IDE :: Form Not Showing Valid Information In Solution Explorer

May 8, 2011

A form I created, was able to modify and shows when the program is run has suddenly changed in the solution explorer. Now when the form "MainMenu.vb" is highlighted in the solution explorer the icon for "view designer" vanishes from the toolbar. The "view code" shows "MainMenu.vb" but there is not any code there and only an empty "General" and "Declarations" show. The icon to the left of the "MainMenu.vb" is like a module icon not a form icon.

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Solution Explorer Not Showing Up

Sep 26, 2009

When i Restarted my project, the solution explorer is not showing up. I tried with ctrl+ ALt+ L, still it is not showing up. The property window is showing.I tried with the suggestion of going to options in Tool menu and checked whether "ALWAYS SHOW SOLUTION" is selected or not. What may have caused this problem?

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Opening A Class, Form, Etc. From The Solution Explorer?

Dec 27, 2010

It was suggested that I pose this question here instead of the installation forum:In VB2010, when opening a class, form, etc. from the Solution Explorer, I would like it to open as a floating window, not as a tabbed document. Is there a way to do this?

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VS 2008 - Cant See The Form Design While Doing Double-click The Form1.vb On The Solution Explorer I Got Error?

Jun 14, 2009

why i cant see the Form Design?and when i double-click the Form1.vb on the Solution Explorer i got error:does anyone here encounter this probz before?how to fix this.. (should i reinstall vbnet?)

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VS 2010 Module With Multiple Classes Shows As A Windows Form In Solution Explorer

Mar 29, 2012

I am having this strange thing happen where I have a Module that contains multiple classes in my project. In the Solution Explorer, the module shows up as a Windows Form and if I double click on it to open it, it tries to open the Form Designer. What could be causing VS to think that it is a Windows Form instead of a module?


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Showing A Modal Dialog Box Or Form When The Application Is Not Running In UserInteractive Mode Is Not A Valid Operation?

Sep 5, 2008

I am writing a web application using .net 3.5 and vs 2008 which allows people to add data to a db via a control panel front end.Objective: Before committing one of the fields to the db i would like the user to answer Yes, No or Cancel to confirm their action. I have tried to implement this with a modal dialog box or message box but the following error appears: Server Error in '/' Application.

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Bold Letters In The Solution Explorer?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm debugging someone else's code and one of the projects within the solution explorer always has bold letters. What does this mean? It is the second project in the build order and has one depedency, but creating a dependency on another project does not produce bold letters.

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Referring To A Class In The Solution Explorer?

Jul 20, 2009

I have added some classes to my project and now i want to define a variable as one of the classes, for example the class is called xml and i want to create a variable called XMLfile and have it as the class XML.

Can this be done? Or can variables only be declared as types (like Integer, string, etc)?If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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VS 2005 Solution Explorer Files?

Jun 10, 2009

I just noticed that "TakeOffList.Designer.vb" is not in the "TakeOffList.vb" tree,

Whats happened there, will this cause a issue later as it all runs fine at the moment?

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.net - Create A Solution Explorer Like Visual Studio?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to be able to create a tree view that can get its nodes form a directory on a computer. In the code below, I am able to get all of the files into a list, but I cannot get the folder correct. What I mean is in your user directory, you have sub directorys such as, Documents, Music, and Pictures. When you run this code, it displays them each as thier own node, not nested. I hope this makes sense.


Changed the code to the way spinion told me to. When I run this code I get an error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' when it starts to try and add files to the tree view.

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.net - Opening HTML Document From Solution Explorer?

May 1, 2012

I am trying to run an HTML file that I have imported into the Solution Explorer. I don't know how to refer to documents in the Solution Explorer in code. How can I do that?

I am currently using this code, but it doesn't work: process.start(".help.html")

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Access Images Contained Within Solution Explorer?

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to access some images I've copied into a folder within Solution Explorer. For the life of me I can't figure out how to access them programmatically.

I'm using VB 2010 Express Edition. The folder name is 'Images'. The image name is 'checked.png'.

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Auto-Hide Panel Like Solution Explorer

Nov 17, 2008

I created a simple usercontrol AutoHidePanel by using toolStrip and a panel, which have to work like Solution Explorer. When the user click's the autohide pin the panel width will slowly minimized up to 3 pixels so that the user can't see that panel. when the mouse moves over to the control, It will appear as before and these functions are working fine.

