How To Connect Buttons With Image Boxes

Feb 28, 2010

I am new to vb and I have a question about button and images. I need to know how to connect images with buttons. So when I click a certain button the image must show up. One button is suppose to show three different images in three different image boxes. So how I can connect buttons with image boxes.

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Have 4 Different Handles Buttons - Connect Them In Another "general Button" That Will Make The 4 Buttons To Work With One Click?

Mar 15, 2010

i have 4 different handles buttons with code how can i connect them in another "general button" that will make the 4 buttons to work with one click

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Get 2 Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to get 2 group boxes with radio buttons. I would like to check a radio button in group box 1 and have a corresponding radio button in group set 2 get automatically checked based on what I check in group box1. I am trying to do this in VB.

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Picture Boxes And Radio Buttons?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm creating a windows form application, which contains radio buttons, that when checked and the button is clicked, display a certain image in an image box based on which radio button was checked. I'm having trouble with assigning the certain image to the radio button. Can I use If/ElseIf statements?

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Radio Buttons And Check Boxes?

Mar 25, 2009

I have to create a program for customers buying a new care can pick options for that car.The starting cost of the car is $26,000Im having trouble figuring out where to add the starting value. And also, how will i calculate all the options into the total along with the tax.

Public Class Form1
Dim dbltotal As Double
Dim dbltax As Double


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Change Color Of 10 Buttons In Different Group Boxes

Jun 4, 2011

I am trying to change the button colors, in different group boxes,(Buttons and group boxes are in the same form). How can I change it?

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Check Boxes - Buttons And Applications Executions

Feb 11, 2011

Okay, here's my dilemma. I want certain applications to run when they are checked in a check box and when the submit button is pressed. I already know that you can launch an application by using


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Dynamically Allocate Group Boxes & Buttons

Mar 10, 2012

I am currently trying to allocate a number of group boxes dynamically. Previously (in other languages) when I have carried out something like this I have used the '&' to substitute the contents of the variable direct into the code I.E

For I = 1 to 20
Groupboxname = "GroupBox"+I

This would then have the result of creating a button in all the group boxes, however this does not appear to work in VB .net 2010

I have looked at Directcast, but i am a even more confused. Is there a simple way to substitute the contents of a variable into the code ?

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Login Form With Two Text Boxes And Two Buttons?

Sep 10, 2010

I've coded a Login form with two text boxes and two buttons goes to a Users database to validate the userid and password. When I click the OK button (button1) I get an error message on the highlighted line below(Dim Reader).

It states that no value is given for one or more required parameters. What parameters are they talking about?[code...]

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Radio Buttons And Group Boxes VS10?

Mar 28, 2011

I am having trouble coming up with a way to add a selected radio button in a selected group box together.I have 3 group boxes each accessed by a checkbox within each group box there is 3 to 4 radio buttons. I would like to know how to add the selected radio buttons in each group box together and display them in a textbox by clicking a button "calculate". I believe I would have to make a global variable but I dont know where to start.

Private Sub Calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calculatebtn.Click
Dim answer As String


I know this code is wrong but I was just trying to remember the calculate function.Is there a command that uses the selected radio button from the group boxes then I would be able to input that into my calculate button sub?

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Switch Between Radio Buttons And Group Boxes

Jun 21, 2012

I understand because it has to be ON/OFF it won't go through to any other radio buttons in the group box. Would the best way is to use a hidden radio button that would switch control between the two? There's only two radio buttons i need to tab through, what's the best way to tackle this?

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Unable To Make Own Buttons Drop Down Boxes?

Oct 13, 2011

I bet you all know DotNetFrameWork 4 needed for VB 2010 applications to work...

Any idea how i make my own framework?

I want to be able to make my own buttons drop down boxes...

And after i make it how to i put it into a dll so i can reload it in another app and use it...

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VS 2008 - Using Check Boxes With Radio Buttons

Sep 5, 2009

I have 8 check boxes and 4 radio buttons on a child form. When the User checks a Check Box, they then select a radio button. They will do this for 1 to 8 of the check boxes. The only way I could think of to keep track of this is create 8 panels with 4 unique radio buttons in each. Then I would set the visibility to each one accordingly. This method has other logistical errors than just trying to get the design view worked out.

I was wondering if there was a way to just use the radio buttons. I thought I could set a boolean variable to keep track of each Check Box's Radio buttons. Or an integer variable. For instance, if Check Box 1 is checked and Radio Button 1 is checked then myVariable's value is 1 or whatever. Then when I actually run the app, I can check the value of the variable do do what I need. Does this sounds plausible?

