Insert Textbox - How To Get Value Of Sum

Jun 14, 2011

I have a form with 4 textbox's
(TextBox1 Called) InsertTextBox
(TextBox2 Called) NormalTexBox
(TexBox3 Called) TimeHalfTextBox
(TextBox4 Called) DoubleTextBox

And my code below I have tried different ways to get the result I want, Let's say I Insert "3.00" into InsertTextBox. The result's I want Are as Follows:

The result I want in NormalTextBox = 3.00
The Result I get is "3.00" this Result is ok

The result I want in TimeHalfTextBox = 4.50
The Result I get is "4.5" this Result is wrong

The result I want in DoubleTextBox = 6.00
The Result I get is "6" this Result is wrong

Private Sub InsertTextBox_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles InsertTextBox.TextChanged
NormalTextBox.Text = InsertTextBox.Text
TimeHalfTextBox.Text = (CDbl(InsertTextBox.Text * 1.5))
DoubleTextBox.Text = (CDec(InsertTextBox.Text * 2))

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Cannot Insert Textbox Row Into Database

Jun 3, 2010

I have the following code, which its aim is only to insert a row formed by 4 fields (textBox) in the DB. The database is created by Access.

Private Sub Insert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and Settings
obertoMis documentosVisual Studio 2008ProjectsDiccionarioDiccionarioDiccionario.mdb"
Dim dicDataSet As New DictionaryDataSet1()
[Code] .....

But unfortunately it doesn't run, when I debug, the code passed through all the lines without problem, but it doesn't insert the row in the DataTable. One curious thing is that when I run the application the database which remained connected It disconnects automatically, and I don't know why.

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How To Insert Textbox Into Task Bar

Mar 16, 2009

I have tray to find out how I can insert Textbox into Taskbar then I can write in the textbox what I want to search on the internet.I have search online but did not find any info I use visual Studio 2008 Express.

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How To Insert Value In Textbox Using Combobox

Nov 23, 2011

i would like to ask some help regarding combobox and textbox. so here's the problem, i've been trying to figure out how to assign a value into the textbox using the combobox and here's what it looks like [code]what i want to happen is that when i choose "Nursery" "1000" would automatically appear in the textbox.

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IDE :: Insert From Textbox Into Datagridview?

Aug 26, 2009

You have a form, the form has a datagridview, he then passed the data to GridView: second data field: mssv, tensv. Now they form the second textbox and you draw a button. Used in two textbox and mssv tensv want to add. After they entered the click button will promote more new data added to the datagridview?

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Insert A New Character In A Textbox?

Aug 12, 2010

we were asked to make a program that will accept a letter and how many times will it be shown. eg: letter: a, number: 5, output: aaaaahow can i do that? when i run my program, it only shows one 'a'. assuming i entered's a piece of the program:

Dim counter% = 0
stroutput += strletter


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Insert Pictures In A Textbox?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a form with a TextBox1, ComboBox1, Button1, and PictureBox1. I have a folder (C:Images) that contained images numbered from 1 to 500. I created a DataSet that populates the Combox and TextBox. My problem: When Textbox is populated with a number, that number corresponds with a image in C:Images. That image should populate Picturbox1.

For example: The ComboBox list the names of Movies, the Textbox holds the MovieID number. When the button is clicked, the image associated to the number in TextBox1 is loaded in PictureBox1.

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Insert Text Into Another TextBox?

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to make a program that the user fills out a field then it inserts it between this

<marquee>IN HERE</marquee>

I am usin Visual Basic Ultimate 2010 I need a text box that they fill out then they click another button then it inserts the text that that person filled in the texbox between the >INHERE<

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Insert Textbox 1 And 2 To Mysql Db?

Jan 16, 2012

i use this code to insert textbox 1 and 2 to mysql db

this is the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(?????)


i dont knw anything about connection strings, what i must put here :

Using connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(what connection string to use ?)

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Insert Textbox To Datagridview?

