How To Edit GridView Inside Of Modal Popup
Dec 1, 2010
I have a gridview that appears in a modal popup that is generated dynamically and is bound to a dynamically generated SqlDataSource. I did this to hopefully take advantage of the gridview's automatic editing capabilities. My problem is that when the edit button is clicked the modalpopup closes due to a full postback in spite of the fact that my gridview is in an update panel. I looked at solutions here and here but neither fixed the problem. I've also tried every combination under the sun regarding the positioning of the ModalPopupExtender in relation to the update panel etc, and have tried changing UpdateMode to conditional as well.
<span class="none"><asp:Button ID="btnDummy" runat="server" Text="Dummy" /></span>
<ajax:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpLabel" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnDummy" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" PopupControlID="pnlLabels"></ajax:ModalPopupExtender>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlLabels" DefaultButton="btnOk" Style="display:none;" runat="server">
<div style="background-color:#fff;border:1px solid black;padding:7px;">
[Code] .....
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Oct 27, 2011
However, I am not using a gridview so editing is not as simple as an edit within a gridview. The modal popup disappears when I click on the edit button. Here is what I have so far, but in the codebehind I get an error saying that my modal isn't declared.In the image below, the little pencil image next to the close button is what I click on to edit the description. When I click on it, the modal disappears, so I cannot edit the text.
<!-- Descriptions -->
<asp:TabPanel ID="tab2" runat="server" HeaderText="Descriptions">
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Mar 16, 2011
I have a gridview in webform and a panel1 which I used as a modalpopup control. I wanna show panel as modalpopup per row item select using commandrow of gridview ... There are two controls inside panel1; literal1 and literal2. I want when the item in the gridview is selected by user then panel 1 shows as modalpopup which displays the records from gridview in panel 1 controls i.e literal1 , literal2. I want to retrieve the selected row item from gridview to modal popup panel1 control..
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Jun 10, 2012
I have a asp grid with a few columns that bind to data. The last column has been converted to a template-field. In this template-field is a button with a modal popup extender attached to it. Hidden inside this field is a modal popup. This modal popup is used to add a new account. it contains 2 text boxes, drop down lists and buttons("Add" and "Cancel"). When "add" is clicked the modal should close after the inserting of the new account in the code behind.
The Problem: I get the popup to display and load the Drop down lists from the cache, without problem. How do I get the button click event to fire in the code behind. I've tried using a JavaScript function that performs a _doPostBack('btnAddAcc','') but it keeps returning the error "JavaScript error: Object expected". I gathered after about 1 hour on Google that it is because "btnAddAcc' is not found because it is actually within the grid-view cell and can't be directly accessed. Using page methods and ajax calls is a last resort as the company has a strict policy against this and only allowes this after a bunch of paperwork.
The Code:
<asp:GridView ID="gvNEA" runat="server" CssClass="gridA_Orange"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True"
EmptyDataText="No transactions with 'Non Existent Account(s)'"
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Dec 15, 2009
I want to wait for and close a modal form (a popup) from another application, as soon as it appears. I want to do this from VB.NET, but suggestions in C# should be easily translateable.
I can hard-code the modal popup's caption in my app, since it's long and unique. What I want to do is simulate either the user clicking on the close ("X") button on the form, or a click on the defeault, tab-order 0 button of the form. Either would work.
Maybe I need more info about the modal popup other than the title bar's caption? In any case, it's safe to use it as an unique identifier of that modal form. I also want that code to terminate checking as soon as the first event of closing the popup happens.
I believe it's trivial, but I can't find any ready info on that. Microsoft says I should not send WM_CLOSE to the modal popup, since it will call DestroyWindow() instead of EndDialog(), but to be honest I don't even know what "sending WM_CLOSE" to the "window" means =/
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Jun 21, 2011
I have a modal popup extender on a parent form (called from a child aspx is in an iFrame). I'm able to show it by calling
Which is a javascript function on the parent page that executes $find('ModalPopupExtender1').show();
It works great. But now I've discovered a new problem.
After the VB code-behind is finished executing on the child page, I'd really like to hide that modal form. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against modal popups. I rather like them in fact. It's just that my users would like it better if they could continue working after the VB code-behind (child page) is finished executing. I tried
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Nov 14, 2011
My textbox is supposed to enter one value and enters about 8 of the same thing.
