IDE :: Cannot Exit Form After Updating DataGridViewComboBox Cell

Oct 22, 2010

The form opens a simple form to accept a password if a name is selected from a dropdown. The form is opened modally from the validating event. If I select an item, fill in the password, close the modal form , it will not let the parent form close depending on how I exit the dropdown. When I look at the closing event cancel is set to true implying that the control still thinks it needs vaidating.

It works if i leave the dropdown cell in focus when I hit close.

If I click (even just once so the dropdown still is highlighted but just closed) on another cell in the grid the form will not close. It corrects itself if I repeats the first method.

Even worse if I press enter twice it crashes without going through any of my code when the grid tries to do its own commit edit on the editableControl but seems to have a wrong reference as it tries to use the DataGridViewComboBox as the editablecontrol and gets a cannot cast exception

Updated as I have found the cause.

The pop up password form is a home brewed modal form by disabling all open forms but leaves some menu items active.(mdi is used). It is the disable form that causes the issue. Without that it always works. So it seems the grid cant handle being disabled while changing cells.

A solution that works is to use ShowDialog but that changes the systems behaviour so I may not be allowed to do that.

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Use The Tab Key To Exit And Retain Current Cell In DataGridView?

Jan 26, 2012

In my form there is a DataGridView, the user select information in the DataGridView then there are text boxes that needs to be filed in. So this is what needs to happens if the focus is on the DataGridView when the user hits the Tab key it moves the focus to first text box. Then once the user hits the last tab box it returns focus back to the DataGridView but to next cell. Initially figured this would not be a problem and did this code;

Dim PreviousCell As DataGridViewCell
Private Sub DataGridView1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.KeyDown


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Updating A Cell From A DGV?

Oct 9, 2011

I am updating a change in a DGV cell, but it wants to change all the rows to the same row info I picked to update. Must be a simple fix I can't dind.

Dim row As DataGridViewRow
For i As Integer = DataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
row = DataGridView1.SelectedRows(i)[code].......

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.net - Updating A Cell In Datagrid

Apr 1, 2011

I am creating a POS system, but there are a couple of things that I cannot get my sales form to do. It contains a datagrid view of the table containing columns code, description, Qty, total. After the code has been entered, I want it to load the description automatically. After the Quantity has been entered, I want it to give the total amount for that Item + the total amount for this order.


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Datagridview Checkbox Column - Last Cell Value Not Updating?

Oct 26, 2010

i am developing an application in implies some datagridview operations. the appl contains one DGVW with columns fixed programatically, one such column is Datagridviewcheckbox column. the datasource for dgvw is bounded by a datatable. the user needs to enter the values in the GUI.

supposing the user enters the 2x2 matrix values, and the user checked the checkbox last cell in the dgvw. The problem - the last cell value is not updating inside. if ii debug through code, the "cell(2,2).value" reurns null value whereas the rest of them returns the value what i entered.

if i clicked the mouse some where in the dgvw after entering the last cell value, then it is returning the exact value as expected.

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VS 2008 DataGridView Cell Validation - Allows The User To Exit Out Of The DataGridView Changes

Nov 6, 2010

I have a DataGridView where Cell_Validating is being done. I have a Cancel button on my form that allows the user to exit out of the DataGridView changes. The problem is that if a cell was currently flagged as in error, I cannot exit and remove columns from the DataGridView. I get the following error: Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell value change. Is there a way to cancel the validation once the focus has been removed from the DataGridView? Here is my Cell_Validating


View 5 Replies - Gridview Not Updating Table When Column/cell Starts With No Data?

Dec 5, 2011

UPDATED: Here is the SP, it doesn't match exactly because of ongoing testing, but you get the jist. Some fields are commented out because of testing...


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VS 2008 Form - 'Exit' Button - When User Clicks It, Another Form Is Displayed

Jun 2, 2012

On each of my form I have put an 'Exit' button. When user clicks it, another form is displayed (I don't want to use 'MessageBox') asking user whether he really wants to quit. If user clicks yes the form closes. If user clicks no, form is redisplayed.

However, out of 4 forms only one form refuses to redisplay. The code is exactly same on all forms. I have included 2 Express 2008 projects showing one form each in the zip file

View 15 Replies

Application.Exit() & Environment.Exit(0) Don't Terminate A Program On Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm developing a program using VB 2005.I've tried to use the following instructions to "kill" the application

(not at the same time)


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FormClosing And Application.Exit Is Causing The MessageBox To Ask If Want To Exit Twice

Jun 12, 2007

I'm having a bit of a problem getting my application to close properly. Basically I have one main form from which all other forms open. If a user tries to close that main form, I want to bring up a MessageBox asking if they want to exit the application.However, when I try to do that it asks the question twice. It seems that the Application.Exit() is triggering the FormClosing event again for some reason, but I don't know of another way to exit the application. BTW, the main form isn't the startup form so I can't use the option to close when the startup form closes.

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When Using 'exit Sub' Whole Form Closes

Jun 13, 2009

i'm using exit sub when a certain condition does not meet. but the problem is that the form closes. it should not close the form, instead, it should only exit from a click event. I'm using VB2008Express Edition and MS Access at the back end.[code]

View 4 Replies

Several IF Statements With Exit Sub Or Nested IF Statement Without Exit Sub?

