How To Get Text Inside Class

Nov 23, 2010

If There is a html code element like that: id"xxxxx" Class"yyyyy" name"zzzzz"

Usually, I know how to use the id, to click or fill text.

My question is, what If I know the id=xxxxx, can I get the text from class or name for that id, and the opposite?

I want to be able to save the yyyyy and zzzzz in strings, by knowing the id for the same object.

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Inside The Service Class, Declare A Class Variable Named Started?

May 8, 2012

Create a class named Service. Inside the Service class, declare a class variable named Started. The datatype of this variable is Boolean.Public Class Service Dim started as Boolean End Class Create a class named Server. Inside the Server class, declare a dynamic array that can contain elements of the type Service.(Note: For convenience, both the array and the variable Started can be accessible from a client program that creates an instance of Server and Service respectively)

Create a constructor for the Service class. When the constructor is executed, it will set the value of the class variable Started to True. Create two new classes: WebServer and DatabaseEngine. Both of these classes inherit from the class Service. Inside the Service class, declare a Sub procedure (method) named Terminate. This method should display the following text Service stopping in a message box when executed.This method can be overridden in classes that inherit from Service class.

Inside both the WebServer and DatabaseEngine class, override the method Terminate inherited from their base class Service. Both methods should first call the base class Terminate method. The messages Web server stopping and Database engine stopping should also be displayed in a message box when the Terminate method for the WebServer and DatabaseEngine are called respectively. These messages should only be displayed if the Started variable inherited from their base class is not equal to False.

Inside the Server class, declare a method named Shutdown. This method does not return any value. When executed, it will call the Terminate method for each of the Service instances (if any) in the arrServices
array. You should call the Terminate method within a For Each loop that loops through the elements of the arrServices array.

In the Sub Main method, create an instance of the class Server. Set the size of the arrServices array in
your Server instance to contain 2 elements. Create first a WebServer instance and then a DatabaseEngine
instance into this array. Call the Shutdown method from your Server instance.

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Get A Value Inside Parent Class From Child Class (in Nested Classes)?

Jan 1, 2012

I have Class1 and class2 which is inside class1, VB.NET code:

Public Class class1
Public varisbleX As Integer = 1
Public Class class2


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How To Assign A Different Reference To A Class Instance From Inside The Class Code

Jan 18, 2011

my proble is the following: I have a class MyClass and another class Modifier, which has a method ModifyMyClass(ByRef mc as MyClass) that receives a MyClass instance as ByRef parameter to modify it. A smell of the code is:


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VS 2008 Reference Parent Class From Inside Child Class?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a 'property management class' that contains several functions and properties. I have several other classes that use the 'management class' as a property to derive the value of several of its other properties.Is there a way for me to reference the outer class from the 'management class' functions without having to pass it as a parameter? I ask because several different classes can have this 'management class' as a property and am having a hard time typing the parameter.

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Access The Base Class Inside A Derived Class?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I access the base class inside a derived class?

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Handle An Event Raised In Class Inside Own Class?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a "partial" class in VB.NET. Half of it is auto generated by a code generation tool. That half implements INotifyPropertyChanged, so any properties in that part of the partial class raise the PropertyChanged event.In my "custom" part of the class, I declare another property that depends on one of the properties in the auto-generated side. Therefore, when that auto-generated property changes, I also want to raise a PropertyChanged event on my custom property that depends on it.

If I go into the generated part of the class and raise the event there, that will get overwritten if I ever re-generate that part, so I don't want to do that. I would rather add an event handler in my side of the partial class that checks if the generated property changed, and if so, raise another event for my custom property.


I'm assuming it's because normally you'd use the WithEvents keyword to tell the compiler that you're subscribing to events from that object. I don't have a clue how to do this inside of the class that's actually raising the event, or if that's even possible.

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IDE :: Class Files. Same As Namespace Or The Same As The Class Object Inside?

