InfoPath - Navigating Through Each Record Of Repeating Table?

Aug 11, 2009

I have an Infopath form that retrieves data from a datasource, then populates a repeating table with a dynamic number of rows depending on employid. Once the data is populated, a "user" can enter numbers, times, etc. That part works fine. Now, what I would like to do is submit the data to a sql database. I just can't figure out how to navigate through each record of the repeating table. I have tried the following code, but have been unsuccessful. I can not get the XpathNodeIterator to work on the secondary datasource.

Dim domNav As XPathNavigator = Me.DataSources("getEmpHourlyPaycodes").CreateNavigator()
Dim rows As XPathNodeIterator = domNav.Select("/my:myFields/my:ReturnedData")
While rows.MoveNext()
Dim field1 As String = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode( _
"my:descriptn", NamespaceManager).Value
' Submit code will go here.
End While

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Error Null Reference :: VB In Infopath Infopath?

Jan 20, 2012

I am trying to extract a hyperlink using the open file dialog with no success.System.NullReferenceExceptionObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

at DPR_Library_5.FormCode.CTRL177_5_Clicked(Object sender, ClickedEventArgs e) in \srv-na01user
epInfoPathProjectsDPR_Library_Final_1_GetFileFormCode.vb:line 76


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VS 2008 Binding Data And Navigating - Go The Next Record When Click A Button

Jun 20, 2009

I've got the following VERY basic code


this does indeed update my label with the first item in the Author field in my database, but I can't for the life of my figure out how to go the next record when I click a button. Could anyone give me a quick rundown, or a good tutorial on this, I'd rather not use the built in wizards.

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Coping The Active Record In A Form To Another Table And Then Deleting The Record From The Original Table?

Aug 18, 2011

I am leaning VB and have created a basic inventory app for work that consist of 4 tables, CurrentInventory, Surplus, Staff and Category. Each of these tables have a corresponding form. My question is with the CurrentInventory and Surplus form/tables. I want a button on the CurrentInventory Form that when clicked the current record would be transferred to the Surplus table and deleted from the CurrentInventory table.I am assuming that I could somehow use the INSERT command to copy the current record to the surplus table but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

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Create Small Database Which Handles Student Attendance Record - Repeating The Data Again And Again ?

Feb 6, 2009

I want to create small database which handles Student Attendance Record it will store the roll calls of students on daily basis that teachers collect from the students in the class on paper and then later transfer it on computer .So my database Must contain Month, Year, Program (BCS, BIT, MS, MCS, MIT etc) Batch (1st, 2nd etc) and Subject (English, Math, Geography etc)

Suppose I want to Search for the Attendance Sheet of any month, year, Program, Batch or Subject, it returns me the required dataSo i come up with the Datadase which includes 5 dimension tables and one fact tableDimension Tables1. Student (StudentID, Name, other Attributes)2. Program (Program_Name, other Attributes)3. Date (Date, Week, Month, Year)4. Batch (Batch_Number, Description)5. Subject (Subject_Name, other Attributes)Fact TableAttendanceTable ( StudentID, Program, Date, Batch, Subject, Status)but the problem come when certain columns are repeating again and again which is time consuming for database operator and shows inconsistent behaviour of database.

Look at it: my Fact table would be like this [code]....

problems:1. The StudentId is repeating which shouldn't (Primary Key),2.It wastes a lot of time coz i'm repeating the data again and again Like Program, Date and Batch which shouldn't be in consistent Databases.

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Use A Table Input For Common Repeating Data?

Apr 19, 2011

I am coding a Student Management System using VB.NET and Access DOn the Form for Teacher Bio-Data, I want to use a table in which I can place Teacher Qualifications in a tabular format. In other words, say, the teacher had Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. I want to put a header as Qualifications, Year and Grades. Is there any such tool in Visual Studio that I can use?

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Adding Association (link Table Record) Without Creating A New Related Record?

