How To Detect If User Browsing Certain Webpage

Mar 12, 2007

How would I go about having my program monitor all open (or at least the current active) Internet Explorer windows and their current URLs? Basically, I want my program (running in system tray) to monitor the web page that is being viewed in an Internet Explorer window (NOT an integrated web browser control), and if it detects the loading of a specific URL address, execute whatever code.

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Adding A Browsing History With User Settings?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm creating an open-source web browser in VB.NET and I'm trying to load the browsing history from My.Settings.History (StringCollection) and list the items in a listbox, but only the first item appears.

Here is the code I am using:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Program - Automatically Detect If A New Thread Has Been Posted From The Webpage?

Apr 25, 2010

Im trying to create a small program using the "toaster popup effect". I have the working. My problem is , i have a basic webpage here ( ) that displays all the recent threads thats created on my forum, so i want to make this popup when theres a new thread to alert the users.How could i code it to automatically detect if a new thread has been posted from the webpage ?

View 2 Replies - Detect What Domain User Group A Windows User Is In?

Sep 10, 2009

I know that using Dim currUser As String = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") retunrs the DomainUsername, but I want to know what Group that user is in say in Active Directory.

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Extract User Id In Webpage?

Jul 10, 2009

I want to extract the user id in the webpage[code]...

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.net - Detect What OS The User Is Running?

Jul 22, 2010

I am using VB .Net 2.0. I know I can detect the OS using


Can anyone tell me if there's a list somewhere where I can find what that generates for different OS versions.

Specifically I am trying to detect if a user is running Windows 7 64-bit.

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C# - Detect If User Is In A Group?

May 22, 2009

How do I detect if an arbitrary user is an administrator on a machine? I have the user's domain and username but not password. The user is NOT the currently logged in user,so I can't just use WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.

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Detect If The User Is Currently Online?

Dec 22, 2011

I have an application that when it starts, it checks the internet to see if a new version is available. My problem is this: If there is no net connection, the program 'pauses' as it tries to check for the new version.

Is there a function that I can use to detect if the user is currently online, with a working connection?

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Detect If User Presses F Key?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to detect if the user has pressed an f key I have this so far:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
Label1.Text = e.KeyChar
End Sub

This detects when the user presses a character key and outputs it via Label1.text, but it doesnt work on all keys?

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Detect User Country From IP?

Mar 24, 2009

Dim hostname As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(TextBoxIP.Text)
Dim ip As IPAddress() = hostname.AddressList
TextBoxIP.Text = ip(0).ToString()

I have a windows form with the code above to get the ip address of the user. what would be the easiest way to get the country location of the user? based on the IP in the textbox. The solution doesnt need to be 100% accurate but good enough to work most of the time. the simpler the there are any work arounds or built in fuctions for pulling a users country or language, this would be better than creating or managing a giant database.

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Creating User Control To Use In Webpage?

Mar 16, 2009

How dow I create a user control for use in a webpage using VB.NET (not ASP.NET)?

How do I use that control in a webpage?

Can my control cause an event in the webpage and how? Ie. my user control has a button, and I want a Javsascript script to run when i click the button

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Store User's Input In Webpage?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a web page that reads xml files to display server statistics. Ideally i want the users to be able to setup and save multiple connections to different servers. They would then be able to choose which server they wish to view through a web page.

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Detect If User Has Admin Privileges?

Jan 31, 2010

I found that snippet, edited it a little bit and now im trying to use it...the problem that ocurres, is that its never going into the first IF... so already there seems to be an error.Im working on XP SP3 with admin privileges..

Private Shared Function GetCurrentPrivileges() As Privileges
If My.User.IsAuthenticated() Then
If My.User.IsInRole(ApplicationServices.BuiltInRole.Administrator) Then


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Detect If User Requested Shutdown

Feb 5, 2010

is there a way to detect if the user is shuting down?

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Detect User Choice During Run Time?

Sep 10, 2010

No doubt a simple question, but I'm a beginner (I learnt GW BritingASIC in 3 months long ago - but after 6 months grappling with vb 2008 I am still bewidered).

I have written a program that asks the user at run time to choose 1 of 40 buttons. These are themselves defined at run time. Whichever button is chosen the same algoritm will run (using different data). Question: To save writing the same Button_Click routine 40 times, what code should I write - and where in the program - to detect which of the 40 the user has chosen?

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Detect User Log On From A Windows Service

Jan 28, 2011

Is there for my .Net application to detect if a user has logged on? It is a Windows Service, so it will be running before logon.What I want to do is display a "popup" when a user logs on to tell them the status of the application

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Detect Whenever User Clicks The Mouse?

