IDE :: Publish Command In Build Menu Pillar Nothing Happens Expcept For Few Seconds Showing Wait Cursor

May 20, 2011

When I use the Publish command in the Build menu pillar nothing happens expcept for a few seconds showing the wait cursor. This was working a week or two back but I have now installed sp1 for Visual Studio 2010 - is this a bug or is there some way. I can get this working again. I cannot access the project properties either, which is a known problem with SP1, so how to edit the project.vbproj file.

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Publish A VB2008 Windows Application, From The Build Menu?

Mar 23, 2010

I publish a VisualBasic 2008 windows application, from the Build menu,but when I install it by running the installation's setup.exe, an unusual popup window showing Windows connected to the Internet pops momentarily, and then the application opens and runs.But the application's .exe is not in Start > Programs, or on the desktop, or anywhere.Publishing and installation worked perfectly a few weeks ago.

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Set The Cursor To 'cursor.wait' For The Whole Display Screen?

Jul 2, 2009

How can I set the curosr to 'cursor.wait' for the whole display screen and not just for the application form? I have tried "Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor" And several variations but without success.

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Publish Compile Error " Error1Cannot Publish Because A Project Failed To Build"?

Nov 21, 2009

Now I did a clean build, and tried to publish, and I get a lot of errors and warnings that I don't understand.

Error1Cannot publish because a project failed to build.11AllJ Slots

Warning2Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Warning3Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Warning4Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Error5An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exe. SignTool Error: ISigned
:Sign returned error: 0x80880253

The signer's certificate is not valid for signing.

SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exeAllJ Slots

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Wait 2 Seconds Before Do Next Action?

Feb 10, 2012

I want to make my program wait 2 seconds before do something. I have triedSystem.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) with no success.

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VS 2010 Wait A Few Seconds Before Next Action?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to create a button that when clicked on He will show the Msgbox and after X seconds more MsgBox will show agin.

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Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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Menu Strip Has Disappeared But The Menu Items Are Still Showing In Properties List?

Oct 6, 2011

I have combed these forums and the 'net and can't find an answer to my specific problem. My menu strip disappeared (after deleting a small secondary form within my project). I therefore created a new strip and while recreating the menu items realized that the original menu items are still present, showing in my properties list. I have checked my design file as well and the original menu strip is definitely gone but the original menu items are there. I don't have many items so I would have no problem just deleting the original ones but I can't see them to delete them! I have checked and they are all set to visible. I have also moved everything on my form to see if it is behind anything else.

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Changing The Wait Cursor?

Mar 23, 2010

i have have a MDI child form which have different textbox for criteria and a datagridview for result.When i launch the research i change the cursor : me.usewaitcursor = True when it finish i go back me.UseWaitCursor = False It works but some times (not all the time) if you move the cursor over the datagridview during the research, the cursor still in WaitCursor OVER the datagridview, it didn't go back to default but on the rest of the form is good (default arrow).I have tried whith : Me.cursor , cursor or cursor.current but i have the same result/problem.

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Build/publish Two Copies At Once?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm looking for a way to have my code build two copies of itself at once.The program has an "A" and a "B" configuration that need to be compiled as Prog-A.exe and Prog-B.exe every time the code is compiled. I can do this manually, but I assume there's some way to do it in code? What I'd like is to use conditional compilation to have the A configuration compile so that it runs a "setup as A"-type method on load, and the B likewise, and then have it compile both versions each time.

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Publish Or Release Build In VB?

Nov 10, 2009

I wrote a little (like 40 lines little) Winforms application with in Visual Studio 2010. Now I've released the code as a Google Code project. It's easy for a developer to get the source but I'd like to make it easy to install too.

What I did was make a release build then zip up what it created, this included a setup.exe. There was also an option to "publish" my project which looks like it can enable update checks and other stuff.

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.net - Unwanted Wait Cursor In WinForms App

Jul 14, 2009

I have an MDI WinForms app in which the MDI parent form has a ToolStrip, MenuStrip and StatusStrip. Whenever the mouse is moved over one of these controls the cursor changes to a 'wait' cursor (a arrow with an hourglass). This seems to be default behaviour in that there is no code to make this happen. The UseWaitCursor property of both the ToolStrip and MenuStrip is false; StatusStrip does not have this property. This occurs in both debug and release builds and confuses the users who think that the app is 'doing' something when really it isn't! Does anyone know what is causing this to happen, and more importantly how to make it stop?

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Change Wait Cursor To Custom?

Oct 4, 2009

I am using VB.NET and I would really like to know how to change the Default Wait Cursor, as well as all the other cursors.I can currently change the normal cursor for my form with the following code:

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Forms :: Getting A Wait Cursor Automatically?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm developing a big VB.Net Winforms application. Every now and again, processing or db connections take some time and therefore I'd like a wait cursor (hourglass) to appear sometimes. I know I can do it like in this thread (in case someone needs the code):Hourglass?- technical discussion - developer Fusion - ASP.NET, C# Programming, VB.NET, .NET Framework, Java and Visual Basic Tutorials However, I have LOTS of code and I don't know when the user will need to wait. So, what I'd really want is to tell my ApplicationEvents file or the like to globally intercept after say 0.3 seconds and turn the arrow (default cursor) into the hourglass and at the same time disable mouse clicks and the like.

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VS 2008 : Wait Cursor In A Listview?

Mar 17, 2010

I was thinking how can i add a wait cursor to my listview box.I want the wait cursor to only appear at the top left side of listvie box.