<li class="item">
<asp:LinkButton ID="FeatureButton" runat="server">Feature</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:Panel ID="FeaturePanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup"
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Nov 14, 2011
I have a modal popup that allows an admin to choose from a variety of checkboxes to add features to a specific product. If there is a checkbox that an admin believes should be available but isn't because that feature is not in the database, I have added a textbox so that user can add a new feature to the product.
Once I added the textbox, it stopped allowing inserts. At first it was in the same If Else as the checkbox for each loop, but I have recently changed it so the textbox is in it's own for each loop. I have an underline under the words txtFeature.Text that says Value of type 'Char' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControl.Textbox.'
vb code:
For Each feature As ListItem In cbxAddFeature.Items
If feature.Selected Then
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO Marketing
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Mar 28, 2012
I have a problem I am trying to set the parent textbox from the modal popup.
Although I found the control from the modal popup with the below code
DirectCast(Parent.Page.Form.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("myAccordion").FindControl("txtTo"), TextBox).Text = str
This is being called on button click when the user has finished selecting from the Checkboxlist.
When the parent page is shown again though the textbox is empty.
The scenario of my user control is that a user is to select from a checkbox list which is a list of emails.
When done has been clicked then it is required that the selected emails be forwarded to the parent webpage.
Then the To Textbox in this case will be filled with the emails that the user has selected.
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Jan 15, 2009
I am using modal window for my VB.NET program and I am trying to open this child modal window from another window, after I close the child modal window I am trying to refresh the parent but I am getting retry/cancel popup, I tried a lot of things to avoid but I can't get rid of this popup.
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Feb 2, 2011
using a RadWindow control, pop up a modal window containing a dynamically populated CheckBoxList based on user selection on dropdownlist changed.
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserListDialog" runat="server" Title="Editing record" Width="250" Height="536" VisibleOnPageLoad="false" Modal=true Behaviors="Minimize, Move, Resize,Maximize" Left="580" Top="-8" EnableShadow="true">
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Dec 7, 2009
I am adding records to a database from a modal popup. After hiding the modal popup, the page has not been refreshed (even though I have Re-bound the controls). I have reviewed a few postings on the web about this but the solution still evades me. I have attached my code after removing some of the extra detail.
It seems I need to cause a postback, but I don't know what needs to be changed. Some posts have talked about the extender being misplaced.<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">
<div class="divBorder">
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrSessionFolders" runat="server" BorderWidth="2px"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="#C0C0FF"
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Sep 5, 2011
I'm a little stuck on what to do! I have a special form that allows my customers to request a quote for a specific product (defined by PID in url) The form is loaded inside a modal dialogue and within that a Iframe. The Iframe's src value is set from the onclick event of ahref on the product pages eg; [code]
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Feb 18, 2012
I am developing web application in which I used repeater to create a grid and I bind a link for edit page when user clicks on that link then ID of that specific record passed to that page and all relevant information extracted from database for that ID and displayed in text boxes. Now i have to use Popup for edit form what should i do now? i used Ajaxtoolkit model popup but unfortunately I did not get id of that link on which user clicks so that i can load data against that ID?
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May 4, 2009
I would like some info on how to do a procedure. In my program when a user hits the Edit Command button I would like for the program to display a popup Textbox where he/she can input data and store it. Then the data will be linked to the comments box, once the user hits the save button. Also the popup textbox disappears after the user is done entering the data.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have created a popup menu so that when the user right clicks it appears(in the mouseclick event). the problem is that the popup is only enabled when inside the richtextbox and this is set to readonly and i want the popup menu to enable when in either of the 4 input boxes(rtbinput1 ect)
View 6 Replies
Feb 20, 2011
I have a textbox1 and button1 and panel1 (which is used as a popup control)i want if textbox1.text="show" then modalpopup control whose id is panel1 will be visible on buttonclick event other wise .... modal popup control panel1 will not be shown to do this ? using ?
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Aug 20, 2011
I'm displaying a table in a Gridview. Some fields contain 0 and 1, but mean Yes and No. When displaying the table in a Gridview I would like to edit the 0's and 1's to show Yes or No.
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Gearchiveerd?" InsertVisible="false" DataField="BestellingGearchiveerd" SortExpression="BestellingGearchiveerd">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" />
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Mar 18, 2011
For some reason, when i click edit on my gridview and change a value, and hit update, it does not update the database or the gridview, and it shows no error
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="id"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound" AllowSorting="True" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DEDFDE" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="Black" GridLines="Vertical" ShowFooter="True" style="font-size: 10pt">
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Jan 20, 2012
Lets say I have a basic application with only one text Box inside the application.I need to know how I can edit that text box remotely via a simple XML file on a server so the end users will be able to see the edited texts in th etext box inside of application?
