How To Get A Program To Wait Until A File Is Copied

Nov 5, 2010

Code is below. I am designing this code to transfer a file at a specified time. Right now, I have it sending me an email when it succeeds for test purposes. It will be only when the file copy fails later.

Here's my question: how can I get the program to wait until the file copy is complete to report success or failure? Right now I'm using exists to see if it works, but some other method of checking the file will be built in later. Eventually, this will be deployed to various locations for a bit of automated backup.


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File Copied With FileInfo Not Able To Be Read By Shelled Program?

Jul 3, 2011

2 - Saves the server XML file it into a folder separate from the root folder of the application.3 - Deletes the local XML file in the root folder of the application.4 - Copies the server XML file to the local folder of the application.5 - Opens the application.6 - Closes the updater.Now when the application opens, it reads this XML file in the local folder. When I run it stand alone, it works fine and can find this XML file. However, my problem is when the application is opened by the updater, it can't read the XML file in the local folder. I check for this file doing File.Exists(XMLfilename) and it returns false but like I said, if I close the application and reopen it it works fine.

I'm thinking that for some reason the updater is "locking" this file so my other process can't read it? I can't close the process before I open the original application so I'm not sure what's happening here. My Update Folder is the users ApplicationData folder and the root directory of the application is in the Program Files folder.

This is my code in the updater:
Dim ImageDir As DirectoryInfo
Dim fi As FileInfo


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Protect Program From Being Copied

Oct 7, 2010

Does anybody know an effective way to protect your application from being copied? I 'd like to make my application as shareware for limited numbers of trials and after that the application shouldn't not run anymore on the same PC.

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File I/O And Registry :: When Is File Ready For Using - Check Or The File Is Total Copied ?

Dec 6, 2010

Our program will start with the help of a FileSystemWatcher object. How can we check or the file is total copied, for example the file is 100 Mbyte it take a time it's ready for use. Idea:

Do While True
N = testForUse(BigFile)
If N = 1 Then Exit Do


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How To Know If File Is Copied Or Not

Sep 23, 2011

I am using below code to copy a file from one location to other location...

System.IO.File.Copy(Source, Dest)

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Clipboard - Determine File Is Cut Or Copied?

May 1, 2006

I encountered a serious problem while working withclipboard class in VB.NET.I want to simulate cut-copy-paste operation withmy application and Windows Explorer.User can copy files from Explorer and paste it intomy application & vice-a-versa.My question is-How can I determine if user has copied or cut the filesfrom Windows Explorer? I want to differentiate cut & copy.I am using >> My.Computer.Clipboard<<.

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Create A Large Amount Of Files All Copied From A Single Original File?

Apr 15, 2012

I am wanting to create a large amount of files all copied from a single original file. I then have a list of names in a listbox that each of of these files will rename to. However I am getting an error saying that the file already exists in the save location even though the files are saving to a totally different folder...

code below.

Dim Counter As Integer = listFileNames.Items.Count
Do Until Counter = 0
System.IO.File.Move(txtOpen.Text, txtSave.Text)


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Wait For Program To Run Up?

Jul 10, 2009

ok I have a program that controls another program.. but sometimes the other program is not running.. so I ask the question "do you want to run it up" so if they it takes like 15 seconds to come up.. so really I dont want to do much on my program while we wait for that other program to finally come up..

normally when my program comes up I make sure the other app is running.. and it would come up before you would click on something to try to call it.. but during the day.. maybe their app crashes.. so then right before I try to make a call to it I will check if its running.. so I want to run it up but kinda put a hold on my code while it waits..

so whats the best way to do this ? stop my code.. call a timer and when it see's its up call again ?? or can I put in some wait in the code then continue... just looking for the best method people have used..

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Wait For A Program To Launch?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesAutodeskACADM 2010acad.exe")

how do I make the system wait till the program is fully launched before it executes the next statements? If it doesnt wait, it crashes.

