How To Organize Data In Dataset

May 4, 2010

I have created a table in a dataset and inserted data through for...loot statement. but i want to sorting or ordering data on a particular field. How it to be possibel please give some tips.

In addition to that when I add column in a table I mention only column name, but I can't maintion field type or data type. when I mentioing it gives a error. so only I have had to work on only filed name.

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Organize XSD Dataset Layout In Designer?

Jul 22, 2010

I've got several pretty massive dataset's with a lot of tables/relations in each.I've came in this morning and one of the datasets has sorted itself into a very readable Vertical form with all relations and tables displaying perfectly readable.Is there a command to "Arrange" the layout of the tables?

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Read And Organize Data From File?

Sep 12, 2011

I am reading in part information from a CSV File. When I read the data in, I have a display form/window that displays the data as:

"D159483,172 Cylinder,9/12/2011,2:38:53 PM,,Brian,30,6"

I would rather have the data look like[code]...

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Organize Projects Custom Controls In Toolbar As Well As Data Sources Panel?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a project with 150 (i counted) Items in the "MainProject Components" area of the toolbox panel.These 150 classes are mostly database related objects like table adapters, and datasets that i hardly ever use. I also have about 10 custom classes that i use often.When i need to access the toolbox, I have two issues that i would like to resolve.

1.How do i organize the toolbox to separate my custom controls from the table adapters and datasets?

a.I have created a custom tab within the toolbox.
b.I have dragged and dropped my controls into this new area.
c.All is well until I exit my program and re-open it. Voila they're all back in the MainProject Components" tab.

2.How do I force the IDE to instantiate the toolbox panel as completely collapsed?

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VS 2010 Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox Split And Organize Them To New Textbox

Feb 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


and get it so i push a button and it seperates it out so it adds and looks like this inside a display field


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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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How To Organize Code

Aug 15, 2011

I have an auto generated class file whit many partial classes (auto generated from an xsd schema). I use VS2010 and VB.NET.[code]I'm developing a part of and business application. The application is used for registration of persons data, invoicing, accounting, and so on. The part I'm developing is a reporting system to the authority via wcf services. In my part I will use VB.NET but the other parts of the system are developed in VB6. We use an SQL server and nearly all the business logic is located at the server side. Because I'm used to use VB6 its difficult to grasp all the OOP things I need to remember to write the code as it should be. In my part of the application I get an xsd schema from the authority and auto generate my schema class file from the xsd file with xsd.exe. I see that it's a much better solution that you suggest, but when I looked at my auto generated class file after reading your answer I see that every partial class has a MyBase = New line in the constructor.I can use this in a way, like you suggest? Sorry for not understanding this earlier! If I understand the behavior of MyBase correct, I can write [code]how should I generate the xml based on the xsd? I want to do this for multiple xsd schemas. Isn't it the a good solution to deserialize the xsd (with xsd.exe) to a class, create object of that class and populate it with data, and then serialize the object back to xml?

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How To Organize Textboxes

Sep 14, 2011

A form has 10 textboxes,The form receives data,based on the data received some texboxes are visible or not with the .Visible Property. lets say for example, 5 textboxes are invisible, the other 5 textboxes will be visible and there will be some space between textboxes and it will look weird.for example in this image:I want to organize the remaining textboxes, so it would look like this:

which textboxes are visible or not can vary, it could be the first, second or fifth, or the last four, etc. So, how can i organize the remaining visible textboxes?

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A Program To Organize Programs?

Dec 21, 2011

I'm working on a program, just to learn a bit more about programming. The program's function (if I manage to do it) will be to accept drag/drop files and create a link to them within the program itself. For example: I drag and drop the .exe to a game I have installed; the program then creates a shortcut within itself; the shortcut is displayed in the program with the name/icon; if I click the icon within the program, game launches.I've already manually coded something to this same effect, but it doesn't automatically add new shortcuts/buttons so I have to keep going back in and reprogramming another button every time I install a new game/program. I'd like to be able to just drag/drop and be ready to go. Any ideas on how I can get this function? I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

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Are Modules Used To Organize Code

Apr 11, 2011

I have been brought onto a project where a large amount of code has been written. Most of the code is appearing in the MainWindow.xaml.vb file (yes, this is a wpf project but I think the question is appropriate for this forum). The folks who developed the previous versions in Visual Basic 6 told me that they organized their code by using Modules. I was not aware of this practice and I have actually never even used modules. Can I use modules in this way so that I can logically group different areas of functionality within the application? Or is there a more preferred method?

