How To Force Controls To Stay Same Size

Jun 1, 2007

I've written a VB . Net 2003 Application.Same Application on various pc's works the same in most cases BUT occasionally on some laptops the controls will resize themselves for no apparent reason.Say I have a picture or tab control with multiple items on it on a form.Some laptops when my software is run will shrink these items to a smaller size for no apparent reason even though my program forces the size of the object to say 400 x 300 or 600 x 400.How can my application detect this issue and scale the object to the right size OR prevent this issue in the first place?

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Change Controls Size And Location Based On The Change Of Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the Context Menu Options like ( Small Font , Large Font ) based on the selection I want to change the size of the Font in the Controls,Control's Size & location(x,y,height,width). The resize of the controls should not affect the look and feel of the forms.

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Getting Controls To Re-size With Form?

Aug 1, 2011

I want my form to start in a maximised state, this is simple enough, however the problem I am having is that my controls do not re-size with the form between minimising and maximising and it looks un-proffesional.

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Controls Change Place And Form Size Changes

Aug 13, 2011

I have designed a form in VB.NET. At design time I have placed two buttons on it. When I run it, the form size looks smaller and the buttons I have placed at the bottom are not visible. Also the alignment of the text and picture box is also different from what I set at design time. Computer at which I am running the form is using a different resolution.

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Controls Increasing In Size When Form Is MDIChild

Jan 27, 2012

I placed a button on my form that measured 59mm in width (approx 2.25 inches for any Americans).When you run the project as you'd expect it still measures 59mm.However when I set the form as a child to my MDIParent and run the project the button now measures 67mm (well over 2.5 inches) an increase of 13.5%.Is this a bug or do I need to just change some setting somewhere?

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Forms :: Controls Changing Size For No Reason?

Apr 20, 2010

My program has two lists, one a listbox and the other a listview viewed in details mode.

Both of them change heights (get taller) for no obvious reason. I am having to add a call to a method that resizes them to the end of every method, which is kind of absurd, I think. Also, when the window size is changed, these components change size, which means I have to keep track of that.

Edit: I had also thought of adding a timer to handle this.

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Designer Changing Location And Size Of Custom Controls

Oct 8, 2011

I have come across a problem with visual studio 2010 & i have a few custom controls on the form and few standard controls. When i build the application, the custom controls automatically change size and location. Anchoring and Dock properties are fine. Anchored to Top Left without dockstyle. Even if i fix the location and size in design mode, after i run the application the controls again change back to weird position.

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Resize Form & Controls To Screen Size VB 2008

Jun 10, 2011

Anyone knows how to change the Forms and controls of the project as the Screen resolution of the computer changes?

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Size Of Controls Change From XP To Vista And Vice Versa?

Oct 24, 2009

When I make an application on my PC which runs on XP Home Edition, then I send it to my friend who runs on Vista, the controls are sized a lot different on his PC, and also the same way when he sends his Apps to me. Is there any way to fix this problem?

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WPF Grid Allow Controls Inside To Auto-size Width/height?

Jun 6, 2012

been trying to find examples of how to go about auto sizing the controls i have within a grid control if the users screen is larger than the default size.Currently i am unable to resize the controls when i enlarge the form. Is there any code currently that can find all controls inside the grid and resize them on the fly when the form is resized?My current code is:

<Window x:Class="Window1"


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Change The Size Of Child Form And Add Controls From Parent In A Showdialog Mode?

Mar 17, 2012

I have an outlook application, whenever the user receive a new mail I show him a form and some controls

The user needs to insert information and close the form. Sometimes the user is not near his machine so whenever there is a new mail I am adding new controls and modify the child size.

It has been successful using the method but not in showdialog() i cant add controls and change the form size can someone please help on the subject?


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Forms :: Resize Form And All Controls In Proportion To Their Startup Size / Location

Jan 5, 2012

I have been searching for a solution to this but I can't find one. I have played with the anchor and dock properties but they are not doing what I want, so here goes... I would like to place and size all of my controls on my form and then when the form is re-sized during run time (different resolutions, full screen/windowed, etc), have everything just scale up or down accordingly. Anchoring the controls to all four sides of my form re-sizes the control properly but it doesn't move it's location in sync with the other control's size next to it, they begin to overlap each other. Am I going to have to code my own scaling code for each control in my program?

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VS 2010 Reading / Loading Controls Size And Location Back From A Txt File

Mar 14, 2011

im toying with an idea based round having controls end user movable at runtime, and having a function to save the current position/location of all the controls, so then i can skip through presets i already made as it were. Ill be using .ini files eventually (just testing with txt files to check it was a valid aproach) I can get all the info i need into the txt file, the problem is how to read it back into the app?


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Resize A Form , Its Controls According To User's Screen Settings And Physical Monitor Size?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating an application for a company and this CD will be distributed to hundreds of people. Many users will have different computer screen size and different screen settings such as their resolution set to 1024 x 728 and their monitor size 17" inches.

I noticed when I loaded the application on a different computer with different settings the application was to big for the screen and did not work. I notice that lot of other programs from microsoft resize their controls and text but never knew how they did it. How can I resize the form and control according to the user's setting.