I dont want to use system.threading.thread.sleep as it varies for each computew how long it will take to launch

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How To Have Keypress On Console Without Program Has To Wait

Jun 4, 2012

I built a console application with a loop at the end,[code]in the loop when the user press "q" on the keyboard, the program will go out of the loop, I've tried using Console.Read or Console.ReadKey which is not working because it waits for the user to press the keyboard,but I need the loop to keep running although the user is not pressing the keyboard so in the program the console will be like: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,etc. until the user press "q" on the keyboard,

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Wait For MySQL To Update In Program?

Sep 3, 2011

I have been working on something that checks an MySQL Database to check something - however the program stops responding because it is constantly checking the database. Is it possible to have it wait a few seconds to recheck the database? [code]...

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Make Program Wait Until A Button Is Pressed?

May 30, 2010

In my program, if something goes wrong an ErrorForm is supposed to show up and tell what was going wrong.

And if the error is a "fatal type", then I want the program just display the ErrorForm (which gives some information about the error), wait for a button press, and then close the program (terminate run).

In case of error, the form is displayed.. That's good.

But as the program is supposed to terminate after showing the error form, the error form disappears immediately after showing up (so it doesn't allow the user any time to read what's going wrong).

How can I make the program wait until a button press (on the error form) and then terminate?

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Tell A Program To Wait Or Pause Without Using A Timer Control?

Aug 17, 2010

how to tell a program to wait or pause without using a timer control.

I did a bit of Lua scripting a few years back and the function was: Wait(5) or however long you needed the program to pause.

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VS 2008 Wait For A Cmd Line Program To Finish?

May 18, 2009

I've made a gui for a cmd line program and I need to wait for the cmd line program to finish running before continuing.nd I have some code that starts the cmd line program and then calls a subroutine when it's finished running. But this method won't work since now I'm trying to run the cmd line program in a loop.Edit:Is there a way to just have the runtsmod subroutine (shown below) wait until the cmd line program is finished, instead of relying upon a subroutine starting when the cmd lineprogram finishes. This would simplify things greatly being able to call the sub tha starts the cmd line program and having it finish when the cmd line program is done.

Sub runtsmod()
'If the tsmod program exists in the directory the GUI is run from it is ran
Dim tsmod As String = Application.StartupPath & " smod_GUI.exe"


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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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How To Make Program Wait Until Button Clicked By User

Apr 29, 2011

How to make a program wait until a button is clicked by the user. I want to stop my sequence of codes (statements) until a button is clicked by the user.

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VS 2008 Making Program Wait Until Event Has Taken Place?

Apr 1, 2011

I have an app that gets info from the internet into a label, the progam then decides which event will hapen depending on the info obtained, either load next form and continue or Application.Exit

My problem is that the speed that the info is returned from the net, varies and because the info is late sometimes the program exits when it should not.

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VS 2010 Pause External Program, Wait 10 Minutes, Unpause?

May 29, 2010

How would I pause an external program (exe), wait 10 minutes then unpause it using VB.NET

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VS 2010 Unexpected Error On Program Close With A Wait Loop?

Dec 1, 2011

In my MDI Application code I have a form that launches a second form then hides itself until the spawned form closes. It works great unless I choose to close the application while the spawned form is still up.

The following is some example code.

Dim ChildForm as New frmTaskWindow With { .MDIParent = Me, .AddingNew = True }


Me.Show() ' error occurs here because my form is already closed by the system. Is there a way to get around this without just an error catcher?

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Framework Error - Copied The .exe File From "My Documents...indebug" (Using Win 7)

Sep 16, 2011

I have made a program in Visual Basic 2010 Express. I then copied the .exe file from "My documents...indebug". (Using Win 7) But when I try to run the program on another computer. (Win XP) It says something like "Missing Framework 4.0.30319". The problem is: I can't install Framework updates on that pc. As it's controlled by the admin, and talkin' to the admin is NOT an option.

So basicly, my question is: Is there anyway I can install Framework updates without admin rights. Or maybe make the program run with the current type of FW (2.0 (I think)).

