IE8 Session Sharing Across Tabs And Windows?

Oct 29, 2009

Has anyone implemented any effective solutions to address the numerous issues that are caused by IE8's session sharing functionality? We've gotten very close by writing a custom http module that compares session and view state values, but our efforts are thwarted by things such as accelerator keys and unaccceptable copying of session objects.

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C# - 2 Browser Windows Are Sharing Their Session?

Nov 3, 2009

Many of our users, internal and external, start our web application. Then at some later point, they open a new window from within the browser. They want to have 2 independent sessions of the application running. However, by doing it this way they are actually using the same session data.

Is there a way, in code, to determine if there is another browser window open with the same session?

We're using VS 2008, C# and/or VB.Net.


Maybe I'm saying this wrong. When they open a second window and change it to a different widget number, and then go back to the original window, on the next post-back it will be using the second window's widget number, not its own. We are using IE7.

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Sharing A Timer/Variable Between Windows?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a timer running like a scoreboard countdown timer. Is there a way that I can display that same timer into two windows forms (winforms) without resorting to properties?

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Sharing Microsoft Office Events With Processes (i.e. Windows Services) Via VB

Mar 27, 2009

Is it possible to expose an event in an Microsoft Office product to a Windows service? That is, are the Office product events shared with other processes like Windows services? I know I can handle these events in VBA code in Word/Excel. However if the code is disabled the handling does not occur. I want to be able to have a service run in the background to log these events as they occr.

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Get URL / Window Name Of All Open IE Windows / Tabs

Aug 20, 2010

I find myself with the dilema of opening massive numbers of IE windows/tabs on subjects. This is really great content, but then I need to restart my computer. Rather than going into each and recording the URL/window name (which is listed in the window title bar, relating to the content of the web page), is there a way to capture that information within VB.NET (in a WinForm app)?

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VS 2008 Do Not Want To Open Any Other Windows Or Tabs

Sep 28, 2009

I have created a web browser and am trying to get the link that is clicked that would normally open in a new window to open in the current window as I do not want to open any other windows or tabs. This is the code I have so far and it seems to work well kind of anyway, it opens the last url not the new one. Sometime it will open just an advert, it seems to open what ever link was last loaded on the site. [code]

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Make App Startup With Windows And In All Session?

Aug 11, 2010

actually i want to make my app startup with windows and in all Session . im using this code :

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then

doesnt work all the time , plus doesnt work in all user's session .. also i want to know if my app will keep settings . i mean i saved chekbox checked state in my.settings . does it keep it when the app start up?

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Close Program When Windows Session Ending

Jun 24, 2009

I have a program that will run in the tray and have the close button disabled to prevent the user from closing the program (I know they can still kill it from task manager).I was wondering how to detect a logoff/reboot/shutdown to run a closing code. [code]

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Windows Authentication - Session Time Extension

Jun 25, 2010

On windows authentication (intranet web application). When the session is about to timeout, the client should be presented with a POP-UP that asks to click OK to extend the session or else cancel to timeout the session. Which is the better way to accomplish this task. By Using Ajax Call or By handling it in the code behind file when the session (userid) is nothing.

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Return Two Menu Tabs Using System.Windows.Forms?

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to return two menu tabs using System.Windows.Forms. I have tried using an array and tried using control.add but I cant seem to get this working. What am I doing wrong?

Public Function MonitorsInit() As System.Windows.Forms.TabPage Implements LabTech.Interfaces.ITabs.MonitorsInit
Dim TP As New Windows.Forms.TabPage("Ticket")
Dim TP1 As New Windows.Forms.TabPage("Ticket1")
Return TP
End Function


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Cache User Session In A Windows Forms Application

Nov 2, 2008

How do you cache user session in a windows forms application? So that the user session expires when inactive for a certain period of time. I wish to include that functionality using an integrated security and caching application block from microsoft's patterns and practices.

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Replacing The Tab Control's Tabs With Custom Tabs Made In Photoshop

Mar 16, 2009

I was wondering if there was a solution to replacing the tab control's tabs with custom tabs made in Photoshop. I know there are plenty of super expensive programs that can do it, but I was wondering if there was a way to do it programmatically. I was thinking that maybe it could linked in some way with a .DLL?

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Making The GUI A Scrollable Window - Tabs Get Built, Displayed And Disposed As The User Scrolls Left And Right Through The Member Tabs?

Mar 6, 2009

My code is basically a file parser/editor and it handles most files fine as they hold a handful of records concerning family members. However there are a few files that crash when trying to deal with them. Here is the problem.Each family member record creates 3 tabs that hold an average of 3 group boxes each. Each group box holds an average of 3 text boxes.So each member record creates 3x3x3 = 27 text boxes and some files get up to 289 family members which = 7803 text boxes.