May 22, 2009

If my namespace is Company.Application.EDI.Acknowledgement and if I stick with theprogramming practice of one class per file then should my class be saved asacknowledgement.vb? Are there any gotchas that will come up?

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Make Class Array Inside Class

Feb 28, 2012

I am New to <acronym title="Visual Basic">Vb</acronym>.Net. this is my first test. i try to create small address book. but i don't know what wrong. it compile perfect but when it run it give error and not work. is there any other way to add same class like in class inside array?


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VS 2010 Arrayed Class Inside A Class?

Nov 27, 2011

Haven't coded in a while, and ran into a wall when setting up my program data structure

So I have something like this in a class file;

Public Class X
Public Stuff as Integer
Public Stuff1 as String


I want to structure my program this way, what's the best way to go about that?

I want to access multiple data types in the same array from within a class, as it should be a subset of my base class etc... and want to be able to change the size of the array

Or is this class array within class nesting a dead end?

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Get Text Inside Double Quotation Marks Which Are Inside A Textbox?

Sep 5, 2010

So, I have a textbox with the following text.

TITLE"Hello there"
blah blah blah etc...

I want my program to find the TITLE text, and then put the text in the double quotations in a variable.

View 9 Replies - Structure A Class Inside A Class?

Jun 3, 2011

Currently, if I have different classes containing functions etc, I would structure them all in the 1 VB file titled whatever the main Class is. For example:


However, the problem with this is the file can become 1000s of lines long making hard to find portions of code. Is there a way I can store SubClass in a file such as MainClass.SubClass.vb so that its easier to locate classes? Or is there a better, more standard, way of doing this?

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Create A Custom Class That Has Inside An Array Of Another Custom Class?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to create a custom class that has inside an array of another custom class (see my code below) but when the programm runs is crashes. Why? What is the right expression???? Plz help I'm a newbie in

Public Class ctrarray
Public nameclass As String
Public ctrlindex(glvar_spaces) As ctrlindexclass
End Class


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How Many Objects Inside Of A Class Is Too Many

Jul 1, 2011

I'm fairly new to the concepts of OO programming - actually programming in general as I am still a student. I'm currently working as an intern in a department that has me coding a new structure that will probably be the base for all their applications to come. So I believe I have the idea behind OO down where you create "basic building blocks" and then expand, expand and expand, until you arrive at the most complex object (for the time being). I need to put all these "advanced" objects into one but how many is too many? Can I have 100 objects inside of this bigger object if it requires all these "parts".I really hope this question makes sense to everyone. I'm sure the answer is not going to be a definite answer either but I just need a rule of thumb to go by. I'd really hate to have 100 objects inside of 1 big one if there is a better design/programming technique. [code]

View 2 Replies - Access The Literal Text Which Is Inside Panel1 And Panel1 Is Inside Datalist1?

Feb 17, 2011

I wanna access the literal1 text which is placed inside panel 1 and panel1 is placed inside datalist1 ...

i wanna retrieve literal1 text on page load event using VB.NET

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Abstract Class Inside An Interface?

Sep 8, 2011

I'd like to make sure each of the subclasses has a certain nested class whose actual fields are up to the developer.

Nesting an abstract class inside the base abs. class doesn't seem to do the trick because during actual coding, both the nested abs. class and the nested class in the subclass both are available (show up in intellisense).

Having the base class implement an interface that includes a class doesn't work since interfaces only refer to methods that can be implemented, not classes (meaning implementing the interface requires implements methods, but says nothing about classes in the interface.

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Declared A Class Variable Inside Sub?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a text file to read, at the first line will have a size of array, that means I cannot guess size of array, and I have to create a array in side a sub (Local Variable). Then, I want to use value of array in another sub, but I cannot use value of variable of another sub. What I have to do to make an array con be used in every sub/function in a class? Also, I've post an example file, code and error list.


