Insert Item In ListView?

Jul 23, 2010

i have a listview with 5 columns and how to insert data only in columns 4 and 5.

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Re-insert Item At Selected Index (listview)?

Dec 27, 2009

If you wanted to remove a listview item, then reinsert it at the same index it already was. Is this possible?

Because all i know how to is reinsert an item at the top.[code]...

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Edit Item Or Subitem Values Of A Selected Listview Item?

May 19, 2009

Ok, so I have a listview on one form, and when a button is pressed it opens up a new form with the contents of the selected listview item and it's subitems in a series of textboxes. The user can then change the data in the textboxes and either press save to make the changes or cancel to close the window. What command would I use to change the selected listview item and subitems to whatever is in the boxes?

this is the code that populates the boxes:

Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim appeditcontents As String = main.passlist.SelectedItems(0).ToString


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Removing Listbox Item From Checked Listview Item?

Jan 12, 2012

removing Listbox item from checked Listview item.The code I tried just errors out.

Private Sub ListView1_ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCheck
If (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Unchecked) Then
ElseIf (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Checked) Then


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DoDragDrop List View Item Reordering - User Can Drag Media Tracks From One Listview To Another Listview

Feb 12, 2010

I have a media browser program I am building. I am trying to use drag/drop so a user can drag media tracks from one listview to another listview and then use the second list view as a playlist in windows media player com object. Reading at MSDN I have found out that there is no built in support for item re-ordering with the listview control. I have listview1 working correctly but when I try to reorder items in listview2, the dragged item ends up at the end of the list. So basically I need to get the item insertion index corrected. I have tried more than 10 times to get this code right.

Here is my code which includes a form with two listview's.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub ListView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag, _


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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

View 13 Replies

Format Listview : Head Of Listview Textalign = Center And Item Of Listview Textalign = Right?

Mar 12, 2009

i want to format listview head of listview textalign = center and item of listview textalign = right

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Listview: How To Loop Each Item And Its Sub Item

Dec 16, 2009

I have a listview with 4 colunms

Private Sub process()
Dim datenow As String = ITEM HERE
Dim name As String = subitem1 here


I dont know how to get each (row) id call it even though its a colunm and add the item and its 3 sub items to my variables.

View 9 Replies

How To Insert Item Into Dropdown

Aug 5, 2011

I have a dropdown bound to a datatable. I'm trying to insert a new item at position 0, but when the control is loaded, I don't see the new listitem or any errors.
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As eventargs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
[Code] .....

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Cannot Add Or Insert The Item 'xxxxx' In More Than One Place

Feb 4, 2012

I have an application that manages orders in a system, it has multiple tabs e.g. "Summary" (New and Processing Orders), "New" (Only New), "Processing" (Only Processing) and "Completed" (Only completed).

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Add An Item To A Listview?

Jul 30, 2009

I've currently picked up a small project and they one who assigned me to it wants me to upgrade the app using .NET.Is there any way I could add an item to a listview when I'm not on the form containing it? In VB6, something like this would work.

'Code on Form2
Form1.ListView.ListItems.Add "Item Name"

but in VB .NET, the code below doesn't add anything to the listview. It doesn't return any errors too.

Form1.ListView.Items.Add "Item Name"

And another thing, why is it that when I close the Login form to launch the Main form, the Main form closes automatically? The code in sub main is

' shared sub main
Application.Run(New frmLogin())

Then when correct credentials are given to the form, I'll do this.

'login form
Dim frmMain as frmMain = new frmMain

I assume things are done a lot differently than VB6.

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Listview Sub Item Value Add?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a ListView with two columns, first column contains a list of urls and I want the second column to display the google pr for each url. I already have the code to get the pr but I am not sure how to add that value to the ListView sub item(second column)

Dim prCheck As New TGooglePR()

So how would I add the value from the above code to the second column for each url? I have the following but not sure how to get the value added to sub item

For Each item In ListView1.Items
i += 1
Dim prCheck As New TGooglePR()


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ComoboBox Insert New Item To Database Automatically?

Apr 10, 2012

I am using a combobox in VB .net to show customer's name. They also can type new names if they wish. Can I somehow save these new names in my sql database dynamically?

What I mean is if the name is new and does not exist in my database, can it be automatically saved to the database?

My combobox is bound to my name table.

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Insert Item Into Form System Menu?

Feb 26, 2012

my test:

Public Class Form1
Public Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Int32 = &H112
Public Const MF_BYPOSITION As Int32 = &H400


and i get an error:

PInvokeStackImbalance was detected
Message: A call to PInvoke function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetSystemMenu' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.