The problem is the rare file with 400+ member records = 10,800 text boxes which causes a crash due to using up all the window handles. Each member has a separate tab page (with 3 subpages) but really only a dozen or so member pages are visible in the GUI with scroll arrows to move through them so I was thinking of somehow making the GUI a scrollable window so the tabs get built, displayed and disposed as the user scrolls left and right through the member tabs.

The files are parsed into a 3d list DataList(x,y,z) where x is the page number, y is the group box number and z is the text box number. So all the data is available. The code then traverses MyList and builds GuiList(x,y) where x is the page number and y is the groupbox number with all the textbox.text linked to MyList(x,y,z) locations so all text changes are reflected in the MyList.

I already have a memberCount variable and I am thinking of building, say, the first 30 member tabs with the middle 10 being visible in the GUI. If the selected tab > 20, then dispose of the first 10 tabs and create tabs 30-40.I am thinking I will keep all the member tab pages so I don't have to deal with inserts and indexing problems but just dispose all the group boxes and text boxes for tab pages out of view. I already have a deep clone sub that clones members when the user wants to add a new family member and I am thinking I will have to add something similar when a tabpage is passed in for disposal, it traverses and disposes each text box, then disposes the group box for each group box on the tab page.Additionally, another routine will rebuild the group boxes from the data held in MyList(x,y,z) when a tabpage(x) is passed in.

View 2 Replies - Adding A Session ID To A Link For Automatic Session Start?

Dec 8, 2011

I am storing a session variable that a user types into a textbox. With their valid input, their session gets created and they get a little more functionality than the regular end users of the site.I was wondering if it is possible to find a way to add someone's session variable to the end of a URL. This way we can email a link to one of our clients, they click it, and their session has automatically begun. They already have the textbox to enter their code into, but I was told that it would be much easier for the users to just click a link that will start their session.

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Sharing Business Logic Between Windows Forms And Web Forms?

Feb 4, 2010

My question is, am I able to share a business logic layer seemlessly between the two presentation layers or is there anything I need to watch out for. I'd really like to not have any duplication of business logic, so any advice would be more than welcome.

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Session Id Or Session Number Of The Connection With Mssql?

May 28, 2009

On startup of my software which i developed in, it connects to mssql server. I want to have session id or session number of the connection with mssql. I'm sure it is unique number and i want to use this session in my software for different purposes. My question is

1. is there anything like session id or session unique number when you connection mssql server

2. if yes to 1 then how i can get it in vb

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File Sharing Without Using LAN

Jun 6, 2011

We are given a task to create a software that can share files between two computers without using lan (internet connection) but the presence of hardware devices can be used like cable, rs232, usb to usb or can be bluetooth to bluetooth file sharing. We searched about file sharing without using lan. The result was "socket programming". Is socket programming is applicable for If yes, how is it program?

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Sharing A Private Sub?

Jul 10, 2011

how to make projects which span multiple files and classes just fine. I've had big multi-file things working.I've been told explicity that my classes have to be private...yet at the same time I'm supposed to have a main method elsewhere and somehow call a menu in my main working file.I can get the program working perfectly when I do it in a logical manner but I just can't figure out how to call a private sub. I keep getting the error reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.I've tried breaking the rules a bit and making one initial sub which is public, shared, etc... but all this does is delays the error until it tries to call its first private sub.

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C# - Sharing Code Between 2 Projects Without A Dll

Dec 2, 2010

How can I have code-sharing between two projects without making a dll?

The issue is: I have a tool that syncs users & groups from LDAP to a database.

Now the tool is a windows service, but testing it as such is very difficult and time consuming.

Which is why I made a console application where I can test the LDAP syncing, and then just copy the respective sourcecode-files over to the service project.

But... keeping the common files in sync is a bit of a problem. I don't want to make a dll, because this probably creates me a problem with the 3rd project, a windows installer (for the service) where I have to use ExecutingAssembly path...

Is there a way to share the code without making a separate dll? Automagic statical linking, so to say ?

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Can't Enable Net.tcp Port Sharing

Jul 13, 2011

I'm doing my dev work on a Window 7 x64 machine, deploying to a Windows 2008 x32 server. At the moment I'm adding WCF services to some internal apps so that we can build smaller clients using net.tcp bindings that report to the user what the server is doing without running multiple instances of the server. To cut back on how much administration the apps will require, I tried enabling port sharing on my first server app. I'm using the app to self-host the WCF service so they can be easily moved from one server to another if necessary. Here's the code starting the server:

Dim _service_host As ServiceHost
Dim active_server_address As Uri = New UriBuilder("net.tcp", "localhost", CInt(My.Settings.ServerPort)).Uri


I get the following error when I put a breakpoint at the last line: Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server machine 'nettcpportsharing' failed. The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. The Try...Catch block housing that code says the exception type is AddressAlreadyInUseException...but when I run netstat I don't see anything else listening on that address. There's no occurrence of 'nettcpportsharing' anywhere in my solution. I've checked to make sure that the Net.Tcp Port Sharing service is started.