Jul 31, 2011

I have two tables Products and Categories with a many to many relationship. I am trying to copy the categories linked to one product (OriginalProduct) to another product (newProduct). The problem is when I execute the SaveChanges() method, I not only get the records in my linking table, but it also creates another copy of the categories in the categories table. I've tried this in many ways but here are the last couple that I've attempted:

' Copy Product/Categories
For Each oneProdCategory In OriginalProduct.Categories
Dim relatedCategory = _productContext.GetObjectByKey(New EntityKey ("ProductInfoEntities.Categories", "RecordId", oneProdCategory.RecordId))


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Display Record From Table To Gridview On Page Load And Also Search Record For Particular Fields Using Textbox.

Jan 23, 2011

My database : table1

1 Sumit 22
2 Sanjeev 23

i have gridview 1 and textbox1 and button1 i want when pages load the gridview displays the all records from table1 and also ...i i wanna search record for firstname by typing sumit in textbox1 and click on button1 then in gridview the record of sumit will be shown default gridview display alll records from table1 How to do this My Selct Query is below : but it doesnot display all record ...but it can display record if you search for a particular record .


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Save Data In Table First Delete Record Then Insert Record

Dec 3, 2011

I use This Code To Save Data in Table First I delete record Then Insert record

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Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table?

May 11, 2011

I'm receiving the following error:"You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'FORN_NIB'."

I cannot understand this error fr the related record really existe on the FORN_NIB table. It is even picked up from there. Here's the code where the error occurs at the .Update instruction:

HTML With rst
.Open("DADOS_RECIBOS", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
.Fields("NUM_FORN").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text


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Error When Deleting A Record From Table (table Which Stores Username And Password)

Apr 26, 2009

I got an error when I tried to save a deleted record in a table which I use to store username and password.

I can delete with no problems but the error message popped up when I clicked on the update icon

My login code is like this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Inserting A Record From One Table To Another New Table?

Feb 22, 2011

i have some sample code on inserting a record from one table to another new table? Making the record on the first table to be deleted and been transfered to another table ..

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Move A Record From Table To Table?

Dec 18, 2009

i don't now where to but my question so if this is the wroung section i am sorry

i am designing a web site with a database using visual studio

and the code i use is visual basic

i use this code to insert in to tabel temp1

MySqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MySqlCommand.CommandText =
"Insert into temp1 values(@id_card,@city,@name)"


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Update One Table With Another Table Record?

Oct 6, 2010

am having a query regarding updating a table A records from table b on a button click...have created connection sting and commandtext to exexute d query am tryn ds query bt it seems to throw some syntax error

cmd.CommandText =
"UPDATE stockno_table SET(product_id,Sold,Rec_No)
=(SELECT product_id,Sold,Rec_No from stockno_temp_copy
where stockno_temp_copy.stock_no=stockno_table.stock_no) where(exists)(stockno_table.stock_no=stockno_temp_copy.stock_no)"

basically the fields are same bt the stockno_temp_copy is a temporary table which i want to empty always while it updates all the table records to stockno_table...all the records except the Sold which is YES/NO field changes...NB: Access DB is used?

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Optional Fields In InfoPath; Getting The XML Node With VB

Apr 12, 2010

I use VB to get data through my form. I have some optional fields in my form and I have a problem with the following code:

MsgBox(myXPathNavigator.SelectSingleNode( _
"/my:Status/my:Questions/my:Questions1", Me.NamespaceManager _

When the optional field 'Questions1' is inserted into the form I get the value 'true' by the IsNode() function.

If the field it is not inserted I have an exception stating that the reference is not correct (and it is indeed true). Is there a way to verify about a node, whether it is present or not in my form?

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Send Infopath Forms Via Outlook?

May 12, 2010

I am new to Office programming. I am trying to automate sending Infopath forms through Outlook. The form must be displayed in the body of the e-mail, which the customer can fill in and send it back. I am able to do this manually by selecting File->New->Choose Infopath Form through Outlook.

