IDE :: Autocomment ''' In VisualStudio 2008 Stoped Working?

Aug 2, 2010

The auto-comment option in my Visual Studio 2008 suddenly stopped working. o_O Do anybody knows how to repair it and enable this feature again? I'm putting triple apostrophe above function and comment tags doesn't appear. I was trying to reset vs settings but it doesn't help.

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Auto-comment ' In VisualStudio 2008 Stopped Working / How To Enable It Again

Aug 2, 2010

The auto-comment option in my Visual Studio 2008 suddenly stopped working. o_O..Does anybody know how to repair it and enable this feature again?I'm putting triple apostrophe above function and comment tags do not appear.

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Auto-comment ''' In VisualStudio 2008 Stopped Working - How To Enable It Again

Jan 5, 2010

The auto-comment option in my Visual Studio 2008 suddenly stopped working. o_ODoes anybody know how to repair it and enable this feature again?I'm putting triple apostrophe above function and comment tags do not appear

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Primary Monitors Says Command Line Inter Face Has Stoped Working When Try To Ope Catalyst Control Center?

Feb 15, 2010

catalsyt control center can not be open im monitor display, the warning says command line intrface has stoped working already try to downlowload new dr

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Sqldatabase External Or Within Visualstudio?

Jul 29, 2010

whats the difference between making the sqldatabase outside visualstudio and making it within the project what is better for my web project?whats the coonection string if it is made in visualstudio?

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.net - VisualStudio Projects: Modifications Are Not Taken Into Consideration?

Jan 24, 2012

I have (between others) 2 projects in my solution: one WinForm project, that defines a Form (say, MyFormProject), and other a UserControl (MyControlProject).When I modify MyControlProject's code and launch the debug, I see that any modification is not taken into consideration. I need to clear the solution, rebuild, for make it work...

Additional info: I use in the UserControl the Dbi-Tech Components. Also, in the WinForm I use Infragistics components. Are both license files compatible, cause seems that both should user licenses.licx file?When I wrote a new method in the Control, I got a MissingMethod exception in runtime, however, the code compiled without any error.Then I removed the references, re-added them, and the exception in runtime didn't appear.

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Feb 28, 2009

at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.Interop.IDTTableDesignerFactory.NewTable(Object dsRef, Object pServiceProvider) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.TableDesignerNode.CreateDesigner(IDT


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C# - Avoid Building All .NET Projects In A VisualStudio Solution?

Oct 28, 2009

We create a class library and ship C# and VB.NET examples.I have a solution of 60 C# projects. If I make an edit to one of them, Visual Studio only builds the changed one. I have an equivalent solution of 60 VB.NET projects. Visual Studio always builds all 60 projects. Why? Is there a way to force Visual Studio to behave like it does with C# projects?

I should mention that there are no dependencies between the projects.More information: It's not recompiling, really, it's just checking if they need compilation and that takes a significant amount of time.

Here's the build output: Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 58 up-to-date, 0 skipped Those 58 checks take about 30 seconds in my solution of VB.NET projects. This same up-to-date check is almost instant in the solution of C# projects.No edit is necessary. Just switching startup projects is enough.

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VisualStudio Implement X64 Platform On A X86 Project On A X64 System

Jan 31, 2011

I have a x64 Win7 VisualStudio 2010 system for development. The problem is, that I only break project for "just in time editing" while unsing x86 target platform. No problem, I switched all to x86.

The problem is now, that one of the camera drivers, I am using from a third party is x64 combiled because it is on my x64 system.

No problem, I re-created the class in a very new project where I can choose the target platform. I build an wrapper for all methods.

But visual studio fails to run with error:


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IDE :: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml' Has Failed To Load Properly?

Jun 19, 2008

When I start VS2008Prof I get a Package Load Failure "Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml' has failed to load properly". Repairing VS and resetting ('devenv /resetsettings') it did not help.