Jun 8, 2009

I need to detect whenever user clicks the mouse, no matter what form is selected at the given time.

I know that detected keypresses globally can be done through a Keyboard hook so I assume that i am going to need some sort of Mouse Hook.

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VS 2008 Detect User Idle?

Mar 30, 2010

Adding How would you detect if the user is using the computer? I want a program to detect if the user is using the computer (i.e. mouse and keyboard movements), and if the user doesn't type or move the mouse for a specific amount of time, it executes a command. Normally I would do this with the Application.Idle, but I want it to be detected throughout the system. Any starters?

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Building Webpage Out Of User Inputs Off A Form

Jun 25, 2009

I was trying to find examples of how one would make a webpage using asp so that I could have the visitor enter information on a form and then when they hit submit it will be attached to my webpage indefintaly and any visitor can view it.

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Extract User Comments From WebPage Source?

Jul 7, 2011

How to go about extracting user comments on likes of forums by using the page source.[code]...

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Html - Store User's Input In A Webpage?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a web page that reads xml files to display server statistics. Ideally i want the users to be able to setup and save multiple connections to different servers. They would then be able to choose which server they wish to view through a web page

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User-control In C#.NET Webpage, Permission Error

Mar 16, 2011

I need video chat application in my project.I had created VB.NET user control in class library project for Video Chat and its working.

But when i am trying to load user control in c# web page. While Executing i am getting security error as....

Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy.<br/>
To grant this application the required permission,<br/>
contact your system administrator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.<br/>
If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.<br/>


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C# - Detect When User Close Browser Window?

Nov 4, 2009

I have Example and i need to kill the session when user close his browser window.
i tried page_unload() not working. the example is:i have parent windows and window will open from it i need to delete session when user close the child window.

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Detect Data Type Of User Input?

Mar 15, 2012

How do I determin if a user has given me what I am asking for in terms of data type.

Example if my prompt to the user say "Give me a number of double data type"

How can I tell that the user entered a double xx.yy?

Or if I am testing for integers and I get user input ABC.GH?

I know about CDbl and CInt and CStr but these don't work unless data is provided. Also how do you test if the conversion took place? Also how do you differencate between 12.00 being integer?

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Detect If The User Pasted In More Than One Line Of Text In VB?

Apr 12, 2012

How to detect if the user pasted in more than one line of text in VB? You could answer in C# if you like (I can convert it later

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Detect If The User's Font (DPI) Is Set To Small, Large, Or Something Else?

May 21, 2011

I need to find out if the user's screen is set to normal 96 dpi (small size), large 120 dpi fonts, or something else. How do I do that in VB.NET (preferred) or C#?

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Detect When A User Presses CTRL -ALT - DEL Or Window + L ?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to find out a way to detect when ever the user presses CTRL -ALT - DEL or Window + L to lock the PC.The code I'm using is

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If (GetAsyncKeyState(17) AndAlso GetAsyncKeyState(18) AndAlso GetAsyncKeyState(46)) Or ((GetAsyncKeyState(91) Or GetAsyncKeyState(92)) AndAlso GetAsyncKeyState(76)) Then[code]....

However, as soon as the user presses CTRL-ALT-DEL the Windows Security Screen comes up and it is too fast for VB to detect that the keys have been pressed.I did a little reaserch on how to work around this issue and found that a GINA stub can be written which can delay the Windows Security Screen by some time say 2 secs which would be enough for VB to detect that the keys have been pressed.Also disabling Ctrl-Alt-Del through VB does not work because it is too fast for VB and I would like not to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL

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Detect When The User Clicks The X Or Closes The Console App?

May 24, 2010

I have aconsole application that executes 2 other processes, and then closes the processes once it's finished its work.

If the user closes the console application prematurely, the 2 other processes go rogue and sit idle (As they are expecting to be closed by the console).

Is it possible to detect when the user clicks the X or closes the console app in another fashion, so I can also destroy the spawned processes?

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Detect When The User Has Changed The Content Of A Textbox?

Feb 26, 2011

I want to detect when the user has changed the content of a Textbox.

The following does not work for me, because: When the user navigates through the database (using my navigation buttons), the textbox is also changed, but NOT by the user making input. I would only like to know when the user EDITED the Textbox.

Private Sub mskStudentNumber_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mskStudentNumber.TextChanged
If Not Movement Then '' If not navigation


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Detect Whether A User Has A Specific Redistributable Installed In .NET?

Jun 16, 2009

I have created a class which builds a Crystal report and displays it in a report viewer. However, without the Crystal Redistributable, the code crashes. How can I programatically detect whether the end-user has the Crystal DLL installed? The code I am required to include is:


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