IDE :: Read And Parsing Strings From CSV Or Text File As A Command

Feb 18, 2010

I'll start off by saying I am using Visual Studio 2008 Standard. I am creating a program that will open installed programs using short code. For instance, if a user types in 'npp' then Notepad++ opens. I have it working just fine to respond to the predefined commands, but I would like to expand it so that the user can define their own settings simply by typing the program directory and the custom short code they want: Example: If I am an end user and would like to say define a short code for Windows Media Player, I would simply type the following: (Assuming Excel or likewise is used to open the csv file).


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Parsing Strings And Placing Into Text Boxes

Jun 20, 2011

I have a text file with preferences in it. I read the file and find text on a particular line like this:If InStr(sLine, "avidDirectory") Then This is my line in the text file: avidDirectory "S:Avid MediaFiles" "D:Avid MediaFiles" "Z:Avid MediaFiles"..What I need to do is read each string between the quoations marks and place each one in a text box.I have 5 texts boxes to use if there are 5 different directories above (only three in the example above)So I guess I need to capture the text between the quotation marks, create a new string from it, and place that string into a text box [code]

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Read The Text File And Trim Command?

Aug 15, 2011

how to apply the correct syntax to read the text file which is in C drive

I just wondering how to apply on it in my coding.

Here is sample text files i would like to create the program to read the text files content:


0x0C03C6ED Wed, 27 Jul 2011 00:33:18
0x0C038E28 Wed, 27 Jul 2011 00:36:29
0x0C039289 Wed, 27 Jul 2011 00:39:51


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VS 2010 Parsing A Line Read In From A File?

Apr 20, 2012

I am reading in a line in this format: AL93895200 How do I get each of the items in the line that are separated by a space. I think it should go something like this:

Dim line As String = fileReader.ReadLine() Dim fields() As String = line.Split(How do I get it to split at the spaces?)

But as you can see, I don't know how to actually get that to work.

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Read The Text/strings Sent To A Server?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to make something to read the text/strings sent to a server and maybe detect if the server is crashed or not and something to and some thing to send text/strings to a server maybe using winsock P.S. I also want to make something to crash my server.

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VS 2010 Read Text Between Two Different Strings?

Feb 6, 2011

Ok, so say the string is: <a href "[URL]">abc</a> And I just want to get the text "abc" from between the <a href "[URL]"> and the </a>. How would I do so? I dont think I can use the split function, can I?

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Read 2 Connection Strings From External File?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a situation where I have a program that uses two connection strings. This program will be used on multiple web servers on multiple domains and the only difference for any of them is the two connection strings.What would be the best solution to read in these connection strings from a file separate from my actual .vb code?

Ideally I want to be able to drop the .vb and the connection string file into its own folder on any number of websites and not update anything else (for example add any connections to the web.config or anything) than the external file containing the connection strings, I assume something like xml would suffice?

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Parsing Image Strings?

Oct 17, 2011

I get long strings of images like this


How can I break them down to just the image only string


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VS 2010 Parsing Strings?

Oct 29, 2011

If INPUT = "Fog/Mist" Or "Overcast Haze" Or "Freezing Fog" Or "Shallow Fog" Or "Partial Fog" Or "Patches of Fog" Or "Fog in Vicinity" Or "Freezing Fog in Vicinity" Or "Shallow Fog in Vicinity" Or "Partial Fog in Vicinity" Or "Patches of Fog in Vicinity" Or "Showers


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Read Binary File Containing Strings And Numeric Data?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm having problem reading Binary file that has two types of data in it; Strings and numeric data in decimal format.[code]...

1. The loop doesn't stop, and it gives me "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream" Error..

2. The output isn't accurate, apart from a few random correct strings and numbers..

3. After the loop is fixed, how can i save the data to an Array or write it to a text file?. Can the be saved line by line so that the output file has the same number of lines?

4. As you can see in the code, I've tried writing data in a file, but it doesn't work.. Messagebox does show some data (even though it's not accurate), the file however doesn't contain any data..

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Doing Text File Parsing?

Aug 17, 2009

I have a complicated text file that has 10000 lines of text which is of the format

$$ ************************************
$$ Put FIXTURE alignment code below
$$ you are in Manual mode at this point
$$ ************************************


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Parsing A Text File

May 1, 2009

I'm toying with an idea that would require me to parse a text file that contains a SQL statement. (i.e. Select * From Customers) I would like to be able to programmatically via Visual Basic identify key words, table names, comment lines, etc.So, how do compilers handle such a task? How does a SQL database handle such a task? All of the parsing tools are for CSV files with some sort of consistent delimiter. I'm wondering if I need to read the file one character at a time and then do some sort of comparison.

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Parsing A Text File?

Mar 28, 2009

I need to code a hitcounter button that looks at a textfile,counts how many times a site has been visited and then shows a message box with the results

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Parsing Text File?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm using sample data below.. Can i use regular expression to parse this kind of data?

