How To NOT Wait For Exit Using Impersonataion.RunProcess In C#/

Jan 18, 2012

What I want to know is if there is a way to NOT wait for a process when using impersonation. There's no overloads so I'm not sure how to do this.

// always waits for exit to continue

The reason I want to do this is that I have a long executing application that processes large files, but I want to deliver a success response to the client that the process has began before directing them to a status page. I cannot run the process with a normal process.Start() because the IUSER needs to impersonate an elevated user account.I've even tried using process.StartInfo after Impersonation.Login() and supplying a un/pass, but I think the "logged in" status is part of the static Impersonation class only.

if (Impersonation.Logon(LoginCredentials.UserName, LoginCredentials.Password))
// this fails with an invalid privileges exit code


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Process Won't Wait For Exit?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm having a problem with using the system.diagnostic.process. Basically, I can't get the myProcess.WaitForExit to work. I keep getting an error saying that "No process is associated with this object.". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


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VS 2010 Shell Wait And Exit

Mar 10, 2012

i have a program that runs a cmd command. my problem is i want the program to wait until the cmd processing ends then in closes the cmd UI.. [code]

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.net - Create Remote Process Via WMI And Wait For It To Exit?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm using System.Management to start a process on a remote target via WMI like this:

InputParameters("CommandLine") = "executable here"
OutputParameters = ManagementClass.InvokeMethod("Create", InputParameters, Nothing)

This kicks off the process and my code continues to run, but I need a way of monitoring that process and not doing anything else until it finishes. Is there a simple solution? I'm hoping there's something similar to Process.WaitForExit like there is when creating a local process.

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VS 2010 Wait On Repaint Before Exit - Progressbar?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm having issues with a progressbar. I've created a progressbar that reads registry variables and uses that input to update the progressbar and some status messages (so I can call it from vbscripts, etc). I want it so when my status bar hits 100%, the bar stops, waits a few seconds, and then quits. However, it seems the program processes the remaining code and quits the application before it has time to completely repaint the progress bar (I'm guessing this because it will usually update to about 10% before it exits).. I'm using something like this...

If prcnt = 100 Then
progbar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks
progbar.Value = 0


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Application.Exit() & Environment.Exit(0) Don't Terminate A Program On Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm developing a program using VB 2005.I've tried to use the following instructions to "kill" the application

(not at the same time)


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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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FormClosing And Application.Exit Is Causing The MessageBox To Ask If Want To Exit Twice

Jun 12, 2007

I'm having a bit of a problem getting my application to close properly. Basically I have one main form from which all other forms open. If a user tries to close that main form, I want to bring up a MessageBox asking if they want to exit the application.However, when I try to do that it asks the question twice. It seems that the Application.Exit() is triggering the FormClosing event again for some reason, but I don't know of another way to exit the application. BTW, the main form isn't the startup form so I can't use the option to close when the startup form closes.

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Several IF Statements With Exit Sub Or Nested IF Statement Without Exit Sub?

Dec 9, 2011

Now I have a sub to validate a bunch of textboxes and combo boxes.I previously used many IF statements to validate and pop up different messageboxes and Exit Sub in every IF statement.But I heard that too many Exits will decrease the efficiency and they were not recommended to use. Instead, nested IF is better because it will let the process naturally go to the end.Then I found out that if I use nested IF,it will be hard to read, since messageboxes are all separated from conditions.

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Exit From Recursive Loop Exit?

Jun 17, 2010

How do I exit from the recursive loop from the code below. I would like to notify the end-user to select a checkbox in a msgBox before I exit the loop.


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At The Same Time Icon Of Application At TaskTray Exit When Application Exit?

Aug 20, 2010

I have just done my program, just skeleton not completely, the final problem has not been solved up to this time.When I run my application, the Icon of its will be showed at TaskTray. I would like the icon is there when I exit fom of application and then If I double click on the Icon, the application will be showed.

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How To Use Wait.forcondition

Oct 1, 2009

how to use wait.forcondition

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Wait For 1 Ms In VB 2005?

Dec 1, 2009

wait for 1 ms in visual basic 2005?

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Wait For Program To Run Up?

Jul 10, 2009

ok I have a program that controls another program.. but sometimes the other program is not running.. so I ask the question "do you want to run it up" so if they it takes like 15 seconds to come up.. so really I dont want to do much on my program while we wait for that other program to finally come up..

normally when my program comes up I make sure the other app is running.. and it would come up before you would click on something to try to call it.. but during the day.. maybe their app crashes.. so then right before I try to make a call to it I will check if its running.. so I want to run it up but kinda put a hold on my code while it waits..

so whats the best way to do this ? stop my code.. call a timer and when it see's its up call again ?? or can I put in some wait in the code then continue... just looking for the best method people have used..

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Way To Wait Until Name Has Been Change First?

Dec 4, 2011

Im trying to edit an item in a listview. I can edit the item ok but i want to execute code to rename the directory after the edit. The code executes before the edit is completed? Is there a way to wait until the name has been change first? [code]

View 8 Replies - How To Exit From Iframe

Jan 25, 2012

How to exit from iframe?.I have a pages called "Master.aspx","Parent.aspx(inside that iframe is there)","Child.aspx".I am calling "Child.aspx" inside "Parent.aspx" page using iframe.If "strBillingAddress1" is null then i need to redirect to page Master.aspx".It is redirecting but showing inside iframe.I dont want this behavior.I need to open as new page itself?This is the code.

