IDE :: Modify Properties On Multiple Same Type Controls?

Oct 6, 2010

i need to do something as the old scholl on vb6, create a control array, i need to put 50 listviews controls and when the form is initialized start asigning properties since i will drag items to each one of those grids, im goin to make a dragdrop event to handle all the 50 controls, dont like the idea of adding handles c1, c2,cn, c50 but whatever, is there soemthing easy to create a routine to change properties and add columns to each one control dinamically?


for x=0 to 50
control(x).property = true or ""

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Change The Properties Of Multiple Controls Using For - Next?

Sep 29, 2010

In my project, I am trying to change the visible property of my various pictureboxes using a for - next statement. My aim is to get the value of my numericupdown1 control and use this number to make the pictureboxes visible. For example, if this number is 8, the picturebox1, picturebox2, .......8 will be visible. Here is the code I wrote:


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How To Modify Control Properties From A Backgorundworker

Mar 16, 2011

I've been dealing with this kind of problem in many cases now, I try to edit the properties of a button or a label or smth else from a backgroundworker or a timer and I would get the "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Label' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." Now what I am dealing with in the backgroundworker is 3 things: reading/writing to labels' names, editing the checked state of some checkboxes and changing the enabled property of some buttons/pictureboxes. Check the screenshot for more info.

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IDE :: Modify Properties 2008 VB Express?

Dec 16, 2010

Attempting to follow instruction page 51. I have clicked form1 and clicked Alphabetical and Text is highlighted. The properties window is in Alfa order and the btotom reads "The text associated with the control". Instructions indicate modify the properties and table4-1 shows what should be modified. HOWEVER this data does not appear! How do I call this sata to modify. Soory for being a dunny. Trying to learn Visual basic 2008.

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Call WPF Application And Modify Exposed Properties?

May 25, 2010

I have a WPF Keyboard Application, it is developed in such a way that an application could call it and modify its properties to adapt the Keyboard to do what it needs to. Right now I have a file *.Keys.Set which tells the application (on open) to style itself according to that new style. I know this file could be passed as a command line argument into the application. [code]...

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Remember All Controls - Object Browser In VS Contains Many Controls And Properties

Jun 10, 2011

The object browser in visual studio contains many controls and properties is it possible to remember in mind all these controls. Whenever i am programming in vb 2008 and for reference i look at the examples on internet i always find some new controls,properties etc which makes me confuse.So i was wondering If by any means there is a way to remember all these controls

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How To Access Templates Of Controls And Modify Styles

May 27, 2010

Where and how do I look for to access the default templates of say for e.g a checkbox, so that I can modify few styles in it.

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Add Controls To A Form In Code And Set The Properties Of The Controls?

May 24, 2009

How can I add controls to a form in code and set the properties of the controls using the With statement?Also I would like to know how to add a container control and then add a control to that container.

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Modify Default Appearance Of Disabled Forms Controls?

Aug 30, 2011

When I set a control to "enabled = false", I want the textbox backcolor and forecolor to remain clear and distinct (white and back - respectively). Is there a place in VS 08 where I can define default appearnce for disabled controls? Or is there a beter way to lock control values other than using "enabled", that woulddn't affect apperance?

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How Are Value Type Properties In A Reference Type Class Allocated

Sep 11, 2009

In VB.NET, if I create a class it is a reference-type. But, if that class it chock full of value type properties, how is this handled? If the class is instantied but never filled, I suspect a pointed for to the heap is allocated. But is more space allocated on the stack for all of it's value type properties?

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Why Can't Define Get Type And Set Type Distinctly Within Properties

Aug 31, 2011

I wanted to define a property which accepts decimal numbers and do some process on the value and return string such as the below:

Public Property Amount() As String
Return Utility.PaddingRight(Me.msAmount.ToString(), 10)
End Get


But compilers warns "Set parameters must have the same type of the containing property."It doesn't look like it should throws an error since it looks legit.

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.net - Modify RegularExpression To Parse VCard/vCalendar To Allow A Particular Field Type?

Sep 6, 2009

I have an vCard application that needs to read vCard Data, and have found a RegularExpression which gets the FieldName, Encoding and FieldValue from the file, here it is below:


This Regular Expression Reads these kind of values fine:


However I want it to read these values also

TEL;WORK;VOICE:0200 0000000

Without skipping them. How can I modify the RegularExpression so TEL;WORK;VOICE ends up as part of the "FIELDNAME" and 0200 0000000 is part of the "CONTENT".I am unfamiliar with complex RegularExpressions and cannot figure out how to modify it, there is a regular expression that gets these:


However it only gets the FieldName as "TEL" and I need the whole value for this so I can tell the numbers apart in my application.If possible the Regular Expression would read the WORK and VOICE elements also like the CHARSET and ENCODING in the current regular expression, so they can treated like an Attribute and Type for example, however anything which allows the Regular Expression to read the whole TEL;WORK;VOICE as the FIELDNAME will be fine.