Dec 9, 2011

Now I have a sub to validate a bunch of textboxes and combo boxes.I previously used many IF statements to validate and pop up different messageboxes and Exit Sub in every IF statement.But I heard that too many Exits will decrease the efficiency and they were not recommended to use. Instead, nested IF is better because it will let the process naturally go to the end.Then I found out that if I use nested IF,it will be hard to read, since messageboxes are all separated from conditions.

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Clear All Controls Upon Form Exit?

Feb 3, 2011

i need to clear all the run time controls that were added upon form load when i close the form.

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Close A Form Without Exit The Program?

Jun 4, 2011

I've been working on two projects, one needs to have multiple forms, but when I open one form, it needs to close the sender.

But, when I try it, the program exits! I don't want it, I just want to close the form, not the app.

I tried the 'Form1.Hide()' too, but it doesn't sound good to me. There is other approach?

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Event Won't Fire On Form Exit

Jan 19, 2009

I have a MDIcontainer form witch handles MDIchildren. The problem I'm having is when i open a new Mdi child and close the Main form , The app is supposed to ask if i want to save the current MdiChild. Heres my code


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How To Exit Form Using Escape Button

Aug 16, 2011

How to exit a form using escape button in 2005. I need to show a msg box with yes or no conditions only.... Now I am using this code for exit a form..
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then
End If

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Run-time Design - Exit The Form?

Dec 6, 2011

I want to create a simple program and I'm trying to do this with run-time design.with this form, when you click on the button1 with the caption(Text) "Show Another Form", another form will be created with this code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

How can I exit the form I've created when you click on the Cancel Button. The code I've provided doesn't work.

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[2005] Showing New Form Upon Exit Of Another?

Dec 2, 2008

I have a Setup form that calls the main form after the user clicks on a button. This works fine in VB6, but in VB.Net, the original form either hangs around if I call the new form with .ShowDialog() or the new form exits immediately if I call the new form with .Show()...

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DataGridViewComboBox Seems To Be In The Way

Jul 25, 2010

The code below works as it is now. It creates a datagridview with a combobox on it. The combobox updates a common field called personid.

My problem is I need to add a new column to the left of the combobox. If I just add this field to the sql (right after "SELECT") for the dgv it doesn't work. It does work if I put it after the combo but I need to have this column to the left of the combo.

How do I go about doing this? The dgv is created entirely in code and this cannot be changed.

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Exit Application When Parent Form Active?

Jun 9, 2012

I have created an application which has a parent form and various child forms, when all child forms are closed and only the parent form is viewable would it be possible to exit the application?[code]...

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Exit The Form Without Entering The Correct Password?

May 16, 2010

I'm trying to make a secondary security system to use on my computer. I made a form with a password field in the middle, the size of the form cover the entire screen and there is no border. But now I'm trying to find a way to remove all possible ways to exit the form without enter the correct password like CTRL+ALT+Del, ALT+F4, CTRL+ESC, CTRL+TAB, WIN KEY, or any of the short keys. I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate and everything I've found is for 98 and XP and won't seem to work. So in other-words I want it to be impossible to exit the form without entering the correct password.

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Intercept An Exit Event For A Windows Form In VB?

Apr 7, 2010

When a user clicks on the little red "x" a.k.a. the form close button on the form command bar, what even is activated besides FormClosed()

I know FormClosing() is called, but I cannot really stop the form from closing after my code is run. I want to be able to show a messagebox that asks if the user wants to exit the form or not. Obviously if they click no, I want the form to stay open, how would I do this?

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Save Text Property On Form Exit

Feb 5, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to save the text property of a label or any object when i exit the form. For example, if i type in "hello world" in a text box and exit the program, i want "hello world" to become the new text property of that text box when i exit.

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VS 2010 Disabling Exit ( X ) Button In A Form?

Jan 26, 2012

In the project I am doing at the moment I want to disable the Exit ( X ) buttons in the top right corner of all my forms. So I found out this code which I�m using and is working fine:

Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams() As CreateParams
Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams


View 13 Replies

Display Value In DatagridViewCombobox?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm posting a new thread to ask the following. I've added into a datagridview control a column that has DatagridViewCombobox style, in order to display specific values. Here is the code.[code]...

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Set Default Value In DataGridViewComboBox?

May 2, 2012

I have a datagridview with datagridviewcomboboxcolumn bind to a nullableinteger datatable field


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Which Event To Use For DataGridViewComboBox

May 16, 2012

I have a DataGridView that has a column defined as a ComboBox. When I select a value from this ComboBox, I'm not sure which Event I need to check. Ultimately, I need to read a DB Table to retrieve data based on the value selected from the ComboBox.

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Implement User Confirmation Of Exit On An MDI Parent Form?

Mar 17, 2011

We were using the parent's FormClosing event handler to get user confirmation of the exit before continuing, but have just discovered that the child windows get closed before this is run. We only want a single confirmation message box, but I guess that would require the child windows to ask the parent to confirm.

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Make A Form With A Recieve, Ship, Value, And Exit Button?

Apr 28, 2010

I am suppose to make a form with a recieve, ship, value, and exit button. You are suppose to be able to click a button an input box comes up and whatever your put in there is suppose to show up in the text box and whatever number you put in is suppose to keep adding to textbox. Does anybody know how to do this?

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VS 2008 Windows Form Application & Exit Code?

Apr 29, 2009

What is the best way to return a exit code from a windows forms application?

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