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Value Of Type '_Accessor' Cannot Be Converted To 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PrivateObject'

Mar 9, 2010

I am using visual studio 2008 professional. I am following the example from this:[URL] to implement unit testing for sending email function for my current website. I have compile error:

Value of type 'FakeSmtpClient_Accessor' cannot be converted to 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PrivateObject'

The unit testing function is:

Public Sub IfEmailAddressIsValid_AnEmailShouldBeSent()
Dim fakeClient As New FakeSmtpClient_Accessor()
Dim helper As New EmailHelper_Accessor(fakeClient)


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VS 2008 Cannot Seem To Get A Working Filter In Working Order

Jun 18, 2009

It appears that my favorite thing in the world is tackling projects that are beyond my current knowledge and abilities. I have a little project that I am working on which is a simple image viewer stocked with (upon completion) your standard Load..., Next/Previous, Zoom In/Out, Actual Size, and Full Screen capabilities. However, I am running into a few snags:

(1) I've been able to get my "Load..." button to display a file dialog box, but I cannot seem to get a working filter (with which only image file types are allowed to be selected) in working order.

(2) I have a PictureBox object (entitled PictureBox1) that displays the image selected via the file dialog box, but it loads images in their full size (1:1/100% zoomed) state without scrollbars, etc. to allow me to navigate the loaded image. I would like to have it load the image, initially, to fit within the dimensions of PictureBox1 and from there be able to zoom in/out via my "Zoom In/Out" and "Actual Size" buttons and be able to scroll if the zoom level is beyond the dimensions of PictureBox1.

(3) It dawned on me that I haven't the faintest idea how to get my "Next/Previous" buttons to allow the user (me) to navigate, in succession, the images contained in the folder in which the currently loaded image is stored. [code]

If it is deemed that this thread is inappropriately requesting help, I ask that it be locked/deleted quickly as I recognize that this is a large community with many discussions going without need of unwelcome posts.

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IDE :: VisualStudio Property Toolbox Not Remembering Last Selected Property Item

Sep 1, 2011

I have a weird question and I honestly hope you understand what is happening here: I design my form (using VB.NET) and put on it a few textboxes, comboboxes and a listview. After the design, I want to adjust the TabIndexes for each control on the form. On the right-hand side of the interface is the property box.

I then select the 'TabIndex' property item and enter a number key (for instance 0) for that selected item. I then select the next textbox control and enter the next number (for instance 1) WITHOUT re-selecting the 'TabIndex' property item. As soon as I select the combobox or listview control, the currently selected property item jumps to 'Items' or 'Collections' and does NOT remain on the 'TabIndex' property item. Why is this happening? Everything worked fine and all of a sudden this starts happening. Should I reset the editor settings or how can I resolve this matter?

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Windows 7 Phone - Error: This Template Attempted To Load Component Assembly "Microsoft.VisualStudio .SmartDevice.ProjectSystem.Base"?

Sep 25, 2010

after being disappointed with VB2010, and with the lack of vb support for windows 7 phone, I thought I'd be happy now that vb is going to be supported after all.So, I downloaded the trial version of vs 2010, to run these new tools.Several hours later it finishes installing, and I start a new project only to run into the error: Error: this template attempted to load component assembly "Microsoft.VisualStudio .SmartDevice.ProjectSystem.Base".

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VS 2008 Working In VB 2008 Designer View - Add Another Item In The Menu

Aug 5, 2009

I have been working on an app that was basically a vb6 app but had to be changed and I did it all using VB 2008. works well, great. One of the problems that I had was to work on different groupboxes or frames. Since they are layered on top of each other, working on one frame would mess up the others. Eventually it all went okay. but now if i want to add another item in the menu and hence add another groupbox (or frame) in the same app - it would definitely be a nightmare.


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VB 2008 : CSV Not Working In 2010 WPF?

Jun 23, 2010

I recently got microsoft expression studio and VS 2010..To test out expression, i created a sweet looking UI, and transferred an old program from VS 2008, but the CSV writing function I have written in the '08 doesn't work with my WPF form in '10.


Private Sub ReadTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ReadTimer.Tick
CurrentPositionValue.Text = CurrentPosition.Values(0).ToString()


specifically, the error is, "Computer is not a member of My" ....

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VS 2008 : KeyDown Not Working?

Jul 5, 2009

Well I'm currently in the middle of adding a few fine details to a program I'm busy with. Basically whats happening though is that I want to be able to delete some settings on the fly instead of individually, I also want to accomplish this through a simple key press.