Aug 24, 2009

You have a form, the form has a datagridview, he then passed the data to GridView: second data field: mssv, tensv. Now they form the second textbox and you draw a button. Used in two textbox and mssv tensv want to add. After they entered the click button will promote more new data added to the datagridview

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Automatically Insert 'http://' Before Url In Textbox?

Apr 6, 2010

How can I get my textbox to automatically insert 'http://' before the url? It is an address bar in my web browser.

It needs to check if http:// is already there, and if it isn't, add it before the url.

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How To Automatically Insert Data To Another Textbox

Oct 15, 2011

when i input data to a textbox1 and then i press enter using keyboard, then another description will appear in textbox2. For example, i have to key in a company's code: A001 into textbox1, after i press Enter using keyboard, the company's full name will appear in textbox2.

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How To Insert Data In SQL Table Using Textbox

Jun 10, 2012

How can I insert data in a sql table using a textbox. I use this code but it doesn't work.
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Property com As Object
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Insert Text From A Textbox Into A Database?

Apr 18, 2007

I built a game that has three forms (the game, player info, and scoreboard). When you die the Player form shows and has a text box for the user to into their name and then they click submit. After they click submit the Scoreboard form shows and their name and score is showed in disabled text boxes. Also in the Scoreboard form are two List boxes (one for their name, and one for their score). The list boxes are connected to the database through a databinding by dragging them over from DataSources into the form.

I would like for the information in the Name text box and Score text box to automatically be inserted into the database when the Scoreboard form is loaded.How do you insert text from a textbox into a database?the Name is the first column in the database and the Score is the second column in the database.

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Insert Data From Textbox Into Datagridview?

Nov 22, 2009

how to insert data from textbox into datagridview?when i insert data in textbox,in the same time the data will display at row in datagridview when i click update the data will save automaticly. so,how to do that in visual basic 2008?

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Insert Data From Textbox Into Listview?

Jun 9, 2011

I have 5 textbox, and 5 column in listview, how can i put the data from textbox into columns?

and also using F5 key( key event) to add the data(not using butons).

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Insert Data Into Listview From Textbox?

Jul 21, 2010

i want to display information of a file from textbox into listview which is located in another form.

i tried with following code

Public Sub writeResult()
Dim f As Form3
myFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(TextBox1.Text)


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Insert Date And Time Into Textbox?

Jul 10, 2011

now i want to insert date and time in text box as it set in the computer ??

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Insert Information From Row In Datagridview Into Textbox?

Jul 10, 2011

How i can insert information from the Row in datagridview into textboxes?now i made an access db then i made 7 textboxes to add information in my db no how i can reverse this action :

that i select any row to show the information every thing in his text box ?

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Insert Text Into A Textbox Using A Button?

Sep 28, 2010

I want to make it so i click the button and text gets added to the textbox the current carat location and then the carat is placed at the end of the selected text.[code]...

How can i put the carat just after where the text was inserted after pressing a button?

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Insert Textbox Into MySql Database

Jan 16, 2012

an example code of how to tell to input a textbox data into MySql database, i am a new learner

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Insert Textbox.text Into Messagebox?

Aug 8, 2011

I have two textbox's, these textbox's are used for player1 and player 2 to submit there names, once submitted the players may then click the play button and the game of tic tac toe commences, my problem is, i would like to insert a nifty little winning messagebox displaying the winner as there name in the textbox, for example; player 1s name in the textbox is bob and he is playing as 0's player 2s name in the textbox is john and he is playing as X's

if player 1 wins, at the moment i have a messagebox like this one"well done player 0 you won!")

this works fine so i tried to do what i thought was the simple answer to get my desired outcome which i thought was ("well done you won", TextBox1.Text ) when i do this however, i get an error when i run the program which is "Conversion from string "well done you won" to type 'Integer' is not valid."

i just want it to say "well done you won <player name>"

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Loop Through Textbox And Make Insert

May 29, 2011

I need to loop through textbox1 and every four "." make a insert "<br>" how would I go about doing this?