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Aug 8, 2009
I have a text document that stores around 200 commands ,each on its own line with a value of either 0 or 1 after them. This determins if that command is ON or OFF.
I need to be able to manipulate the on/off values for 5 specific commands using a check box to say "turn this one on" if box is marked. or vice-versa.[code]...
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Sep 23, 2011
I could really use some help on this. I have been searching for a solution on the web but haven't been able to find much help.I need to add textboxes to a gridview edit cell, based on the number of rows of text in one of the cells. I have coded the capture of the number of textboxes I need to add.
But I am not sure which Gridview event to add the code, when going into edit mode, to run the loop that will insert additional Textboxes in a specific column of the row selected to edit.
The user sees colA that has text with line vbCRLF's embedded say:
"This is sample text."
My code reads three Carriage Return, Line feeds. So when the user goes into Edit mode I want to provide one text box for each line or more accurately, add two more as one will already exist.
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Apr 7, 2012
I have a gridview that contains value of every rows read from a text file. What I want to do is, edit and delete the selected row on the gridview. I already have the code to show every row on the textfile:
What I am going to ask is, how do I get the index of selected row return and fill the value to the textbox then update it to the textfile?
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a requirement to allow users to browse directories on our file server, and allow the users to navigate to an excel file open it, potentially update it and save it. I have it working. I have 2 gridviews - the first binds to an array of DirectoryInfo and the second binds to an array of FileInfo. I render the name of the file as a link in the grid, like this:
a href='file:///<%# Eval("FullName") %>' target="_blank" >'<%# Eval("Name") %>'
When the link is clicked, the excel file is opened within a browser. In order to save, it seems they have to do 'save as...' and it's confusing. Here is where my questions are. What's the difference between opening an excel file within a browser, vs. opening it with excel? Can I have a link to the file in my grid as above, but cause it to open using the Excel application instead of the browser? Does it matter that the excel files are on a file server? I think my users would be more comfortable editing the file within Excel - not in the browser. How can I accomplish this?
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Jul 6, 2009
How do i edit the column header of the GridView control on a web form? I have added a Table to DataSource as:
Me.gvSearchBrandList.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
in here "gvSearchBrandList" GridView control But the GridView control display the column headers of the Table in the database. But how do i edit those column name in the GridView?
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Jun 8, 2011
Basically what needs to happen is when the user clicks edit onto the gridview and clicks on a certain textbox a javascript calendar popups up and the user picks a date.So far, I can set it statically and the calendar works for that one row, but not the other rows since the ID changes.My ASP Code (id of textbox has been set to txtStartDate):
<asp:TemplateField SortExpression="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStartDate" onClick="ddlchange()" Runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("StartDate")%>'>
This works, for one textbox. It does not work for other since 'ct102' changes with every row.
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Feb 23, 2011
Im using Visual Studio 2008, i have a gridview which gets data from an SQL table. I have added the Edit option which is part of gridview.
The data has a primary key set.
How do i redirect to another URL when the edit option is clicked.
This action should also assign the primary key as a URL Parameter, causing only that specific record to show on the Edit page.
I have gone through this article: Button field in Gridview.
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a parent form (form1), which is calling a second form (form2) as modal.[code]...
No form2 is modal. Closing this form2 from the form itself is clear.But how can I close the form via myform2.close from form1 via an event handler?
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Oct 7, 2010
I would like to show different values in a dropdownlist, while editing a gridview, depending on which user is logged in. For example...
The officer would see "Approved by Officer" status.
The director would see "Approved by Director" status
I am trying to add these programatically to a dropdownlist which I have in the edit template of my gridview (approvalsGrid). Here is my code:
Protected Sub ApprovalsGrid_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles ApprovalsGrid.RowUpdating
Dim ApprovalEditDD As DropDownList = CType(ApprovalsGrid.Rows(ApprovalsGrid.EditIndex).FindControl("ApprovalEdit"), DropDownList)
I do not get any errors. But get an empty dropdown with no items. Am I using the correct event?
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Jun 15, 2011
i have a problem with my data gridview i want to edit selected record in datagrid but i am facing some problem here is the code
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