ID:="000000877978" LOCATION:="ALASKA" TELEPHONE:="8979797890" AGE:="33"
ID:="080832108089" LOCATION:="ASIA" TELEPHONE:="088238780" AGE:=45 BIRTHDAY="04/19/1968"

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Parsing Text From A SQL File

Feb 23, 2010

So i have a SQL file with this sort of data :


p.s. If i am not able to make my self clear here then do ask me for my code , It works perfectly but causes the application hang and is pretty slow ( Using the StreamReader )

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Parsing The Text File?

Dec 11, 2010

I Want to create a active log moniter but im having a problem parsing the text file, the data is jumbled like this



it dose what i want it to but it creates a massive file and dosnt do it quick enough i have to have a 1 second+ delay in it or it goes bezurk.

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Parsing Strings With Delimiters In Textbox?

Oct 28, 2009

I am having trouble figuring out how to parse a string with delimiters. I have a text box which the user inputs data or what ever. I need to figure out how to parse the string and display it in a listbox, each word in a single line. Here is what I have so far, my book doesnt explain parsing very well and I'm stuck

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VS 2008 Parsing Strings With The Constant At The End?

Feb 15, 2010

I have the html of a page loaded into a string.


I want to extract the number that the ?'s represent however confirmUse is used in other parts of the page. The only constant is the 'Eat' which is unique to this specific number.

I usually use Mid and Instr to find what I need but when I try to back track it gives me an error because the index number is below 0.

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Parsing A Tab Delimited Text File?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to parse a text file. First I plan on extrcating each line, then extracting each field by searching for a tasb.When I use InStr to search for a (return for end of line) or (for tab) I always get a zero. But if I put in a visable letter such as a I got a 5.also I tried /r, /n and all return a zero.The file looks as follows:

ID Name
1 Patient
2 Bed
3 PatientSet


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Parsing Data From Text File?

May 17, 2012

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good tutorial for parsing data from a text file and then populating the data into multiple text boxes. I have a text file with information pertaining to my form. The text file consists of key identifiers for each piece of information needed and I was wondering how to programmatically fill in my form by parsing that data.

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Read A Xml File From The Command Prompt Batch File

Apr 29, 2010

i need to read a xml file from the command prompt batch file.

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Parsing - Reading Blocks Of Text From A CSV File - .net?

Oct 21, 2011

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.



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Parsing Or Regex On HTML In A Text File?

Jun 26, 2009

I just spent about 2 hours searching this forum on this topic but I need some advice. I am looking to extract certain data from HTML source code that I have down loaded into a text file its about 9KB in size.I am looking to keep all email address found. How would this work or what would be the best method to use? This is what I would like to extract and write to another file:


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Reading / Parsing / Writing A Text File?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm using visual basic 2008 express to do some simple stuff. For this project, Im reading in one large text file.The top of each page has a header section that is always the same, except sometimes a dept# changes, signifying a new set of data.The first line always has the text "RunDate", so when I read that, I know that I'm at the top of the first page.After reading the first line, I'd like to immediately go to the sixth line and grab that dept# and store it.dept = left(trim(myline,7)(Its always 7 characters long) so I know what dept I'm working on.I'll then loop through and write each line to a new text file, until I hit the top of a new page.At that point I need to look at line 6 again. if the dept # is the same, I'll keep writing to the same file.Reading and re-writing from the text files is easy, I just loop through line by line, but I need to be able to jump down to the 6th line, and I don't know how to do that without reading each line to that point"

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Streamreader - Text File - To Read Into A Listview - Read From A Specific Line In That File

Mar 11, 2010

I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,

TOTAL GPM= 6400 HWT= 95.5 CWT= 84.0 IWBT= 76.6 ALTITUDE= 0


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Basic Program Flow For Parsing This Text File?

Dec 16, 2009

I would provide my code but I made it so complicated I don't really want to show it. I want to start over.I would like to create the most simple way to begin parsing the text file below beginning with the line - 1, EVENT parsing this comma delimited portion.I would like to

1. NOT include the comments and
2. NOT parse the Array1 and Array33 portion of the file
3. Put it into a collection based on the AlarmLog class provided below.



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Parsing Data From The Selective Part Of A Text File?

Apr 30, 2008

show the code

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Parsing Text File Doesn't Pickup All If Statements?

Jun 4, 2011

I have a piece of code in my application that is giving me a funny result. I am reading a text file and based on it's first word on the line I have a bunch of IF statements that then assign the value to a variable.

The problem is that not all the if statements are being met, well they are but that's what's weird.


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VB 2008 Parsing Text File Only Show New Data

Jun 3, 2009

Im trying to parse a log file and display the data in a textbox.The log is forever changing so it will have to be some kind of a loop.I only want the new data to be added to the textbox after the application is running, not the contents already in the log file.

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VB 2008 Parsing Text File, Only Show New Data?

Aug 3, 2011

Im trying to parse a log file and display the data in a textbox..The log is forever changing so it will have to be some kind of a loop.I only want the new data to be added to the textbox after the application is running, not the contents already in the log

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