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Textbox Insert And Remove Function In C#?

May 25, 2011

How to update the text from the TextBox control? Consider a TextBox that already contains the string "Wel"

To insert text in the TextBox, I use: TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Insert(3, "come")

And to remove characters from the TextBox: TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Remove(3, 4)


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Trying To Add Items From ListBox To Insert Into Textbox

Oct 14, 2009

So the on this application a user will click a workgoup then a location then when they add the workshop it will and the prices to gether and put them in the lstCost, while doing that it also puts the price in the lblTotalCost.Text. Now the problem I am having is when a user adds more then on workgroup and location the lbltotalCost is geting what ever the last line in the lstCost is and multiplying the last line by the index number that it is so if the last line is line 2 then it will * 2 for line 3 then *3 of what ever the price is. Heres what I have so far...

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Dim intSubTotal As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Const intHANDLING_STRESS_DAYS As Integer = 3
[Code] .....

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Using An Array To Insert Items Into A Textbox?

Apr 27, 2011

I am having some trouble splitting a string within an array into 2 values. For example in my textbox I have several lines of measurements that are Length x Width: 20x14, 10x8, 16x13. Each measurement is on its own line. I'm trying to split all Width values that are greater than 12 into 2 separate measurements, so with that last example, I would have 5 measurements (LxW): 20x12, 20x2, 10x8, 16x12, 16x1, then I would like to add these measurements to a new textbox with each measurement on its own line.

Here is the code I have so far. Again, I am very new to programming and this is the first serious project for me since "Hello World", so what I have might be way off. Thanks in advance.

Dim room As String = RoomsTextBox.Text
If room.EndsWith(vbCrLf) Then room = room.Substring(0, room.Length - vbCrLf.Length)
Dim roomarray() As String = room.Split(vbCrLf)


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VS 2008 Insert A (,) Comma Between 2 (' ') In A Textbox?

May 17, 2010

how to insert a (,) comma between 2 (' ') in a textbox. The reason is I have a couple of checkboxes, and when checked, text is added to the textbox ex. 1''2''3''4' and so on. This is then added to a sql request so there must be a , between each '' ex. '1','2','3','4' Now I trid with doing like this:


View 2 Replies - Insert Checkbox Checked Text To Textbox As 1,2,3?

Nov 16, 2010

Possible Duplicate:I have 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox in webform if i type in textbox 1,2 then checkbox1 & 2 will be checked !How to Insert checkbox checked text to textbox as 1,2,3 using ?I have 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox when i check checkbox 1 and 3 then in textbox it appear as 1,3 ?I want (vb) coding only !

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Check Textbox - If Not Exist Then Insert Value In Table

Mar 1, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005,

Name FromDate ToDate
Raja 12/02/2010 14/02/2010
Ravi 14/02/2010 15/02/2010
Ramu 18/02/2010 21/02/2010

Insert into Table1 values('" & textbox1.text & "', '" & textbox2.text & "'. '" & textbox3.text & "'", con)

When I try to insert a value into table1 it will compare the table values if it is same, It Should throw a error msg "Name and Date Already Exist" otherwise Insert a value. Before Inserting i want to check a textbox value with table value.

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Fill TextBox Automatically, Then Store To DB On 'insert'

Jun 6, 2011

I have a textbox that represents a primary key in my database. Because the values are nvarchars I can't automatically increment for a new insert. Instead I have to read a value from a drop-down, perform some magic, and create a new incremented value for the new insert.

I've written codebehind that does all this when the drop-down is selected. It works, in that it puts correct values into the textbox. However when I try to insert, I get an error that that field cannot be null.

I'm pretty sure it's because I'm doing this in the codebehind : myTextBox.text = newValue

which wipes out the binding the textbox should have : Text='<%# Bind("UniqueName")

How can I calculate the needed value for this field programmatically and set it back to the screen so the user can see it (and possibly override it) and still keep the databinding intact so I can create the new record?

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