Reads up to the first Colon which covers the Whole FieldName, however it would be nice to store each SemiColon Element in a seperate item such as ATTRIBUTE or TYPE.

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Modify RegularExpression To Parse VCard/vCalendar To Allow A Particular Field Type?

Nov 18, 2009

modify RegularExpression to Parse vCard/vCalendar to allow a particular field type?

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Modify Txt File: Break Rows In Multiple Columns?

Apr 8, 2010

I have text files with X Y Z data. There are three columns, one each for X, Y and Z and the files are tab delimited.The value of X is constant over a (repeating) range of Y. Z is the dependent variable.

For example:

0 1 44
0 2 32
0 3 22


I need something to take this file and break into multiple tab-delimited columns. In the output, I would like the initial range of Y to be the first column (ie 1 to 4). Then, the second column should have the Z values for that domain (X=0 in above example). Then, the next column should have the Z values for the next domain of Y (i.e. 1 to 4 again, but now for X=5 in above example) and so on. Also, I'd like the first line value in each of the new columns containing Z values to be the X-value they were originally associated with.Thus, I'd like the output file to look like

Y 0 5 9
1 44 66 51
2 32 11 72


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Accessing The Click Event In Layered Controls Or When Multiple Controls Are Docked Within Each Other?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how to access the Click_event.I have a boarderles form with a panel control which has the Dock property set to fill and on the panel I have placed a Label also with the Dock property set to fill. I also have a timer running.How can I get code to execute in the Label1 click event.I've tried doing it by using the generic Click_event and also with two variations of the Click_event Handles parameters

'Alternativ 1:
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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Making An Application That Uses Multiple WebBrowser Controls And Multiple Proxies?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making an application that uses multiple WebBrowser controls, and multiple proxies.The code for changing the proxy settings are as such:

#Region "Proxy"
Public Structure Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer
Public proxy As IntPtr


Note: getRandomProxy gets a random proxy from a list.Problem is that whenever RefreshIESettings(getRandomProxy()) is applied, the proxy will be applied to all of the WebBrowsers, while i would need to have a unique proxy for each WebBrowser. Not having this would just error out the page in the other browsers and so on.

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Forms :: Set Controls Properties All At Once?

Jul 4, 2009

is there any way that i can set the property of a control all at once? like for every button, i want their backcolor to be red. something like that.also is it advisable to set the properties of a control in design view rather than code it? does it have any performance issues?

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How To Group Properties Of Controls Into One

Jul 13, 2009

I have 53 text boxes in my windows forms application. I need to save the "text" of all the textboxes into a single file. Is there a way, I can control all the textboxes as a single textbox group and use its properties.

For example: Can I write something like :
For i As Integer = 0 to 52
Textboxgroup.text = TextBox(i).Text

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IDE :: VB Controls Properties Not Visible?

Jun 6, 2011

I recently uninstalled an IDE for a motion control system (Delta Tau) that is a visual studio based product. Now when I bring up my Visual Basic 2008 IDE that I'm using to write an HMI for the control system, the properties for controls placed on forms doesn't appear in the properties window. And if I click on properties for a form I get the FileProperties2 information, not the form control properties such as size, location, or color. I am also not able to access the controls in the VB toolbox to place on a form. The controls are grayed out and unavailable. what part of Visual Studio 2008 got broke in the Delta Tau uninstall?

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Properties Of Controls On A Form?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to write a routine which will produce a list of the values of some of the properties for every control that I've placed on a form. I can do this manually by looking up the names of each of the controls, but I'd rather use a construct like this -for each formname as string in xxxx

for each ctrlname as string in yyyy(formname)


However, I'm having problems with the various examples of this code that I found in the library. I'm not sure whether it's because I don't know how to set up the syntax correctly or this sort of construct isn't possible in this context.

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Regarding Controls Properties And Intellisense?

Dec 9, 2010

1) How is the Name property hidden for controls for the Properties window yet it is shown in Intellisense?

2) For a System.Windows.Form.SplitterPanel the Name property is not shown in either but you can still Get or Set it.


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C# - Binding Controls To Class Properties?