But I have a prob. with below function. When the mouse leave the control, it should disappear again. so i wrote hide function in to the MouseLeave event of Both controls(Toolstrip and panel) Here the prob. begins, when the cursor moves from Panel to ToolsStrip or ToolStrip to Panel the MouseLeave event minimize the AutoHidePanel Control. I tryed this Hide Function in the MouseLeave event of my control AutoHidePanel but that dosen't even raises the event because the panel is filled in my control.

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IDE :: 2008 Solution Explorer Focus Colors

Mar 27, 2009

In the Solution Explorer window, is it possible to change the highlight color of selected items *when the form does not have focus*?For example, selecting a module in the Solution Explorer highlights that module's name in Blue, then when the focus is lost by moving to another window in the IDE, that blue highlight becomes a very, very light gray (on some LCD monitors in particular). I'd like to make that light gray a bit easier to see.Is this possible? I'm running VS2008 SP1 on Vista 64.

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IDE :: Getting Back The Solution Explorer On Vb Express 2005?

Dec 28, 2009

ok so when i was watching a tutorial with my dad about learning the ropes of vb express 2005 i saw something he had that i didn't. so i paused the video and my dad tried getting the part to where i needed it and in the process deleted most of the stuff on the right hand side. so he uninstalled then reinstalled and we got most of it back except the solution exlorer. now i've gone to view and when i click on the solution exporer nothing happens.

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Remove/hide The Bin Reference From The Solution Explorer?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm having trouble working with the Solution Explorer in VB.Net 2010. To start, I am clicking New Project > Windows Forms Application. Initially, in the Solution Explorer, there are 2 files listed: My Project and Form1.vb.

When I double-click My Project and select Resources, Add Resource, Add Existing File and select a text file that I've added to the BinDebug folder of this project, the Solution explorer is updated to include the Bin folder reference. However, if I later remove the reference, the folder remains visible in the Solution Explorer. The Show All Files button does not hide the reference again.

Is this something to be concerned about? Is there a way to remove/hide the Bin reference from the Solution Explorer since it no longer contains my resource?

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VS 2008 Meaning Of Icon In Solution Explorer

Oct 6, 2010

Some of my students end up with a different icon in the Solution Explorer when they create applications. An example is the attached Exam.vb icon, which includes a little arrow into the normal Form icon (see pic) . I am guessing it means it is linked some how. When the application is zipped and submitted, an error is thrown when I unzip it to grade it which indicates that the file in not part of the project, and it references the absolute address on the original application.Any idea what caused this and how can I instruct the students to avoid it in the future?

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Opening A Solution File It Was Saying "The Selected Fiel Is Not A Valid Solution File"?

Mar 27, 2012

Till yesterday I was working fine with my Project.I din install anything new, am not trying to open my solution file with a different version also.Today when i tried opening my solution, it was saying

"The Selected Fiel is not a valid solution file"

"The Operation could not be completed.Unspecified Error"

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00

# Visual Studio 2008

Project("{54435603-DBB4-11D2-8724-00A0C9A8B90C}") = "??E", "..Setup2Setup2.vdproj", "{600F8FB2-B9A9-4138-B7E7-FE7B39815CC1}"


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Make The .svc.cs Or .svc.vb File Visible In Solution Explorer For A WCF Project?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a solution that contains a WCF service project. In Solution Explorer only the MyService.svc file is shown, but on double clicking it the MyService.svc.vb file opens for editing. That is OK, but Visual HG (based on Mercurial) now doesn't show that the MyService.svc.vb file has changed and I cannot commit any changes without browsing to the Tortoise HG workbench. This is a possible cause for errors when merging code. So, how do I make the MyService.svc.vb file appear in Solution Explorer?

EDIT: The problem seems to be limited to VB WCF projects. In C# there is an arrow before the .svc file that will show the svc.cs file when clicked. Bug?

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VS 2005 - Creating New Application (Solution Explorer Window)

Mar 16, 2011

I seem to have some finger trouble creating a new application, here is what I am trying to do: I am trying to create a new solution and under the solution an exe (console project and a set up / deployment project. I have done this in the past and cannot see to do that any more.