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VS 2010 How To Organize Classes

Jun 28, 2011

I need some help with how to organize classes in VB.NET. I have a class called parent with methods for adding, deleting etc. But I also need a method that returns a list of all the parents, a list with parent objects. Where do I put this method? Do I put it in the parent class or do I need to make another class called parents?

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Organize Application Are Going To Be Able To Separate Every Program / Webpage (over 400) From Each Other

Oct 18, 2010

We have an ASP classic ERP (very large application) that we want to rewrite using ASP.NET. I am looking for a way to organize the application so we are going to be able to separate every program / webpage (over 400) from each other. Every program needs to be independent because many developers will work on the project at the same time.Visual Studio seems to make a DLL for every assembly so I was wondering if it's a good idea to make a huge solution with one project per DLL.[code]This way, we would be able to deploy every program separately without altering the others. We would also have over a thousand DLL to manage...

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The PrintDocument Control - Organize The Records In The Leaves

Mar 7, 2012

My report document...Print. I have a code to organize the records in the leaves, but when a records pans more than a line that belongs to the same registeris dependent not displayed correctly..

Well this is the result that I own:

Private Sub PrintDocument7_PrintPage_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument7.BeginPrint

array7 = base7.relatorio_Imovel_Cadastrados



This is what i need: [URL]

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VS 2008 Using The Treeview To Organize Text File?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm thinking of using the treeview to organize my text file. My text file looks like:


And, the list goes on. I think i should be able to organize this with split command. But I also i have checkboxs on my form. If for example the user unchecked the "app1" then i want only "app1" to be unchecked from the listview, and removed from the text file. The question is how could i remove that specific value from the text file.

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Create Directory To Manage And Organize Music (MP3 Files)

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that will manage and organize my music (mp3) files. So I used a ListView (SongList) to show the files that are in my music directory. Then I'm using a class found online to get the Title, Artist, and Album. Then it will insert it into the ListView and assign it a tag with the same value. But then when you hit the button to start the organizing the real problems start.

What it is suppose to do is check if the chosen directory exists then if it does it will create a folder for the artist of the song it is processing then a folder for the album then copy and rename (title) the song into that folder, then move onto the next song. But when it tries to create the directory it says there are invalid characters but there aren't. Also for some reason it wont put the Album name into the string for the directory???

Heres the function used to do just about everything:
Function CopySong(ByVal SongPath As String, ByVal SongName As String, ByVal SongArtist As String, ByVal SongAlbum As String)
If System.IO.File.Exists(SongPath) = True Then
Dim RootDir As String = "C:UsersCalebDesktopMusic"
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 - Code - Application That Will Organize The Movies And Their Release Dates

Sep 18, 2009

I am making an application that will organize the movies and their release dates for me and that it will notify me whenever a movie is released. So far I have the layout almost done with some parts missing.


1. At the top as you can see I want the text to display the current day and having the tool tip to say "Today is Tuesday 19, 2009" while I want the text to be centered.

2. I want to have a poster with a specific size (dimensions) that will be displayed when the movie is selected at the data grid and I want the buttons to be able to select the previous or next data grid line, meaning next/previous movie.

3. I want to make the buttons either check all the boxes or uncheck them all. And I want the validate button to be able to compare the date of the selected movie with the current day and tell me If it was released today or not.

4. I will make a menu at the top that will be giving you the ability to add movies or select and delete movies, while when adding being able to specify a poster for the movie.

5. I want every time that I run the app to automatically check the dates and either ask me to remove those who have been released some time ago or give me a message like "Movie was released today".

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Deserializing Data Back To A Dataset But Data Is Not Persisted To DB

Jul 27, 2011

I have a situation where I serialized data from a dataset to an xml file as a method of backup.I am trying to get the data deserialized back to the dataset.But for some reason, I cannot get the data to persist back to the DB.I don't receive any error messages either.The first chunk of code is the serialization code and the second chunk is the deserialization code.I can show that the deserialization back to the dataset is complete because this code in the 2nd block DataGridView2.DataSource = Movie_dbDataSet.movie_tb - displays the data in correct form all it is all there in the datagridview2.I call the update method but it does not get persisted back to the db.[code]

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Insert Data From Database Into Dataset Using Data Adapter?