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Add A New Record To Table 3?

May 12, 2010

I have two tables (unrelated) and a third table that is related to both the others by their id's. When I add a new record to table 3, I want both these related fields to be filled. I can only get one or the other to work (depending on which I set as the parent) but not both. Is there a way to do this or do I need to have a word with myself?

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Add New Record To A Table Using

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to add a new record to my database, using the code below; however nothing happens when i try to execute the code.


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Call An InfoPath Form To Open From Program?

Mar 18, 2009

Does anyone know how to call an InfoPath form to open from VB? The form is located on a webserver so the path would be something similar to[url]...

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[2005] Passing Data From VB Form To InfoPath?

Mar 4, 2009

how I can pass data from my VB form to InfoPath?

I'd like to have a link on my VB form that will open an InfoPath Form with some information already pre-populated (name, date, etc.) with information that is already filled in on the VB form. I'm pretty sure there is a way to do this, just haven't figured it out yet.

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Add Record In Multiple Table?

Jun 2, 2011

I am having a trouble on how to update my reocrds on my 2 tables. 1 table is sample and the other table is tbl_educ. my sample table which has a pk of emp_id while the tbl_educ has a field of emp_id they are related by one-many relationship.

sample table tbl_educ
emp_id(pk) emp_id
lname school_name


the error that i encounter is emp_id is not a category of the can i add record for my table.

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Add Record To Access Table?

Jan 5, 2010

I have an Access 2007 DB With 3 Tables I fill a form with information from 2 of the tables which works fine I then want to add a row to the third table with the information obtained from the form.(I know this may seem like duplicating data but there is a reason for doing this that I can explain if needed) This is where I am having the problem. I have tried several approaches with no success.The following code works fine I get no errors and it even says it added a new record but it does not. when I look at my access table there are no changes.Why can I get info from the DB but not Write back(yes I have the properties set to "update if newer"[code]...

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Adding Record In Table?

Jun 4, 2009

I have two different tables (linked 2getha) my search code ' update etc etc working 100% ' i need to know how can i at run time when add rec that specific rec must get added in table 1.

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After Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table?

Jun 21, 2010

After Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table

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Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table?

Oct 9, 2011

i delete the row ID 3,paper,20 then the qty of paper will add to another table2 total to write the code after delete record will add the qty field to another table2 ?


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First Record Not Loaded Into Table

Nov 22, 2011

I have the following piece of code which retrieves records from an Oracle database and loads it into a datagridview. The problem is that the first record returned by the query is never loaded into the datagridview. I already counted the records (on the commented part of the code) and the DataReaderOracle object counts allways one more record than the ones loaded into the datagridview.


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How To Add Record Into Table In Database

Dec 28, 2008

I have this assignment where I have had to attach a database into a vb file I have now done this bit. But now I need to add a new record into table when VB is running. But I am not sure on how to do it

Here is my code
Private Sub butadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butadd.Click
Dim myconnection As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim strSQL As String

'this is using parameters
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Engineers " & _
" (EngineerNO, Surname , Firstname, Mobileno) "

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Table Adapters Add A Record?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a sql server database file which I have connected to a web service I am writting I have created a table adapter in a datase.t I have created a web method which has parameters for the fields in the database

<web Method> _
function add_record(byval a as integer , byval b as String)
dim ds as dataset


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Embedding An Instance Of InfoPath In A Visual Studio Project?

May 22, 2009

Consider the following mock-up image I've created:I am new with working with InfoPath and I was curious if anyone knows how to embed an instance of InfoPath inside of a winform, so users can fill out the form without launching the InfoPath application.

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InfoPath VBScript Access Function Public Variables?

Apr 15, 2009

I have the following code:

Public Function StoreFields()
Dim Lockbox, Cash_Deposit_Date, Batch_Number
Lockbox = Xdocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/d:tbl_GC100/@Lockbox").Text


I have tested the variables in the Functions and the are correct.

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