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Should All Subs & Functions Always Be Inside A Class

Oct 4, 2008

This is very basic about the layout of classes, subs etc. 1. Should all my subs & functions always be inside a class? I haven't used classes too much before, mostly just a bunch of subs in a form file. Now I downloaded a sample program which I want to develop. This has all the code of the form inside "Public Class Form1": [Code] The code is an example of use of the ZedGraph library. It produce a simple window with one graph/chart. Now I want to develop this code with several tabs, a dusin different charts, file I/O and so on. I'm ok with most of the specific coding, but my question is on the general coding;

2. Should I continue my subs&functions inside this form? inside this class? inside a new class? Earlier when I've NOT been using class, I can make global variables by placing the "Dim" outside the subs. This does not seem to work within a class. 3. Should I avoid global variables all together, or how is this done without always passing arguments?

Also I will make more forms, for program options etc. 4. Should these forms be coded as classes? or just subs&functions in a form? Obviously I'm not well trained on the proper use of classes and have trouble to find this easily explained.

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Function Inside Class File Cannot Be Seen By Compiler

Sep 22, 2011

I have written a function inside a class file which I added to my project in VB 2010 Express. Unfortunately, when trying to use this function in the main project, it cannot be seen by the compiler. The function is public. You can probably see from this that query that I don't know much about OO programming (I am assuming that the problem stems from something to do with this).

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How To Pass Values From List Inside Of Class

May 5, 2011

I am having a hard time trying to pass the values from a list inside of a class. I am trying to display multiple lines of values from a list inside of a class. My "client" class stores multiple lines of values into a list(of class transaction), with the number value (num) counting each transaction that it adds to the list.

Public Class Client
Private m_tranlist As New List(Of transaction)
If CInt(tid) = m_ID Then 'create client tran, add to list
nextTran = New transaction(m_ID, tcode, tdate, ttype, tshares, tprice, value, num)
num += 1
End If

Now I am trying to display each line that is stored in the list in a label, and I am having major trouble. How do I call the list in my main form in order to display all of the values?

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Instantiate Object Inside Class Definition

Jun 22, 2010

I see a sample code that an object is instantiated within the class definition block. But when I test the folllowing, I got error "Process is terminated due to


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Preserve An Array Inside A Class Method?

Mar 30, 2010

I have been learning about OOP and classes from a book and one of the question is the book has asked to create a simple Saving/Checking accounts Program. The question says that most of the functionality must be done through an Accounts Class, and this Acoounts class must inherit certain private fileds from an base class 'Transaction.

The question also says that data from the Saving/Checking accounts Program must be read to and from a text file, and these functions must be done within the Acounts class.

i have done everything the question asks to the best of my knowlegde and understanding but when it comes to storing and retieving data from the textfile i cannot utilise the array i created to store the textfile data onto it.

Bank Account.Write a program to maintain a person's Savings and Checking accounts. The program should keep track of and display the balances in both accounts, and maintain a list of transactions (deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, and check clearings) separately for each account. The two lists of transactions should be stored in sequential files so that they will persist between program sessions.

Consider the form in Figure 11.12. The two dropdown combo boxes should each contain the items Checking and Savings. Each of the four group boxes corresponds to a type of transaction. (When Savings is selected in the Account combo box, the Check group box should disappear.) The user makes a transaction by typing data into the text boxes of a group box and pressing the button. The items appearing in the Transactions list box should correspond to the type of account that has been selected. The caption of the second label in the Transfer group box should toggle between "to Checking" and "to Savings" depending on the item selected in the "Transfer from" combo box. If a transaction cannot be carried out, a message (such as "Insufficient funds") should be displayed.

The program should use two classes, Transaction and Account. The class Transaction should have properties for transaction name, amount, date, and whether it is a credit (deposit) or debit (withdrawal/check). The class Account, which will have both a checking account and a savings account as instances, should use an array of Transaction objects. In addition, it should have properties for name (Checking or Savings) and balance. It should have methods to carry out a transaction (if possible), to display the list of transactions, and to load and retrieve the set of transactions into or from a sequential file. The events InsufficientFunds and TransactionCommitted should be triggered at appropriate times.

