How To Force Program To Wait Until ThreadX Has Finished Executing, Before It Executes Line 4

Feb 24, 2009

I have some difficulties concerning threading [code]

1- Dim str As String
2- Dim x As New myClass
3- str = x.doSomething()
4- x.closeSomething()

I've included line numbers so I can just refer the lines by their numbers. My problem is, when the program executes, line 4 seems to be executed earlier than I want it to. It gets executed while ThreadX is still running in line 3. How can I force the program to wait until ThreadX has finished executing, before it executes line 4?

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ADVERTISEMENT - AJAX: Statusbar: Force Update Of UpdatePanel While Function Executes?

May 17, 2010

I have a label inside an update panel which I wouldl ike to use as a status bar.Basically the user clicks a button which executes a main fucntion that performs a series of tasks. I'd like to inform the user as to the state of the function as it progresses e.g.:

Stage 1: Retrieving data...
Stage 2: Calculating values...
Stage 3: Printing values...
Stage 4: Done!

I've tried updating the updatepanel directly from the function but it only updates the panel at the end of function (stage 4) and shows "Done!" (which I understand is how it should work).I've been looking into timers and threads to try and update the panel separate to the main function?

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Wait Uninstall Process To Finished?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to excute the uninstall command with VB.NET, but want to wait until the uninstall process finished like Control Panel, the Shell command seem not realize it.[code]...

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Check If A String Exists In Html Code By Executing A For Loop Which Executes Each Time A Different Url?

Apr 4, 2012

I would like to know please how to check whether a string exists or not in a html code. I'm executing a for loop. Each time it checks a different url, so I want to be able to check each time if for example "<img" exists .

P.S: What's the difference between using



dim request webrequest
request = WebRequest.Create

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VS 2008 Wait For A Cmd Line Program To Finish?

May 18, 2009

I've made a gui for a cmd line program and I need to wait for the cmd line program to finish running before continuing.nd I have some code that starts the cmd line program and then calls a subroutine when it's finished running. But this method won't work since now I'm trying to run the cmd line program in a loop.Edit:Is there a way to just have the runtsmod subroutine (shown below) wait until the cmd line program is finished, instead of relying upon a subroutine starting when the cmd lineprogram finishes. This would simplify things greatly being able to call the sub tha starts the cmd line program and having it finish when the cmd line program is done.

Sub runtsmod()
'If the tsmod program exists in the directory the GUI is run from it is ran
Dim tsmod As String = Application.StartupPath & " smod_GUI.exe"


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Wait Until Report Has Finished Rendering Before Rest Of Code Gets Executed?

Aug 16, 2010

How do I wait until the report has finished rendering before the rest of the code gets executed?

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4.0 VS2010 Using VB: Force Textbox Update To Appear To Users Before Following Command Lines Are Finished (Onclick)?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm fairly new to something I have been spinning my wheels on. I would like to update the value a textbox and then load some data when a user clicks a button. I have this working perfectly but unfortunately the textbox change isn't visible until AFTER the data loads. I've tried several methods, updatepanel, backgroundworker, and async

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Make Sure 'ProgressChanged' Event Executes Completely Before Executing 'RunWorkerCompleted' Event Of Background Worker

Sep 20, 2010

Starting from my understanding about Background worker control, I understands that the background worker runs the code in its "DoWork" method in a seperate thread, while ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted events are executed on the main thread.In my senerio, I report the progress and under an specail condition my application displays a message box to the user in "ProgressChanged" method using MessageBox.Show(). and in "Run Worker Completed" event the application finalize some work. There the sequence is important, suppose that the message is of Yes or No type and finalization depends on it. Now when i run my application, the background worker triggers "ProgressChanged", but as soon as backgroundWorker's cancelAsync() is called the program leaves the current "ProgressChanged" method and executes "RunWorkerCompleted" code first.How can i make sure that the "Run Worker Completed" code executes only after the completion of ProgressChanged method.