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How To Insert Values Of Listview

Feb 20, 2010

How do I place values of variables to the columns of a listview. There's a guide here Here but it shows how to fill in values from a file.

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Add A Item In Listview Under Column 2?

Sep 19, 2011

How I can add a item in Listview under column 2?

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Add A Subitem To An Item (ListView)

Sep 12, 2009

That's the code to add an item: ListView.Items.Add("ΑΑΑ") But how can i add a subitem to that item ("AAA") ???

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Add An Image To The Listview Item?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a listview that is populated by file name from a folder on my hard drive. I want to add an image to the listview item, different image for each item. Here is my code:

For Each myItem As FileInfo In strFiles


When run the file name appear in the listview but the images don't.

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Add An Object To A Listview Item?

Jan 14, 2010

I am making a listview and I want to display an Object.

View 4 Replies - Add New Item To Already Bound ListView In ASP Net?

Dec 19, 2011

My overall goal is to add fake/unbound items to a listview control (for final HTML Table output reasons). This is a code behind solution. Users will not be adding items as it will be outputted in a rigid table.

I have looked at several examples and while this is easy for a dropdown it is not for listview.

The code below works without error, but my item is not shown on runtime. I think the class is not setting the item fieldname correctly, but I can't figure out the right syntax to fix it.

ColumnNameAList.DataSource = PeriodDataView
Dim test As New Example1("ColumnNameA")


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CanNot Remove Item From Listview

Dec 21, 2010

Below is the code that will and does add to listview1 when triggered, but, will not remove it. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this one out. There is not any error even when I step through.[code]...

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Delete Item On Listview?

Feb 14, 2009

Provide me a code of how to delete the selected item on the listview. The idea is very simple but I'm just beginning here on

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Deleting Item From Listview?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a list view control on one of my forms in my program.If i click on a selected item and click on the delete button it gets removed. But i want it so that if i havent got an item selected i click on delete i get a message box telling the user to select an item to delete.

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Flashing A Listview Item?

Jul 4, 2009

Problem: I have a listview control that gets populated with devices that are offline and after so many failed attempts, it will begin to flash, alerting the user.The code I use currently works, but seems almost random. The first time an item is added, it flashes just fine. Once a second device gets added, both items will stop blinking. A third item being added causes only the 3rd item to blink (first 2 still not blinking).

Here is the code I am using.Question 1: Why is this behavior like this?Question 2: is there a better way to have a list item "flash"?*After so many failed attempts, it triggers a timer to start, and in the tick event is this code*


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For Each Checked Item In Listview?

Jun 16, 2011

This is probably easy as well. But I have this listview which contains exe files I've listed up. Now, I want to execute these exe files in turn from which items are checked or not. So, I've tried this:

For each item in listView1.CheckedItems
Msgbox item.ToString

Cause I noticed that the item in checkedItems doesn't contain much. And if I convert it to a string, it ends up in the msgbox looking like this: ListViewItem: {Filename.exe}

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Get Current Item In Listview?

Dec 30, 2009

In fact i can loop through items of listview and determine items(i) is selected state or not. But i want to ask you is there method similar listview1.currentitem.text for instance.

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Get First Visible Item In A Listview In Wpf?

Jun 27, 2009

How can i get the first visible item in a wpf listview (listview view is gridview).

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Get Listview Item Names?

Oct 17, 2009

I have a listview in my program that lists a couple of items (that the user adds).

How can i access the names of the items in the listview?

Say i have 5 items, in a listview with 3 columns.

When the user clicks a button a loop starts which displays a msgbox with the name of the items (column1) , one after one.

How would i succeed doing that?

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Get Selected Item On Listview?

Jun 12, 2009

I want to get selected item on listview.Does any one know how to solve thi

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Getting The String Value Of A ListView Item

Jul 31, 2009

I'm writing an application to help manage an employee database. It displays the current entries in a ListView control using the SELECT FROM sql string and allows entry into the database using the INSERT INTO sql string. What I want to do is have the user select an item from the listview and be able to delete it from the database. How I'm trying to go about it is by detecting when the user presses 'Delete'. When they do, the program gets the string value of the item, hands it off to a variable, and the variable goes into a DELETE FROM sql string and deletes the row in the database.

I have multiselect disabled in the control so only 1 selection is possible at a time. I don't know how to detect the Delete key or how to get the string value of a listview item into a variable. If I know how to do these two things, I can work out the rest of the application. I'm still kinda new at this kind of stuff, so any responses will have to be dumbed down a little.

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