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Wait Cursor Is Stuck On For A Numericupdown

Dec 13, 2010

The wait cursor cannot be changed for a numericupdown for which i have a _valuechanged private sub.

how to set it to the normal cursor?

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Cannot Publish Because A Project Failed To Build

Nov 24, 2011

I'm getting desperate with this error: "Cannot publish because a project failed to build."

I've been googling around and was unable to find a solution. I already[code]...

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Choose Own Directory For Build To Publish?

May 16, 2011

Using Build ---> Publish is nice, but it installs (on the client's machine) into an esoterically-named directory. As you can imagine, this is a nightmare to backup. Does anyone know how I can direct this thing to install into a directory that I choose?

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Advanced WebBrowser - Wait Cursor Displaying

Feb 18, 2010

I'm coding an advanced web browser. The bad thing is, is that whenever you move your cursor over the window, a wait cursor is displayed. I tried to deselect the wait cursor but it doesn't work! I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Beta 2...

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Do I Do Windows Form Application Build It And Publish Just Exe

Dec 16, 2010

This is probably a simple question, but usually I develop ASP using VB.I have a small project where I am in need of creating an executable that will be a process that runs on a schedule with no user interaction.What type of Project do I create?Do I do a Windows Form application, build it and publish just the exe?I really don't need an actual window form, I just need the code to run.

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IDE :: VS2010 - Cannot Publish Because Project Failed To Build

May 20, 2010

I am using VS2010. I have a project that has been deployed for several years. Project builds fine but now suddenly I get the message "Cannot publish because a project failed to build. This program is been updated and published hundreds of times.

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VS 2005 - Build Verse Publish Compile

Dec 9, 2009

Explanation of Build verse Publish Compile in simple english. I have my first appication I want to now deploy. I have been reading about Clickonce and it looks like a nice solution for my project. I actually tried it already but I recieved an error message "forbidden" I think there is an issue with my hosting site? Anyway I have been reading and am a bit confused to these different terms. Is build what I would use if I want to add-in a set-up / installer package with program with an exe file, sort of like the traditional way of handing someone a disk and they install it on there machine? Publish appears to what is used for the click once, but I dont think thats the only thing. I can publish to a disk? It looks like I can publish to my own computer until i figure out my website issue and test the program from there?

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VS 2008 Cannot Publish Because A Project Failed To Build

Dec 14, 2010

I am getting two errors

1) Cannot publish because a project failed to build.

2) An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found.

Regarding #1, I can manually build and rebuild the application without error. I only get this error when I try to Publish.

Regarding #2, I looked in my SDKv3.5Bin directory and indeed the signtool was not there. In fact I only had 3 files (genasm.exe, genasm.exe.config, and hidpi.res). I copied the signtool.exe from the Visual Studio 2005, (file dated 10/26/2006), but I still get the same error saying it can not find the file.

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DataGridView Retains Wait Cursor When Updated From Thread

Jun 9, 2010

I have a DataGridView control in my Windows Forms Application. I am adding rows to the grid using a background thread. I change the form's cursor to Waitcursor when the process starts and back to Default when it ends. This works well for the form, but not for the grid. When the form's cursor is changed back to default, the grid's cursor does not change, although the cursor over the rest of the form does.

I am updating the grid from a background thread? (The cursor is being changed from the UI thread directly). The background process raises an event, the handler checks the InvokeRequired property of the grid and decides if it needs to "Invoke" the method again from the main thread. So, in effect the actual UI update happens from the appropriate thread. I am not sure if this means that I am "using a background thread" or not.

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Install After Build And Publish With VB 2005 Express Edition

Apr 12, 2008

I have just finished a VB2005 Express Edition program that I would like to distribute, but am encountering this error message during the execution of the setup.exe file on the destination computer:


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Form7 Is Showing 1,2 Seconds Then It Hidden?

Oct 31, 2010

Public Class Buscar[code].....

The problem is, Form7 is show a 1,2 seconds then form7 hidden

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Determine Programs Build (or Compile Or Publish) Date For Splash Screen?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a "ClickOnce" application and on the Splash screen I display the Version. I am also displaying the "CreationTime" (see below) that I thought was when the Build or Publish was done. Today I realized it is displaying the date/time when the application is actually installed on the PC. How do I pull the date when the this version was compiled, Built, or Published? I really do not care which -I just want a constant date the sticks with that version. I'm using VB 2005.


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Need A Command To Delay Code For 5 Seconds

Aug 14, 2010

i need a command to delay my code for 5 seconds. [code] But this command freezes my application while it pauses, and while its frozen, the user cant move the window or use the application's interface at all..So do you know of any better delay/pause commands or methods?

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Repeat A Shell Command Every 10 Seconds?

Jan 27, 2011

Just wondering how can i repeat a shell command every 10 or so seconds

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Deployment :: Publish And Install A Win App Without Creating Start Menu Entry

Aug 19, 2009

I've built a couple of Apps successfully, but having published them to a Network Folder, Non-Admin Users can't install them themselves because the Install attempts to create an Entry in the Start Menu. There may be other Security issues (I need 4 of the permissions included if I publish it as a Partial Trust Applications, which I think affect this) after this point that I'm not aware of, but yeah, it fails when trying to create a Start Menu item -

+ Access to the path 'C:Documents and SettingsJameOStart MenuProgramsMynas' is denied.

I think excluding the right is just part of the SOE, but is there some way I can create this and have it NOT create a Start Menu item, haven't been able to find any?

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