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VS 2008 WebBrowser Control - Wait Until Page Loads Before Executing?

Mar 28, 2009

How can I make the webbrowser control wait until a page finishes loading before continuing on to the next lines of codes?

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Break Whenever Any Line Of Code Executes?

Apr 1, 2010

We can reproduce it to the point it happens whenever we click Tab, but short of putting a break point at the beginning of every method in the project to find out what is executing.

Is there a way to set visual studio to break whenever anything executes?

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When Program Executes Must Show An Notification That Program Is Running

May 1, 2009

I want to create a program that will run every start of computer and will check if it is 9:00 AM and can only be seen at the bottom right cornner besides the clock. When the program executes must show an notification that the program is running.

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Executing An Exe With Cmd Line Argument %username%?

Apr 3, 2012

Using VB 2010 Express. I'm having trouble executing an .exe from my application with command line arguments. It works in the desktop shortcut but passing it from my application it's just writing %username% in and not pulling the username as if it was doing it in cmd line. Here is the path/arguments as we use them currently in a desktop shortcut:

"C:program.exe" /z app /s /p 29091 /a U=%username% It all works fine other than %username%

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Out Of Range Exception When Executing The Line

Dec 27, 2010

I'm having out of range exception when executing the line


View 2 Replies 2003 And Deploy Finished Program And Try To Run It On AnI?

Jan 5, 2011

I am using 2003. When I deploy my program and try to run it the program works except that when I try to print a report I get a message that I need a license.

View 7 Replies

Update A Textbox Before The Program Has Finished Running?

Dec 10, 2010

I am trying to update a textbox before the program has finished running. If you have a counter (z +=1) how to you get it to display each number to display before the program finishes running?

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Wait For The Document To Be Loaded Before Moving To The Next Line?

Nov 10, 2009

wait for the document to be loaded before moving to the next line?

I am trying to test the Forward and Backwards capabilities.. but if you do the following:

Dim i = New Form
i.wbHelp.Navigate(New System.Uri("test.htm"))
i.wbHelp.Navigate(New System.Uri("test2.htm"))

It doesn't run the DocumentLoaded or the Navigated() event until it is to late. To run integrated tests I would need to either wait for the result.. Or does the URI even get loaded at all if the Control is not visible?

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Executing Command Line Application And Inserting An Argument Automatically

May 11, 2010

I have a normal windows forms application. A button launches a command line application.I need to insert an argument automatically without the keyboard. Then hide the command line application. I've been trying to figure out how to do this but with little success.I need to build a function that does this but I've never built a function before.Here is what I have but it tells me it may result in a null exception.(Because I'm not doing something quite right.)[code]

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 : Executing DOS/Command Line Commands With User Prompts?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that does the following:Executes the following command line string (wmic /node:computername bios get serialnumber)Prompts user for the "node" entry Displays the resulting serial number in a dialog box I'm a bit of a noob at this (I haven't coded anything in VB since early 2000s) so I'm at a bit of a loss where to start. I plan on including some functions to submit the node entry and the resulting serial number to a database in the future for archiving as well.

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C# - Make A Windowless / Command-line Application Return But Continue Executing In Background?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm writing a command-line application in .Net. The app itself is fairly simple, but it has to connect synchronously to a web-service, which in turn has to connect to a Oracle database, and those pieces are fond of taking their time.

Is there a straightforward way (without dividing my app exe in two) to continue executing but nonetheless yield execution to the command prompt?

It's Windows, so no "&". Also, I cannot use cmd.exe's "start" cmdlet.

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Type The Following Code, Keeping Each Declararation All One Line(do Not Press Enter To Force The Lines To Wrap)?

Jan 12, 2012

Public Months() As String = {"January", "February", 'March", 'April",
"May","June", "July", "August", "September","October", "November",


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Wait For Program To Run Up?