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.F1 Then
MsgBox("Do you wish to remove all entries and clear all relative data?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
If MsgBoxResult.Yes Then


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VS 2008 : Working With A Database?

Jul 16, 2009

When you are working with a database, is it then possible to make the program save stuff, so when you close and open the program, it could etc. save a text in a textbox?

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VS 2008 Code Not Working?

Aug 17, 2008

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs)
If WebBrowser1.DocumentText.IndexOf("FAILED LOGIN") > -1 Then


Now the number 40 shows up in the web broswer so why isnt the ELSE showing the message box saying Login OK and the others?

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VS 2008 Exit For Not Working?

Sep 9, 2010

what is wrong about this code? it dosnt exit for and fo to next

For Each sWord As String In word.Items
If sChat.Contains(sWord) Then


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VS 2008 Getting .exe File Working?

Jun 21, 2010

However I am trying to get my program into one little file. And I read how to Build Project and go to inRelease and get it from there. However it says this once I actually move it from its other files


"*Program Name* has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I get that as soon as I load it up. If there is any way at all to get it one simple file rather then like 3,4 files it would be so great.

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VS 2008 Lockbits Not Working

May 22, 2010

I have this code to blur an image (a rewritten one from my Vista Forms project):


And it works fine for blurring a picture, but when I pass it a rectangle (and I know the rectangle is correct), it ends up stretched and very thin. I've attached a screen-shot of it "working". The red rectangle is the rectangle I pass, and the warped sort-of red area is where it seems to be blurring.

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VS 2008 Performclick Not Working

Jun 23, 2009

i have button3 in the 3rd tab and button1 in the 1st tab when i put in button3 this code [code]

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VS 2008 Replace Is Not Working?

Sep 15, 2010

I am trying below code to replace <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> with "" But is not replacing anything.

Dim value3 = result.Replace("<?xml version=""1.0""encoding=""utf-16""?>", " ")

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VS 2008 SetPixel Not Working At All

Apr 3, 2009

its the first time im trying to use SetPixel , it doesn't seem to work at all,
im trying to draw anywhere in the screen (where the mouse is), there must be something im doing wrong


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VS 2008 Shell Not Working

Jan 22, 2010

I've tried this with several different files and verified the path, spelling and capitalization (I've also copied the path right out of the Start & Run text box), yet I can't get Shell to execute or open any file, does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about this?[code]

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VS 2008 Why Is Bit Mask Not Working

Jul 13, 2011

Here is the

Option Strict On

Dim mask As ULong = &HFFFFFFFFUL
Dim result1 As ULong = 20L And mask '//disallows implicit conversions
Dim result2 As ULong = 20L And &HFFFFFFFFUL

If you put that into the IDE with Option Strict On, it will not let you compile because of 'result1'. I'm not sure I understand why. In the 'result2' assignment, I am explicitly saying to use an unsigned long, however it's not giving me any grief.

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VS 2008 Word Add-in Not Working?

Dec 18, 2009

Ok I created a template project of type word 2003 add-in. this is my 'ThisAddIn.vb' vb

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports office = Microsoft.Office.Core
Public Class ThisAddIn


Do I need to add more references or something? or a function I need to implement. I've never made an add-in before, and quite frankly the "tutorials" I've found online are either more complex or just dealing with an particular issue of someone's addin, not how to's really.

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VS 2008 Working On A LAN Messenger

Oct 7, 2009

So I'm trying to code a lan messenger in 2008, but I cannot figure out a good way to do it, i would love it if someone could work one on one with me to develop the code as I would like to learn from this and not just blindly copy code.

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VS 2008 Working With Arrays?

Jan 28, 2010

working with arrays is not something I am too good at,Currently I have a form with 2 text boxes and a single button. I have two arrays, one populated with user names, the other populated with password. The user names and passwords match up in position in each array. I am thinking I might need to create a multidementional array of these two arrays.


If I do this however, any user name gets matched to any password, pending both exist. I would like to be able to compare the user name and password of a single user. Right now the user names and passwords are stored in separate arrays. Should I merge the two into a single array? If so how? And if so how do I go about matching the text box entries to the array(s) and making sure that the user name and password matches?

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