Mar 20, 2009

I have yet to find a "nice" way to do two way databinding in .Net. The one thing I don't like for example in the present two way databinding is doing the binding in the aspx page is no compile time checking, ie:

<asp:TextBox ID="TitleTextBox"
runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Title_oops_spelled_wrong") %>'>

I would like to have something like this:

Class Binder
Public Sub BindControl(ctl As Control, objectProperty As ???????)
'// Add ctl and objectProperty to a collection
End Sub

What I don't know is possible is, how to receive the objectProperty in my example; I want to receive a reference (ie: a pointer) to the property, so later, via this reference, I can either read from or write to the property.

Can this somehow be done with delegates perhaps??

UPDATE: Note, I want to add the control reference to a binding collection, this collection would then be used for binding and unbinding.

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User Control With Other Controls As Properties

Jan 18, 2012

In my 4.0 application I have a standard set of tabs controls across the application that has one tab for Search, one for View and one for Reporting.I am in the process of updating those tabs and I was hoping to be able to wrap their functionality up into a single user control since they all function in pretty much similar ways. The issue I am having is how to create a property called SeacrhTab/ViewTab/ReportTab that allows me to assign a different user control to it depending on the area of the application (e.g. CompanySearchControl, ContactSearchControl, etc.) Anyone ever tried to accomplish something similar?

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VS 2005 Controls Not Allowing Properties To Be Set?

Oct 2, 2009

I have an application that has a main form and several sub forms, but it is not an mdi application. I am pulling data from various tables in an access database and loading into an dataset. In my module I have a sub that is processing the returned tables and is supposed to be setting controls values (radiobuttons and checkboxes checked values mainly) on the sub forms. The forms have not been called previously and when I do a .show() on them, the controls that were supposed to have been set are not, my question is why are they not setting?? Here is the code I am using to set my controls from the module:

If ds.Tables.Contains("FacilityReviewAnswers") = True _
AndAlso ds.Tables("FacilityReviewAnswers").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For Each c As DataColumn In ds.Tables("FacilityReviewAnswers").Columns
If c.ColumnName <> "SurveyID" Then


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Working With Properties In Custom Controls?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to learn how to create Windows Forms custom controls in VB.Net by creating a .Net version of an old control I created in VB6. On this control, I have a UserControl with a Label (lblCaption), and several of the properties I add to the control should be passed to the label.This is the code I tried for the ForeColor property:

Protected mcolForeColor As Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ButtonHighlight)
Public Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color


When I change the ForeColor on the control in my test project, lblCaption does change to the color I selected; however, when I run the application, the label changes back to the default (button highlight) color, and the value of the property is also reverted back when I return to the form designer.What would be the proper way to implement the ForeColor property on a custom control?

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How To Access Controls' Private Properties On Another Form

Feb 25, 2010

I am trying to access the controls' properties on another form without having to modify the code of the other projec (the one containing the controls that I want to access) because it is already compiled as a DLL. In this DLL that I am trying to access, the functions/sub-procedures are all declared as private. Would there be any way of accessing the controls' properties without having to modify the DLL? Basically what I am trying to do is create a sort of console application wrapper for the DLL that would create a new instance of the DLL's form and then make certain checkboxes checked and click certain buttons. Basically, I am trying to automate the form as it currently exists.

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IDE :: Controls Toolbox Empty - No Properties For Form?

Mar 12, 2008

I am running Visual Basic 2008 express edition. My controls toolbox is empty. There are also no properties for the form controls on my project. Just blank. I have removed the .net framework v2.0. I had the .net framework v3.5 installed at the time, and thought I didn't need the older version (v2.0). Do I need v.2.0 for the tools? If so, where can I get a copy? What's the filename called?

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Setting Font Properties For Controls One At A Time?

Sep 25, 2011

In VB6 I would simply retrieve the user font setting from the .ini file, load into variables and then apply to the appropriate control.

text1.fontbold = userfontbold
text1.fontitalic = userfontitalic
text1.fontunderline = userfontunderline

I'm struggling to understand how to do this The following code works, but sets all three at one time

Text1.Font = New Font("Courier", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Underline)Since the user can have many different combinations of settings, I would like to be able to add just one of these properties at a time, but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

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Why Do Controls Inherit GroupBox Control Properties

Feb 11, 2010

How do I turn off the ability for controls within a groupbox to inherit the groupbox properties. For example, my groupbox text has a fontsize of 9 and bold. Every Label control that I put into the groupbox defaults to the same. How can I change that?

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Change Properties Of Inherited Controls At Design Time?

Mar 23, 2009

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code. I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?

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