Hint: In order for an Account object to display a list of transactions, a list box should be passed to a method as an argument. The method might be declared with Sub EnumerateTransactions(ByVal lb As ListBox).

Here is my code. I am sorry this code is basic and unedited.

Public Class Form3
'load contents of Text file into the listbox when first loaded
'store data in file into array of accounts, record no. counts


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Two-way WPF Binding To Properties Of A Class Inside Of An ObservableCollection

Nov 17, 2011

I've searched as best as I can, and I can't find an answer to this specific problem that I have... WPF binding seems to be great and all, but I end up banging my head against the wall more often than not.

Okay, I have a singleton class which is ultimately the one that I'm binding to:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Public Class AmandaSeyfried


If I throw some break points on the Getter and Setters of the CountryTranslation class, I can monitor when they're being changed (via the datagrid, so binding is working), but try as I might I can't figure out how to raise an event based upon that back in the main class to subsequently update the datastore to show the changes.

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VS 2010 Make A Timer, Inside Of A Class?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to make a timer, inside of a class, tick, by calling it from a backgroundworker. It never ticks (the Tick event is never raised), but the Timer shows as Enabled (with Interval set to 1).

Here is the simplified

Public Class Class1


If I move the code inside the Thread1_DoWork procedure into the Button1_Click procedure, the code works fine (by bypassing the backgroundworker). But, when it is called inside of the backgroundworker, it doesn't work at all.

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.net - Declaring A Function Inside A Base Class Non-overridable?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a base class foo that will be used in multiple child classes of similar but slightly different function:

Public MustInherit Class foo
Public Function bar1() as Something
''// Perfectly OK to change what this method does


How do I get the compiler to generate an error when bar2() is overridden by a child class?

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Create A Sub Main Inside A Class Which Is Itself Part Of A Project

May 17, 2009

why, when i create a sub main inside a class which is itself part of a project, i need to create it as a shared sub like this.[code]

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Expose A Function Inside A Module In Class Liberary( DLL)

May 20, 2009

I wand to Expose a function inside a module in my Class Liberary( DLL)

module Module1
Public Function Add(val1 , val2) as double
return val1 + val2
End Function
End Module

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Side Effects Of Defining A Structure Inside A Class?

Jun 6, 2011

What is the side effects of defining a structure inside a class (name it X), and create a property inside that class of the type X?

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VS 2008 - How To Make Animation Player Inside Class

Jul 16, 2009

I've been trying to make basically a simple animation player inside a class so that I can use it in a game I have to make for a school IPT project. When I first tested out some code I found, it was not in "class form", ie there were just loose variables as I was only animating a single .gif file. The code worked perfectly, and the animation was drawn frame by frame by the e.Graphics.DrawImage function.

Now that I have moved the code into a class (So I can run more than one animation at a time, though Im still trying to get only one to work), The e.Graphics.DrawImage function didnt work. It would draw the first image, but then (even though the function is called as shown by stepping through the lines of code), the picture doesn't update. I know the frame has changed as Ive kept track of the current frame in the debug window, but it still wont work.

I have had troubles like this with other GDI functions, where if the variable to draw is inside a class (etc) it simply wont work, it will only work if it is a loosely floating variable. (i.e. Sprite.Image doesnt work, If I just make an image it does). With the code below, I have tried in the e.Graphics.DrawImage function submitting me.wth.animatedImage and wth.animatedImage

Public Class Form1
Dim wth As New vsprite
Public Class vsprite
Public animatedImage As New Bitmap("C:Documents and SettingsSamDesktopexplosion.gif")
Public currentlyAnimating As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Call Property From Inside Residing Class?

Oct 25, 2011

just because you can do something, it doesn't mean it's good programming practice. To that end, I have a question about calling a public property from inside the class in which the said property resides. It seems that I can call it, similar to a sub, using, but is this good programming practice?

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