Clone Subscriptions To Object's Events Is Program?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a custom datagridviewcolumn in which i've added an event.The problem is, I can't work out how to see who has subscribed to the current column object's event and add those subscriptions to the cloned column object.

I get around this problem by asking the calling program to pass the address of the handler to a delegate in the custom column, instead of adding a handler to the event.

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How To Attach Events Of Original Object To Deep Copied Clone

Oct 27, 2010

Following up on my question yesterday to deepcopy an object with events in C# and attach the events of the original object to the Cloned copy is pretty easy, you just set the Event declaration in the Copy = the value in the original. Deep Clone when events are attached. How do you do this in VB.Net? (Using .Net 2). Maybe there was something with reflection where you can examine what events are bound and somehow transfer those to the new object.

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Take Clone Of BindingList Object

Mar 10, 2011

I have a object collection type of BindingList(of T), i want to take same copy of the object. but the problem is when ever i made the changes in the copy then the original object also reflect that change, how can i avoid it .

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Determine That An Object (button) Make Collusion With Clone Of Itself

Jul 10, 2011

Let's say we have object A and object B (Picturbox for e.g) Iwant to move A from its position to B's position straightly .what is the mathmatical equalation to get the X,Y coordinator that A must move from its position straightly to B's positionI have another thing ,I would like to know how can I determine that an object (button for e.g) make collusion with a clone of itself.

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Deep Clone Of Object With Base Class System.Windows.Forms.Control

Apr 18, 2012

I have an object (a third component gridview) which is serializable, and I need a deep clone of this object. I have the following code which throws the exception."The type System.Windows.Forms.Control in assembly System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=b77a5c5 61934e089 is not serializable".So the gridview's base class is System.Windows.Forms.Control, which is not serializable. How can I get a deep clone from the gridview? [code]

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Made A Clone Of The Vista Contact Program?

Oct 28, 2009

I been trying to made a clone of the vista contact program to use in a address/phonebook application im tryin yto make for learning purposes. I have or think I have it almost licked but it seems there is a few buggs that does not work right.

what i want it to do is as i type characters into the textboxes it will automatically at the same time fill another control like a label.text or textbox.text. but ultimally the combined data will be added to a the vista new contact program it automatically updates the full name combobox in realtime as you type each letter in 3 different format.


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Pass Parameters To SSRS Subscriptions Programmatically?

Sep 30, 2010

I have created some SSRS Reports in VS2005 and built a UI to run these reports. I am able to create subscriptions in Report Manager to auto-distribute the reports via email. Being new to .NET programming, how I can programmatically pass parameters for the SSRS subscriptions so I can use my UI to set up all these parms instead of using Report Manager if it is even possible.

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Create A Global Object But Have The Events Within That Object Fire On A Separate Thread?

Oct 26, 2009

I have an object that is defined as a global variable based on custom class. Within that class I have an event that gets fired a certain intervals. These events are fired on the same thread as where the object is declared. How do I create a global object, but have the events within that object fire on a separate thread?

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.net - Create A "clone" Of Object, Not Point To It?

Apr 6, 2011

Let's say I got a list called myFirstList And then I want to create a copy of that list so I can do some tweaks of my own. So I do this:

mySecondList = myFirstList

But I noticed that the tweaks also affect the myFirstList object! I only want the tweaks to affect the second one And afterwards I will want to completely delete mySecondList, so I do mySecondList = Nothing and I'm good, right?

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Addhandler Events Of An Object ?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .

When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.

Here is the simplest example of my problem: In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"

Dim obj As Object = TextBox1 AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as obj. All UserControls have the same event.

Is there a way to use this structure without error?

Maybe there is a way to define a new object that covers all my UserControls.

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Addhandler Events Of An Object?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.Here is the simplest example of my problem:In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"

Dim obj As Object = TextBox1
AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event
I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as


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VS 2005 Com Object Does Not Raise Events?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm using a com object in my vb net application. I'd imported the com library and everything is fine.But the object does not raise events, None. I need to know if there is some way to achieve that it works.

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VS 2008 Creating Object Events?

Sep 19, 2009

In a reply to one of my posts, a user said I should create an event for Textbox1.TripleClick.So, I would need to create an event.My problem is, how do I create an event for a textbox so that the event shows up in the textbox events?

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Backgroundworker Runs A Object's (with Events) Method

Dec 19, 2010

I have a class that is used as follows:

Create an object

Run the RunIt method

The object runs some code and sometimes raises Event1 and sometimes Event2

I want to run that object using Background worker

Programming the app I wasn't sure of the code so I created the VS project shown below so I could make this post

Many questions:

Which routines in the code are run on the worker thread?

Is the object created on the worker thread?

And are its events run on the worker thread?

How to handle the Cancel. The way I did appears tp work except that

e.Cancelled does not return as true (Done is displayed).

And suppose the object didn't have events how would I handle Cancel?

Is there a better way to handle the basic problem?

I wish the code was shorter but wanted to be sure I prsented the problem.

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.ComponentModel


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Subscribed Events Still Being Handled After Object Disposal

Feb 6, 2010

I have an issue with usercontrols that has been puzzling me for a while. I think I must be overlooking something and many hours of web searching haven't resulted in increased insight.In my main program I have defined several events, that may be raised at certain times. e.g.: Public Event FlipBackgroundEvent As EventHandler

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Object Handle Events Fired In Other Objects Without A Special Sub?

Jul 28, 2010

I've been thinking about my options when it comes to events in I'd like to do is to track events that are fired in an application without explicitly declaring them with 'handles' sub. Here is a pseudo-[code]....

