How To Make Form Refresh

Aug 15, 2011

'Informs you forgot email.
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Forgot E-Mail")
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then Me.(PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO PUT!


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Form Refresh Or Make Duplicates

Apr 29, 2010

got question on using windows forms in visual

what i have going on is on one form i have a calendar that is for the month of may. when you click on may opens a form with some combo boxes and a gridview that displays the choices from the combo boxes.

my question is this..

can I just link all of the other 30 days in may to go to the same form or do I have to make 30 duplicate forms LOL...i know it is a kinda silly question but I really dont know.

It would be a travesty if the user were to click on may 2...and get a form all filled out from may 1...*blush*

Secondly if i were to have a calendar control on the form that may 1 is pointing to (at the moment I dont) how do I get the calendar contol to reflect that it is may 2 and not may 1??

this is not for a web site it is for a tire shop here in town, and it is the first project that I am it is kind of important to me.

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Make A Refresh Form Button?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to have a button on my form that will close the form itself and then reopen itself essentially refreshing the form. i have read several posts about this topic and most people say use the hide and show functions but i don't want to hide the form i want to close it. I have also tried to use the form1.refresh thing and that doesn't work either.

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Refresh Windows Form When Ever User Clicks Refresh Button?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???

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How To Make Webbrowser Refresh

Dec 26, 2010

I am writing an ap that monitors a website for changes. The website is for reserving campsites and I need to know when they change the date we can book a reservation. The date can change at midnight or any time during the day. It is completely random.I start the program launching a webbrowser with the URL. I have an inputboxbutton that prompts for the text to track for change. You paste the text in there and then the ap is supposed to wait for x minutes then refresh.I have a refresh button that works perfectly. Here is the code for it:

Private Sub Button_Refresh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_Refresh.Click


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DB/Reporting :: PopUP Form Refresh Combobox On Parent Form

May 31, 2008

I have a parent form that has a combobox. Whn the form loads I get the data from the db and bind to the combobox. that works fine and here is the code I use in form load to cause this to happen: [code] Now if there is not an Account Type, I have a button that will pull up a small form to allow the addition of an account type. The popup form adds the data back to the database just fine, but I am now trying to get the combobox to refresh its data. So I call a public Sub that is located in the parent form to from the popup form to accomplish this task and I have walked the code and the sub is called and appears to work correctly, but the new data never appears in the combobox. Here is my public sub that i call to try and refresh the combobox on the parent form. [code] But when I go back to the parent form, the combobox is not updated with the new account. How can i get the combobox to refresh from the database with the new data?

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Make The Text Appear Immediately After Refresh?

Jan 27, 2011

I have to Repositon many TextBox in a form, but when I use Refresh() to invalidate its client area, that TextBox's Text will be disappeared until I focus to that TextBox. Are there any way to make the Text appear immediately after Refresh?

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Auto-refresh Windows Form - Sub Form With A Datagridview ?

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on VB.Net. I have a sub form with a datagridview, that is being loaded with the criteria taken from another form. Hence this form is called with parameters.

Here is the code that calls the sub form.


where ds is the dataset to fill the datagridview and rb is the string from a radio button on this form.

Here is the code in the sub form.


Now, I need to refresh this sub form every -- minutes, depending on how the user wants it to be. For this I have given a NumericUpDown control to select the mins. All this works fine. But how do I refresh the dataset and the datagridview?

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Forms :: Make A Frame On A Website Refresh With A New Src?

Jun 4, 2010

Im trying to make a frame on a website refresh with a new src.

This is my function in a seperate module PHP

Public Function StatusRead()
If Form1.WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
Dim theStatusCollection As HtmlElementCollection = Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("frame")


The flag is declared at class level in my form1.vb and the reason for the flag is to stop the frame endlessly refreshing

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Make A Data Refresh / Reload Work

Aug 4, 2009

I've spent several hours reading through posts trying to make a data refresh/reload work and I can't.After adding a new record to the underlying table (using MSSQL) I need the datasource for that table to show this new record. My understanding is that using BindingSource.ResetBindings(False) is supposed to fetch a ew set of records and also update any control bound to it (ie ComboBox).Neither of this is happening. The new record is not there when using the navigator. The ComboBox does not show the new values either.It seems that this would be a simple basic command in VB, alas, I can't find a way to do this cleanly.I'm using SQLSERVER 2005 and VB.NET 2005. Controls are all bound to datasources...

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Make Webbrowser1 Refresh A Certain Amount Of Times?

Jun 5, 2012

How do I make webbrowser1 refresh a certain amount of times?

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Make Button Refresh Back To Original Text?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a simple translating program i working on in vb 2010.I have a combobox and a textbox and a button. What i have so far is when you select the option in the combobox the textbox and button will appear. then when you type something it replaces each letter with something new, in the same textbox.what i cant figure out is how to make it so where if i click the button again it translates the replaced letters back to the original ones.

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Make The WebBrowser1 Refresh Infinite Amount Of Times With A Click Of A Button?

Nov 25, 2008

how i can make the WebBrowser1 refresh an infinite amount of times really fast and with a click of a button?This is the code i have right now:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End SubThe above code only makes the webBrowser1 refresh 1 time, but i want it to refresh infinite times with a click of a button.