1. Create a new solution, the solution show in the solution explorer (with 0 projects)
2. Using "add" I create a console application (under the solution) and it shows a module etc. So far fine.
3. At this point the solution explorer windows only shows the console project and the solution itself (that used to show on the top) is gone. Now I am not able to add another project to my solution. I close my screen and then try to open the solution again. It comes up with the console project.

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VS 2008 : Group The Elements In The Solution Explorer (Forms , Modules Etc)?

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to group the elements in the Solution Explorer (Forms , Modules etc) .Is this possible in the VB .NET Editor ?

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VS 2008 Temporarykey.pfx - Delete The Folders In Solution Explorer Properties?

Jul 23, 2011

I know I can go to signing> and uncheck clickonce and assembly so I'll try that, but can I also just delete the folders in my solution explorer properties? I have not one but 3 folders in there --


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IDE :: Whats The Tool Name Of Solution Explorer - Error List And Properties Window

May 9, 2009

I am developing an application in which I need to use the tool jus like the Solution Explorer or Error List or Properties Window. Its like there have the common functionality of Floating,Dockable,Tabbed Document,Auto Hide and Hide. Can u let me know which tool in toolbox has this feature.

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[2008] Application Performance Explorer - Open The Solution In The Visual Studio IDE

Mar 25, 2009

Stupid question, but how do I get access to this Explorer? The says: To create a performance session for Windows client application:

(1) Open the solution in the Visual Studio IDE.

(2) On the <B>Analyze</B> menu, click <B>Launch Performance Wizard</B>.

(3) From the <B>Which of the following available targets would you like to profile?</B> drop-down list, select the name of the application that you want to profile, and then click <B>Next</B>. You can add more binaries later.

(4) Accept the default Sampling profiling method, and then click Next.

(5) Click <B>Finish</B>.

Only problem is that there is no <B>Analyze</B> menu in the IDE.

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Force A Refresh Of All Win Explorer Windows Showing A Particular Folder?

Feb 15, 2009

The application I'm developing does some file management chores, such as renaming and deletion of files. I have noticed that often after a file is deleted via code, it is still shown in Windows Explorer although it doesn't exist anymore. A refresh (F5) solves this, however I wouldn't want end users to have to press F5 every couple of minutes when using the application.

Can a refresh of all open Windows Explorer windows be requested via code? Moreover, can the refresh be requested only for windows displaying a particular location? I've thought of getting all open windows, filtering them and then sending the F5 keystroke, however it sounds a bit like overkill. Any easier way to do it?

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Common Dialog File Multiselect + Explorer Not Showing Files Selected?

Jan 30, 2007

i have a vb script that is imbeded in an html page (hta). when i use the common dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect the file list is present in the filename object and are separated by a space. however when i use dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect Or cdlOFNExplorer the files that i selected on the dialog box, are not present in the filename object. the only thing that's there, is the path to the files. here's the code:

Const cdlOFNAllowMultiselect = 512Const cdlOFNExplorer = 524288Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")ObjFSO.Filter = "All Files|*.*"ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 1
ObjFSO.InitialDir = "c:" ObjFSO.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect or cdlOFNExplorerinitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen selected_files = ObjFso.FileName msgbox selected_files

how can i get the files names?

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Css - Problem With Internet Explorer Showing Html Input Button Which Is Hidden?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a program that has a web browser control, and we all know that it is using the web browser in the computer before internet explorer

<style type="text/css">
@media print {
input[type=button] { display: none; }


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VS 2008 : Enable "Autio Hide" Command For Solution Explorer Window?

Jan 22, 2010

How to enable "Autio Hide" command for Solution Explorer Window

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Showing Database Information From Login?

Jan 13, 2012

I'm working on a project with includes a student login system and Staff control. This has been successful although i am trying to find out how to show specific user information from the student login.The project is based on students getting points for "good behaviour and attendance" which is controlled by staff who teach them and students can redeem the points on set prices e.g. from pens to cinema tickets.Here is my student login code

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
' Connects the .NET framework to the OleDb database and selects the file wanted for use


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Showing Information From A Combobox Onto Txtboxes?

Jun 7, 2011

I went ahead and created a combobox which has an employee's first and lastname on the drop down. I used this code to achieve this:

Private Sub ViewEmployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;


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