Inserting Date In Oracle 9i From .net 2008?

Mar 7, 2010

how can i insert date from 2008 to oracle databse.i unable to insert correct date in DB, i tried with different formats but correct date didnt get inserted..

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Inserting Date In Oracle 9i From 2008?

Sep 21, 2011

Inserting Date In Oracle 9i From 2008

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Inserting Date Into Oracle?

Dec 10, 2011

I am getting error String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. I want to know exact parameters to insert into Oracle. To Do this My code is Bellow to Insert


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VS 2008 Search For Date In Oracle DB?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a date in an Oracle DB wich is saved like this in the DB "18-JUN-10 02.01.48,000000 PM"

I want to do a search for a specific date and I tried this:

Dim strZoekDatumVan As String strZoekDatumVan = String.Format("tblRUN.Datum < TO_DATE({0}, 'DD-MM-YYYY')", txtZoekDatumVan.Text.ToUpper)
Dim sql As String = String.Format("SELECT " & _
"tblRUN.Run_ID, " & _
"tblKLANT.Naam, " & _


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Inserting Records In Oracle DB Using Datagrid In .NET?

Aug 10, 2011

Here is the code which is working fine for me on another form but creating problem when i use the same code on another form it gives me this error message when i try to insert a new record in DB "Value cannot be null Parameter name: Data Table"

and here is the code
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging


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Inserting Date From Date Time Picker Into Sql Server 2005

Dec 18, 2008

I have an Sql server 2005 table called Emploeefl with 2 fields, EmployeeCode and Date of Birth. The data type for the date of birth is Datetime. I have a Date time picker on a 2005 form called dtDateOfbirth. When I click on the save button I get the error message "Conversion from string 'yyyy/MM/dd' is not valid. Below is the code

Dim newQE_Date As Date
newQE_Date = Format(Me.dtDateOfBirth.ToString, "yyyy/MM/dd")
'newQE_Date = String.Format("2008/09/10", "yyyy/MM/dd")


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.net - What Date Format Should Send When Using Oracle.DataAcess

Apr 27, 2010

Converting from usind Micorsofts Syste.Data.OracleClient to what I believe is called Oracles ODT (Oracle.DataAccess When I try and send a date I get this error "ORA-1858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected". This code worked great using System.Data.OracleClient.

cmd.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("I_FIRST_LOSS_EVENT_DATE", OracleDbType.Date)).Value = .LossEventsMessages(0).LossEventTime

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Insert Date And Time In Oracle Database?

May 26, 2011

I am trying to insert date and time in dtime column in oracle database by using this code but it gives me following error ORA-01830 date formate pictures ends before converting entire output.


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Loading Text Files Into Oracle Using Creation Date?

Apr 12, 2011

I've written a loading program that writes text files to our database. The text files are dumped by another system every 2 hours onto on a shared network drive at my work. Here's the problem though - the files don't have a date/time stamp within them. I've been getting the date for each file from the creation date. That works okay, but when I've written loading programs in the past, I like to move the loaded files into a folder called "Loaded Files". That way, I can quickly see visually how many files I've loaded vs how many have not be loaded.

The problem this time, is that if I were to move the file into another folder, the creation date changes...a lesson I learned when I copied all of the files into a directory on my C: for testing. They all had the same date/time stamp!My question is, what's the best way to handle this? I don't want to move the files after loading them if it alters their creation date. I mean, what if I have to go back and load one for some reason, the date will be lost forever. I also don't want to write something into the software that has to check a file each time before loading it to the database.

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Sql - Inserting A Date Into An Access Db In Vb

Aug 20, 2009

Im a little stuck and I dont know what im doing wrong. I want to insert the current date into a MS Access database in VB. The part of the code im having trouble with is:

SQLString = "INSERT INTO Sales(DateSold) VALUES ("

SQLString += Date.Today & ")"

The type in the database is date and is dd/mm/year.

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Inserting A Date Into MS Access 2007

Jun 22, 2010

I am having a small problem with insterting a Date into Access 2007. I am Using the Now() Function in VB.NET and have change the format to General date In Access 2007 so both formats seem to match. However is does not work the try statement says there is a problem with My insert statement.


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VS 2010 Datagridview / Date Inserting

Mar 19, 2011

I have already made a connection to my DataGridview through SQL command and records is displaying on my Windows Form (VB2010).

my requirement is I do not want to display complete records and I want only to see the last records of the Datagridview.[code...]

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Inserting Null Values Into Date Fields?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a FormView where I pull data from one table (MS Access), and then insert it (plus more data) into another table. I'm having issues with the dates.The first table has two date fields: date_submitted and date_updated. In some records, date_updated is blank. This causes me to get a data mismatch error when attempting to insert into the second table.It might be because I'm databinding the date_updated field from the first table into a HiddenField on the FormView. It then takes the value from the HiddenField and attempts to insert it into the second table:

Dim hfDateRequestUpdated As HiddenField = FormView1.FindControl("hfDateRequestUpdated")
myDateRequestUpdated = hfDateRequestUpdated.Value
'... It then attempts to insert myDateRequestUpdated into the database.