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While Loop To Go Through Different Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will have different group boxes,

each representing a question, and each one has radio button choices

I am trying to write the program so that a while loop will go through each group box and check answers of radio button choices

the codes I want to know is the command to access different group boxes

and also how to keep each group box "seperate" enough that i can use same radio button names for all the group boxes...

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Modifying Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In The Proper Way?

May 19, 2012

I am asked to modify Radio Buttons and Boxes in the proper way using a Display Button from an existing project.

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Can Whip Up A Program That Deals With Text Boxes, Buttons, Checkboxes

Apr 21, 2009

I can whip up a program that deals with text boxes, buttons, checkboxes, etc. fairly easily. I know how to deal with arrays and stuff like that, and I am just barely able to open/write to files (I don't quite have it down, but almost). However, when it comes to drawing graphics. Right now all I'm looking to do is create a function that will draw a pixel or really tiny rectangle at my command to use as the building block of drawing images. I saw some example code here:

Of how to have it draw a rectangle upon opening a form, and I was able to do that. But I guess I'm not quite sure how to make a function like that be performed when I do something like press a button (or just anywhere in a segment of code).It's probably because I don't understand this line:


I understand that it makes a non-public sub called Form1_Paint, but I'm not quite sure about the arguments passed and what "Handles Me.Paint" really means. I'm not sure how to make this (if I can make it) into a function that I can call anywhere (in the code, for example) to make it display a pixel.

how I could do that? Either that, or just explain what the piece of code above is actually saying?

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Dynamic Creation Of Picture Boxes, Buttons, And Labels For Each Item

Apr 7, 2011

I'm currently working on a program where I'm trying to dynamically create a picture box, a button, and a label for each item in a text file. Any ideas on how to do this? What I have: a plain text file with a list of numbers. Each number corresponds to a location. When that file is read, I want to create a picture box, a button, and a label related to each number. If I want to add something to the screen, all I Have to do is add a number to the file. So, lets say the file has. 1, 2

When the file loads, it will create a unique item on the display for each location. say pic1, button1, and label1 and pic2, button2, and label2. Right now, if I add something to the file, I have to go back into the editor and manually add everything. Which is a pain.

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Use Check Boxes For The New Release And Radio Buttons For The Rest Of The Moives?

Dec 5, 2009

Want to make a movie rental program first part is for dvd's the other form is for blu rays (for blu-ray the price of rental is $5.00)THis is what im thinking about doing on the dvd one.1. first it lets you select the movies you want new releases are $3.25 and the rest are $1.25 *here i want to use check boxes for the new release and radio buttons for the rest of the moives *note: have to use one type of decision structure (if, if...else...or select cases) 2. As you select the moives it display the amount of movies selected in a label

3. now you click the rent button then

4. please type in your 16 numeric numbers of your debit card (use a input box here) and if it is a debit card and its 16 numbers long display = enter 4 number password or 4 digit pin number

5. if it is not display a message saying it must be 16 numbers long and a debit card or numeric use error cathing and input validation

6. then let the user enter the 4 number pin for the debit card

7. if the pin is 4 numbers then display the total in a list box display total and the due date of the movie (don't know how im going to display due dates) Note two other things i must use a procedure or a function and passing of arguments by reference or by value in procedure or fuction.I got the part on how two diplay the total but dont know where to use the decision sturctured or the repetition structures the
use rof procedure or funciton or passing arguments by ref or by val in my procedures or functions

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15 Forms 50+ Input Boxes - Connect To The Mysql Databse ?

Apr 16, 2010

I've got a big database driven project...15 forms 50+ input boxes and im wondering how to do it effieciently. I've got code to connect to the mysql databse but i dont want to put it inside each form over and over for every form. How can i do it so that i only have to clal one method to connect to the db or leave the db connected constantly from the start of the app. here is the code that i got to put in every form -_-

Dim conn = New MySqlConnection()

conn.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;" & "user id=root;" & "password=;" & "database=project"



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Customize Own Message Boxes / Can Rename Yes / No Buttons To Any Text Like Delete / Discard

Dec 17, 2009

I understand that currently message boxes support buttons like ok,cancel,yes,no,abort,retry.but i am wondering how do i customize my own message boxes such that i can rename the yes,no buttons to any text like delete or discard.