Jul 10, 2009

ok I have a program that controls another program.. but sometimes the other program is not running.. so I ask the question "do you want to run it up" so if they it takes like 15 seconds to come up.. so really I dont want to do much on my program while we wait for that other program to finally come up..

normally when my program comes up I make sure the other app is running.. and it would come up before you would click on something to try to call it.. but during the day.. maybe their app crashes.. so then right before I try to make a call to it I will check if its running.. so I want to run it up but kinda put a hold on my code while it waits..

so whats the best way to do this ? stop my code.. call a timer and when it see's its up call again ?? or can I put in some wait in the code then continue... just looking for the best method people have used..

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Executing MATLAB Program In .NET?

Dec 24, 2009

I am working on a project, in which I have to run a MATLAB program in VB.NET In the project there is a VB.NET GUI, which contains a browse button. The user has to click on the browse button and select an image for processing. The user then has to click on the Process button for processing the image. After clicking the process button the image selected by the user has to go as input to the MATLAB program.

Q1) I want to know how to give the image selected by the browse button of VB.NET, as input to the MATLAB program for processing?Also while the image is being processed in MATLAB, a message such as "The image is being processed" must be displayed on the VB.NET GUI.

Q2) how to display the message "The image is being processed" on the VB.NET GUI, while the image is being processed in MATLAB?After the image has been processed in MATLAB, the image must be displayed on the VB.NET GUI.

Q3)how to display the image from MATLAB program in VB.NET GUI?

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Shell Not Executing Program

Dec 3, 2011

I am trying to execute the shell script in[code]...

The script doesn't create the outfile mentioned in -out switch. The path mentioned is correct and also the command with switches is correct. It runs well in command prompt but not in the program. [code]...

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Wait For A Program To Launch?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesAutodeskACADM 2010acad.exe")

how do I make the system wait till the program is fully launched before it executes the next statements? If it doesnt wait, it crashes.

I dont want to use system.threading.thread.sleep as it varies for each computew how long it will take to launch

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VS 2008 Program Executing In Second Plane?

May 4, 2012

I wanna know how could I do to:Assemble a finished program, install it, and leave it executing in second plane to just push a key to work. Execute it once at the windows start and execute just a single key to make it work.I'd like to know what should I put before the assembly

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VS 2010 How Similar Is The .NET To JVM In Executing A Program

Nov 14, 2009

1. How similar is the .NET to JVM in executing a program ?

2. How different is it ?

3. Is the .NET Framework available for Linux ?

4. Can I run a VB.NET application written for XP on a Linux machine ?

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How To Get A Program To Wait Until A File Is Copied

Nov 5, 2010

Code is below. I am designing this code to transfer a file at a specified time. Right now, I have it sending me an email when it succeeds for test purposes. It will be only when the file copy fails later.

Here's my question: how can I get the program to wait until the file copy is complete to report success or failure? Right now I'm using exists to see if it works, but some other method of checking the file will be built in later. Eventually, this will be deployed to various locations for a bit of automated backup.


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How To Have Keypress On Console Without Program Has To Wait

Jun 4, 2012

I built a console application with a loop at the end,[code]in the loop when the user press "q" on the keyboard, the program will go out of the loop, I've tried using Console.Read or Console.ReadKey which is not working because it waits for the user to press the keyboard,but I need the loop to keep running although the user is not pressing the keyboard so in the program the console will be like: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,etc. until the user press "q" on the keyboard,

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Wait For MySQL To Update In Program?

Sep 3, 2011

I have been working on something that checks an MySQL Database to check something - however the program stops responding because it is constantly checking the database. Is it possible to have it wait a few seconds to recheck the database? [code]...

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Delete Syntax In Program Not Executing In MySQL

Jun 6, 2011

I have a datagridview on my form which displays records from Mysql table on form load.i want to delete the selected row in datagrid from table on 'row header mouse click' event.

The 2 different codes that i tried --- deletes the record from the datagrid for a moment but does not delete from mysql table & re-appears when closed & debugged again.[code]...

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