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Form Does Not Refresh

Dec 12, 2009

I login webservice then upload files then i download files i do this inside the looping in the processing i have to change the picture box picture the Timer Event fires but the picture does not changes it seems form doestn't refresh

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Form Does Not Refresh?

Jun 12, 2006

I have created a simple VB.NET application with one form and a few modules. When a user clicks on a run button of the form the application starts and goes through differet cycle, while updating the user on status bar, runs for less than four hours.

The application works fine, it gives desired result. However, it is not able to refresh the user form, meaning status bar remains same after some time (it suppose to increment). Even when I take mouse on the form it shows timer symbole instead of default one.

My application commands another device using GPIB. Basically, PC running my application commands the device. If I look the display of device it gives correct information.

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How To Refresh Form

Oct 7, 2011

I have a form, with a datagridview. I can see the data and the related records in the DGV.I have another form that this one calls to add a new record. I need that because there are some specific parameters i need to control. But when the focus returns to the original form, I can't see the new record, even though it is there (I see it in the database).If I close the form and enter again I can see it, that is not what i want.How can I refresh the tables after the other process adds data to them?

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Refresh A Form In VB?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using Mysql database and Visual Studio 2005. I've got a form with datagridview, After making the changes in the data, it is saved in the database. The data gets saved in the database, but the modified data does not get displayed in the datagridview. Only if I close the form and open it again, the changes are displayed. I want to provide a button (refresh-button), which on clicking will refresh the datagridview, so that the modified data is displayed without closing the form.

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Can't Get Form Controls To Refresh

Jan 30, 2012

Been playing around with this and simply can't get it to work

I've got a form and I've created a button called refresh. The button is meant to do exactly that. What happens is that when the form loads, it checks the database for values. If it finds values, it creates a dynamic edit box related to the value.

I open the form and it paints accordingly and as I expect it. If I delete a value from the database then click the refresh button, it should re-draw the form and paint the background grey. The logic definitely works because I trapped the bit of code and it does hit the part where it's meant to set the background grey.

Now, I'm not sure I'm refreshing the form properly because all I'm doing within this sub is calling the form on load event: formLRQuadrantSchedule_Load(Me, New System.EventArgs)

This seems to work logic wise, just not doing what I want. So, I tried this (amongst several other things):

Dim dynTextBox As New TextBox()
With dynTextBox


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Force Form To Refresh?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm having an application which has to perform exporting and importing data. At the moment he runs those functions, I want a form to popup with an animated gif, so my client sees that the application is still running.But the animated gif stops sometimes, because he is busy doing stuff (like copying files, etc...)Is there a way to tell the form to refresh automatically every 0.1 sec, so the image runs fluidly. I tried to put a timer in my form, and start the timer as from the form is shown...the timer_tick says he has to refresh, but he doesn't want to do that.

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How To Refresh Form/datagrid

Aug 8, 2011

I have a datagrid view control that is tied to a dataset. so when the Dataset is updated with a new record,It shows up in the grid. The problem is, I have to minimise the window or some how force a re-paint on that window to see the updated grid.

how to call that refresh? Form.refresh and form.grid.refresh did not work.

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How To Refresh The Windows Form

May 12, 2011

how to refresh the windows form in

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Refresh A Datagrid From A Different Form?

May 26, 2011

I have an app that opens up 3 forms. 2 forms have a datagrid the other form has book lending details. The datagrid forms are for books in the library and books that have been borrowed.

Both datagrid forms will be open as shown in the attachment, how do I refresh the "Borrowed Books" datagrid form from inside the form that has the "Book in Library" datagrid.

So far I've been able to update the "Books in Library" datagrid because control comes back to that form after the details form closes but since the "Borrowed Books" form is still opened up, we would like to refresh the datagrid on that form.

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Refresh Form With Data?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a program that has a main form, that stays on all the time.It does not get closed at all, it's the main form for the program. I have this procedure running on loadup of the form.[code]...

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Refresh The Windows Form?

May 12, 2011

in my project one task is there how to refresh the windows form in window

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Reload/Refresh A Form?

Mar 11, 2010

How can i reload/refresh the same form again without losing the data stored along with the form?

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Auto-refresh After A Form Has Already Been Loaded?

Jan 13, 2010

How do you auto refresh after a form has already been loaded?

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Dynamically Refresh / Update Form

Jun 6, 2011

I am trying to update my form once the delete button is clicked. There are several fields like Name, Date, Date of Birth and so on. Once I delete record I want the form to automatically load with new / updated data. This form fetches data from MS Access using OLEDB. Once when I close the application and reopen then form will be updated with new values. But I want this to happen once the form loads after deleting.[code]

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GDI+ Resize The Form Does Not Refresh Properly

Apr 22, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to make a dynamically scaling/resizing 2d chart on a form as my 1st trip into graphics. Most 3rd party addons/DLLs are of no use to me as the bank I work for is unlikely to allow any of those to be used in my projects.


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Refresh A Form's Bound Controls?

May 20, 2010

I have a windows form with multiple TextBoxes that are bound to a DataSet of type XML. I load text into the textboxes using DataSet.ReadXML method in the form's load event.

I have another windows forms application which edits the XML contents in that XML file.

How do I force the textBox controls on this form to refresh once the XML datasource file items are changed?

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Refresh Another Form On Button Click?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmColProcessing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form.


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