurs in the red highlighted.[code]

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Array - Remove Duplicate And Original?

Apr 11, 2010

I've come unstuck on a certain point. I am trying to find a way to compare two lists and output only lines which are unique. In other words, remove both occurrences of duplicate lines.I'm relatively inexperienced with VB.NET, but this is how far I have managed to come;

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim LinksList1, LinksList2 As String
LinksList1 = Replace(RichTextBox1.Text, "#vch", "") : LinksList2 = Replace(RichTextBox2.Text, "#vch", "")


1) search the array to find duplicates and add them to a second array, then have a second pass to remove anything which matches the second array.

2) search the array for one duplicate and store it, then search the array again to remove the duplicates, and run that process until there are no more duplicates.

Then again, I could be going about this completely the wrong way. If that's the case, feel free to knock some sense into me.

View 10 Replies - URL Rewriting And 301 Redirect... Redirects To The Original URL?

Feb 18, 2010

I have wired up a Global class to an HttpModule. It's job is to detect "http:/www." in the URL and redirect the user to the NON www. version

Protected Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Force Removal of WWW
Dim application As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)


not something I want to do anyways since it's a hack, but it didn't work anyways.

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