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Custom User Controls - Correct Size With User Choice

Sep 27, 2011

I have some custom user controls in my .net winforms program that do not display correctly when the user has selected larger text size. This setting:

My controls look like this:
Instead of like this:

The bill to area and ship to area are both custom controls. I don't know if this is contributing to the problem but I do have code in each to scale the phone/fax areas to stretch nicely, like this code from the bill to control,

Private Sub panFaxPhone_Resize(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles panFaxPhone.Resize
panFax.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panPhone.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panFax.Left = panFaxPhone.Width - panFax.Width
End Sub

How can I get my controls to size correctly while still respecting the users choice for larger text (I don't want to just set the AutoScaleMode to None)? After playing with this for a long time it seems to be a problem with anchors in the child controls. See this below image, the inner black box is the control with its border turned on, the text boxes (like name) are anchored left and right and should stretch to fill the control, but don't.

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Structures - Fixed Size (Overall Size And Item Size)

Jun 8, 2011

Now all went well about from using the structure correctly. The working of the structure was perfect. How ever i missed Two important issues. The structure needed a fixed size of 10 items (9 in programming terms starting from 0) And also out of the 5 items allowed to be chosen as one of the member types for the structure a limit of 5 items of that particular type.


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New SQL Table Value Won't Stay

May 21, 2012

I am new to dealing with SQL Express DB tables. I have a Windows application that gives the user a textbox that is bound to a value in my dataset (ds) which reflects my SQL table (Specs) field. The user can change the numeric value of the textbox and I can see by setting breakpoints that it created the new value in my dataset (I used MsgBox(Ds.Specs.Rows(0).Item(10) to determine this to be true). However, when I open the application back up, the OLD value appears again in the text box. It is like my dataset is not updating the SQL server table.

Again, I am new to SQL tables and allowed the wizard to create all my insert/update/delete statements which appear to be in place. Any idea why my values won't stick?

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Text Stay On Top?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a document with 3 pages and with VB I always insert text in page 1.

The problem is that the text in page 2 always goes down when text in page 1 is inserted.

My question is: How can i do to make the text in page 2 always stay at the top of the page, and if it haves too, move down one page but always staying at the top.

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.net - How To Get A *section* Of Window To Stay On Top

Dec 29, 2011

Basically what it does is - you can mark a section of the screen and it creates a preview window for that section and keeps it on top of all other windows. I want to make a similar thing, for 3 reasons: 1. I can't use third party software in my office PC, 2.I can't afford it, 3. It will be an immense pleasure to create something useful, which I can share with the community.So, I was wondering, what would be the way to go about dot net (probably a frameless windowet it to stay on topcreate a context menu to exit

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Button Stay Down After Focus?

Mar 3, 2009

My application is an Touch Screen HMI to operate some machinery using 2008. I am trying to get a button to activate code while touched then other code when released. I have experienced HMI's where when a button is pressed then slide finger out of focus the button stays down. This is what I am looking for.

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Get Information To Stay In One Record?

May 4, 2009

When I am on my modify page and you scroll through the records with the Binding Navigator, somehow the previous records data stays on the screen and puts it into the next data. Now this only happens on my one screen with 2 combo boxes. How do I get my information to stay put so that users don't have to worry about scrolling through multiple records and screwing up the data?

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Get Splash Screen To Stay Up For More That A Second?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to get my splash screen to stay up for more that a second.I have used the code suggested by the book I have, the problem is that the book isn't specific about where the code goes.

I'm using the SplashScreen template. I've added the code in various places. Either the code will delay the splash screen from showing, then it flashes up for half a second, or the code will do nothing.


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VS 2008 Form Stay On Top?

Mar 29, 2009

Like Say If I was Playing Halo..and I wanted my Program in Visual basic To stay on Top Of The Halo Game would I do that.

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Why The Control Does Not Stay With FrmsearchForm

Jun 5, 2012

I have a problem where a form is loaded but the control does not stay with it and control of the previous form continues.

The code below loads the search form:

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
If txtAccountNo.Text = "" Then


why the control does not stay with frmsearchForm.If it was VB 6, I would have used VBMODAL to keep control.I am using VB2008 Express

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Auxilary Form Must Stay In Focus

Mar 5, 2010

I have made a program with a main Form and several auxilary forms. Is it possible to modify the auxilary form in a way like a msgbox. It stays always in focus, and you cannot interact with the main form. What I did find was the Form.enabled (True or False) method, but then the main form completely greys out, but I don't like the way it looks.

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Cannot Be Scrolled Out And Stay Topmost While The Whole App Is Focused

Mar 18, 2010

With that program, it has extra dialogs within it. They cannot be scrolled out and stay topmost while the whole app is focused. How can I do that?

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Create A Standalone Program And Always Stay On Top Of Everything?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm planning to create a standalone problem that triggered by scheduler.When the program is triggered, I would like the program to stay on top all the time, even though user clicks on other programs.

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Form Stay In Focus All The Time

Feb 3, 2010

I'm making a loginsystem and I want the form that I'm making it in will keep focus so if the "user" try click on another program there is running my form will take focus again, so the user cant get into the other programs there is running.

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Get All Radio Buttons,textbox's Ect To Stay On Only One Tab?

Mar 26, 2009

im using VS2005 and when using a tab control on my windows mobile 5 pocket pc emulator im creating a design but im unsure how to get all my radio buttons,textbox's ect to stay on only one tab? so when clicking tab 2 ect the next tab is clear ...


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Make A Form Stay On Top Of Application?

Oct 15, 2011

im looking for code that will let me keep a form on top with in my application, Like form2.vb will stay on top of my form1.vb, How can i do this i searched the forum and could not find what i was looking for.

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