Insert Tab Into String?

Jul 29, 2008

or Insert Tab into VB.NET text ?

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How To Insert String In Another String In Visual Basic?

May 18, 2010

the following code shows invalid qualifier when executed

Dim strs As String
Dim insStr As String
Dim strRes As String
strs = "This is VB.NET Test"
insStr = "Insert"
strRes = strs.Insert(insStr)

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Cut Part Of A String Out And Insert It Into Another String?

Dec 10, 2011

I need to retrieve an html page and then isolate part of the code. First, I have a large bit of html. I need to find this:


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How To Insert String

Feb 15, 2009

I'm having trouble inserting a string into another string. I need it to find the character "{" then place a set of strings on the next line. I have this (No error, just doesn't work)
Dim L As Integer L = AppM.ToString.IndexOf("{") Debug.Print(L) AppM.Insert(L, _..") FrmCode.RTB3.Text = AppM

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How To Insert This String

Jun 21, 2009

"insert into table values(.....,'This's me')"How to insert this string "This's me" if it's have '

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Insert A String Into Another One?

Aug 4, 2009

When i put a sting into another one like[code]...

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How To Insert Commas To String

Nov 22, 2010

I have a string that looks like this: This Original Product comes in a black colour and first thing I need to do is to remove the words with 3 letters or less and after insert a comma after each word. (Original, Product, Comes, Black,.....).

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Insert A String Into A Different Program?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a program that runs the checked items from a ListView control. These items are self-extracting ZIP .EXE files. Unfortunately, I want them encrypted, and it doesn't seem like WinZip lets you pass the password as a parameter. This means, the user has to input the password (they're all the same for all the .EXE files) over and over again.

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text) Then
If Directory.Exists(TextBox1.Text) Then


I've seen some stuff about using Windows APIs but that seems like it could cause some problems since these are external programs not owned by my program.

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Insert Spaces Into A String?

Nov 12, 2009

Is there a way to take an integer, say 10, and convert that to 10 spaces? What I've got is a text field that the users enters a number. I then need to convert that number into spaces and insert those spaces into a string of text. I've found several places to convert text to an integer but not the other way around.

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Split A String AND Insert Into It?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to do a bit of basic string manipulation - but for some reason i cant get my head around this. Basically i have some text boxes with strings in them, they are pulled from SQL money columns so show to 4 decimal places.[code]...

Thing is i want to do both these things on the string. If i try to combine the two then the insert refuses to work, or even causes the whole app to crash.What would be nice is to bash this into a function so it can be re-used over and over since its something id use a lot, but i cant sus out how to do that since how im doing it is on a particular textbox, how to make it so i could run it as a function on any text box escapes me.

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How To Insert Variables Into Connection String

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to insert variables into my connection string hoping that they will be saved for executing multiple queries.

What I'm trying is something like this:

Private sConnectionString As String = "Provider=TDOLEDB;Data Source=TDDEV;Persist Security Info=True;User ID="&user&";Password="&pass&";Default Database=bcpm_ddbo;Session Mode=ANSI;"


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Insert An Embedded Resource Into A String?

Nov 15, 2011

Im new at this and Im trying to insert an embedded resource into a string. However, I get an error at the last statement below. Can anyone tell me what I forgot to do or what Im doing wrong?

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection
Dim oEmbed As Object


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Insert Query / How To Contatinate Sql String

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to add data to another column in my table.I have the following string insert which works:"insert into MyTable(ImageID,Image) values(" + TextBox1.Text +"," +" @pic)"The data I wish to add is in TextBox2.How do I correctly concatinate it?

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Insert Some Values Into Database Using The Sql String?

May 31, 2009

I am trying to insert some values into my database using the sql string below:

"INSERT INTO Users" & "(Username, Password)VALUES " & "('" & Accounts.TextBox1.Text & "'," & "'" & Accounts.TextBox2.Text & "')" The error message reads: "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."

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Insert String With Comma Into Varchar?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to insert a string that contains a comma into a varchar in How do I make the insert statement I'm building understand that I want "X,Y" to be in the varchar and not X in the varchar and Y in the next column?

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Insert Text Into An Existing String?

Dec 15, 2011

how can I insert text into an existing string? I am trying to interpret a solution in an earlier post "How do I insert test into a textbox in the middl of existing text"

solution given was int insertionlocation = 4;string newText = "text to insert";if (textBox1.Text.Length < insertionlocation) textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Substring(0, insertionlocation) + newText + textBox1.Text.Substring(insertionlocation); else textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + newText;

I must determine both how and where I need to implement this solution.What follows is my work in progress. Keep in mind things are added and deleted as I work with it saving a user entry to a file


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Insert The Current Date In The String?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a button coded on my screen that copies pre-typed text to the clipboard so all I have to do is paste the info where I need it to go.Problem is that in my original pretyped text in Word I have the text setup to always insert the current date in on my page. How can I format my code here to insert the current date in the string?

Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
Dim MyText As DataObject, TextStr As String
Set MyText = New DataObject


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VS 2010 Way To Insert Char Into String?

Feb 24, 2011

I have string that is equal to 112233. I need to insert "-" after every second char in string so i wrote the

Dim str1 As String = "112233"
Dim str2 As String = ""
Dim i As Integer


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Cannnot Convert From String To Integer (INSERT INTO SQL)?

Mar 15, 2012

Proper way of doing this?

Please disregard some variables.
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Types


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Insert A String Into The Big Files On Specific Position?

May 29, 2011

I have tried with filestream but it also changed the strings that is in position

Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open("C: est.blah", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
Dim testdata As String = "a"
fs.Write(Enc.GetBytes(testdata), 0, testdata.Length)


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Insert The Contents Of A File Into A String Variable?

Mar 7, 2011

I am developing a Windows Service in VB.NET. I have added a two new .xsl files in my project.

My problem is that file: how can I insert that file into a particular string?

Dim CTD As String = ??

I need to call that CTD.xsl in the above line of code.

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Insert Value When Database Not Allow Zero Length String From Blank Ones

Apr 7, 2011

I have problem insert records from my vb application to my access .mdb dataabse with all columns set as not allow zero length string and when I insert a records in which one of the column is null value it show allow zero length string error any idea how to create a code in visual basic in which allow zero length without change the configuration of the database?

For example my record have job_no name station 1 des 2 albert so I need to pass job number 1 to my access database but came out with error zero length string off course my access database is set no all to do so but I have my reason is that any sample code to force to accept blank strings?

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User To Insert A Comment In The Shape Of A String?

May 14, 2012

i want to create a listbox in which a user introduces a name (Ex Item1) I also want to user to insert a comment in the shape of a string ( Ex. Item1 was added yesterday) and link it somehow to his Item1.

Once the program starts the user should be able to insert an item in the listbox with a comment; and once he selects the item i want a MsgBox appearing with the comment of the specific Item, that he also inserted.

Think something like a book library using a listbox.You go and browse books in a listbox and once you click on them they display on the right the cover of the book, the authors, date, ratings etc.I just need to know how to link a ListBoxItem to do something, and i want the Library administrator to do it in runtime.The MsgBox example should do it for me.

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VS 2010 - Splitting String To Insert Into DGV Table?

Jun 17, 2012

I need to split a string into parts to insert into a table (Data Grid View).

The string is as follows
map: mp_shipment
num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate
--- ----- ---- -------------------------------- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
0 0 7 719f826a9a7ee795ed3c43********** Not Yourself^7 0 30793 25000

As you can see its for a game (Cod4) I am making a rcon tool. It is all going well apart from splitting the string. What I need is putting the (num, GUID, Name and address) for each person (I am showing only one) into a DGV.

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VS 2010 : Insert A <br> & </br> For A New Line Within A String Variable?

Nov 28, 2011

I am developing an app which allows a user to send emails.I am using a multiline text box for the user to capture data, but when I convert it to a string it does not pick up a new paragraph.How would I insert a <br> & </br> for a new line within a string variable?

View 6 Replies Mvc - Split A String And Insert Each Value As A New Record With Entity Framework?

Nov 9, 2011

Given a string of categories, I need to split the string and insert each separate item as a new record using EF.The following does not work since string cannot be converted to Tag:

Dim s = "Books, Novels, Magazines"
s.Split(", ").ToList.ForEach(Function(x) _rdsqlconn.Tags.Add(x))

How can i split the string and insert each as a new tag record?

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Insert Into - Unclosed Quotation Mark After Character String

Apr 28, 2010

I received the following error when the function shown below:
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')'.
The name "test" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Private Sub addnewprojtype()
Dim query As String
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()
[Code] .....

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Insert List Object As Argument In String.format

Feb 10, 2012

I am trying to pass a list in string.format as the parameters to the SQL statement, but I get the following error: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. I know that I can get it to work when I list out each individual list member as the arguments, but I am wondering if there is a shortcut so I can just use the list object as the only argument.


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Match String To An Embedded Image Name To Insert Into A Picture Box?

Jun 24, 2009

I am pulling a random name from my database that matches up with images (embedded images) in my project.[code]

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Declare Operator As String And Insert Into Access Database Form

Feb 10, 2011

i have problem using insert into query for values = "Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth)" it keeps saying

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth'.

it seems is it cannot reads ) and show missing operator but this is a string not operator for "Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth)" this whole thing is sting from datagridview .. any how to make it insert into database without system prompt missing operator problem ???

which is apostrophere problem i used single quote but system read like dat

''Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth'.. it drops ')'
G3_select =
"insert into tblrk1stt (JOB_NO, [COUNTER], RES_CODE,
"', '"


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