Yeah I know, not quite working, but is there any way of implementing something like this in My end game is really to be able to monitor events fired in many objects from another object, isn't there a more maintainable way to do that then to add a special sub in each object that handles the event that I want to catch? I need some way to let one object handle events fired in other objects without a special sub, the AddHandler goes a long way, but I can't really use that dynamically like so:[code]....

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One Routine To Handle Multiple Events In Arraylist Class Object

Oct 17, 2011

I want to use One routine to handle multiple events & i want to give the list class object to the routine handle clause in Is it possible? I have 100 buttons on my web page & i want to handle click event of each button. I have same coding on each button but the only difference is that, which button is calling the event handling routine. So i want to make one sub routine for handling event of all my buttons.

I can solve this by writing each button name in the handles clause like - Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ImgRCP_26.Click, ImgRCP_27.Click,. But it is so lengthy procedure. So that why i want to handle my button in the arraylist. How to do this?

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Detect Collision Between A Graphics Object And Picture Object In Program?

Oct 20, 2011

I am making a lunar lander game that randomizes the terrain for each new game, so each game is different. For my game, I am creating a graphics object that draws a closed curve for the terrain of the game. I am trying to then detect if a picture object collides with the graphics object.[code]...

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Combine Events In Program?

Jun 27, 2011

I was wondering if there is any way to combine events in I am using a windows form and have three events for each button that does a different action. I would like to put all three events in one method but am having trouble doing this. Below is an example of one of the buttons. For the ease of the question I removed all the code inside each sub.[code]....

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Avoid Form Events In Program?

Jun 25, 2012

I've recently been learning, coming from a background in java and c. I'm pretty comfortable adding buttons and things like that to my form, and then using those click events to call functions in other classes.

However, the way I have been testing my code is to add a button to my form and then have the click event initiate the first function call (basically I have this button acting like a java main() method.

I have recently been wondering if there is a more efficient way of testing out my code that is similar to how it is done in java or c. By this I mean, is there a way to skip all of the form stuff and just have a sub procedure or function that is similar to a main method in java?

I've seen several answers that have mentioned how to add get a main sub to work in, but they required changing some of the properties of the project. I'm looking for something I can just code and hit run without having to disable the application framework.

Since I'm still relatively new to, I am also wondering if this is they wrong way to go about it? If I was being asked to create some code in an interview or something, would I need to worry about launching everything, or would they just want to see me implement the class as a standalone file?

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Use Events Of Control Arrays In Program?

May 12, 2012

I have created control arrays in run time with following [code]...

But I don't know how I can have access to events now (especially textchanged)

For example I want when I write number in txtfrom (i+1) write it automatically in txtTo(i)

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Key Events Association With Active Program On Screen

Jan 8, 2011

I'm trying to do program that do something with F1 and F2 keys. So all working while my program is active. If my program is on screen. If I'm using other programs and my program isn't active on screen then these buttons won't do anything.

My code so far:
This is under load program :
Me.KeyPreview = True

This is when keys are pressed :
Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.F2
[Code] .....

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Load And Activate Events For A Form In Program?

Nov 18, 2011

I am having three forms

1. Main page

2. Input page

3. Output page

I want load event to be activated whenever coming from Main page to Inputpage and activate event when coming from output page to input page.But what i am getting is that only for the first time load is activated and for all other only activate is called.

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Homework - Write A Program To Print Only Even Numbers Between 6 And 16 Using Events

May 22, 2011

I was given an assignment to "write a program to print only even numbers between 6 and 16 using events", but I don't even know where to begin. The main thing I am having difficulty with understanding in this assignment is how I am supposed to specify that it only print even numbers in the given range of numbers.

Am I going to have to do a Mod2 code for each individual number and have it exclude any with the result of 1? Or is there another piece of code specifically designed for such an occassion? Perhaps there is some type of equation I can have the program read in terms of a variable, which holds the values of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16? I am just genuinely confused on how this is supposed to be programmed.

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VS 2008 Controlling Events From Multiple Program Instances?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to my problem, and its probably because I don't know exactly how to ask the right question - can anyone here point me in the right direction?

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Which Written In The Key Press Events To Enable To Connect Barecode To Program?

Nov 16, 2010

i need the codes which written in the key press events to enable me to connect barecode to my program

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Clone And MemberwiseClone ?

Aug 31, 2009

There is something that I do not understand the point of, and it has to do with ICloneable.

Take the simple example below:

Public Class MyClass2
Implements ICloneable

Private p_List As New List(Of String)
Private p_Number As Double


No... For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would want a Shallow copy of anything.... And... I do not understand why the Me.MemberwiseClone would not work with list and arrays....

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How To Clone Listviewitem

May 3, 2012

on cloning a selected listviewitem from listview1 when a button is clicked to listview2. How do I achieve this? Here is the code I have but does not work exactly how I want it, it just makes a clone of all the listviewitems in listview1.

foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items)

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Adding A Textbox To The Form Prevents The Program From Recognizing Keydown Events?

Sep 2, 2011

when I added a textbox to my form, my keydown events no longer work. It seems impossible to get the blinking cursor out of the textbox so as to avoid targeting it. How do I retain keydown events when a textbox is added to the form?

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Clone An Image Of A Picturebox?

May 6, 2012

I would like to know how i can clone an image of a picturebox.I have the picturebox not visible on my screen and want to recreate the image on a certain location.what is the easiest way to do this?

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