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Session("strBillingAddress1")) Then
End If

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Exit For Each Statment ?

Nov 20, 2011

How can i exit a for each statement i mean say i had the code below (not real code its sudo code)


but i don't want to exit just this for loop i want to exit the previous for loop at line 1


View 14 Replies

Exit Sub If Condition Is Met?

Dec 8, 2009

I have the following code which gives me an error at run time. The problem is when TxtSearch.Text - is not an integer a message box should be prompted saying- Only a numeric value is allowed in this field, otherwise continue with the sub.

Private Sub ButtonSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSearch.Click
Dim query As String


The error I receive is showing ''saved_prac = cmd.ExecuteScalar()''..

First it brings the Message box - Only a numeric value is allowed in this field. When I OK it, then it brings another message box "error converting data type varchar to numeric". When you click OK the application crashes...

View 6 Replies

Way To Exit A Program

Mar 30, 2010

I have this program and I want to put either a Quit button or Exit Button to quit the program (besides using the 'x' at the upper right corner)

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.net - Wait For Application To Be Minimized

Apr 15, 2011

I´ve got a Full Screen app witch launches other app and wait until it has been closed, when it detects that, the first application is launched again full sceen with this source code:


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Add Wait Form Effect?

Jun 30, 2010

I want to add a wait process form instead of the wait cursor effect while the method block execute codes.[code]...

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Changing The Wait Cursor?

Mar 23, 2010

i have have a MDI child form which have different textbox for criteria and a datagridview for result.When i launch the research i change the cursor : me.usewaitcursor = True when it finish i go back me.UseWaitCursor = False It works but some times (not all the time) if you move the cursor over the datagridview during the research, the cursor still in WaitCursor OVER the datagridview, it didn't go back to default but on the rest of the form is good (default arrow).I have tried whith : Me.cursor , cursor or cursor.current but i have the same result/problem.

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Forms :: Wait For Sub To Complete?

Jun 14, 2011

i have this

Private Sub typendetextbouwen(ByVal texttetypen As String)
var_Numberofchars = 0
var_Numberofcharstyped = 0


How to make the "Im Marco" wait? else it wont typ the first line

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How To Create A Wait Dialog

Sep 3, 2009

I designed a application on 2005. Some of the forms in this application has databindings controls. Now when such forms loads it takes some time. I want a splash screen or wait dialog containg "Please wait" message to appear till the form loads and the wait splash screen would be shown for every several forms in the application not only before the start up form.

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How To Start A Proces And Wait

Nov 10, 2009

I know how to launch a file or executable in VB .NET 2005. The file will launch and xecution in the code continues immediately.Process.Start("MyProg.exe")But what if I need to start the program, wait until it finishes executing, read the exit code that it sends back, and take some action based upon th

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How To Start A Process And Wait

Mar 10, 2009

I know how to launch a file or executable in VB .NET 2005. The file will launch and execution in the code continues immediately.


But what if I need to start the program, wait until it finishes executing, read the exit code that it sends back, and take some action based upon the action code? How do I do that?

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Make The App Delay/wait?

Sep 17, 2010

im using im using key pressed to achieve this you can see a space towards the end of the code(this is where i want the delay) where i want to make the application wait/delay for a certain amount of time allowing the following screen to load and then carry on?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementById("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ucExistingQuote$txtEmail").SetAttribute("Value", Uname)
WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementById("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ucExistingQuote$txtPassword").SetAttribute("Value", pword)
SendKeys.Send("{Tab 6}")


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Net.Sockets Wait For Streamwrite?

Nov 25, 2011

Net.Sockets wait for streamwrite?

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Non-blocking Task.wait In .NET 4?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to wait for a Task result in .NET 4, much like you can by using the await keyword in .NET 4.5. I just can't figure out how to do it though...My code (to prove that I'm atleast trying):

Private Function GetXDocumentFromWebLocationAsync(ByVal request As WebRequest) As XDocument
Dim queryTask As Task(Of WebResponse)
queryTask = task(Of WebResponse).Factory.FromAsync(AddressOf request.BeginGetResponse, AddressOf request.EndGetResponse, Nothing, Nothing)


As you would expect, the GetResponse calls are executed on a different thread, but the function has to wait for the result before it can return. Unfortunately this blocks my main thread until the task has completed and I don't have the slightest clue on how to make it wait without blocking. I don't want to use the Async CTP either because that's just running away from the problem.

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Pause/ Wait For *.bat To Finish .net?

Nov 9, 2010

i need to pause/ wait the bellow VB program between the arorasTEMP.bat and the "Label2.Text = "Appending for AutoCAD version A..." as it happens the bat is appending before its temp copy is made

Dim RetBat1
RetBat1 = Shell("C:VTSarorasTEMP.bat", 1)
Label2.Text = "Appending for AutoCAD version A..."


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