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P2P Chat And File Sharing?

Jun 10, 2011

I am working on developing p2p chat system and also file share system....But only thing is that ...i can't find out the way to find how to implement it...i have worked on client server programs but i m not able to get p2p...The concepts of P2P are:-

1. All nodes connected can act both as server and client depending on requirement....

2. They can connect to each other find file who is the owner of file and then ask for file....

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Sharing Data Between Forms?

Nov 17, 2009

I am working with several RFID readers that perform different function in my program. Currently each reader port number is hard coded into the respective form. For example, reader 3 operates on COM1. However, this will be problematic when installing on different machines.

What I would like to do is have a "configuration" form where the user can select each reader and then select the COM port. Then all other code references these settings. What would be the best approach for this.

The only way I know to do it currently is to place this information in a small database and then have the forms reference that database, but it is a lot to do for such a seemingly trivial task.

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Sharing Memory Between Applications?

May 11, 2009

I have to implement some way of communication between 2 applications:

Program 1 is receiving data at a relatively high rate (sometimes up to 100k in a second). This application receives the data, does only very few computations and saves the received data to disk for later in-depth-analysis or just recall.

Program 2 shall do some real-time analysis on the same data which may at some point become rather complicated.

It is necessary to split up the 2 tasks into separate programs because the data has to be saved under all circumstances and without losses. Program 2 is still in a development phase, it has to be improved, recompiled, debugged. This shall not disturb the data collection and archiving.

Since application 2 has to go through all the data that program 1 receives it would be slowing down everything very much if the programs had to communicate e.g. via TCP. Therefore I am looking for ways to have some shared memory or whatever else might make it possible for P2 to access the data collected by P1 without too much overhead.

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Sharing Objects Across WCF Services

Aug 16, 2010

Problem with WCF and Multiple Namespaces.The major difference I am having is that I don't control both ends of the wire.My setup is similar to this:[code]The first thing you do is login via the login service and receive a security ticket. The ticket object is located in the My.Objects namespace. For each subsequent call in My.Service1 and My.Service2 you have to pass in the security ticket to authenticate the call. The issue I am having is that instead of the client (a .net one for now but Java and others in the future) seeing one My.Objects.Ticket the references are resolving as My.LoginService.Ticket, My.Service1.Ticket, and My.Service2.Ticket. When the client tries to pass the object retrieved during login to any other function it is receiving an object mismatch error.How can I make each service resolve objects to the My.Objects namespace?

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Sharing Resources Between Forms?

Apr 12, 2010

I have some icons and images that are stored as embedded resources in my form1.resx file. Is there any way I can access these resources from my Form2 without adding the icons as project resources?

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Sharing Text Between Forms?

Sep 9, 2008

How do I share text between forms?I want a box to popup exactly like a input box, but needs to be multiline, Is there any east way to do this or will I have to create a second form?If so, how do I share the string between forms to then output in a textbox on 1st form?

Also, I have VB 2008 Standard, and I want to build an application for a handheld, Is it possible to build an application and then pass it over to someone who has the professional version to make it work on pocket pc? Or does the entire build have to be on pro already?It's a very simple program...

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Sharing UI Validation Between Forms?

Jan 25, 2012

I am trying to figure out how to seperate my business logic from my forms. This is my first attempt at doing this, but I would like to figure out how to handle events from multiple forms within a class. I have found myself routinely writing the same logic over and over in each form class and its time I figure out how to completly seperate out that logic in winforms so I can reuse the methods across all of my forms.

So basically I have this click event in form1:
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click


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Sharing Variable Value Between Forms

Jul 31, 2009

When I declare a variable as public, shouldn't it be available in another form? I am trying to write a windows mobile prg with 12 static mileage points, form1 has the 12 buttons for start point, but when I call form2 with the destination points, my start variable value is not carried over. I intend to then assign a mileage based on the two points and write to file on mobile device. We support 12 schools, and I want my employees to track mileage easily.

Public Class main
Public start As String = "start"
Public dest As String = "dest"
Public miles As Decimal = 0
[Code] .....

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Sharing Variables Between Forms?

Jun 16, 2010

i've almost completed my Yahtzee game except for the high scores function. I've got everything worked out except how to take the highscore variable from Form1, and share the data with Form 2

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Two Datasources Sharing One Combobox?

Feb 11, 2011

I have two comboboxes. Depending on what is selected in the first combobox, I want the second combobox to display a different field from a different table within the same database (.mdb).Is this possible?I have the following code, but I get a "Complex DataBinding accepts as a data source either an IList or an IListSource." Error when running the code.


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