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Interface And Graphics :: Special Characters In Multiple Text Boxes Via Buttons

Nov 14, 2008

I need to be able to add (specific) special characters to text boxes. Problem is, there are five of them spread across two forms and three tabpages. What I'd like to do is bring up a form when the user presses something like "F2" while the text boxes are focused, then on that form would be a grid of buttons. When the user pushes a button, the character is added to the box. How do I get this form to reference the box that called it without passing a global variable or calling a public function? I tried Form3.Parent.Name, but that always seems to refer to nothing. Also, once this is done how can I get it to just insert a character where the cursor on the calling box is? It probably shouldn't even be on a form either since that will take the focus when it's called (which I don't want)

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VS 2008 - Create A Form With Radio Buttons - Text Boxes - Labels

Jun 22, 2009

I need to create a form with radio buttons, text boxes, labels, etc.. This information needs to be pulled from a database. For instance, I have a form that displays information that needs to be inputed to a database, based on what test is being done for a specific product. Each product requires different tests. So each product may or may not have the same information that needs to be inputed..

What I have done is made a database and filled a table with each product and what tests apply. I then call that database after the product has been selected for the tests. It will then fill an array for that products information for what texts boxes and labels need to be shown. I wanna take this further and have it create a form through code and align all the controls to specific spots so that it will look nice. For example I wouldn't wanna create a control and have it be cut out of the form, or have other controls overlapping others.


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Write A Short Code To Clear All Text Boxes And Radio Buttons Within Each Box

Jul 14, 2009

I have a group box with 4 radio buttons and another groupbox with 4 text do i write a short code to clear all text boxes and radio buttons within each box.i have written code the long way, ie..[code]but i think there is and easier way but i cannot find the statement.

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Connect An SQL Database To A DataGridView With Separate Command Buttons?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm a bit puzzled here. I did a form containing a simple datagridview containing data from an MDB file. The connection was alltogether done by Visual Studios wizard so alot of stuff was created automatically. Then I databinded the textboxes to each column in the database and managed to update the database via my own command buttons such as "Update" with this code:



View 1 Replies - Finding A .net Code To Add Existing Buttons/text Boxes/drop Down Lists, Etc To A Container Or Holder?

Jun 17, 2012

I'm using Basically, I have a drop down list, text box and a submit button. You choose a movie director from a drop down list, then type in a movie, click button and it adds the data to my database.There's another button which hides/shows drop down list, text box and submit button using Visible = True and Visible = False, but what I don't like about it is when it hides the things I said before, it leaves some white/empty space like if they are still there, but not visible.Is there anyway to put some kind of holder/container and place a button which when clicked could add my drop down list, text box and submit buttons to that place?

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Put The Image Into The Picture Boxes Image?

Oct 23, 2011

I am working with my web cam and it works, but one problem like all the other vb webcam programs it use a handle witch uses a creatgraphics for the object. Well I happen to be using a picturebox for my handle, and I need it so if I minimize the form, the image is still there. Is there anyway to put the image into the picture boxes image?

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Check Boxes And Radio Buttons - Value Is Not Being Updated Until I Select A Different Radio Button?

Oct 10, 2011

trying to write a simple form for calculating professor's salaries depending on their degree and problem is that the when i select a check box, the value is not being updated until i select a different radio button. it probably doesn't make much sense here,

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub optLecturer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles optLecturer.CheckedChanged[code]....

the values being assigned to my salary label are correct, but are not being updated until i select a new radio button. im not entirely sure how to get around this so that the value is updated as soon as i select the check's when the program looks like:

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VS 2010 : Make A Form With Multiple Buttons Opening Different Things Than Having A Form That Has Lots Group Boxes For Each Tab?

Jul 25, 2011

Is there a better way to make a form with multiple buttons opening different things than having a form that has lots group boxes for each tab. So in the begining each box will be invisible and when you click the button the corresponding group box will become visible. Is there any other way?It will be like a background image and it'll have buttons that will mask it with invisible buttons. when the button is clicked it will open the corresponding group box.

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Changing Picture Boxes Image On Click With One Sub?

Jun 29, 2012

i have been working with a friend on a tower defence game in visual basic 2010, we have made 32X32 picture boxes to act as tiles and we want it so if you press a button then a picture box it will build a tower in that picture box.we need this to be done within a single sub though cause there are about 500 picture boxes and its would be very impractical to make a mouse click sub for each of them. this is the code for the sub i have now:

Private Sub TileClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox99.MouseClick, PictureBox98.MouseClick, PictureBox97.MouseClick, PictureBox96.MouseClick, PictureBox95.MouseClick, PictureBox94.MouseClick, PictureBox93.MouseClick, PictureBox92.MouseClick, PictureBox91.MouseClick, PictureBox90.MouseClick, PictureBox9.MouseClick,


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Unwanted Image Changing Between 2 Picture Boxes

Oct 14, 2009

I started computing at college about a month ago and have been learning to program in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I decided one weekend that I would try and make a pretty simple game that I may be able to use for my coursework at some point (I know Visual Basic isn't everyone's first choice for games programming but I thought I could try), I have learn a great deal from doing this but have encountered a rather odd bug in the program.


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