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How To Force Program To Wait Until ThreadX Has Finished Executing, Before It Executes Line 4

Feb 24, 2009

I have some difficulties concerning threading [code]

1- Dim str As String
2- Dim x As New myClass
3- str = x.doSomething()
4- x.closeSomething()

I've included line numbers so I can just refer the lines by their numbers. My problem is, when the program executes, line 4 seems to be executed earlier than I want it to. It gets executed while ThreadX is still running in line 3. How can I force the program to wait until ThreadX has finished executing, before it executes line 4?

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Wait Until File Is Created?

Aug 15, 2010

How can I exit the loop below whenever the file is created? Because with this coding I'm in an infinite loop :S


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ASP.NET Wait For File Upload/release?

Jul 21, 2010

I've got ASP.NET intranet application written in VB. It gets a file from the user, and then depending on a few different cases it may create a few copies of the file as well as move the original.

Unfortunately I've come across a case where I get this error:

Exception Details: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file
'\somedirD09_03_5_180_0.000-6.788.png' because it is being used by another process.

Which is thrown by My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile. And that's fine that it's being used by another process - it may still be saving/downloading from the user or trying to copy while another thread(?) is copying, I don't really care about that, what I want to know:

Is there any way that I can tell VB to wait to copy (also move) the file until the file is no longer in use?

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Compress A File Using Shell32 And Wait Until It's Zipped?

May 11, 2009

I would like to ZIP a file with VBA. The following code from Code [URL]..

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Delay/Wait Until Text File Is Closed?

May 20, 2009

So I am having a situation where sometimes my code will error saying the file is already open (the text file). It happens randomly, and I'm assuming it's the computer hanging. Is there a way that I can make the program "wait" for the file to close?Here is the code that I am working with:


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VS 2008 Wait For File To Finish Downloading

Apr 4, 2010

I'm downloading a file asynchronously so that it doesn't stall the UI. I'm using a very basic WebClient and calling .DownloadFileAsync.The file I'm downloading is required for additional tasks after it has been downloaded. The issue that I'm running into is that, since the file is being downloaded on another thread, execution on the main thread continues while the file hasn't finished downloading.Is there any way to pause execution while the file is being downloaded? Or is there a better method?

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Wait For Batch File To Close Before Continuing?

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to run a batch file via VB and I need to wait for it to complete/exit before progressing. The issue I believe I am having is that when a batch file is executed, it opens cmd.exe and not the batch file.

This is what I am executing with VB
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckmachines.txt")
FileCopy(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "machines.txt", My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckmachines.txt")
Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckgo.bat")
psi.RedirectStandardError = True
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = True
psi.CreateNoWindow = False .....

The problem I am having is that it will just delete ping.bat before it completes.
How do I go about monitoring the process from the batch file I call. Then once it exits, continue with the script?

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VS 2010 Not Able To Be Copied

Feb 6, 2012

i have created a program using vb 2010 and i want to sell it but i dont know how to make it be uncopyable.I have set to read only and administrator permission etc... but i can still copy it.

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Not All Controls In Collection Are Being Copied?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm a bit confused here. I'm copying all the controls from one form to a panel on the main form and for some reason only about half of them copy.

Private Sub switchComponent()
Dim selection As String = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text

When stepping through the code, serverDic(selection).Controls has 12 elements, but only 6 of them get copied. Next time this gets called, only 3 get copied. Does Panel1.Controls.clear() somehow kill the references?

EDIT: Just to show that there are infact 12 elements in the collection:

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Delete Record Once It Was Copied?

Aug 26, 2009

I want to delete records in table1 once i copied them into table2.

Im using C#, VS08. I had created database:admin.mdf, with two tables, tblOutbox(table1) and tblSend(table2). Here are the codes on how i insert into table 2.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


What condition should i use to delete the record? this command is use when i want to delete only one record, But what if many records involve?

cmd.CommandText = "DELETE tblSend WHERE id = 5";

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