Nov 9, 2009

when i try to insert data from database into dataset using data adapter, it takes long time, i want to use hourglass but i'm confused how or when i type the code so user will know that application still work.

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Get Data From Dataset?

Feb 17, 2010

Using a dataset, I wanna get data from a table, and use some values of the dataset return, in other fields.

I use this
Dim ConexaoBD As OleDbConnection
Dim DsDados As DataSet
Dim sqlString As String = "SELECT dias FROM varroa WHERE ID=" & cbProduto.SelectedValue


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.net - Data Transfer To A DataSet In?

Jan 19, 2011

I have 7 variables and i need to transfer them in a dataset I have already create the file with extension .xsd and i have already a report file .rdlc I see the Dataset "DataTable"in my rdlc file but i can't see any field It gives me error of "No Dataset is Linked to the document" From the other hand it sees the dataset in the selection dataset

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Add Data To A Typed Dataset?

Jun 25, 2010

I created a dataset in Visual Studio 2010 containing two tables: tblCategories and tblAnswers. tblCategories has two columns: CategoryNumber (AutoNumber and primary key) and CategoryName. tblAnswers has three columns: AnswerNumber (AutoNumber and primary key), Answer, and CategoryNumber. The CategoryNumber columns in each table are related. I have a command button which I want to use to add a record to the CategoryName column in tblCategories with the data typed in a textbox. When I try to access the dataset to add a new row(dataset.tblCategoriesDataTable.NewRow), the NewRow method isn't present. I've done some reading which suggests that I need a TableAdapter, but it seems like that is for connecting to an external file because I have to select a connection. I have no external SQL files or database. I want the user to be able to create a database within my program.

View 1 Replies - Search Data From Dataset

Aug 22, 2011

I want to search record based on following fields

P_num ,P_name, P_dob,P_code

I am using more than 4 tables to retrive data, I have created dataset called P_search and i want to fill data into dataset and thsn display it according to which field is selected for search purpose. Suggest me to write code by creating own function in which all fields and a boolean variable will be taken as parameters


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Cannot Read Data Using DataSet In ASP.NET

Sep 5, 2011

I have added a DataSet to connect with my SQLDatabase. Test Query displays correct values but when I programmatically try to display the value of a certain field using following code

dim vrName= dsTest.Tables(tblTest).rows(0).items(0)

I get Tables is not a member of dsTest.

how can I use dataset to read, write, edit and delete data as we use in WinForms?

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Chart A Dataset Data?

Aug 17, 2011

How do you plot data from a dataset or datatable. I have loaded a dataset with data from the database and now cannot do the plotting. When I tried: myChart.dataContext=ds("myTable").defaultView, no chart shows. If I replace: dataContext with: dataSource, I get an error. I am using WPF not Windows Forms.

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Convert Xml Data To Dataset?

Jun 25, 2010

How can i convert the following xml data to a dataset in

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>


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Copy Data From 1Db To Another Using Dataset?

Oct 24, 2011

I need to copy all data from a Table of a Acces mdb (connected with OleDB) to a Table of a MySql DB (connected with ODBC)

I made a working solution, but it's very slow, and so I want to try other solutions to check if they can give me more performance.

The solution connecting to the mdb, using a DataReader, then for each row in Datareader I make an INSERT into the Mysql Table ( before copy I truncate the table to get it empty)

The records are more than 10K and this operation is very slow, and do be onest I need to do the same thing on other 2 tables also very big as this one.

I cannot make a direct sql insert ( as INSERT INTO A in ..... SELECT * FROM B) because the 1 DB has a OleDB conn and the other has a ODBC conn.

So I thought to try to make this operation using TableAdapters and DataSet, but I'm not able to make it working.

The problem is that the Dataset's HasChanges is false

If you need some code I can post, but what I do is following:

Connection to MDb
Create OleDbTableAdapter
Create DataSet


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Dataset Not Saving Data?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a very simple DataSet linked to a ListBox. I need the User to be able to add Data and have used the following code (in a ToolStrip command button):

Dim newFileRow As DataRow = Database1DataSet.Tables("tbl_Files").NewRow()
newFileRow("File Name") = fleName
newFileRow("File Path") = flePath


This seems to work ok - the new Data immediately appears in the ListBox. However, as soon as I close the form all of the Data in the DataSet is lost.

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