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Insert Query For Inserting Date Into Access From Masked Text Box?

May 3, 2010

Insert Query for inserting date into access from masked text box in

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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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VS 2008 Oracle DB Connection

Sep 8, 2010

Anyone know where I might be able to find code examples for connecting to an existing Oracle DB? I need to connect to my company's oracle db so I can write strings to it, verify strings, and read from it. I've found bits and pieces of code here and there, but nothing for all of it. I am a novice programmer and I am trying to add a db connection to an existing project for our plant to access the data. Our IT dept. is helping me with the db end.

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VB 2008 Express Connect To Oracle 11?

Aug 30, 2011

Is there a way to use VB 2008 Express to connect to Oracle 11? When I go to add new data source I dont see anything for ODBC

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Visual Basic 2008 DB Oracle?

May 14, 2009

the problem is that I want to (SQL) select from a table in an Oracle database, and show the results of the query in the VB application, in a Excel like manner (rows, columns, selectable, etc.). Or in a SQL developer manner. Haw can I do that? Browsed through a lot of tutorials and howtos on the internet, did not get anywhere.

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VS 2008 Connect To Database (Oracle 8i)

Aug 29, 2010

If the following is my code in VB6 to connect to Database (Oracle 8i) then what would it be for VB.Net (VS 2008)....?


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VS 2008 Oracle Equivalent To OleDbCommandBuilder?

Apr 28, 2010

Is there an ODBC equivalent to OleDbCommandBuilder? I usually use the OleDbCommandBuilder to make changes to my database but one database I am using is Oracle.This is what I would normally do using an Access DB

f Me.planStatusCB.Text = "MATERIAL ORDERED" Then


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Open An Oracle Database Connection In .net 2008?

May 18, 2009

I am trying to open an Oracle database connection in 2008 in order to issue a Select statement and the populate a listbox with it.

My code is as follows:

Dim orclstr As String = _
"Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;" & _
"Data Source=;" & _
"User ID=myuser;" & _


Obviously, I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what.

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2008 Insert Clob Field In Oracle Database?

May 31, 2011

i am developing a 2008 application. I use oledb to connect to oracle is there any way to insert a clob field in oracle from 2008 ?

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VS 2008 Oracle DataAdupter Update Method & Constraint Violation?

Jan 7, 2010

I have the following simple Sub to write a dataset back to an Oracle database


Checking the logs today I noticed that for some executions I got an ORA-0001 (constraint violation) error. It seems that one of the fields in the oracle table being updated is marked as unique and my dataset contains one or more records that have the same value in that field.

How is this error handled? Does it just not add the violating records? Does it hit the invalid record and quit? Does it rollback?

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[2008] Connect To A Oracle Database And Read The Content To A Textbox?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm trying to to connect to a Oracle database and read the content to a textbox. This is my

Dim conn As OdbcConnection
Dim connectionString As String


Connection is ok, (I think) Connection Open shows in textbox, and no errors. But I get a nullexeption on the reader, it has not been assign a value. Don't know what to do next.

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DB/Reporting :: Copy Oracle 11g Which Is Fully Installed - Work With VB Express 2008 ?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a copy Oracle 11g which is now fully installed. Will it work with Visual Basic Express 2008 or just Visual Studio 2008 Professional? I have both Visual Basic Express 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 Professional. I really would like to know if it works with Visual Basic Express 2008.

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VS 2008 - Inserting Value Through SQL Query

Apr 17, 2011

I am working in VB.NET08 and Access Database. Generally we send or update a Value into a Column in a Table through any control like TextBox or Combobox...etc.
rscitycountry.Fields(1).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcity.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(2).Value = Me.cmbpersonalstate.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(3).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcountry.Text

But I need to send a Value or Insert a Value in a Column through Condition. So I wrote a SQL Query for that. By Using this SQL Query I want to insert a value in a particular Column. How can I Update This Column Value in a Table? My SQL Query is :
"INSERT INTO tblPersonsInstitute(InstituteID) SELECT tblInstitution.InstitutionID from tblInstitution where tblInstitution.InstitutionName=" & Me.cmbInstitute.Text & " "
By using the above Query How can I Use? Where I can update??

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VS 2008 See If The Date Is Passed A Static Date?

Apr 23, 2009

how can i make it like IF (todays date is passed a specific date) then basically what i need is to see if the date is passed a static date i set in the vb code.

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Inserting Data Into Db Table With VB 2008

Oct 28, 2009

I'm trying to insert Username, Password, and Account Balance data into my SQL Database. The code debugs correctly, but when I run the program, I'm not able to use the information I registered with to login with. (I have a separate form that lets me login with a username and password, and that works fine, so it has to be something to do with my register form.) Was this enough information?


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Inserting Excel Sheet In VB 9.0 (2008)?

Mar 3, 2009

I am trying to create a small program to use at my company. It will be used to enter in any customer information on one tab and then the next tab will be used to enter in all the products that we are returning. I would like to use an excel sheet (if there's a better way let me know) to be able to enter in multiple parts but I can't figure out how to get an excel sheet or some kind of editable table onto my form

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